public void CloseWindow() { CloseCharTable(); showWindow = false; editingObject = null; originalTex = null; windowTex = null; parameters = null; parametersOld = null; colorPickerSelected = null; if (selectedField != null) { selectedField.expandFontsSelector = false; selectedField.scrollFontsPos =; selectedField = null; } scrollParams =; scrollTex =; updateTimer = 0f; dragTimer = 0f; placingText = false; placingRect = false; _justPlacedTextNowFocusField = false; placingRectFirstpoint = Vector2.down; zoomFactor = 1f; movingField = -1; dragTexPos =; // GUIUtils.SetMouseScrolling(true); }
protected void RemoveColorAt(int X, int Y) { SequentialProcedure(() => { Vector2 PointPosition = new Vector2(X, Y); GUIPainter.GetInstance().RemovePointAt(PointPosition); }); }
protected void PaintColorAt(int X, int Y, UnityEngine.Color PointColor) { SequentialProcedure(() => { Vector2 PointPosition = new Vector2(X, Y); GUIPainter.GetInstance().PaintPointAt(PointPosition, PointColor); }); }
public void DrawWindow() { if (canDrawWindow) { windowRect = GUIUtils.Window(99043, windowRect, draw, LocalizationManager.instance.current["text_customization"]); if (colorPickerSelected != null) { colorPickerSelected.pickerPosition = new Vector2(windowRect.xMax + 2, windowRect.y + 265); GUIPainter.DrawPicker(colorPickerSelected, Color.HSVToRGB(colorPickerSelected.H, colorPickerSelected.S, colorPickerSelected.V)); } } if (selectedCharTable != null) { charTableRect = GUIUtils.Window(99044, charTableRect, drawCharTable, LocalizationManager.instance.current["char_table"]); } }
public override void OnActionGUI(Vector2 uiPos) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(uiPos.x, uiPos.y, 100, 22), gradientTex); painterA = GUIPainter.DrawPainter(painterA, new Vector2(uiPos.x, uiPos.y + 24), new Vector2(uiPos.x, uiPos.y + 46), A, (c) => { A = c; UpdateGradient(); }, () => { }); painterB = GUIPainter.DrawPainter(painterB, new Vector2(uiPos.x + 74, uiPos.y + 24), new Vector2(uiPos.x + 74, uiPos.y + 46), B, (c) => { B = c; UpdateGradient(); }, () => { }); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(uiPos.x + 102, uiPos.y, 32, 22), LocalizationManager.instance.current["ok"])) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); confirmed = true; ExitAction(); return; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(uiPos.x + 136, uiPos.y, 80, 22), LocalizationManager.instance.current["cancel"])) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); ExitAction(); return; } }
public void Edit(ProceduralObject obj, Vector2 position) { selectedField = null; editingObject = obj; scrollParams =; scrollTex =; movingField = -1; dragTexPos =; // windowRect.position = position; Texture tex = ProceduralUtils.GetOriginalTexture(obj); originalTex = new Texture2D(tex.width, tex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); originalTex.SetPixels(((Texture2D)tex).GetPixels()); windowTex = (Texture2D)GameObject.Instantiate(originalTex); colorPickerSelected = null; // load stored data if it exists if (editingObject.m_textParameters == null) { parameters = new TextParameters(); parametersOld = new TextParameters(); } else { parameters = editingObject.m_textParameters; parametersOld = TextParameters.Clone(editingObject.m_textParameters, false); windowTex = parameters.ApplyParameters(originalTex); editingObject.m_material.mainTexture = windowTex as Texture; } updateTimer = 0f; dragTimer = 0f; zoomFactor = 1f; if (!showWindow) { showWindow = true; } }
public override void OnUpdate() { GUIPainter.UpdatePainter(painterA); GUIPainter.UpdatePainter(painterB); }
public void DrawUI(Rect rect, TextCustomizationManager textManager, Action <TextureFont> openCharTable) { // GUI.Box(rect, string.Empty); GUI.BeginGroup(rect); // copy if (GUI.Button(new Rect(220, 3, 25, 23), ProceduralObjectsMod.Icons[15])) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); textManager.copiedField = TextField.Clone(this, false); } if (m_type == 0) { if (!m_font.m_disableColorOverwriting) { painter = GUIPainter.DrawPainterSampleOnly(painter, new Vector2(3, 4), m_fontColor, (c) => { m_fontColor = c; }, () => { if (textManager.colorPickerSelected == painter) { textManager.colorPickerSelected = null; } else { textManager.colorPickerSelected = painter; } }); } GUI.SetNextControlName("TextFieldPOTextCustom"); m_text = GUI.TextField(new Rect(m_font.m_disableColorOverwriting ? 3 : 31, 3, m_font.m_disableColorOverwriting ? 214 : 186, 25), m_text); } else // if m_type == 1 { painter = GUIPainter.DrawPainterSampleOnly(painter, new Vector2(3, 4), m_fontColor, (c) => { m_fontColor = c.KeepAlphaFrom(m_fontColor); }, () => { if (textManager.colorPickerSelected == painter) { textManager.colorPickerSelected = null; } else { textManager.colorPickerSelected = painter; } }); GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 5, 190, 23), LocalizationManager.instance.current["colorRect"]); } GUIUtils.DrawSeparator(new Vector2(3, 75), 241); if (m_type == 0) // TEXT FIELD { //size GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 80, 95, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["font_size"] + " : " + m_fontSize.ToString() + "</size>"); m_fontSize = (uint)Mathf.FloorToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 85, 140, 25), m_fontSize, 5, 150)); //spacing GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 105, 95, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["font_spacing"] + " : " + m_spacing.ToString() + "</size>"); m_spacing = (uint)Mathf.FloorToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(100, 110, 140, 25), m_spacing, 0, 9)); //scale GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 130, 120, 26), LocalizationManager.instance.current["scale_txt"] + " :"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3, 155, 24, 26), "X :", { m_scaleX = 1f; } m_scaleX = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(30, 158, 90, 18), m_scaleX, 0.1f, 5f); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(125, 155, 24, 26), "Y :", { m_scaleY = 1f; } m_scaleY = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(150, 158, 90, 18), m_scaleY, 0.1f, 5f); //font bool supportStyles = m_font.m_boldExists && m_font.m_italicExists; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3, 180, (supportStyles ? 126 : 213), 25), m_fontName)) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); openCharTable.Invoke(m_font); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((supportStyles ? 128 : 215), 180, 26, 25), "▼")) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); // SetFont(textManager.fontManager.GetNextFont(m_font)); scrollFontsPos =; expandFontsSelector = !expandFontsSelector; } if (supportStyles) { string[] styles = new string[] { LocalizationManager.instance.current["textStyle_normal"], "<b>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["textStyle_bold"] + "</b>", "<i>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["textStyle_italic"] + "</i>" }; if (m_font.m_stylesNames != null) { if (m_font.m_stylesNames.Length == 3) { styles = m_font.m_stylesNames; } } m_style = TextCustomizationManager.IntToStyle(GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(158, 180, 85, 25), TextCustomizationManager.SelectedStyle(m_style), styles)); } if (expandFontsSelector) { TextureFont fontSelected; if (FontManager.instance.FontSelector(new Rect(3, 207, 240, 160), scrollFontsPos, out fontSelected, out scrollFontsPos)) { SetFont(fontSelected); expandFontsSelector = false; scrollFontsPos =; } } } else if (m_type == 1) // COLOR RECT { GUI.Label(new Rect(4, 80, 100, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["colorRect_width"] + " :</size>"); // m_width = (uint)Mathf.FloorToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(4, 44, 200, 25), m_width, 1, 2048)); if (widthField == null) { widthField = new GUIUtils.FloatInputField(m_width); } m_width = (uint)widthField.DrawField(new Rect(74, 79, 170, 35), m_width, false, 0f, 1024f, true, Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Round(textManager.windowTex.width - x))).returnValue; GUI.Label(new Rect(4, 115, 100, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["colorRect_height"] + " :</size>"); if (heightField == null) { heightField = new GUIUtils.FloatInputField(m_height); } m_height = (uint)heightField.DrawField(new Rect(74, 117, 170, 35), m_height, false, 0f, 1024f, true, Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Round(textManager.windowTex.height - y))).returnValue; GUI.Label(new Rect(4, 154, 200, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["colorRect_opacity"] + " : " + ((int)(m_fontColor.a * 100)).ToString() + "%</size>"); m_fontColor.a = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(4, 176, 200, 25), m_fontColor.a, 0f, 1f); if (borderColor == null) { borderColor = Color.white; } GUI.Label(new Rect(4, 193, 200, 22), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["colorRect_border"] + " : " + borderSize.ToString() + " px</size>"); borderSize = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(4, 215, 200, 25), borderSize, 0f, 20f)); borderPainter = GUIPainter.DrawPainterSampleOnly(borderPainter, new Vector2(214, 198), borderColor, (c) => { borderColor = c; }, () => { if (textManager.colorPickerSelected == borderPainter) { textManager.colorPickerSelected = null; } else { textManager.colorPickerSelected = borderPainter; } }); } // POSITION GUIUtils.DrawSeparator(new Vector2(3, 29), 241); GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 30, 75, 21), "<size=12>" + LocalizationManager.instance.current["position"] + " :</size>"); // float newX, newY; if (posXfield == null) { posXfield = new GUIUtils.FloatInputField(x); posYfield = new GUIUtils.FloatInputField(y); } GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 51, 24, 22), "<size=12>X :</size>"); x = posXfield.DrawField(new Rect(27, 50, 83, 22), "textPosX", x, true).returnValue; GUI.Label(new Rect(111, 51, 24, 22), "<size=12>Y :</size>"); y = posYfield.DrawField(new Rect(135, 50, 83, 22), "textPosY", y, true).returnValue; // rotation if (GUI.Button(new Rect(220, 50, 25, 23), ProceduralObjectsMod.Icons[5])) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); if (m_type == 0) { if (m_rotation == 0) { m_rotation = 4; } else if (m_rotation == 4) { m_rotation = 1; } else if (m_rotation == 1) { m_rotation = 2; } else if (m_rotation == 2) { m_rotation = 0; } } else if (m_type == 1) { var h = m_height; m_height = m_width; m_width = h; } } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public void Update() { if (canDrawWindow) { /* * if (showWindow) * GUIUtils.SetMouseScrolling(!windowRect.IsMouseInside()); * */ updateTimer += TimeUtils.deltaTime; var mousePos = GUIUtils.MousePos; if (colorPickerSelected != null) { GUIPainter.UpdatePainter(colorPickerSelected, () => { colorPickerSelected = null; }); } if (dragTimer < .14f && dragTimer != 0f) { dragTimer += TimeUtils.deltaTime; } cursorIsInsideTextureArea = windowRect.IsMouseInside(); if (new Rect(windowRect.x + 5, windowRect.y + 30, windowRect.width - 285, windowRect.height - 80).IsMouseInside()) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { zoomFactor *= 1f + Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * 0.3f; } if (placingText) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { var field = parameters.AddField(fontManager.Arial, 0); field.x = (mousePos.x - windowRect.x - 5 + scrollTex.x) / zoomFactor; field.y = (mousePos.y - windowRect.y - 30 + scrollTex.y) / zoomFactor; selectedField = field; placingText = false; _justPlacedTextNowFocusField = true; } } else if (placingRect) { if (placingRectFirstpoint != Vector2.down) { var field = selectedField; var secondPoint = new Vector2((mousePos.x - windowRect.x - 5 + scrollTex.x) / zoomFactor, (mousePos.y - windowRect.y - 30 + scrollTex.y) / zoomFactor); field.x = Mathf.Min(placingRectFirstpoint.x, secondPoint.x); field.y = Mathf.Min(placingRectFirstpoint.y, secondPoint.y); field.m_width = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(secondPoint.x - placingRectFirstpoint.x)); field.m_height = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(secondPoint.y - placingRectFirstpoint.y)); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (placingRectFirstpoint == Vector2.down) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); var field = parameters.AddField(fontManager.Arial, 1); placingRectFirstpoint = new Vector2((mousePos.x - windowRect.x - 5 + scrollTex.x) / zoomFactor, (mousePos.y - windowRect.y - 30 + scrollTex.y) / zoomFactor); field.x = placingRectFirstpoint.x; field.y = placingRectFirstpoint.y; selectedField = field; } else { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); placingRectFirstpoint = Vector2.down; placingRect = false; } } } else { if (movingField > -1) { parameters[movingField].x = ((mousePos.x - windowRect.x - 5 + scrollTex.x) / zoomFactor) - dragTexPos.x; parameters[movingField].y = ((mousePos.y - windowRect.y - 30 + scrollTex.y) / zoomFactor) - dragTexPos.y; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { ProceduralObjectsLogic.PlaySound(); dragTexPos =; movingField = -1; } } else if (movingField == -1) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { dragTimer = 0.0001f; } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (dragTimer >= .14f) { if (dragTexPos == { dragTexPos = new Vector2((mousePos.x - windowRect.x - 5 + scrollTex.x) / zoomFactor, (mousePos.y - windowRect.y - 30 + scrollTex.y) / zoomFactor); } } } } } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (movingField == -2) { var size = mousePos - windowRect.position; windowRect.size = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(windowRect.x + 400, size.x), Mathf.Max(windowRect.y + 350, size.y)); } else if (movingField == -3) { separatorListEditionZone = Mathf.Clamp(mousePos.y - windowRect.y, 125, 450); } else if (dragTimer >= .14f) { if (dragTexPos != { scrollTex = new Vector2(zoomFactor * dragTexPos.x - mousePos.x + windowRect.x + 5, zoomFactor * dragTexPos.y - mousePos.y + windowRect.y + 30); } } } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { if (movingField <= -2) { movingField = -1; } if (movingField <= -1) { dragTexPos =; } dragTimer = 0f; } else { if (movingField == -2) { movingField = -1; } } if (updateTimer > .1f) { if (TextParameters.IsDifference(parameters, parametersOld)) { var oldTex = windowTex; // apply changes windowTex = parameters.ApplyParameters(originalTex); editingObject.m_material.mainTexture = windowTex as Texture; // save textparameters to the editingObject instance editingObject.m_textParameters = parameters; // try save on RAM usage if (!TextParameters.IsEmpty(parametersOld)) { oldTex.DisposeTexFromMemory(); } } parametersOld = TextParameters.Clone(parameters, false); updateTimer = 0f; } } }