// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameModeReference = FindObjectOfType <GM_CharacterSelection>(); controllerAssignerRef = GetComponentInParent <ControllerAssigner>(); panelNumber = GetComponentInParent <ControllerAssigner>().panelNumber; inputCheckTimer = gameModeReference.selectInputCheckTimer; currentInputCheckTimer = inputCheckTimer; charImageIndex = 0; isReady = false; charBackground = GetComponentInParent <Image>(); charNameTag = transform.Find("NameTag").GetComponent <Image>(); charPoseSpawn = transform.Find("CharacterPoseSpawn"); readyOverlay = transform.Find("ReadyOverlay").GetComponent <Image>(); buttonInstructions = transform.Find("ButtonInstructions").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); buttonInstructions.text = notJoined; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameModeReference = FindObjectOfType <GM_CharacterSelection>(); isAssigned = false; if (panelNumber > 1) { foreach (ControllerAssigner panel in FindObjectsOfType <ControllerAssigner>()) { //sets the previous panel only if this panel is not the first one if (panelNumber == panel.panelNumber + 1) { previousPanel = panel; break; } } } }