public void OnSelect(Item item) { var sword = item as ShortSword; if (sword != null) { Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_EVOKE); ScrollOfUpgrade.Upgrade(item.CurUser); Item.Evoke(item.CurUser); GLog.Warning(ShortSword.TxtReforged, item.Name); ((MeleeWeapon)item).SafeUpgrade(); item.CurUser.SpendAndNext(ShortSword.TimeToReforge); Badge.ValidateItemLevelAquired(item); } else { if (item is Boomerang) { GLog.Warning(ShortSword.TxtNotBoomerang); } if (item.IsEquipped(item.CurUser)) { item.CurUser.Belongings.Weapon = item as Weapon; } else { item.Collect(item.CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); } } }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { base.Execute(hero, action); if (!action.Equals(AcEat)) { return; } switch (pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(5)) { case 0: GLog.Warning("Oh it's hot!"); Buff.Affect <Burning>(hero).Reignite(hero); break; case 1: GLog.Warning("You can't feel your legs!"); Buff.Prolong <Roots>(hero, Paralysis.Duration(hero)); break; case 2: GLog.Warning("You are not feeling well."); Buff.Affect <Poison>(hero).Set(Poison.DurationFactor(hero) * hero.HT / 5); break; case 3: GLog.Warning("You are stuffed."); Buff.Prolong <Slow>(hero, Slow.Duration(hero)); break; } }
public void OnSelect(Item item) { if (item != null) { Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_EVOKE); ScrollOfUpgrade.Upgrade(item.CurUser); Item.Evoke(item.CurUser); GLog.Warning(WandOfMagicMissile.TxtDisenchanted, item.Name); item.Upgrade(); item.CurUser.SpendAndNext(WandOfMagicMissile.TimeToDisenchant); Badge.ValidateItemLevelAquired(item); } else { //TODO: WandOfMagicMissile var wand = item as WandOfMagicMissile; if (wand != null) { if (wand.DisenchantEquipped) { item.CurUser.Belongings.Weapon = item as KindOfWeapon; item.UpdateQuickslot(); } else { item.Collect(item.CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); } } } }
public static void TeleportHero(Hero hero) { var count = 10; int pos; do { pos = Dungeon.Level.RandomRespawnCell(); if (count-- <= 0) { break; } } while (pos == -1); if (pos == -1) { GLog.Warning(TxtNoTeleport); } else { WandOfBlink.Appear(hero, pos); Dungeon.Level.Press(pos, hero); Dungeon.Observe(); GLog.Information(TxtTeleported); } }
public void OnSelect(int?target) { if (target == null) { return; } if (!Level.fieldOfView[target.Value] || !(Level.passable[target.Value] || Level.avoid[target.Value]) || Actor.FindChar(target.Value) != null) { GLog.Warning(TXT_FOV); return; } CurUser.HP -= (CurUser.HP / 3); foreach (var mob in Dungeon.Level.mobs.Where(mob => Level.fieldOfView[mob.pos])) { Buff.Prolong <Blindness>(mob, 2); mob.State = mob.WANDERING; mob.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(Speck.Factory(Speck.LIGHT), 4); } WandOfBlink.Appear(CurUser, target.Value); CellEmitter.Get(target.Value).Burst(Speck.Factory(Speck.WOOL), 10); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_PUFF); Dungeon.Level.Press(target.Value, CurUser); Dungeon.Observe(); CurUser.SpendAndNext(Actor.Tick); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action == AcMine) { if (Dungeon.Depth < 11 || Dungeon.Depth > 15) { GLog.Warning(TxtNoVein); return; } foreach (var neighbour in Level.NEIGHBOURS8) { _pos = hero.pos + neighbour; if ([_pos] != Terrain.WALL_DECO) { continue; } hero.Spend(TimeToMine); hero.Busy(); hero.Sprite.DoAttack(_pos, this); return; } GLog.Warning(TxtNoVein); } else { base.Execute(hero, action); } }
public void Upgrade(Armor armor) { Detach(CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); CurUser.Sprite.CenterEmitter().Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.KIT), 0.05f, 10); CurUser.Spend(TimeToUpgrade); CurUser.Busy(); GLog.Warning(TxtUpgraded, armor.Name); var classArmor = ClassArmor.Upgrade(CurUser, armor); if (CurUser.Belongings.Armor == armor) { CurUser.Belongings.Armor = classArmor; ((HeroSprite)CurUser.Sprite).UpdateArmor(); } else { armor.Detach(CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); classArmor.Collect(CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); } CurUser.Sprite.DoOperate(CurUser.pos); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_EVOKE); }
public override bool DoEquip(Hero hero) { if (hero.Belongings.Ring1 != null && hero.Belongings.Ring2 != null) { GLog.Warning("you can only wear 2 rings at a time"); return(false); } if (hero.Belongings.Ring1 == null) { hero.Belongings.Ring1 = this; } else { hero.Belongings.Ring2 = this; } Detach(hero.Belongings.Backpack); Activate(hero); cursedKnown = true; if (cursed) { EquipCursed(hero); GLog.Negative("your " + this + " tightens around your finger painfully"); } hero.SpendAndNext(TIME_TO_EQUIP); return(true); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action.Equals(AcDrink)) { if (_volume > 0) { var value = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Pow(_volume, _pow) / NUM * hero.HT); var effect = Math.Min(hero.HT - hero.HP, value); if (effect > 0) { hero.HP += effect; hero.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(Speck.Factory(Speck.HEALING), _volume > 5 ? 2 : 1); hero.Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Positive, TxtValue, effect); } _volume = 0; hero.Spend(TimeToDrink); hero.Busy(); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_DRINK); hero.Sprite.DoOperate(hero.pos); UpdateQuickslot(); } else { GLog.Warning(TxtEmpty); } } else { base.Execute(hero, action); } }
public override void DoSpecial() { var proto = new Shuriken(); foreach (var mob in Dungeon.Level.mobs) { if (!Level.fieldOfView[mob.pos]) { continue; } CurUser.Sprite.Parent.Recycle <MissileSprite>().Reset(CurUser.pos, mob.pos, proto, this); _targets.Add(this, mob); } if (_targets.Count == 0) { GLog.Warning(TxtNoEnemies); return; } CurUser.HP -= (CurUser.HP / 3); CurUser.Sprite.DoZap(CurUser.pos); CurUser.Busy(); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action == AcSet || action == AcReturn) { if (Dungeon.BossLevel()) { hero.Spend(TimeToUse); GLog.Warning(TxtPreventing); return; } for (var i = 0; i < Level.NEIGHBOURS8.Length; i++) { if (Actor.FindChar(hero.pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[i]) == null) { continue; } GLog.Warning(TxtCreatures); return; } } switch (action) { case AcSet: _returnDepth = Dungeon.Depth; _returnPos = hero.pos; hero.Spend(TimeToUse); hero.Busy(); hero.Sprite.DoOperate(hero.pos); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_BEACON); GLog.Information(TxtReturn); break; case AcReturn: if (_returnDepth == Dungeon.Depth) { Reset(); WandOfBlink.Appear(hero, _returnPos); Dungeon.Level.Press(_returnPos, hero); Dungeon.Observe(); } else { InterlevelScene.mode = InterlevelScene.Mode.RETURN; InterlevelScene.returnDepth = _returnDepth; InterlevelScene.returnPos = _returnPos; Reset(); Game.SwitchScene <InterlevelScene>(); } break; default: base.Execute(hero, action); break; } }
public override bool DoEquip(Hero hero) { if (hero.heroClass == HeroClass.Mage) { return(base.DoEquip(hero)); } GLog.Warning(TxtNotMage); return(false); }
protected override bool Act() { if (Target.IsAlive) { var hero = (Hero)Target; if (IsStarving) { if (Random.Float() < 0.3f && (Target.HP > 1 || !Target.Paralysed)) { GLog.Negative(TxtStarving); hero.Damage(1, this); hero.Interrupt(); } } else { var bonus = Target.Buffs <RingOfSatiety.Satiety>().Sum(buff => ((RingOfSatiety.Satiety)buff).Level); var newLevel = _level + Step - bonus; var statusUpdated = false; if (newLevel >= Starving) { GLog.Negative(TxtStarving); statusUpdated = true; hero.Interrupt(); } else if (newLevel >= Hungry && _level < Hungry) { GLog.Warning(TxtHungry); statusUpdated = true; } _level = newLevel; if (statusUpdated) { BuffIndicator.RefreshHero(); } } var step = ((Hero)Target).heroClass == HeroClass.Rogue ? Step * 1.2f : Step; Spend(Target.Buff <Shadows>() == null ? step : step *1.5f); } else { Deactivate(); } return(true); }
public static void AutoDrink(Hero hero) { var vial = hero.Belongings.GetItem <DewVial>(); if (vial == null || !vial.IsFull) { return; } vial.Execute(hero); hero.Sprite.Emitter().Start(ShaftParticle.Factory, 0.2f, 3); GLog.Warning(TxtAutoDrink); }
protected override bool Act() { if (!_ring.Identified && --_ring.ticksToKnow <= 0) { var gemName = _ring.Name; _ring.Identify(); GLog.Warning(TXT_IDENTIFY, gemName, _ring.ToString()); Badge.ValidateItemLevelAquired(_ring); } Spend(Tick); return(true); }
// 0xDD3333 public static void Trigger(int pos, Character ch) { foreach (var mob in Dungeon.Level.mobs.Where(mob => mob != ch)) { mob.Beckon(pos); } if (Dungeon.Visible[pos]) { GLog.Warning("The trap emits a piercing sound that echoes throughout the dungeon!"); CellEmitter.Center(pos).Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.SCREAM), 0.3f, 3); } Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_ALERT); }
IEnumerator LoadAsyncImpl <T>(string abName, string assetName, System.Action <T> finishLoad) where T : UnityEngine.Object { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!bundleLoadMode)//编辑器下的非Bundle加载模式 { string[] assetPaths = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetBundleAndAssetName(abName, assetName); T target = null; if (assetPaths.Length > 0) { target = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <T>(assetPaths[0]); } yield return(null); if (finishLoad != null) { finishLoad(target); } yield break; } #endif yield return(StartCoroutine(LoadAssetBundle(abName))); AssetBundleInfo abInfo = null; if (assetBundleInfoDic.TryGetValue(abName, out abInfo)) { AssetBundleRequest abRequest = abInfo.ab.LoadAssetAsync <T>(assetName); //abRequest.priority; while (!abRequest.isDone) { yield return(null); } T res = abRequest.asset as T; if (res == null) { GLog.Warning("assetName :" + assetName + " not find"); } finishLoad(res); abInfo.TakeAsset(assetName); } else { GLog.Error(abName + " is not find~"); } }
protected internal override void DoRead() { foreach (var mob in Dungeon.Level.mobs) { mob.Beckon(CurUser.pos); } GLog.Warning("The scroll emits a challenging roar that echoes throughout the dungeon!"); SetKnown(); CurUser.Sprite.CenterEmitter().Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.SCREAM), 0.3f, 3); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_CHALLENGE); Invisibility.Dispel(); CurUser.SpendAndNext(TimeToRead); }
protected internal virtual bool Steal(Hero hero) { var item = hero.Belongings.RandomUnequipped(); if (item == null) { return(false); } GLog.Warning(TxtStole, Name, item.Name); item.DetachAll(hero.Belongings.Backpack); Item = item; return(true); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action.Equals(AcRead)) { if (hero.Buff <Blindness>() != null) { GLog.Warning(TxtBlinded); return; } CurUser = hero; HeroSubClass way1 = null; HeroSubClass way2 = null; switch (hero.heroClass.Ordinal()) { case HeroClassType.Warrior: way1 = HeroSubClass.GLADIATOR; way2 = HeroSubClass.BERSERKER; break; case HeroClassType.Mage: way1 = HeroSubClass.BATTLEMAGE; way2 = HeroSubClass.WARLOCK; break; case HeroClassType.Rogue: way1 = HeroSubClass.FREERUNNER; way2 = HeroSubClass.ASSASSIN; break; case HeroClassType.Huntress: way1 = HeroSubClass.SNIPER; way2 = HeroSubClass.WARDEN; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } GameScene.Show(new WndChooseWay(this, way1, way2)); } else { base.Execute(hero, action); } }
private bool ActUnlock(HeroAction.Unlock action) { var doorCell = action.Dst; if (Level.Adjacent(pos, doorCell)) { _theKey = null; var door =[doorCell]; if (door == Terrain.LOCKED_DOOR) { _theKey = Belongings.GetKey <IronKey>(Dungeon.Depth); } else if (door == Terrain.LOCKED_EXIT) { _theKey = Belongings.GetKey <SkeletonKey>(Dungeon.Depth); } if (_theKey != null) { Spend(Key.TIME_TO_UNLOCK); Sprite.DoOperate(doorCell); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_UNLOCK); } else { GLog.Warning(TxtLockedDoor); Ready(); } return(false); } if (GetCloser(doorCell)) { return(true); } Ready(); return(false); }
public override void Damage(int dmg, object src) { base.Damage(dmg, src); if (!IsAlive || _enraged || HP >= HT / 4) { return; } _enraged = true; Spend(Tick); if (!Dungeon.Visible[pos]) { return; } GLog.Warning(TxtEnraged, Name); Sprite.ShowStatus(CharSprite.Negative, "enraged"); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action.Equals(AcRead)) { if (hero.Buff <Blindness>() != null) { GLog.Warning(TxtBlinded); } else { CurUser = hero; curItem = Detach(hero.Belongings.Backpack); DoRead(); } } else { base.Execute(hero, action); } }
public virtual void Choose(HeroSubClass way) { Detach(CurUser.Belongings.Backpack); CurUser.Spend(TimeToRead); CurUser.Busy(); CurUser.subClass = way; CurUser.Sprite.DoOperate(CurUser.pos); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_MASTERY); SpellSprite.Show(CurUser, SpellSprite.Mastery); CurUser.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(Speck.Factory(Speck.MASTERY), 12); GLog.Warning("You have chosen the way of the {0}!", Utils.Capitalize(way.Title)); if (way == HeroSubClass.BERSERKER && CurUser.HP <= CurUser.HT * Fury.Level) { Buff.Affect <Fury>(CurUser); } }
public override int AttackProc(Character enemy, int damage) { if (Random.Int(6) != 0 || enemy != Dungeon.Hero) { return(damage); } var hero = Dungeon.Hero; var weapon = hero.Belongings.Weapon; if (weapon == null || weapon is Knuckles || weapon.cursed) { return(damage); } hero.Belongings.Weapon = null; Dungeon.Level.Drop(weapon, hero.pos).Sprite.Drop(); GLog.Warning(TxtDisarm, Name, weapon.Name); return(damage); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var ch = Actor.FindChar(cell); if (ch == CurUser) { SetKnown(); ScrollOfTeleportation.TeleportHero(CurUser); } else if (ch != null) { var count = 10; int pos; do { pos = Dungeon.Level.RandomRespawnCell(); if (count-- <= 0) { break; } } while (pos == -1); if (pos == -1) { GLog.Warning(ScrollOfTeleportation.TxtNoTeleport); } else { ch.pos = pos; ch.Sprite.Place(ch.pos); ch.Sprite.Visible = Dungeon.Visible[pos]; GLog.Information(CurUser.Name + " teleported " + ch.Name + " to somewhere"); } } else { GLog.Information("nothing happened"); } }
public virtual Item Upgrade(bool enchant) { if (enchantment != null) { if (enchant || pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(level) <= 0) { return(base.Upgrade()); } GLog.Warning(TxtIncompatible); Enchant(null); } else { if (enchant) { Enchant(Enchantment.Random()); } } return(base.Upgrade()); }
public override bool Collect(Bag container) { if (!base.Collect(container)) { return(false); } if (Dungeon.Level == null) { return(true); } foreach (var mob in Dungeon.Level.mobs) { mob.Beckon(Dungeon.Hero.pos); } GLog.Warning("The seed emits a roar that echoes throughout the dungeon!"); CellEmitter.Center(Dungeon.Hero.pos).Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.SCREAM), 0.3f, 3); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_CHALLENGE); return(true); }
public override void Execute(Hero hero, string action) { if (action == Special()) { if (hero.HP < 3) { GLog.Warning(TxtLowHealth); } else if (!IsEquipped(hero)) { GLog.Warning(TxtNotEquipped); } else { CurUser = hero; DoSpecial(); } } else { base.Execute(hero, action); } }
public virtual int Proc(Character attacker, Character defender, int damage) { if (glyph != null) { damage = glyph.Proc(this, attacker, defender, damage); } if (levelKnown) { return(damage); } if (--_hitsToKnow > 0) { return(damage); } levelKnown = true; GLog.Warning(TxtIdentify, Name, ToString()); Badge.ValidateItemLevelAquired(this); return(damage); }