Example #1
        protected sealed override void CreateDrawingSurface()
            if (glSurface == IntPtr.Zero)
                // create the surface
                glSurface = Evas.evas_gl_surface_create(glEvas, glConfigPtr, surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height);

                // copy the native surface to the image
                Evas.evas_gl_native_surface_get(glEvas, glSurface, out var nativeSurface);
                Evas.evas_object_image_native_surface_set(evasImage, ref nativeSurface);

                // switch to the current OpenGL context
                Evas.evas_gl_make_current(glEvas, glSurface, glContext);

                // resize the viewport
                Gles.glViewport(0, 0, surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height);

                // create the interface using the function pointers provided by the EFL
                var glInterface = GRGlInterface.CreateEvas(glEvas);
                if (glInterface == null)
                    Log.Error("SKGLSurfaceView", "Unable to create GRGlInterface.");
                if (!glInterface.Validate())
                    Log.Error("SKGLSurfaceView", "The created GRGlInterface was not valid.");
                context = GRContext.CreateGl(glInterface);
                if (context == null)
                    Log.Error("SKGLSurfaceView", "Unable to create the GRContext.");

                // create the render target
                Gles.glGetIntegerv(Gles.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, out var framebuffer);
                Gles.glGetIntegerv(Gles.GL_STENCIL_BITS, out var stencil);
                Gles.glGetIntegerv(Gles.GL_SAMPLES, out var samples);
                var maxSamples = context.GetMaxSurfaceSampleCount(colorType);
                if (samples > maxSamples)
                    samples = maxSamples;
                glInfo       = new GRGlFramebufferInfo((uint)framebuffer, colorType.ToGlSizedFormat());
                renderTarget = new GRBackendRenderTarget(surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height, samples, stencil, glInfo);

                // create the surface
                surface = SKSurface.Create(context, renderTarget, surfaceOrigin, colorType);
                canvas  = surface.Canvas;