Example #1
        public int GetConsulationCountByUser(string userID)
            string filter = "1=1";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID))
                GI_UserInfo user = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(userID, "USERID");

                if (user != null)
                    filter += string.Format(" and ( ApplyDoctorCode = '{0}'", userID);
                    filter += string.Format(" or ( ApplyDepartCode = '{0}' and ApplyDoctorCode is null ))", user.DpetID);
                    //      filter += string.Format(" and ApplyWardCode = '{0}'", user.InpatientID);
            DataTable dt = dataProvider.GetDataSet("select count(consultationid) as cnt  from CD_Consultation a where del=0 and consultationstate = 1 and " + filter).Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                return(Extend.HandleNull(dt.Rows[0]["cnt"], 0));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据ID获得用户实体类
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GI_UserInfo GetInfoById(string userid)
            GI_UserInfo info = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(userid, "USERID");

            GI_CodeDict job = new CodeDictService().GetCodeDictByDictCodeAndEName(info.Job, "Job");

            info.JobName = job == null ? "" : job.DictName;
            GI_CodeDict userPosition = new CodeDictService().GetCodeDictByDictCodeAndEName(info.UserPosition, "Position");

            info.UserPositionName = userPosition == null ? "" : userPosition.DictName;
            GI_CodeDict joblevel = new CodeDictService().GetCodeDictByDictCodeAndEName(info.JobLevel, "JobLevel");

            info.JobLevelName = joblevel == null ? "" : joblevel.DictName;

            #region 科室和病区组
            List <AI_DeptInfo> userDepts = deptinfoservice.GetDeptInfoByUserId(info.UserID);
            info.DpetList = (from u in userDepts where u.IsInpatient == 0 select u).ToList();
            info.InpatientList = (from u in userDepts where u.IsInpatient == 1 select u).ToList();
            info.MedicalList = new DoctorGroupService().GetDoctorGroupByUserId(info.UserID);

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据筛选条件查询病人诊断数据列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iFilter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <CD_PatientDiagnosis> GetAll(PatientDiagnosisFilter iFilter)
            string filter = "1=1";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iFilter.keyword))
                filter += string.Format(" and DiagnosisName like '%{0}%'", iFilter.keyword);
            filter += iFilter.GetQueryString();
            List <CD_PatientDiagnosis> list = EntityOperate <CD_PatientDiagnosis> .GetEntityList(filter, "SortOrder,OrganID");

            if (list == null || list.Count <= 0)
                return(new List <CD_PatientDiagnosis>());
            list.ForEach((f) =>
                var Inpatient   = new InpatientService().GetInfoByInpatientId(f.InpatientId);
                f.InpatientName = Inpatient != null ? Inpatient.Name : "";//病人名字
                if (f.DiagnosisFlag != null)
                    f.DiagnosisFlagName = codedictService.GetCodeDictByDictCodeAndEName(f.DiagnosisFlag.ToString(), "DiagnosisFlag").DictName;
                }                                                                                              //确诊标志中文
                GI_UserInfo RecordUser = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(f.RecordUserId, "USERID"); //记录医生实体类
                f.RecordUserESign      = RecordUser?.ESign;                                                    //电子签名
Example #4
        public string SaveConsultationInfo()
            return(base.ExecuteActionJsonResult("会诊单信息保存", () =>
                CD_Consultation entity = base.GetPageData <CD_Consultation>(0);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.InpatientId))
                    CD_Inpatient inpatient = EntityOperate <CD_Inpatient> .GetEntityById(Request["InpatientId"], "InpatientId");
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ConsultationId) || entity.ConsultationId == "null")
                        entity.ConsultationState = "1";
                        entity.DeptId = inpatient.CurrentDeptID;
                        entity.WardId = inpatient.CurrentWardID;
                        entity.RequesterCode = UserTokenManager.GetUserToken(Request["token"]).UserId;
                        GI_UserInfo user = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(entity.RequesterCode, "USERID");
                        entity.RequestDepartCode = user.DpetID;
                        entity.OrganID = UserTokenManager.GetUserToken(Request["token"]).ORGANID;

                    entity.Del = 0;
                    msgHub hub = new msgHub();
                    // hub.SendGroup(entity.ApplyDepartCode, "Con", "",  "");
                return new WebApi_Result();
Example #5
        public string GetUserById(string userid)
            var aa = Request.QueryString.Keys;

            return(base.ExecuteActionJsonResult("获取用户信息", () =>
                GI_UserInfo list = userService.GetInfoById(Request["userid"]);
                return new WebApi_Result()
                    data = list
Example #6
        public List <CD_Consultation> GetConsultationByUser(string userID, string consultationType = null)
            string filter = "1=1";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID))
                GI_UserInfo user = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(userID, "USERID");

                if (user != null)
                    if (consultationType == "1")
                        filter += string.Format(" and ( ApplyDoctorCode = '{0}'", userID);
                        filter += string.Format(" or ( ApplyDepartCode = '{0}' and ApplyDoctorCode is null ))", user.DpetID);
                        //   filter += string.Format(" and ApplyWardCode = '{0}'", user.InpatientID);
                        filter += string.Format(" and ( RequesterCode = '{0}'", userID);
                        filter += string.Format(" or RequestDepartCode = '{0}')", user.DpetID);
            filter += " order by a.consultationtype desc,a.applytime";
            List <CD_Consultation> list = EntityOperate <CD_Consultation> .GetEntityListBySQL(@"select a.consultationid,a.organid,a.inpatientid,a.deptid,
                a.replydoctorname,a.del,a.creator,a.createtime,a.updater,a.updatetime, b.name as inpatientname,b.HEALTHCARD as InpatientCode,
                dept.DeptName as requestdepartName,ward.DeptName as InpatientWardName
                from CD_Consultation a ,cd_inpatient b,ai_deptinfo dept,ai_deptinfo ward where a.inpatientid=b.inpatientid and dept.isinpatient=0 and ward.isinpatient=1 and a.requestdepartcode=dept.DeptID and a.wardID=ward.DeptID and " + filter);

            if (list == null || list.Count <= 0)
                return(new List <CD_Consultation>());
            list.ForEach((f) =>
                f.ConsultationStateName = f.ConsultationState == "2" ? "已回复" : "新开";
                f.ConsultationTypeName  = f.ConsultationType == "2" ? "<label style='color:red'>紧急</label>" : "普通";
                f.HospitalName          = f.HospitalType == "2" ? f.HospitalName : "本院";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.RequesterCode))
                    GI_UserInfo Requester = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(f.RequesterCode, "UserID");
                    f.RequesterName       = Requester.UserName;

Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// 保存用户信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">用户实体</param>
 public void SaveUserInfo(GI_UserInfo entity)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.UserID) && entity.UserID != "null")
         entity.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now;
         entity.PassWord   = null;
         //user.PASSWORD = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(user.PASSWORD, "md5");
         entity.UserID    = this.GetPrimaryId(entity.OrganID) + "";
         entity.LoginTime = entity.ModifyTime = DateTime.Now;
Example #8
 public string SaveUserInfo()
     return(base.ExecuteActionJsonResult("保存用户信息", () =>
         GI_UserInfo _user = base.GetPageData <GI_UserInfo>(0);
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_user.PassWord))
             _user.PassWord = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(_user.PassWord, "md5");
         if (Request["myaction"] != "UserEdit")
             _user.UserCode = null;
         return new WebApi_Result();
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据住院病人id获得病案首页
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CD_MedicalRecordHomePage GetInfoByInpatientId(string InpatientId)
            CD_MedicalRecordHomePage info = EntityOperate <CD_MedicalRecordHomePage> .GetEntityById(InpatientId, "InpatientId");

            if (info != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.Creator))
                    GI_UserInfo Creator = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(info.Creator, "UserID");

                    info.CreatorName = Creator?.UserName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.Updater))
                    GI_UserInfo Updater = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(info.Updater, "UserID");

                    info.UpdaterName = Updater?.UserName;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取会诊单信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetConsultationInfoById()
     return(base.ExecuteActionJsonResult("获取会诊单信息", () =>
         CD_Consultation entity = EntityOperate <CD_Consultation> .GetEntityById(Request["ConsultationId"], "ConsultationId");
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.RequesterCode))
             GI_UserInfo Requester = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(entity.RequesterCode, "UserID");
             entity.RequesterName = Requester.UserName;
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.RequestDepartCode))
             AI_DeptInfo Dept = EntityOperate <AI_DeptInfo> .GetEntityById(entity.RequestDepartCode, "DeptID");
             entity.RequestDepartName = Dept.DeptName;
         return new WebApi_Result()
             data = entity
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取病程记录列表
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetAll()
     return(base.ExecuteActionJsonResult("获取病程记录列表", () =>
         ProgressNoteFilter filter = GetPageData <ProgressNoteFilter>(0);
         List <CD_ProgressNote> list = progressNoteService.GetAll(filter);
         list.ForEach(e =>
             e.ProgressTypeName = CommonService.GetDictNameByID("824", e.ProgressTypeId + "");
             GI_UserInfo Creator = EntityOperate <GI_UserInfo> .GetEntityById(e.Creator, "USERID");
             e.CreatorName = Creator?.UserName; //创建人姓名
             e.CreatorESign = Creator?.ESign;   //创建人电子签名
         int curpage = 0, limit = 3;
         int.TryParse(Request["page"], out curpage);
         int.TryParse(Request["limit"], out limit);
         var myskip = curpage > 0 ? limit * (curpage - 1) : 0;
         return new WebApi_Result()
             data = list.Skip(myskip).Take(limit), count = list.Count
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加和保存
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        public void SaveInfo(GI_UserInfo entity)
            string[] dpetlist      = new string[] { }; //科室
            string[] inpatientlist = new string[] { }; //病区
            string[] medicallist   = new string[] { }; //医疗组
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.DpetID))
                dpetlist      = entity.DpetID.Split(',');
                entity.DpetID = dpetlist[0];//默认科室
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.InpatientID))
                inpatientlist      = entity.InpatientID.Split(',');
                entity.InpatientID = inpatientlist[0];//默认病区
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.MedicalID))
                medicallist      = entity.MedicalID.Split(',');
                entity.MedicalID = medicallist[0];//默认医疗组
            entity.IsCance = 0;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.UserID) && entity.UserID != "null")
                entity.UserID = CommonService.GetPrimaryId(new GI_SerialInfo()
                    Name = "GI_UserInfo", ColumnName = "UserID", OrganID = entity.OrganID
                }) + "";

            #region 科室,病区关联
            EntityOperate <AI_UserDept> .DeleteByFilter(" UserID='" + entity.UserID + "' ");

            for (int i = 0; i < dpetlist.Length; i++)
                AI_UserDept userdept = new AI_UserDept()
                    UserID = entity.UserID, DeptID = dpetlist[i], TypeCode = 1, DisplaySort = i
            for (int i = 0; i < inpatientlist.Length; i++)
                AI_UserDept userdept = new AI_UserDept()
                    UserID = entity.UserID, DeptID = inpatientlist[i], TypeCode = 2, DisplaySort = i
            #region 医疗组
            DoctorGroupService    doctorgroupService  = new DoctorGroupService();
            List <AI_DoctorGroup> userDoctorGroupList = doctorgroupService.GetDoctorGroupByUserId(entity.UserID);
            string[] userDoctorGroup = (from u in userDoctorGroupList select u.DoctorGroupId).ToArray();
            foreach (var item in userDoctorGroup)
                if (!((IList <string>)medicallist).Contains(item))
                    EntityOperate <AI_GroupMember> .DeleteByFilter(" DoctorGroupId='" + item + "' and Member='" + entity.UserID + "' ");
            foreach (var item in medicallist)
                if (!((IList <string>)userDoctorGroup).Contains(item))
                    AI_GroupMember groupMember = new AI_GroupMember()
                        DoctorGroupId = item, Member = entity.UserID, MemberNum = entity.UserCode, MemberName = entity.UserName, Creator = entity.ModifyUserID, CreateTime = entity.ModifyTime, Updater = entity.ModifyUserID, UpdateTime = entity.ModifyTime
                    groupMember.MemberId = CommonService.GetPrimaryId(new GI_SerialInfo()
                        Name = "AI_GroupMember", ColumnName = "MemberId", OrganID = entity.OrganID
                    }) + "";