protected List <SpeckleObject> ModelToSpeckleObjects(GSATargetLayer layer, bool resultsOnly, bool embedResults, string[] cases = null, string[] resultsToSend = null)

            //Clear out all sender objects that might be there from the last test preparation

            //Compile all GWA commands with application IDs
            var senderProcessor = new SenderProcessor(TestDataDirectory, gsaInterfacer, gsaCache, layer, embedResults, cases, resultsToSend);

            var keywords = senderProcessor.GetKeywords(layer);
            var data     = gsaInterfacer.GetGwaData(keywords, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++)
                    //This needs to be revised as this logic is in the kit too
                    applicationId: (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data[i].ApplicationId)) ? ("gsa/" + data[i].Keyword + "_" + data[i].Index.ToString()) : data[i].ApplicationId,
                    gwaSetCommandType: data[i].GwaSetType,
                    streamId: data[i].StreamId

            senderProcessor.GsaInstanceToSpeckleObjects(layer, out var speckleObjects, resultsOnly);

        private void ConvertSpeckleObjectsToGsaInterfacerCache()
            // Write objects
            var currentBatch      = new List <Type>();
            var traversedTypes    = new List <Type>();
            var TypePrerequisites = Helper.GetTypeCastPriority(ioDirection.Receive, GSATargetLayer.Design, false);

                currentBatch = TypePrerequisites.Where(i => i.Value.Count(x => !traversedTypes.Contains(x)) == 0).Select(i => i.Key).ToList();
                currentBatch.RemoveAll(i => traversedTypes.Contains(i));

                foreach (var t in currentBatch)
                    var dummyObject     = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                    var keyword         = dummyObject.GetAttribute("GSAKeyword").ToString();
                    var valueType       = t.GetProperty("Value").GetValue(dummyObject).GetType();
                    var speckleTypeName = ((SpeckleObject)((IGSASpeckleContainer)dummyObject).Value).Type;
                    var targetObjects   = receivedObjects.Where(o => o.Item2.GetType() == valueType).ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < targetObjects.Count(); i++)
                        var streamId = targetObjects[i].Item1;
                        var obj      = targetObjects[i].Item2;

                        var deserialiseReturn = ((string)Converter.Deserialise(obj));
                        var gwaCommands       = deserialiseReturn.Split(new[] { '\n' }).Where(c => c.Length > 0).ToList();

                        for (var j = 0; j < gwaCommands.Count(); j++)
                            Initialiser.Interface.ParseGeneralGwa(gwaCommands[j], out keyword, out int?foundIndex, out string foundStreamId, out string foundApplicationId, out string gwaWithoutSet, out GwaSetCommandType? gwaSetCommandType);


                            //Only cache the object against, the top-level GWA command, not the sub-commands
                            GSACache.Upsert(keyword, foundIndex.Value, gwaWithoutSet, applicationId: foundApplicationId, so: (foundApplicationId == obj.ApplicationId) ? obj : null);

            } while (currentBatch.Count > 0);