protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { error.Visible = false; success.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["update"] != null && Request.QueryString["Id"] != null) { int upd = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["update"].ToString()); if (upd == 1) { int Id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); GSS_Customer c = LookUpBLL.GetGssCustomer(Id); if (c != null) { hid.Value = "Update"; btnSubmit.Text = "Update"; dvID.Visible = true; txtID.Text = c.ID.ToString(); txtAsset1.Text = c.CompanyName; ddlDir.SelectedValue = c.CustomerTypeID.ToString(); txtaddr.Text = c.CompanyAddress; txtperson.Text = c.ContactPerson; txtPhone.Text = c.MobileNo; txtEmail.Text = c.Email; ddlSection.SelectedValue = c.PipelineSectionID.ToString(); ddlTerm.SelectedValue = c.PaymentTermFlg.ToString(); ddlVat.SelectedValue = c.VATFlg.ToString(); txtPrice.Text = c.UnitPrice.Value.ToString(); txtMinOrder.Text = c.MinimumOrderVolume.Value.ToString(); if (c.CapitalRecovery.Value) { chkCap.Checked = true; } else { chkCap.Checked = false; } if (c.isActive.Value) { chkActive.Checked = true; } else { chkActive.Checked = false; } } } } } if (!IsPostBack) { Utility.BindCustomerType(ddlDir); Utility.BindPipelineSection(ddlSection); Utility.BindPaymentTerm(ddlTerm); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { AppUser usr = null; if (Session["user"] != null) { usr = (AppUser)Session["user"]; } else { Response.Redirect("../Login.aspx", false); return; } string compName = ""; int custtype = 0; string Addr = ""; decimal uPrice = 0; decimal minOrder = 0; string email = ""; string mobileno = ""; int pipeSection = 0; int paymtFlg = 0; int vatFlg = 0; string contactPer = ""; if (hid.Value == "Update") { if (!decimal.TryParse(txtPrice.Text, out uPrice) || !decimal.TryParse(txtMinOrder.Text, out minOrder)) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>UnitPrice and minimum order must be numeric!!."; return; } int Id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString()); GSS_Customer c = LookUpBLL.GetGssCustomer(Id); c.CompanyName = txtAsset1.Text; c.CustomerTypeID = int.Parse(ddlDir.SelectedValue); c.CompanyAddress = txtaddr.Text; c.ContactPerson = txtperson.Text; c.MobileNo = txtPhone.Text; c.Email = txtEmail.Text; c.PipelineSectionID = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue); c.PaymentTermFlg = int.Parse(ddlTerm.SelectedValue); c.VATFlg = int.Parse(ddlVat.SelectedValue); c.UnitPrice = uPrice; c.MinimumOrderVolume = minOrder; c.LastUpdatedBy = usr.FullName; c.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (chkCap.Checked) { c.CapitalRecovery = true; } else { c.CapitalRecovery = false; } if (chkActive.Checked) { c.isActive = true; } else { c.isActive = false; } if (LookUpBLL.UpdateGssCustomer(c)) { ClearInput(); Response.Redirect("ManageGssCustomer.aspx?success=2&&newRecordId=" + c.ID.ToString(), false); } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = " <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>Record could Not added. Kindly try again. If error persist contact Administrator!!."; } } else { if (!decimal.TryParse(txtPrice.Text, out uPrice) || !decimal.TryParse(txtMinOrder.Text, out minOrder)) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>UnitPrice and minimum order must be numeric!!."; return; } GSS_Customer c = new GSS_Customer(); c.CompanyName = txtAsset1.Text; c.CustomerTypeID = int.Parse(ddlDir.SelectedValue); c.CompanyAddress = txtaddr.Text; c.ContactPerson = txtperson.Text; c.MobileNo = txtPhone.Text; c.Email = txtEmail.Text; c.PipelineSectionID = int.Parse(ddlSection.SelectedValue); c.PaymentTermFlg = int.Parse(ddlTerm.SelectedValue); c.VATFlg = int.Parse(ddlVat.SelectedValue); c.UnitPrice = uPrice; c.MinimumOrderVolume = minOrder; c.AddedBy = usr.FullName; c.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; if (chkCap.Checked) { c.CapitalRecovery = true; } else { c.CapitalRecovery = false; } if (chkActive.Checked) { c.isActive = true; } else { c.isActive = false; } if (LookUpBLL.AddGssCustomer(c)) { ClearInput(); Response.Redirect("ManageGssCustomer.aspx?success=1&&newRecordId=" + c.ID.ToString(), false); } else { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = " <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>Record could Not added. Kindly try again. If error persist contact Administrator!!."; } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Visible = true; error.InnerHtml = "<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button> An error occurred. kindly try again!!!"; Utility.WriteError("Error: " + ex.Message); } }