public static T OnGUI <T>(T t, GUIStyle buttonStyle, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize) where T : Enum { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // タブを描画する var value = GUILayout.Toolbar((int)(object)t, TabCache <T> .TabToggles, buttonStyle, buttonSize); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); return((T)(object)value); } }
public static IRectGUI Toolbar(this IRectGUI self, Rect position, ref int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize) { selected = GUI.Toolbar(position, selected, contents, style, buttonSize); return(self); }
public static ILayoutGUIDrawer Toolbar(this ILayoutGUIDrawer self, ref int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { selected = GUILayout.Toolbar(selected, contents, style, buttonSize, options); return(self); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, bool[] enabled, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { GUIStyle firstStyle, midStyle, lastStyle; GUI.FindStyles(ref style, out firstStyle, out midStyle, out lastStyle, "left", "mid", "right"); Vector2 size = new Vector2(); int count = contents.Length; GUIStyle currentStyle = count > 1 ? firstStyle : style; GUIStyle nextStyle = count > 1 ? midStyle : style; GUIStyle endStyle = count > 1 ? lastStyle : style; float margins = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) { if (i == count - 2) { nextStyle = endStyle; } Vector2 thisSize = currentStyle.CalcSize(contents[i]); switch (buttonSize) { case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed: if (thisSize.x > size.x) { size.x = thisSize.x; } break; case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents: size.x += thisSize.x; break; } if (thisSize.y > size.y) { size.y = thisSize.y; } // add spacing if (i == count - 1) { margins += currentStyle.margin.right; } else { margins += Mathf.Max(currentStyle.margin.right, nextStyle.margin.left); } currentStyle = nextStyle; } switch (buttonSize) { case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed: size.x = size.x * contents.Length + margins; break; case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents: size.x += margins; break; } return(GUI.Toolbar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(size.x, size.y, style, options), selected, contents, null, style, buttonSize, enabled)); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { return(Toolbar(selected, contents, null, style, buttonSize, options)); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, Texture[] images, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { return(Toolbar(selected, GUIContent.Temp(images), style, buttonSize, options)); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, string[] texts, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { return(Toolbar(selected, GUIContent.Temp(texts), style, buttonSize, options)); }
public static int Toolbar(string toolbarId, Object targetId, string[] titles, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { string key = "DustEngine.DustGUI.Toolbar." + toolbarId; if (targetId != null) { key += "." + targetId.GetInstanceID(); } int selectedTab = SessionState.GetInt(key, 0); selectedTab = GUILayout.Toolbar(selectedTab, titles); SessionState.SetInt(key, selectedTab); return(selectedTab); }
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - public static int Toolbar(string toolbarId, string[] titles, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) => Toolbar(toolbarId, null, titles, style, buttonSize, options);
public static int Toolbar(int selectedTab, string[] titles, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { return(GUILayout.Toolbar(selectedTab, titles)); }
public static ILayoutGUI Toolbar(this ILayoutGUI self, ref int selected, Texture[] images, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { selected = GUILayout.Toolbar(selected, images, style, buttonSize, options); return(self); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { GUIStyle gUIStyle; GUIStyle gUIStyle2; GUIStyle gUIStyle3; GUI.FindStyles(ref style, out gUIStyle, out gUIStyle2, out gUIStyle3, "left", "mid", "right"); Vector2 vector = default(Vector2); int num = contents.Length; GUIStyle gUIStyle4 = (num <= 1) ? style : gUIStyle; GUIStyle gUIStyle5 = (num <= 1) ? style : gUIStyle2; GUIStyle gUIStyle6 = (num <= 1) ? style : gUIStyle3; float num2 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) { if (i == num - 2) { gUIStyle5 = gUIStyle6; } Vector2 vector2 = gUIStyle4.CalcSize(contents[i]); if (buttonSize != GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed) { if (buttonSize == GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents) { vector.x += vector2.x; } } else if (vector2.x > vector.x) { vector.x = vector2.x; } if (vector2.y > vector.y) { vector.y = vector2.y; } if (i == num - 1) { num2 += (float)gUIStyle4.margin.right; } else { num2 += (float)Mathf.Max(gUIStyle4.margin.right, gUIStyle5.margin.left); } gUIStyle4 = gUIStyle5; } if (buttonSize != GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed) { if (buttonSize == GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents) { vector.x += num2; } } else { vector.x = vector.x * (float)contents.Length + num2; } return(GUI.Toolbar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(vector.x, vector.y, style, options), selected, contents, style, buttonSize)); }
// Helper function: Get all mouse rects private static Rect[] CalcMouseRects(Rect position, GUIContent[] contents, int xCount, float elemWidth, float elemHeight, GUIStyle style, GUIStyle firstStyle, GUIStyle midStyle, GUIStyle lastStyle, bool addBorders, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize) { int count = contents.Length; int x = 0; float xPos = position.xMin, yPos = position.yMin; GUIStyle currentStyle = style; Rect[] retval = new Rect[count]; if (count > 1) { currentStyle = firstStyle; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { float w = 0; switch (buttonSize) { case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed: w = elemWidth; break; case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents: w = currentStyle.CalcSize(contents[i]).x; break; } if (!addBorders) { retval[i] = new Rect(xPos, yPos, w, elemHeight); } else { retval[i] = currentStyle.margin.Add(new Rect(xPos, yPos, w, elemHeight)); } //we round the values to the dpi-aware pixel grid retval[i] = GUIUtility.AlignRectToDevice(retval[i]); GUIStyle nextStyle = midStyle; if (i == count - 2 || i == xCount - 2) { nextStyle = lastStyle; } xPos = retval[i].xMax + Mathf.Max(currentStyle.margin.right, nextStyle.margin.left); x++; if (x >= xCount) { x = 0; yPos += elemHeight + Mathf.Max(, style.margin.bottom); xPos = position.xMin; nextStyle = firstStyle; } currentStyle = nextStyle; } return(retval); }
// Make a button grid private static int DoButtonGrid(Rect position, int selected, GUIContent[] contents, string[] controlNames, int xCount, GUIStyle style, GUIStyle firstStyle, GUIStyle midStyle, GUIStyle lastStyle, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, bool[] contentsEnabled = null) { int count = contents.Length; if (count == 0) { return(selected); } if (xCount <= 0) { Debug.LogWarning("You are trying to create a SelectionGrid with zero or less elements to be displayed in the horizontal direction. Set xCount to a positive value."); return(selected); } if (contentsEnabled != null && contentsEnabled.Length != count) { throw new ArgumentException("contentsEnabled"); } // Figure out how large each element should be int rows = count / xCount; if (count % xCount != 0) { rows++; } float totalHorizSpacing = CalcTotalHorizSpacing(xCount, style, firstStyle, midStyle, lastStyle); float totalVerticalSpacing = Mathf.Max(, style.margin.bottom) * (rows - 1); float elemWidth = (position.width - totalHorizSpacing) / xCount; float elemHeight = (position.height - totalVerticalSpacing) / rows; if (style.fixedWidth != 0) { elemWidth = style.fixedWidth; } if (style.fixedHeight != 0) { elemHeight = style.fixedHeight; } Rect[] buttonRects = CalcMouseRects(position, contents, xCount, elemWidth, elemHeight, style, firstStyle, midStyle, lastStyle, false, buttonSize); GUIStyle selectedButtonStyle = null; int selectedButtonID = 0; for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < count; ++buttonIndex) { bool wasEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled &= (contentsEnabled == null || contentsEnabled[buttonIndex]); var buttonRect = buttonRects[buttonIndex]; var content = contents[buttonIndex]; if (controlNames != null) { GUI.SetNextControlName(controlNames[buttonIndex]); } var id = GUIUtility.GetControlID("ButtonGrid".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Passive, buttonRect); if (buttonIndex == selected) { selectedButtonID = id; } switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id)) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (buttonRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = id; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); GUI.changed = true; return(buttonIndex); } break; case EventType.Repaint: var buttonStyle = count == 1 ? style : (buttonIndex == 0 ? firstStyle : (buttonIndex == count - 1 ? lastStyle : midStyle)); var isSelected = selected == buttonIndex; if (!isSelected) { GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, content.image, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); GUI.Label(new Rect(buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y, 32, 32), buttonIndex.ToString()); } else { selectedButtonStyle = buttonStyle; } break; } GUI.enabled = wasEnabled; } // draw selected button at the end so it overflows nicer if (selectedButtonStyle != null) { var buttonRect = buttonRects[selected]; var content = contents[selected]; var wasEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled &= (contentsEnabled == null || contentsEnabled[selected]); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(buttonRect.x + 4, buttonRect.y + 4, buttonRect.width - 8, buttonRect.height - 8), content.image, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); DrawRectangleOutline(buttonRect,; GUI.Label(new Rect(buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y, 32, 32), selected.ToString()); GUI.enabled = wasEnabled; } return(selected); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params /* 0x00000001800D4E50-0x00000001800D4E60 */ GUILayoutOption[] options) => default; // 0x0000000180A25C60-0x0000000180A25C90 public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, bool[] enabled, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params /* 0x00000001800D4E50-0x00000001800D4E60 */ GUILayoutOption[] options) => default; // 0x0000000180A257F0-0x0000000180A25C60