private void initGUI() { GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment; gui.Skin.SetFont(gui.GetFont("fontlucida.png")); foreach (GUIDefaultColor c in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GUIDefaultColor))) { Color l = gui.Skin.GetColor(c); l.Alpha = 255; gui.Skin.SetColor(l, c); } Recti v = device.VideoDriver.ViewPort; GUITabControl tc = gui.AddTabControl(new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 70)); GUITab t1 = tc.AddTab("Setup"); gui.AddStaticText("Driver", new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 40), false, false, t1); guiDriverType = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 40, v.Width - 60, 60), t1); foreach (DriverType t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DriverType))) { if (t == DriverType.Null) { continue; } int i = guiDriverType.AddItem(t.ToString(), (int)t); if (t == driverType) { guiDriverType.SelectedIndex = i; } } gui.AddStaticText("Resolution", new Recti(20, 70, v.Width - 60, 90), false, false, t1); guiResolution = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 90, v.Width - 60, 110), t1); foreach (VideoMode m in device.VideoModeList.ModeList) { int i = guiResolution.AddItem(m.ToString()); if (m.Resolution == videoMode.Resolution && m.Depth == videoMode.Depth) { guiResolution.SelectedIndex = i; } } guiFullscreen = gui.AddCheckBox(fullscreen, new Recti(20, 130, v.Width - 60, 150), "Fullscreen", t1); GUITab t2 = tc.AddTab("About"); gui.AddStaticText(aboutText, new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 180), false, true, t2); guiButtonRun = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 190, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 110, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Run"); guiButtonExit = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 100, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Exit"); }
static bool device_OnEvent(Event evnt) { if (evnt.Type == EventType.Mouse && evnt.Mouse.Type == MouseEventType.Move) { Vector2Di m = new Vector2Di(evnt.Mouse.X, evnt.Mouse.Y); Line3Df l = device.SceneManager.SceneCollisionManager.GetRayFromScreenCoordinates(m); Plane3Df p = new Plane3Df(new Vector3Df(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Df(100, 0, 0), new Vector3Df(0, 0, 100)); Vector3Df i = p.GetIntersectionWithLimitedLine(l.Start, l.End); if (i != null) { camera.Target = game.CenterOfTheBoard + new Vector3Df( (m.Y - device.VideoDriver.ScreenSize.Height / 2) / 100.0f, 0, (m.X - device.VideoDriver.ScreenSize.Width / 2) / 100.0f); i.Y += 25; // we want light to be a little bit above light.Position = i; } } if (window == null && evnt.Type == EventType.Mouse && (evnt.Mouse.Type == MouseEventType.LeftDown || evnt.Mouse.Type == MouseEventType.RightDown)) { text.Visible = false; // if user started to play - remove the gui text game.MouseClick(evnt.Mouse.X, evnt.Mouse.Y, evnt.Mouse.Type == MouseEventType.RightDown); if (game.StateOfTheGame != Game.State.Playing) { text.Visible = true; text.Text = game.StateOfTheGame == Game.State.Won ? TextWon : TextLost; } return(true); } if (evnt.Type == EventType.Key && evnt.Key.PressedDown && evnt.Key.Key == KeyCode.Esc) { if (window != null) { window.Remove(); window = null; return(true); } GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment; window = gui.AddWindow(new Recti(100, 100, 400, 400), true, "GAME MENU"); gui.AddButton(new Recti(20, 40, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 60), window, 1510, "NEW GAME 5x5"); gui.AddButton(new Recti(20, 60, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 80), window, 1520, "NEW GAME 10x10"); gui.AddButton(new Recti(20, 80, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 100), window, 1530, "NEW GAME 15x15"); gui.AddButton(new Recti(20, 100, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 120), window, 1540, "NEW GAME 20x20"); gui.AddCheckBox(optionShadows, new Recti(20, 140, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 160), "SHOW REALTIME SHADOWS", window, 1710); gui.AddCheckBox(optionBackground, new Recti(20, 160, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 180), "SHOW BACKGROUND", window, 1720); gui.AddCheckBox(optionFPS, new Recti(20, 180, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 200), "SHOW FPS", window, 1730); gui.AddButton(new Recti(20, 260, window.ClientRect.Width - 20, 280), window, 1590, "EXIT GAME"); return(true); } if (window != null && evnt.Type == EventType.GUI) { if (evnt.GUI.Caller == window && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ElementClosed) { window.Remove(); window = null; return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1510 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ButtonClicked) { window.Remove(); window = null; game.NewGame(5, 5); setupCameraPositionAndTarget(); return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1520 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ButtonClicked) { window.Remove(); window = null; game.NewGame(10, 10); setupCameraPositionAndTarget(); return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1530 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ButtonClicked) { window.Remove(); window = null; game.NewGame(15, 15); setupCameraPositionAndTarget(); return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1540 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ButtonClicked) { window.Remove(); window = null; game.NewGame(20, 20); setupCameraPositionAndTarget(); return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1590 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.ButtonClicked) { device.Close(); return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1710 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.CheckBoxChanged) { optionShadows = (evnt.GUI.Caller as GUICheckBox).Checked; light.CastShadows = optionShadows; return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1720 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.CheckBoxChanged) { optionBackground = (evnt.GUI.Caller as GUICheckBox).Checked; device.SceneManager.GetSceneNodeFromID(7777).Visible = optionBackground; return(true); } if (evnt.GUI.Caller.ID == 1730 && evnt.GUI.Type == GUIEventType.CheckBoxChanged) { optionFPS = (evnt.GUI.Caller as GUICheckBox).Checked; return(true); } } return(false); }