public static void CreateLightmapTexture(GLContext control, AglLightMap aglLightMap, EnvironmentGraphics environmentSettings, string name, GLTextureCube output) { var lightMapEnv = aglLightMap.LightAreas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Settings.Name == name); if (lightMapEnv == null) { return; } //Force generate mipmaps to update the mip allocation so mips can be assigned. output.Bind(); GL.GenerateMipmap(GenerateMipmapTarget.TextureCubeMap); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap, 0); GL.Enable(EnableCap.TextureCubeMapSeamless); if (FilterLevel0 == null) { Init(output.Width); } int CUBE_SIZE = output.Width; FilterLevel0.Bind(); LoadCubemapLevel(control, CUBE_SIZE, 0, aglLightMap, environmentSettings, lightMapEnv, output.ID); FilterLevel0.Unbind(); FilterLevel1.Bind(); LoadCubemapLevel(control, CUBE_SIZE / 2, 1, aglLightMap, environmentSettings, lightMapEnv, output.ID); FilterLevel1.Unbind(); output.SaveDDS($"LIGHTMAP{name}.dds"); }
//Update all existing cubemap uint objects public static void GenerateCubemaps(List <GenericRenderer> targetModels, bool isWiiU) { var texture = isWiiU ? CubeMapTextureArray : CubeMapTexture; if (texture != null) { texture.Dispose(); } if (isWiiU) { texture = GLTexture2DArray.CreateUncompressedTexture(CUBEMAP_SIZE, CUBEMAP_SIZE, MAX_LAYER_COUNT * 6, MAX_MIP_LEVEL, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba16f, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.Float); } else { texture = GLTextureCubeArray.CreateEmptyCubemap(CUBEMAP_SIZE, MAX_LAYER_COUNT, MAX_MIP_LEVEL, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba16f, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.Float); } GLTextureCube cubemapTexture = GLTextureCube.CreateEmptyCubemap( CUBEMAP_UPSCALE_SIZE, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba16f, PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.Float, 9); //Get a list of cubemaps in the scene //The lighting engine has cube map objects with the object placement to draw var lightingEngine = LightingEngine.LightSettings; var cubemapEnvParams = lightingEngine.Resources.CubeMapFiles.FirstOrDefault().Value; var cubeMapUints = cubemapEnvParams.CubeMapObjects; int layer = 0; foreach (var cubeMap in cubeMapUints) { var cUint = cubeMap.CubeMapUint; //Cubemap has no area assigned skip it if (cubeMap.CubeMapUint.Name == string.Empty) { continue; } //Setup the camera to render the cube map faces CubemapCamera camera = new CubemapCamera( new Vector3(cUint.Position.X, cUint.Position.Y, cUint.Position.Z) * GLContext.PreviewScale, cUint.Near, cUint.Far); var context = new GLContext(); context.Camera = camera; GenerateCubemap(context, cubemapTexture, camera, targetModels, MAX_MIP_LEVEL); cubemapTexture.Bind(); cubemapTexture.GenerateMipmaps(); cubemapTexture.Unbind(); //HDR encode and output into the array CubemapHDREncodeRT.CreateCubemap(cubemapTexture, texture, layer, MAX_MIP_LEVEL, false, true); if (SAVE_TO_DISK) { cubemapTexture.SaveDDS(cubeMap.Name + ""); } layer++; } cubemapTexture.Dispose(); //Just generate mips to keep things easier texture.Bind(); texture.GenerateMipmaps(); texture.Unbind(); if (SAVE_TO_DISK) { texture.SaveDDS(""); } if (isWiiU) { CubeMapTextureArray = texture; } else { CubeMapTexture = texture; } }