/// <summary> /// Initializers EF database connection from given parameters /// </summary> public static void InitDatabaseConnection(GHostDatabaseInfo databaseInfo) { // Initialize the connection string builder for the // underlying provider. var sqlBuilder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder { Server = databaseInfo.DatabaseServer, Port = databaseInfo.DatabasePort, UserID = databaseInfo.DatabaseUserName, Password = databaseInfo.DatabasePassword, PersistSecurityInfo = true, Database = databaseInfo.DatabaseName }; // Set the properties for the data source. // Build the SqlConnection connection string. string providerString = sqlBuilder.ToString(); // Initialize the EntityConnectionStringBuilder. _entityBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder { ProviderConnectionString = providerString, Provider = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient", Metadata = @"res://*/ghostAsia.csdl|res://*/ghostAsia.ssdl|res://*/ghostAsia.msl", }; }
public static void LoadConfig(string configFilePath) { _configFilePath = configFilePath; if (File.Exists(configFilePath)) { _fileContent = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(configFilePath)); } uint parsedInt; if (uint.TryParse(GetConfigString("webserverport"), out parsedInt)) { WebServerPort = parsedInt; } DatabaseServer = GetConfigString("databaseserver"); if (uint.TryParse(GetConfigString("databaseport"), out parsedInt)) { DatabasePort = parsedInt; } DatabaseUserName = GetConfigString("databaseusername"); DatabasePassword = GetConfigString("databasepassword"); DatabaseName = GetConfigString("databasename"); MapName = GetConfigString("mapname"); ReplayFileLocation = GetConfigString("replayfilelocation"); // Read database information first int databaseIdx = 1; while (true) { string databaseLocation = GetConfigString("ghost_databaselocation" + databaseIdx); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseLocation)) { break; } GHostDatabaseInfo ghostDbInfo = new GHostDatabaseInfo { DatabaseLocation = databaseLocation, DatabaseServer = GetConfigString("ghost_databaseserver" + databaseIdx), DatabaseUserName = GetConfigString("ghost_databaseusername" + databaseIdx), DatabasePassword = GetConfigString("ghost_databasepassword" + databaseIdx), DatabaseName = GetConfigString("ghost_databasename" + databaseIdx) }; if (uint.TryParse(GetConfigString("ghost_databaseport" + databaseIdx), out parsedInt)) { ghostDbInfo.DatabasePort = parsedInt; } GhostDatabaseList.Add(ghostDbInfo); databaseIdx++; } // Read server information second int serverIdx = 1; while (true) { string serverName = GetConfigString("ghost_servername" + serverIdx); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName)) { break; } GhostServerInfo ghostServerInfo = new GhostServerInfo { ServerName = serverName, IP = GetConfigString("ghost_serverIP" + serverIdx) }; GHostServerList.Add(ghostServerInfo); serverIdx++; } }