Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for calculation the ambient lighting component.
        /// </summary>
        public static string AmbientComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                $"return vec3(color.xyz * ambientCoefficient);"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "ambientLighting",
                                     new[] { GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "ambientCoefficient"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec4, "color") }, methodBody));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the attenuation of a point light.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string AttenuationPointComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                $"float distanceToLight = length(lightPos - fragPos);",
                "float distance = pow(distanceToLight / lightMaxDistance, 2.0);",
                "return (clamp(1.0 - pow(distance, 2.0), 0.0, 1.0)) / (pow(distance, 2.0) + 1.0);",

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "attenuationPointComponent",
                                     new[] { GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "fragPos"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "lightPos"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "lightMaxDistance") }, methodBody));
Example #3
        //TODO: At the moment Blender's Principled BSDF material gets translated into a MaterialPBR and internally uses this lighting method for the specular component.
        //This is not the same lighting method as is used in Blender and will therefor only produce approximately visually correct results.
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for calculation the specular lighting component.
        /// Replaces the standard specular calculation with the Cook-Torrance-Shader
        /// </summary>
        public static string PbrSpecularComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                $"float roughnessValue = {UniformNameDeclarations.RoughnessValue}; // 0 : smooth, 1: rough",            // roughness
                $"float F0 = {UniformNameDeclarations.FresnelReflectance}; // fresnel reflectance at normal incidence", // fresnel => Specular from Blender
                "float NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);",
                "float specular = 0.0;",
                "float BlinnSpecular = 0.0;",
                "if(dot(N, L) > 0.0)",
                "     // calculate intermediary values",
                "     vec3 H = normalize(L + V);",
                "     float NdotH = max(dot(N, H), 0.0); ",
                "     float NdotV = max(dot(N, L), 0.0); // note: this is NdotL, which is the same value",
                "     float VdotH = max(dot(V, H), 0.0);",
                "     float mSquared = roughnessValue * roughnessValue;",
                "     // -- geometric attenuation",
                "     //[Schlick's approximation of Smith's shadow equation]",
                "     float k= roughnessValue * sqrt(0.5 * 3.14159265);",
                "     float one_minus_k= 1.0 - k;",
                "     float geoAtt = ( NdotL / (NdotL * one_minus_k + k) ) * ( NdotV / (NdotV * one_minus_k + k) );",
                "     // -- roughness (or: microfacet distribution function)",
                "     // Trowbridge-Reitz or GGX, GTR2",
                "     float a2 = mSquared * mSquared;",
                "     float d = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;",
                "     float roughness = a2 / (3.14 * d * d);",
                "     // -- fresnel",
                "     // [Schlick 1994, An Inexpensive BRDF Model for Physically-Based Rendering]",
                "     float fresnel = pow(1.0 - VdotH, 5.0);",
                $"    fresnel = clamp((50.0 * {UniformNameDeclarations.SpecularColor}.y), 0.0, 1.0) * fresnel + (1.0 - fresnel);",
                $"     specular = (fresnel * geoAtt * roughness) / (NdotV * NdotL * 3.14);",
                "     ",
                $"return (k + specular * (1.0-k));"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "specularLighting",
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "N"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "L"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "V"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "k")
            }, methodBody));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for calculation the diffuse lighting component.
        /// </summary>
        public static string DiffuseComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                "return max(dot(N, L), 0.0);"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "diffuseLighting",
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "N"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "L")
            }, methodBody));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the method for calculating whether a fragment is in shadow or not, by using a shadow map (sampler2DCube).
        /// The cube map is used when calculating the shadows for a point light.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ShadowCalculationCubeMap()
            var methodBody = new List <string>()
                "float pcfKernelSize = pcfKernelHalfSize + pcfKernelHalfSize + 1.0;",
                "pcfKernelSize *= pcfKernelSize;",

                "vec3 sampleOffsetDirections[20] = vec3[]",
                "   vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize),",
                "   vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize),",
                "   vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, 0), vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, 0), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize, 0), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize, 0),",
                "   vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, 0, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, 0, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(pcfKernelHalfSize, 0, -pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(-pcfKernelHalfSize, 0, -pcfKernelHalfSize),",
                "   vec3(0, pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(0, -pcfKernelHalfSize, pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(0, -pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize), vec3(0, pcfKernelHalfSize, -pcfKernelHalfSize)",

                "// get vector between fragment position and light position",
                "vec3 fragToLight = (fragPos - lightPos) * -1.0;",
                "// now get current linear depth as the length between the fragment and light position",
                "float currentDepth = length(fragToLight);",

                "float shadow = 0.0;",
                "float thisBias = max(bias * (1.0 - dot(normal, lightDir)), bias * 0.01);//0.15;",
                "int samples = 20;",
                $"vec3 camPos = {UniformNameDeclarations.IView}[3].xyz;",
                "float viewDistance = length(camPos - fragPos);",

                "float diskRadius = 0.5; //(1.0 + (viewDistance / farPlane)) / pcfKernelSize;",
                "for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)",
                "   float closestDepth = texture(shadowMap, fragToLight + sampleOffsetDirections[i] * diskRadius).r;",
                "   closestDepth *= farPlane;   // Undo mapping [0;1]",
                "   if (currentDepth - thisBias > closestDepth)",
                "       shadow += 1.0;",
                "shadow /= float(samples);",
                "return shadow;"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "ShadowCalculationCubeMap", new[]
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.SamplerCube, "shadowMap"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "fragPos"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "lightPos"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "farPlane"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "normal"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "lightDir"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "bias"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "pcfKernelHalfSize")
            }, methodBody));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the cone component of the attenuation of a spot light.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string AttenuationConeComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                "vec3 coneDir = lightDir;",
                "float lightToSurfaceAngleCos = dot(coneDir, -fragToLightDir);",

                "float epsilon = cos(innerConeAngle) - cos(outerConeAngle);",
                "float t = (lightToSurfaceAngleCos - cos(outerConeAngle)) / epsilon;",
                "return clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0);"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "attenuationConeComponent",
                                     new[] { GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "lightDir"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "fragToLightDir"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "innerConeAngle"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "outerConeAngle") }, methodBody));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the method for calculating whether a fragment is in shadow or not, by using a shadow map (sampler2D).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ShadowCalculation()
            var methodBody = new List <string>()
                "float shadow = 0.0;",
                "int pcfLoop = int(pcfKernelHalfSize);",
                "float pcfKernelSize = pcfKernelHalfSize + pcfKernelHalfSize + 1.0;",
                "pcfKernelSize *= pcfKernelSize;",

                "// perform perspective divide",
                "vec4 projCoords = fragPosLightSpace / fragPosLightSpace.w;",
                "projCoords = projCoords * 0.5 + 0.5;",
                "//float closestDepth = texture(shadowMap, projCoords.xy).r;",
                "float currentDepth = projCoords.z;",

                "float thisBias = max(bias * (1.0 - dot(normal, lightDir)), bias / 100.0);",

                "vec2 texelSize = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(shadowMap, 0));",

                "//use this for using sampler2DShadow (automatic PCF) instead of sampler2D",
                "//float depth = texture(shadowMap, projCoords.xyz).r;",
                "//shadow += (currentDepth - thisBias) > depth ? 1.0 : 0.0;",

                "for (int x = -pcfLoop; x <= pcfLoop; ++x)",
                "for (int y = -pcfLoop; y <= pcfLoop; ++y)",
                "float pcfDepth = texture(shadowMap, projCoords.xy + vec2(x, y) * texelSize).r;",
                "shadow += (currentDepth - thisBias) > pcfDepth ? 1.0 : 0.0;",
                "shadow /= pcfKernelSize;",

                "return shadow;"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "ShadowCalculation", new[]
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Sampler2D, "shadowMap"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec4, "fragPosLightSpace"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "normal"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "lightDir"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "bias"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "pcfKernelHalfSize")
            }, methodBody));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for calculation the specular lighting component.
        /// </summary>
        public static string SpecularComponent()
            var methodBody = new List <string>
                "float specularTerm = 0.0;",
                "if(dot(N, L) > 0.0)",
                "   // half vector",
                "vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-L, N);",
                $"  specularTerm = pow(max(0.0, dot(V, reflectDir)), shininess);",
                "return specularTerm;"

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Float, "specularLighting",
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "N"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "L"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "V"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "shininess")
            }, methodBody));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps all the lighting methods into a single one.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ApplyLightForward(ShaderEffectProps effectProps)
            var bumpNormals = new List <string>
                "///////////////// Normal mapping, tangent space ///////////////////",
                $"vec3 N = ((texture({UniformNameDeclarations.NormalMap}, {VaryingNameDeclarations.TextureCoordinates}).rgb * 2.0) - 1.0f) * vec3({UniformNameDeclarations.NormalMapIntensity}, {UniformNameDeclarations.NormalMapIntensity}, 1.0);",
                $"N = (N.x * vec3({VaryingNameDeclarations.Tangent})) + (N.y * {VaryingNameDeclarations.Bitangent}) + (N.z * {VaryingNameDeclarations.Normal});",
                "N = normalize(N);"

            var normals = new List <string>
                $"vec3 N = normalize({VaryingNameDeclarations.Normal});"

            var fragToLightDirAndLightInit = new List <string>
                "vec3 L = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);",
                "if(lightType == 1){L = -normalize(direction);}",
                $"   L = normalize(position - {VaryingNameDeclarations.Position}.xyz);",
                $"vec3 V = normalize(-{VaryingNameDeclarations.Position}.xyz);",
                "if(lightType == 3) {",
                "   L = normalize(vec3(0.0,0.0,-1.0));",
                $"vec2 o_texcoords = {VaryingNameDeclarations.TextureCoordinates};",
                "vec3 Idif = vec3(0);",
                "vec3 Ispe = vec3(0);",

            var applyLightParams = new List <string>();

            applyLightParams.AddRange(effectProps.MatProbs.HasNormalMap ? bumpNormals : normals);

            if (effectProps.MatProbs.HasAlbedo)
                //TODO: Test alpha blending between diffuse and texture
                if (effectProps.MatProbs.HasAlbedoTexture)
                        $"vec3 blendedCol = mix({UniformNameDeclarations.AlbedoColor}.rgb, texture({UniformNameDeclarations.AlbedoTexture}, {VaryingNameDeclarations.TextureCoordinates}).rgb, {UniformNameDeclarations.AlbedoMix});" +
                        $"Idif = blendedCol * diffuseLighting(N, L) * intensities.rgb;");
                    applyLightParams.Add($"Idif = vec3({UniformNameDeclarations.AlbedoColor}.rgb * intensities.rgb * diffuseLighting(N, L));");

            if (effectProps.MatProbs.HasSpecular)
                if (effectProps.MatType == MaterialType.Standard)
                    applyLightParams.Add($"float specularTerm = specularLighting(N, L, V, {UniformNameDeclarations.SpecularShininess});");
                    applyLightParams.Add($"Ispe = vec3(({ UniformNameDeclarations.SpecularColor}.rgb * { UniformNameDeclarations.SpecularIntensity} *intensities.rgb) *specularTerm);");
                else if (effectProps.MatType == MaterialType.MaterialPbr)
                    applyLightParams.Add($"float k = 1.0 - {UniformNameDeclarations.DiffuseFraction};");
                    applyLightParams.Add("float specular = specularLighting(N, L, V, k);");
                    applyLightParams.Add($"Ispe = intensities.rgb * {UniformNameDeclarations.SpecularColor}.rgb * (k + specular * (1.0 - k));");

            var pointLight = new List <string>
                $"float att = attenuationPointComponent({VaryingNameDeclarations.Position}.xyz, position, maxDistance);",
                "lighting = (Idif * att) + (Ispe * att);",
                "lighting *= strength;"

            //No attenuation!
            var parallelLight = new List <string>
                "lighting = Idif + Ispe;",
                "lighting *= strength;"

            var spotLight = new List <string>
                $"float att = attenuationPointComponent({VaryingNameDeclarations.Position}.xyz, position, maxDistance) * attenuationConeComponent(direction, L, innerConeAngle, outerConeAngle);",

                "lighting = (Idif * att) + (Ispe * att);",
                "lighting *= strength;"

            // - Disable GammaCorrection for better colors

            /*var gammaCorrection = new List<string>()
             * {
             *  "vec3 gamma = vec3(1.0/2.2);",
             *  "result = pow(result, gamma);"
             * };*/

            var methodBody = new List <string>();

            methodBody.Add("vec3 lighting = vec3(0);");
            methodBody.Add("if(lightType == 0) // PointLight");
            methodBody.Add("else if(lightType == 1 || lightType == 3) // ParallelLight or LegacyLight");
            methodBody.Add("else if(lightType == 2) // SpotLight");
            //methodBody.AddRange(gammaCorrection); // - Disable GammaCorrection for better colors

            methodBody.Add("return lighting;");

            return(GLSL.CreateMethod(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "ApplyLight",
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "position"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec4, "intensities"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Vec3, "direction"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "maxDistance"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "strength"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "outerConeAngle"),
                GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Float, "innerConeAngle"), GLSL.CreateVar(GLSL.Type.Int, "lightType"),
            }, methodBody));