/// <summary> /// Test the gPoint.IsEqual() funciton. /// Results of testing are shown in output window in VS. /// </summary> public static void TestIsEqual() { String message; bool result = false; GPoint point1 = new GPoint(40, 40, 0, new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now)); GPoint point2; message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - SamePoint without TimeTaken"; result = point1.IsEqual(point1, false); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == true)); message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - SamePoint WITH 0 sec to ignore"; result = point1.IsEqual(point1, true, 0); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == true)); message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - OtherPoint(0 sec) WITH 3 sec to ignore"; point2 = point1.Clone(); result = point1.IsEqual(point2, true, 3); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == true)); message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - OtherPoint(+3 sec) WITH 0 sec to ignore"; point2 = point1.Clone(); point2.TimeTaken.AddSeconds(3); result = point1.IsEqual(point2, true, 0); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == false)); message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - OtherPoint(-3 sec) WITH 0 sec to ignore"; point2 = point1.Clone(); point2.TimeTaken = point2.TimeTaken.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)); result = point1.IsEqual(point2, true, 0); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == false)); message = "Testing : GPoint.IsEqual - OtherPoint(-3 sec) WITH 3 sec to ignore"; point2 = point1.Clone(); point2.TimeTaken = point2.TimeTaken.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)); result = point1.IsEqual(point2, true, 3); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message + "\t\t\t " + (result == true)); }