public void PhoneCalls() { GSM myPhone = new GSM("Galaxy Note II", "Samsung"); myPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2013, 02, 1), new DateTime(), "0891111111", 1); myPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2013, 02, 2), new DateTime(), "0892222222", 2); myPhone.AddCall(new DateTime(2013, 02, 3), new DateTime(), "0893333333", 3); // Display Call History foreach (var call in myPhone.CallHistory) { Console.WriteLine(call); Console.WriteLine(); } // Dispay the bill Console.WriteLine("Bill: {0}lv.", myPhone.CalcBill(0.37m)); // Remove the longest call from the history and calculate the total price again. myPhone.CallHistory.Remove(myPhone.CallHistory[2]); Console.WriteLine("Bill without longest call: {0}lv.", myPhone.CalcBill(0.37m)); //Clear CallHistory Console.WriteLine("Cleaned History"); myPhone.ClearAllHistory(); }