Example #1
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            try {
                //Retrieve parameters

                GH_Structure <GH_Curve> c0 = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>();
                GH_Structure <GH_Curve> c1 = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>();
                Mesh   mesh0         = new Mesh();
                Mesh   mesh1         = new Mesh();
                int    sideDivisions = 2;
                double planeWidth    = 0.01;
                int    divisions     = 2;
                bool   cornerType    = true;
                double parallel      = 0.0;
                bool   screws        = true;

                DA.GetDataTree <GH_Curve>(0, out c0);
                DA.GetDataTree <GH_Curve>(1, out c1);
                DA.GetData(2, ref mesh0);
                DA.GetData(3, ref mesh1);
                DA.GetData(4, ref sideDivisions);
                DA.GetData(5, ref planeWidth);
                DA.GetData(6, ref divisions);
                DA.GetData(7, ref cornerType);
                DA.GetData(8, ref parallel);
                DA.GetData(9, ref screws);

                //Use curves as input
                if (c0.DataCount > 0 && (c0.DataCount == c1.DataCount))
                    List <Polyline> outlines0 = new List <Polyline>();
                    List <Polyline> outlines1 = new List <Polyline>();

                    var c0Enumerator = c0.GetEnumerator();
                    var c1Enumerator = c1.GetEnumerator();

                    while (c0Enumerator.MoveNext() && c1Enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Object curve0 = c0Enumerator.Current;
                        Object curve1 = c1Enumerator.Current;

                    int n = c0.DataCount;

                    foreach (GH_Curve ghc in c0.AllData(true))
                        ghc.Value.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline p);

                    foreach (GH_Curve ghc in c1.AllData(true))
                        ghc.Value.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline p);

                    //2.0 Setup theBox class

                    TheBox[] boxes = new TheBox[n];

                    Plane[][]      sidePlanes    = new Plane[n][];
                    Plane[][]      topPlanes     = new Plane[n][];
                    Polyline[][][] midOutlines0  = new Polyline[n][][];
                    Polyline[][][] sideOutlines0 = new Polyline[n][][];

                    Polyline[][][] sideOutlines1 = new Polyline[n][][];
                    Plane[][][]    edgePlanes    = new Plane[n][][];

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        boxes[i] = new TheBox(outlines0[i], outlines1[i], planeWidth, new List <double> {
                            0.25, 0.75
                        }, cornerType, parallel, divisions, i);

                        sidePlanes[i] = boxes[i].sidePlanes;
                        topPlanes[i]  = boxes[i].topPlanes;

                        sideOutlines0[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlines0;
                        sideOutlines1[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlines1;
                        midOutlines0[i]  = boxes[i].midOutlines0;

                        if (sideDivisions > 1)
                            boxes[i].ConstructJointsEdgeJoints(sideDivisions, -20);
                            edgePlanes[i] = boxes[i].sidePlanesR90SideJoints;

                    DA.SetDataTree(1, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(sidePlanes));
                    DA.SetDataTree(2, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(topPlanes));
                    DA.SetDataTree(3, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(sideOutlines0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(4, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(sideOutlines1));
                    DA.SetDataTree(5, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(midOutlines0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(6, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(edgePlanes));

                    //Use meshes as input with its adjacency
                else if (mesh0.Ngons.Count == mesh1.Ngons.Count)
                    int n = mesh0.Ngons.Count;

                    Mesh[] meshBoxes = mesh0.ProjectPairsMesh(mesh1, 1);
                    DA.SetDataList(0, meshBoxes);

                    //1.0 Get top and side polylines from boxes
                    Polyline[][] meshBoxesOutlinesTop  = new Polyline[n][];
                    Polyline[][] meshBoxesOutlinesSide = new Polyline[n][];

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        Polyline[] outlines = meshBoxes[i].GetPolylines();
                        meshBoxesOutlinesSide[i] = new Polyline[outlines.Length - 2];
                        Array.Copy(outlines, meshBoxesOutlinesSide[i], outlines.Length - 2);
                        meshBoxesOutlinesTop[i] = new Polyline[2] {
                            outlines[outlines.Length - 1], outlines[outlines.Length - 2]

                    //2.0 Setup theBox class

                    TheBox[] boxes = new TheBox[n];

                    Plane[][] sidePlanes = new Plane[n][];
                    Plane[][] topPlanes  = new Plane[n][];

                    Polyline[][][] midOutlines0  = new Polyline[n][][];
                    Polyline[][][] sideOutlines0 = new Polyline[n][][];

                    Polyline[][][]      misOutlinesJoints   = new Polyline[n][][];       //Repesent mid panels with finger joints
                    List <Polyline>[][] sideOutlinesJoints0 = new List <Polyline> [n][]; //n - number of sides
                    List <Polyline>[][] sideOutlinesJoints1 = new List <Polyline> [n][]; //n - number of sides

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        boxes[i] = new TheBox(meshBoxesOutlinesTop[i][0], meshBoxesOutlinesTop[i][1], planeWidth, new List <double> {
                        }, cornerType, parallel, divisions + 1, i);


                        sidePlanes[i] = boxes[i].sidePlanes;
                        topPlanes[i]  = boxes[i].topPlanes;

                        sideOutlines0[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlines0;
                        midOutlines0[i]  = boxes[i].midOutlines0;

                        misOutlinesJoints[i]   = boxes[i].misOutlinesJoints;
                        sideOutlinesJoints0[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlinesJoints0;
                        sideOutlinesJoints1[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlinesJoints1;

                    //3.0 Setup neighbours
                    if (screws)
                        int[][]       e         = mesh0.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries();
                        HashSet <int> allE      = mesh0.GetAllNGonEdges(e);
                        int[]         allEArray = allE.ToArray();
                        int[][]       eNgons    = mesh0.GetNgonsConnectedToNGonsEdges(allE);
                        int[][]       ne        = mesh0.GetNGonFacesEdges(e);

                        List <Line>[][] screws_ = new List <Line> [n][];//n - number of sides

                        //Loop through ngons
                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                            screws_[i] = new List <Line> [ne[i].Length];

                            //Loop through negon edges
                            for (int j = 0; j < ne[i].Length; j++)
                                screws_[i][j] = new List <Line>();

                                //if not naked
                                if (mesh0.TopologyEdges.GetConnectedFaces(ne[i][j]).Length > 1)
                                    //Get currnet ngon line

                                    // int prev = NGonsCore.MathUtil.Wrap(j-1,ne[i].Length);

                                    Line ln0  = boxes[i].jointLines[j][0];
                                    Line ln0_ = boxes[i].jointLines[j][1];

                                    ////Get neighbour ngon line
                                    //First get edge ngons
                                    int   eID          = Array.IndexOf(allEArray, ne[i][j]);
                                    int[] currentNGons = eNgons[eID];
                                    int   neiN         = (currentNGons[0] == i) ? currentNGons[1] : currentNGons[0];//neighbour ngon

                                    //Local edge id of neighbour polygon
                                    int neiEID = Array.IndexOf(ne[neiN], ne[i][j]);
                                    //int prevNei = NGonsCore.MathUtil.Wrap(j+1,ne[neiN].Length);
                                    Line ln1  = boxes[neiN].jointLines[neiEID][0];
                                    Line ln1_ = boxes[neiN].jointLines[neiEID][1];

                                    // Polyline polyline = new Polyline(){boxes[i].c0,ln0.PointAt(0.5),boxes[neiN].c0 };
                                    //Polyline polyline = new Polyline(){ln0.PointAt(0.5),0.5*(ln0.PointAt(0.5)+ln1.PointAt(0.5)) };

                                    Point3d[] intp0  = NGonsCore.PointUtil.InterpolatePoints(ln0.PointAt(0.2), ln0.PointAt(0.8), 0);
                                    Point3d[] intp1  = NGonsCore.PointUtil.InterpolatePoints(ln1.PointAt(0.8), ln1.PointAt(0.2), 0);
                                    Point3d[] intp0_ = NGonsCore.PointUtil.InterpolatePoints(ln0_.PointAt(0.2), ln0_.PointAt(0.8), 0);
                                    Point3d[] intp1_ = NGonsCore.PointUtil.InterpolatePoints(ln1_.PointAt(0.8), ln1_.PointAt(0.2), 0);

                                    for (int k = 0; k < intp0.Length; k++)
                                        Vector3d vec = intp0[k] - intp1[k];
                                        vec *= 0.01;
                                        Line joint = new Line(intp0[k] + vec, 0.5 * (intp0[k] + intp1[k]));

                                    for (int k = 0; k < intp0.Length; k++)
                                        Vector3d vec = intp0_[k] - intp1_[k];
                                        vec *= 0.01;
                                        Line joint = new Line(intp0_[k] + vec, 0.5 * (intp0_[k] + intp1_[k]));
                        DA.SetDataTree(6, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(screws_, 0));
                    }//if screws

                    DA.SetDataTree(1, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(sidePlanes, 0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(2, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(topPlanes, 0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(3, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(misOutlinesJoints, 0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(4, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(sideOutlinesJoints0, 0));
                    DA.SetDataTree(5, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(sideOutlinesJoints1, 0));
            }catch (Exception e) {
Example #2
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //Retrieve parameters

            GH_Structure <GH_Curve> c0 = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>();
            GH_Structure <GH_Curve> c1 = new GH_Structure <GH_Curve>();
            Mesh   mesh0      = new Mesh();
            Mesh   mesh1      = new Mesh();
            double planeWidth = 0.01;
            int    divisions  = 2;
            bool   cornerType = true;
            double parallel   = 0.0;
            bool   screws     = true;

            DA.GetDataTree <GH_Curve>(0, out c0);
            DA.GetDataTree <GH_Curve>(1, out c1);
            DA.GetData(2, ref mesh0);
            DA.GetData(3, ref mesh1);
            DA.GetData(4, ref planeWidth);
            DA.GetData(5, ref divisions);
            DA.GetData(6, ref cornerType);
            DA.GetData(7, ref parallel);
            DA.GetData(8, ref screws);

            //Use curves as input
            if (c0.DataCount > 0 && (c0.DataCount == c1.DataCount))
                List <Polyline> outlines0 = new List <Polyline>();
                List <Polyline> outlines1 = new List <Polyline>();

                var c0Enumerator = c0.GetEnumerator();
                var c1Enumerator = c1.GetEnumerator();

                while (c0Enumerator.MoveNext() && c1Enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Object curve0 = c0Enumerator.Current;
                    Object curve1 = c1Enumerator.Current;

                int n = c0.DataCount;

                foreach (GH_Curve ghc in c0.AllData(true))
                    ghc.Value.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline p);

                foreach (GH_Curve ghc in c1.AllData(true))
                    ghc.Value.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline p);

                //2.0 Setup theBox class

                TheBox[] boxes = new TheBox[n];

                Plane[][]      sidePlanes    = new Plane[n][];
                Plane[][]      topPlanes     = new Plane[n][];
                Polyline[][][] midOutlines0  = new Polyline[n][][];
                Polyline[][][] sideOutlines0 = new Polyline[n][][];

                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    boxes[i] = new TheBox(outlines0[i], outlines1[i], planeWidth, new List <double> {
                    }, cornerType, parallel, divisions, i);

                    sidePlanes[i] = boxes[i].sidePlanes;
                    topPlanes[i]  = boxes[i].topPlanes;

                    sideOutlines0[i] = boxes[i].sideOutlines0;
                    midOutlines0[i]  = boxes[i].midOutlines0;

                DA.SetDataTree(1, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(sidePlanes));
                DA.SetDataTree(2, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(topPlanes));
                DA.SetDataTree(3, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(sideOutlines0));
                DA.SetDataTree(4, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE3(midOutlines0));

                //Use meshes as input with its adjacency

                Mesh[] meshBoxes = mesh0.ProjectPairsMesh(mesh1, 1);
                DA.SetDataList(0, meshBoxes);

                int n = meshBoxes.Length;