private static void GenerateKfb(StringBuilder sb, PwDatabase pd, string strDbFile, string strKeyFile, GFunc <string, string> h, GFunc <string, string> ne, GFunc <string, string> ltrPath, string strFillInit, string strFillInitEx, string strFillEnd, string strFill) { string strContent; using (Stream s = IOConnection.OpenRead(IOConnectionInfo.FromPath( strKeyFile))) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, StrUtil.Utf8, true)) { strContent = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } // Internet Explorer 11 does not support the 'tab-size' CSS property strContent = strContent.Replace("\t", " "); string strNlCode = (new PwUuid(true)).ToHexString(); strContent = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines(strContent, false); strContent = strContent.Replace("\n", strNlCode); // Prevent <br /> strContent = StrUtil.StringToHtml(strContent, false); strContent = strContent.Replace(strNlCode, MessageService.NewLine); sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(strKeyFile))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.DatabaseFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(strDbFile))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyFileContent) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInit); sb.Append("<pre>"); sb.Append(strContent); sb.AppendLine("</pre>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<h3>" + h(KPRes.InstrAndGenInfo) + "</h3>"); sb.AppendLine("<ul class=\"withspc\">"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.KeyFileFromBackup) + ":"); sb.AppendLine("<ul class=\"withspc\">"); sb.AppendLine("<li><p>" + Beautify(h(KPRes.KeyFileFromBackupF2)) + "</p></li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li><p>" + h(KPRes.KeyFileFromBackupT) + "</p></li>"); sb.AppendLine("</ul></li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.LatestVersionWeb) + ": <a href=\"" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "</a>.</li>"); sb.AppendLine("</ul>"); }
private static string GenerateDoc(PwDatabase pd, bool bEmSheet, bool bKeyFile) { string strDbFile = pd.IOConnectionInfo.Path; KcpKeyFile kf = (pd.MasterKey.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpKeyFile)) as KcpKeyFile); string strKeyFile = ((kf != null) ? kf.Path : string.Empty); if (bKeyFile) { if (strKeyFile.Length == 0) { Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty); } if (!KfxFile.CanLoad(strKeyFile)) { throw new FormatException(strKeyFile + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.KeyFileNoXml + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.KeyFilePrintReqXml + MessageService.NewParagraph + KPRes.KeyFileGenHint); } } string strName = UrlUtil.StripExtension(UrlUtil.GetFileName(bEmSheet ? strDbFile : strKeyFile)); if (strName.Length == 0) { strName = (bEmSheet ? KPRes.Database : KPRes.KeyFile); } string strDocKind = (bEmSheet ? KPRes.EmergencySheet : KPRes.KeyFileBackup); bool bRtl = Program.Translation.Properties.RightToLeft; string strLogLeft = (bRtl ? "right" : "left"); string strLogRight = (bRtl ? "left" : "right"); GFunc <string, string> h = new GFunc <string, string>(StrUtil.StringToHtml); GFunc <string, string> ne = delegate(string str) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(" "); } return(str); }; GFunc <string, string> ltrPath = delegate(string str) { return(bRtl ? StrUtil.EnsureLtrPath(str) : str); }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html>"); sb.Append("<html xmlns=\"\""); string strLang = Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLang)) { strLang = "en"; } strLang = h(strLang); sb.Append(" xml:lang=\"" + strLang + "\" lang=\"" + strLang + "\""); if (bRtl) { sb.Append(" dir=\"rtl\""); } sb.AppendLine(">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.Append("<title>"); sb.Append(h(strName + " - " + strDocKind)); sb.AppendLine("</title>"); sb.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">"); sb.AppendLine("/* <![CDATA[ */"); string strFont = "\"Arial\", \"Tahoma\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"; // if (Program.Translation.IsFor("fa")) { strFont = "\"Tahoma\", \"Arial\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"; } sb.AppendLine("body {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #FFFFFF;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: " + strFont); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 12pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h3, p {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0.5em 0em 0.5em 0em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("ol, ul {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin-bottom: 0em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1, h2, h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Verdana\", \"Arial\", \"Tahoma\", sans-serif;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1, h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: center;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 3pt 0pt 0pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 1pt 0pt 3pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("h3 {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 3pt 3pt 3pt 3pt;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #EEEEEE;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:hover, a:active {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: underline;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("img {"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".withspc > li + li {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin-top: 0.5em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.docheader {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #EEEEEE;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: thin solid #808080;"); // border-collapse is incompatible with border-radius // sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-webkit-border-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-moz-border-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.docheader tr td {"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 15px 0px 15px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: middle;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: thin solid #808080;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttable-layout: fixed;"); sb.AppendLine("\tempty-cells: show;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline tr td {"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 4pt 4pt 4pt 4pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: middle;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-break: break-all;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline tr td img {"); sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: block;"); // Inline results in additional space at the bottom sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px " + (bRtl ? "auto 0px 0px;" : "0px 0px auto;")); sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("span.fillinlinesym {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: inline-block;"); // sb.AppendLine("\ttransform: scale(1.75, 1.75) translate(-0.5pt, -0.5pt);"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline tr td pre {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\twhite-space: pre-wrap;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-break: break-all;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("@media print {"); // sb.AppendLine(".scronly {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: none;"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("@media print {"); sb.AppendLine(".ems_break_before {"); sb.AppendLine("\tpage-break-before: always;"); // CSS 2 sb.AppendLine("\tbreak-before: page;"); // CSS 3 sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // Add the temporary content identifier // (always, as the sheet should be printed, not saved) sb.AppendLine("." + Program.TempFilesPool.TempContentTag + " {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 12pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("/* ]]> */"); sb.AppendLine("</style>"); sb.AppendLine("</head><body>"); ImageArchive ia = new ImageArchive(); ia.Load(Properties.Resources.Images_App_HighRes); sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"docheader\"><tr>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: " + strLogLeft + ";\">"); Debug.Assert(Properties.Resources.B16x16_KeePass != null); // Name ref. sb.AppendLine("<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri(ia.GetForObject( "KeePass")) + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"" + h(PwDefs.ShortProductName) + "\" /></td>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: center;\">"); sb.AppendLine("<h1>" + h(PwDefs.ShortProductName) + "</h1>"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + h(strDocKind) + "</h2>"); sb.AppendLine("</td>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">"); Debug.Assert(Properties.Resources.B16x16_KOrganizer != null); // Name ref. sb.AppendLine("<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri(ia.GetForObject( "KOrganizer")) + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"" + h(strDocKind) + "\" /></td>"); sb.AppendLine("</tr></table>"); sb.AppendLine("<p style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">" + h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayStringDateOnly(DateTime.Now)) + "</p>"); const string strFillInit = "<table class=\"fillinline\"><tr><td>"; const string strFillInitLtr = "<table class=\"fillinline\"><tr><td dir=\"ltr\">"; const string strFillEnd = "</td></tr></table>"; string strFillSym = "<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri( Properties.Resources.B48x35_WritingHand) + "\" style=\"width: 1.3714em; height: 1em;" + (bRtl ? " transform: scaleX(-1);" : string.Empty) + "\" alt=\"✍\" />"; string strFill = strFillInit + ne(string.Empty) + // "</td><td style=\"text-align: right;\"><span class=\"fillinlinesym\">✍</span>" + // "</td><td style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">" + "</td><td>" + strFillSym + strFillEnd; string strFillInitEx = (bRtl ? strFillInitLtr : strFillInit); if (bEmSheet) { GenerateEms(sb, pd, strDbFile, h, ne, ltrPath, strFillInit, strFillInitEx, strFillEnd, strFill); } if (bEmSheet && bKeyFile) { sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"docheader ems_break_before\"><tr>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: center;\">"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + h(KPRes.KeyFileBackup) + "</h2>"); sb.AppendLine("</td></tr></table><br />"); } if (bKeyFile) { GenerateKfb(sb, pd, strDbFile, strKeyFile, h, ne, ltrPath, strFillInit, strFillInitEx, strFillEnd, strFill); } sb.AppendLine("</body></html>"); string strDoc = sb.ToString(); #if DEBUG XmlUtilEx.ValidateXml(strDoc, true); #endif return(strDoc); }
private static void GenerateEms(StringBuilder sb, PwDatabase pd, string strDbFile, GFunc <string, string> h, GFunc <string, string> ne, GFunc <string, string> ltrPath, string strFillInit, string strFillInitEx, string strFillEnd, string strFill) { sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.DatabaseFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(strDbFile))) + strFillEnd); // if(pd.Name.Length > 0) // sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Name) + ":</strong> " + // h(pd.Name) + "</p>"); // if(pd.Description.Length > 0) // sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Description) + ":</strong> " + // h(pd.Description)); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.BackupDatabase) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill); CompositeKey ck = pd.MasterKey; if (ck.UserKeyCount > 0) { sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<h3>" + h(KPRes.MasterKey) + "</h3>"); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.MasterKeyComponents) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine("<ul>"); foreach (IUserKey k in ck.UserKeys) { KcpPassword p = (k as KcpPassword); KcpKeyFile kf = (k as KcpKeyFile); KcpUserAccount a = (k as KcpUserAccount); KcpCustomKey c = (k as KcpCustomKey); if (p != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.MasterPassword) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill + "</li>"); } else if (kf != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(kf.Path))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.BackupFile) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill); sb.AppendLine("</li>"); } else if (a != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.WindowsUserAccount) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.Append(strFillInitEx); try { sb.Append(ne(h(ltrPath(Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + Environment.UserName)))); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); sb.Append(ne(string.Empty)); } sb.AppendLine(strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.WindowsUserAccountBackup) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill + "</li>"); } else if (c != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyProvider) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(c.Name))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("</li>"); } else { Debug.Assert(false); sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Unknown) + ".</strong></p></li>"); } } sb.AppendLine("</ul>"); } sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<h3>" + h(KPRes.InstrAndGenInfo) + "</h3>"); sb.AppendLine("<ul class=\"withspc\">"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.EmergencySheetInfo) + "</li>"); // sb.AppendLine("<form class=\"scronly\" action=\"#\" onsubmit=\"javascript:window.print();\">"); // sb.AppendLine("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"🖶 " + // h(KPRes.Print) + "\" />"); // sb.AppendLine("</form></li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.DataLoss) + "</li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.LatestVersionWeb) + ": <a href=\"" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "</a>.</li>"); sb.AppendLine("</ul>"); }
/* private static bool SetDataUwp(byte[] pbToCopy, string strFormat) * { * if(pbToCopy == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } * if(pbToCopy.Length == 0) return false; // Use Windows API * if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFormat)) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } * * try * { * GFunc<Type, object, bool> f = delegate(Type tDP, object oDP) * { * MethodInfo mi = tDP.GetMethod("SetData", BindingFlags.Public | * BindingFlags.Instance); * if(mi == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; } * mi.Invoke(oDP, new object[] { strFormat, pbToCopy }); * * return true; * }; * * return SetDataUwp(f); * } * catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } * * return false; * } */ private static bool SetDataUwp(GFunc <Type, object, bool> fSetData) { if (fSetData == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } if (!WinUtil.IsAtLeastWindows10) { return(false); } if (!Program.Config.Security.ClipboardNoPersist) { return(false); } const string strDT = "Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer"; const string strC = strDT + ".Clipboard"; const string strCCO = strDT + ".ClipboardContentOptions"; const string strDP = strDT + ".DataPackage"; const BindingFlags bfStatic = (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); const BindingFlags bfInst = (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); Type tC = NativeLib.GetUwpType(strC); if (tC == null) { Debug.Assert(Environment.Version.Major < 4); return(false); } MethodInfo miH = tC.GetMethod("IsHistoryEnabled", bfStatic); if (miH == null) { return(false); // >= Windows 10 1809 only } bool bHistory = (bool)miH.Invoke(null, null); MethodInfo miR = tC.GetMethod("IsRoamingEnabled", bfStatic); if (miR == null) { return(false); // >= Windows 10 1809 only } bool bRoaming = (bool)miR.Invoke(null, null); if (!bHistory && !bRoaming) { return(false); } Type tCCO = NativeLib.GetUwpType(strCCO); if (tCCO == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } object oCCO = Activator.CreateInstance(tCCO); if (oCCO == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } PropertyInfo piH = tCCO.GetProperty("IsAllowedInHistory", bfInst); if (piH == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } piH.SetValue(oCCO, false, null); PropertyInfo piR = tCCO.GetProperty("IsRoamable", bfInst); if (piR == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } piR.SetValue(oCCO, false, null); Type tDP = NativeLib.GetUwpType(strDP); if (tDP == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } object oDP = Activator.CreateInstance(tDP); if (oDP == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } AttachIgnoreFormatUwp(tDP, oDP); if (!fSetData(tDP, oDP)) { return(false); } MethodInfo miSet = tC.GetMethod("SetContentWithOptions", bfStatic); if (miSet == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(false); } if (!InvokeAndRetry(delegate() { return((bool)miSet.Invoke(null, new object[] { oDP, oCCO })); })) { return(false); } MethodInfo miFlush = tC.GetMethod("Flush", bfStatic); if (miFlush != null) { // The Flush method gives up too fast InvokeAndRetry(delegate() { miFlush.Invoke(null, null); // May throw exception return(true); }); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } return(true); }
private void DpiScale() { AceMeta aceMeta = this.Meta; // m_meta might be null double dCfgX = aceMeta.DpiFactorX, dCfgY = aceMeta.DpiFactorY; double dScrX = DpiUtil.FactorX, dScrY = DpiUtil.FactorY; if ((dScrX == dCfgX) && (dScrY == dCfgY)) { return; } // When this method returns, all positions and sizes are in pixels // for the current screen DPI aceMeta.DpiFactorX = dScrX; aceMeta.DpiFactorY = dScrY; // Backward compatibility; configuration files created by KeePass // 2.37 and earlier do not contain DpiFactor* values, they default // to 0.0 and all positions and sizes are in pixels for the current // screen DPI; so, do not perform any DPI scaling in this case if ((dCfgX == 0.0) || (dCfgY == 0.0)) { return; } double sX = dScrX / dCfgX, sY = dScrY / dCfgY; GFunc <int, int> fX = delegate(int x) { return((int)Math.Round((double)x * sX)); }; GFunc <int, int> fY = delegate(int y) { return((int)Math.Round((double)y * sY)); }; GFunc <string, string> fWsr = delegate(string strRect) { return(UIUtil.ScaleWindowScreenRect(strRect, sX, sY)); }; GFunc <string, string> fVX = delegate(string strArray) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArray)) { return(strArray); } try { int[] v = StrUtil.DeserializeIntArray(strArray); if (v == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(strArray); } for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; ++i) { v[i] = (int)Math.Round((double)v[i] * sX); } return(StrUtil.SerializeIntArray(v)); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } return(strArray); }; Action <AceFont> fFont = delegate(AceFont f) { if (f == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if (f.GraphicsUnit == GraphicsUnit.Pixel) { f.Size = (float)(f.Size * sY); } }; AceMainWindow mw = this.MainWindow; AceUI ui = this.UI; if (mw.X != AppDefs.InvalidWindowValue) { mw.X = fX(mw.X); } if (mw.Y != AppDefs.InvalidWindowValue) { mw.Y = fY(mw.Y); } if (mw.Width != AppDefs.InvalidWindowValue) { mw.Width = fX(mw.Width); } if (mw.Height != AppDefs.InvalidWindowValue) { mw.Height = fY(mw.Height); } foreach (AceColumn c in mw.EntryListColumns) { if (c.Width >= 0) { c.Width = fX(c.Width); } } ui.DataViewerRect = fWsr(ui.DataViewerRect); ui.DataEditorRect = fWsr(ui.DataEditorRect); ui.CharPickerRect = fWsr(ui.CharPickerRect); ui.AutoTypeCtxRect = fWsr(ui.AutoTypeCtxRect); ui.AutoTypeCtxColumnWidths = fVX(ui.AutoTypeCtxColumnWidths); fFont(ui.StandardFont); fFont(ui.PasswordFont); fFont(ui.DataEditorFont); }
private string GenerateHtmlDocument(bool bTemporary) { PwGroup pgDataSource = m_pgDataSource.CloneDeep(); // Sorting, ... int nSortEntries = m_cmbSortEntries.SelectedIndex; string strSortFieldName = null; if (nSortEntries == 0) { } // No sort else if (nSortEntries == 1) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.TitleField; } else if (nSortEntries == 2) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UserNameField; } else if (nSortEntries == 3) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.PasswordField; } else if (nSortEntries == 4) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.UrlField; } else if (nSortEntries == 5) { strSortFieldName = PwDefs.NotesField; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } if (strSortFieldName != null) { SortGroupEntriesRecursive(pgDataSource, strSortFieldName); } bool bGroup = m_cbGroups.Checked; bool bTitle = m_cbTitle.Checked, bUserName = m_cbUser.Checked; bool bPassword = m_cbPassword.Checked, bUrl = m_cbUrl.Checked; bool bNotes = m_cbNotes.Checked; bool bCreation = m_cbCreation.Checked, bLastMod = m_cbLastMod.Checked; // bool bLastAcc = m_cbLastAccess.Checked; bool bExpire = m_cbExpire.Checked; bool bAutoType = m_cbAutoType.Checked; bool bTags = m_cbTags.Checked; bool bCustomStrings = m_cbCustomStrings.Checked; bool bUuid = m_cbUuid.Checked; PfOptions p = new PfOptions(); p.MonoPasswords = m_cbMonospaceForPasswords.Checked; if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { p.MonoPasswords = false; // Monospace anyway } p.SmallMono = m_cbSmallMono.Checked; p.SprMode = m_cmbSpr.SelectedIndex; p.Rtl = (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes); p.Database = m_pdContext; if (m_cbIcon.Checked) { p.ClientIcons = m_ilClientIcons; } if (m_rbSerif.Checked) { p.FontInit = "<span class=\"fserif\">"; p.FontExit = "</span>"; } else if (m_rbSansSerif.Checked) { p.FontInit = string.Empty; p.FontExit = string.Empty; } else if (m_rbMonospace.Checked) { p.FontInit = (p.SmallMono ? "<code><small>" : "<code>"); p.FontExit = (p.SmallMono ? "</small></code>" : "</code>"); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } GFunc <string, string> h = new GFunc <string, string>(StrUtil.StringToHtml); GFunc <string, string> c = delegate(string strRaw) { return(CompileText(strRaw, p, true, false)); }; GFunc <string, string> cs = delegate(string strRaw) { return(CompileText(strRaw, p, true, true)); }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html>"); sb.Append("<html xmlns=\"\""); string strLang = Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLang)) { strLang = "en"; } strLang = h(strLang); sb.Append(" xml:lang=\"" + strLang + "\" lang=\"" + strLang + "\""); if (p.Rtl) { sb.Append(" dir=\"rtl\""); } sb.AppendLine(">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.Append("<title>"); sb.Append(h(pgDataSource.Name)); sb.AppendLine("</title>"); sb.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">"); sb.AppendLine("/* <![CDATA[ */"); sb.AppendLine("body {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #FFFFFF;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Tahoma\", \"MS Sans Serif\", \"Sans Serif\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 10pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #D0D0D0;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-left: 2pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-right: 2pt;"); // RTL support sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #D0D0D0;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-left: 2pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding-right: 2pt;"); // RTL support sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table, th, td {"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttable-layout: fixed;"); sb.AppendLine("\tempty-cells: show;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("th, td {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: " + (p.Rtl ? "right;" : "left;")); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("th {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-weight: bold;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:hover, a:active {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: underline;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".field_name {"); sb.AppendLine("\t-webkit-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-moz-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-ms-hyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("\thyphens: auto;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".field_data {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tword-break: break-all;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".fserif {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Times New Roman\", serif;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".icon_cli {"); sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: inline-block;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 1.1em;"); sb.AppendLine("\theight: 1.1em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: top;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); if (bTemporary) { // Add the temporary content identifier sb.AppendLine("." + Program.TempFilesPool.TempContentTag + " {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 10pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); } sb.AppendLine("/* ]]> */"); sb.AppendLine("</style>"); sb.AppendLine("</head><body>"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + h(pgDataSource.Name) + "</h2>"); WriteGroupNotes(sb, pgDataSource); EntryHandler ehInit = delegate(PwEntry pe) { p.Entry = pe; if (p.SprMode != 0) { p.SprContext = new SprContext(pe, p.Database, SprCompileFlags.NonActive, false, false); } else { Debug.Assert(p.SprContext == null); } Application.DoEvents(); return(true); }; EntryHandler eh = null; string strTableInit = "<table>"; PwGroup pgLast = null; if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { int nEquiCols = 0; if (bGroup) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bTitle) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUserName) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bPassword) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUrl) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bNotes) { nEquiCols += 2; } if (bCreation) { ++nEquiCols; } // if(bLastAcc) ++nEquiCols; if (bLastMod) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bExpire) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bTags) { ++nEquiCols; } if (bUuid) { ++nEquiCols; } if (nEquiCols == 0) { nEquiCols = 1; } string strColWidth = (100.0f / (float)nEquiCols).ToString( "F2", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string strColWidth2 = (200.0f / (float)nEquiCols).ToString( "F2", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string strHTdInit = "<th class=\"field_name\" style=\"width: " + strColWidth + "%;\">"; string strHTdInit2 = "<th class=\"field_name\" style=\"width: " + strColWidth2 + "%;\">"; string strHTdExit = "</th>"; string strDataTdInit = "<td class=\"field_data\">"; string strDataTdExit = "</td>"; p.CellInit = strDataTdInit + p.FontInit; p.CellExit = p.FontExit + strDataTdExit; StringBuilder sbH = new StringBuilder(); sbH.AppendLine(); sbH.Append("<tr>"); if (bGroup) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Group) + strHTdExit); } if (bTitle) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Title) + strHTdExit); } if (bUserName) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.UserName) + strHTdExit); } if (bPassword) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Password) + strHTdExit); } if (bUrl) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Url) + strHTdExit); } if (bNotes) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit2 + h(KPRes.Notes) + strHTdExit); } if (bCreation) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.CreationTime) + strHTdExit); } // if(bLastAcc) sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.LastAccessTime) + strHTdExit); if (bLastMod) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.LastModificationTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bExpire) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.ExpiryTime) + strHTdExit); } if (bTags) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Tags) + strHTdExit); } if (bUuid) { sbH.AppendLine(strHTdInit + h(KPRes.Uuid) + strHTdExit); } sbH.Append("</tr>"); // No terminating \r\n strTableInit += sbH.ToString(); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { ehInit(pe); sb.AppendLine("<tr>"); WriteTabularIf(bGroup, sb, c(pe.ParentGroup.Name), p); WriteTabularIf(bTitle, sb, pe, PwDefs.TitleField, p); WriteTabularIf(bUserName, sb, pe, PwDefs.UserNameField, p); if (bPassword) { if (p.MonoPasswords) { sb.Append(strDataTdInit + (p.SmallMono ? "<code><small>" : "<code>")); } else { sb.Append(p.CellInit); } string strInner = cs(pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField)); if (strInner.Length == 0) { strInner = " "; } sb.Append(strInner); if (p.MonoPasswords) { sb.AppendLine((p.SmallMono ? "</small></code>" : "</code>") + strDataTdExit); } else { sb.AppendLine(p.CellExit); } } // WriteTabularIf(bUrl, sb, pe, PwDefs.UrlField, p); WriteTabularIf(bUrl, sb, MakeUrlLink(pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UrlField), p), p); WriteTabularIf(bNotes, sb, pe, PwDefs.NotesField, p); WriteTabularIf(bCreation, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime)), p); // WriteTabularIf(bLastAcc, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime)), p); WriteTabularIf(bLastMod, sb, h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime)), p); WriteTabularIf(bExpire, sb, h(pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), p); WriteTabularIf(bTags, sb, h(StrUtil.TagsToString(pe.Tags, true)), p); WriteTabularIf(bUuid, sb, pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), p); sb.AppendLine("</tr>"); return(true); }; } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); if (pgDataSource.Entries.UCount == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@"<tr><td> </td></tr>"); } eh = delegate(PwEntry pe) { ehInit(pe); if ((pgLast != null) && (pgLast == pe.ParentGroup)) { sb.AppendLine("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr /></td></tr>"); } if (bGroup) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Group, pe.ParentGroup.Name, p); } if (bTitle) { PfOptions pSub = p.CloneShallow(); pSub.FontInit = MakeIconImg(pe.IconId, pe.CustomIconUuid, pe, p) + pSub.FontInit + "<b>"; pSub.FontExit = "</b>" + pSub.FontExit; WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Title, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.TitleField), pSub); } if (bUserName) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.UserName, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UserNameField), p); } if (bPassword) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Password, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.PasswordField), p); } if (bUrl) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Url, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.UrlField), p); } if (bNotes) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Notes, pe.Strings.ReadSafe( PwDefs.NotesField), p); } if (bCreation) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.CreationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.CreationTime), p); } // if(bLastAcc) WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastAccessTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( // pe.LastAccessTime), p); if (bLastMod) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.LastModificationTime, TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.LastModificationTime), p); } if (bExpire) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.ExpiryTime, (pe.Expires ? TimeUtil.ToDisplayString( pe.ExpiryTime) : KPRes.NeverExpires), p); } if (bAutoType) { foreach (AutoTypeAssociation a in pe.AutoType.Associations) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.AutoType, a.WindowName + ": " + a.Sequence, p); } } if (bTags) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Tags, StrUtil.TagsToString( pe.Tags, true), p); } if (bUuid) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, KPRes.Uuid, pe.Uuid.ToHexString(), p); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ProtectedString> kvp in pe.Strings) { if (bCustomStrings && !PwDefs.IsStandardField(kvp.Key)) { WriteDetailsLine(sb, kvp, p); } } pgLast = pe.ParentGroup; return(true); }; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg) { if (pg.Entries.UCount == 0) { return(true); } sb.Append("</table><br /><br /><h3>"); // "</table><br /><hr /><h3>" // sb.Append(MakeIconImg(pg.IconId, pg.CustomIconUuid, pg, p)); sb.Append(h(pg.GetFullPath(" - ", false))); sb.AppendLine("</h3>"); WriteGroupNotes(sb, pg); sb.AppendLine(strTableInit); return(true); }; pgDataSource.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh); if (m_rbTabular.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table>"); } else if (m_rbDetails.Checked) { sb.AppendLine("</table><br />"); } sb.AppendLine("</body></html>"); string strDoc = sb.ToString(); #if DEBUG XmlUtilEx.ValidateXml(strDoc, true); #endif return(strDoc); }
internal static void UpdateImages(ListView lv, GFunc <ListViewItem, string> fItemToName) { if (lv == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } Size sz = GetSizeOrSmall(null); ImageList ilToDispose = lv.SmallImageList; lv.BeginUpdate(); List <Image> lImages = new List <Image>(); foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lv.Items) { if (lvi == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } string strName; if (fItemToName != null) { strName = fItemToName(lvi); } else { strName = lvi.Text; } Image img = GetImageForName(strName, sz); if (img == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } int iImage = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lImages.Count; ++i) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(lImages[i], img)) { iImage = i; break; } } if (iImage < 0) { iImage = lImages.Count; lImages.Add(img); } lvi.ImageIndex = iImage; } if (lImages.Count != 0) { ImageList il = UIUtil.BuildImageListUnscaled(lImages, sz.Width, sz.Height); #if DEBUG il.Tag = FiImageListTag; #endif lv.SmallImageList = il; } else if (ilToDispose != null) { lv.SmallImageList = null; // Release previous ImageList } lv.EndUpdate(); if (ilToDispose != null) { Debug.Assert((ilToDispose.Tag as string) == FiImageListTag); ilToDispose.Dispose(); } }
private bool TxfIsUnusable() { try { string strReleaseId = (Registry.GetValue( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", "ReleaseId", string.Empty) as string); // Due to a bug in Microsoft's 'cldflt.sys' driver, a TxF transaction // results in a Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 1903/1909; // // // This bug is fixed by the Windows update 4530684; // // if(strReleaseId == "1903") return true; // if(strReleaseId == "1909") return true; if (strReleaseId != "1809") { return(false); } // On Windows 10 1809, OneDrive crashes if the file is // in a OneDrive folder; // // string strFile = m_iocBase.Path; GFunc <string, string, bool> fMatch = delegate(string strRoot, string strSfx) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRoot)) { return(false); } string strPfx = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator( strRoot, false) + strSfx; return(strFile.StartsWith(strPfx, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)); }; GFunc <string, string, bool> fMatchEnv = delegate(string strEnv, string strSfx) { return(fMatch(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(strEnv), strSfx)); }; string strKnown = NativeMethods.GetKnownFolderPath( NativeMethods.FOLDERID_SkyDrive); if (fMatch(strKnown, string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("USERPROFILE", "OneDrive\\")) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDrive", string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDriveCommercial", string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDriveConsumer", string.Empty)) { return(true); } using (RegistryKey kAccs = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( "Software\\Microsoft\\OneDrive\\Accounts", false)) { string[] vAccs = (((kAccs != null) ? kAccs.GetSubKeyNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strAcc in vAccs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAcc)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } using (RegistryKey kTenants = kAccs.OpenSubKey( strAcc + "\\Tenants", false)) { string[] vTenants = (((kTenants != null) ? kTenants.GetSubKeyNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strT in vTenants) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strT)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } using (RegistryKey kT = kTenants.OpenSubKey(strT, false)) { string[] vPaths = (((kT != null) ? kT.GetValueNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strPath in vPaths) { if ((strPath == null) || (strPath.Length < 4) || (strPath[1] != ':')) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } if (fMatch(strPath, string.Empty)) { return(true); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } return(false); }
// // private bool IsOneDriveWorkaroundRequired() { if (NativeLib.IsUnix()) { return(false); } try { string strReleaseId = (Registry.GetValue( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", "ReleaseId", string.Empty) as string); if (strReleaseId != "1809") { return(false); } string strFile = m_iocBase.Path; GFunc <string, string, bool> fMatch = delegate(string strRoot, string strSfx) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRoot)) { return(false); } string strPfx = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator( strRoot, false) + strSfx; return(strFile.StartsWith(strPfx, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)); }; GFunc <string, string, bool> fMatchEnv = delegate(string strEnv, string strSfx) { return(fMatch(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(strEnv), strSfx)); }; string strKnown = NativeMethods.GetKnownFolderPath( NativeMethods.FOLDERID_SkyDrive); if (fMatch(strKnown, string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("USERPROFILE", "OneDrive\\")) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDrive", string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDriveCommercial", string.Empty)) { return(true); } if (fMatchEnv("OneDriveConsumer", string.Empty)) { return(true); } using (RegistryKey kAccs = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( "Software\\Microsoft\\OneDrive\\Accounts", false)) { string[] vAccs = (((kAccs != null) ? kAccs.GetSubKeyNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strAcc in vAccs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAcc)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } using (RegistryKey kTenants = kAccs.OpenSubKey( strAcc + "\\Tenants", false)) { string[] vTenants = (((kTenants != null) ? kTenants.GetSubKeyNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strT in vTenants) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strT)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } using (RegistryKey kT = kTenants.OpenSubKey(strT, false)) { string[] vPaths = (((kT != null) ? kT.GetValueNames() : null) ?? new string[0]); foreach (string strPath in vPaths) { if ((strPath == null) || (strPath.Length < 4) || (strPath[1] != ':')) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } if (fMatch(strPath, string.Empty)) { return(true); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } return(false); }
private static string GenerateHtml(PwDatabase pd, string strName) { bool bRtl = Program.Translation.Properties.RightToLeft; string strLogLeft = (bRtl ? "right" : "left"); string strLogRight = (bRtl ? "left" : "right"); GFunc <string, string> h = new GFunc <string, string>(StrUtil.StringToHtml); GFunc <string, string> ne = delegate(string str) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(" "); } return(str); }; GFunc <string, string> ltrPath = delegate(string str) { return(bRtl ? StrUtil.EnsureLtrPath(str) : str); }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""); sb.AppendLine("\t\"\">"); sb.Append("<html xmlns=\"\""); string strLang = Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLang)) { strLang = "en"; } strLang = h(strLang); sb.Append(" lang=\"" + strLang + "\" xml:lang=\"" + strLang + "\""); if (bRtl) { sb.Append(" dir=\"rtl\""); } sb.AppendLine(">"); sb.AppendLine("<head>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"); sb.Append("<title>"); sb.Append(h(strName + " - " + KPRes.EmergencySheet)); sb.AppendLine("</title>"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />"); sb.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">"); sb.AppendLine("/* <![CDATA[ */"); string strFont = "\"Arial\", \"Tahoma\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"; // if (Program.Translation.IsFor("fa")) { strFont = "\"Tahoma\", \"Arial\", \"Verdana\", sans-serif;"; } sb.AppendLine("body, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ol, ul, li, td, th, dd, dt, a {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: " + strFont); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 12pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("body, p, div, table {"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #FFFFFF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("p, h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0.5em 0em 0.5em 0em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("ol, ul {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin-bottom: 0em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1, h2, h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-family: \"Verdana\", \"Arial\", \"Tahoma\", sans-serif;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1, h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-align: center;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h1 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 2em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 3pt 0pt 0pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h2 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 1.5em;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 1pt 0pt 3pt 0pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h3 {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 1.2em;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 3pt 3pt 3pt 3pt;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #000000;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #EEEEEE;"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); // sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #E2E2E2, #FAFAFA);"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("h4 { font-size: 1em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h5 { font-size: 0.89em; }"); sb.AppendLine("h6 { font-size: 0.6em; }"); sb.AppendLine("a:visited {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:active {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:link {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: none;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #0000DD;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("a:hover {"); sb.AppendLine("\ttext-decoration: underline;"); sb.AppendLine("\tcolor: #6699FF;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("img {"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: 0px none;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine(".withspc > li + li {"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin-top: 0.5em;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.docheader {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\tbackground-color: #EEEEEE;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: thin solid #808080;"); // border-collapse is incompatible with border-radius // sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-webkit-border-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("\t-moz-border-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-radius: 5px;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.docheader tr td {"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: middle;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 15px 0px 15px;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline {"); sb.AppendLine("\twidth: 100%;"); sb.AppendLine("\tmargin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder: thin solid #808080;"); sb.AppendLine("\tborder-collapse: collapse;"); sb.AppendLine("\tempty-cells: show;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("table.fillinline tr td {"); sb.AppendLine("\tpadding: 4pt 4pt 4pt 4pt;"); sb.AppendLine("\tvertical-align: middle;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-break: break-all;"); sb.AppendLine("\toverflow-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("\tword-wrap: break-word;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("span.fillinlinesym {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: inline-block;"); // sb.AppendLine("\ttransform: scale(1.75, 1.75) translate(-0.5pt, -0.5pt);"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("@media print {"); // sb.AppendLine(".scronly {"); // sb.AppendLine("\tdisplay: none;"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); // sb.AppendLine("}"); // Add the temporary content identifier sb.AppendLine("." + Program.TempFilesPool.TempContentTag + " {"); sb.AppendLine("\tfont-size: 12pt;"); sb.AppendLine("}"); sb.AppendLine("/* ]]> */"); sb.AppendLine("</style>"); sb.AppendLine("</head><body>"); ImageArchive ia = new ImageArchive(); ia.Load(Properties.Resources.Images_App_HighRes); sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"docheader\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: " + strLogLeft + ";\">"); sb.AppendLine("<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri(ia.GetForObject( "KeePass")) + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"" + h(PwDefs.ShortProductName) + "\" /></td>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: center;\">"); sb.AppendLine("<h1>" + h(PwDefs.ShortProductName) + "</h1>"); sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + h(KPRes.EmergencySheet) + "</h2>"); sb.AppendLine("</td>"); sb.AppendLine("<td style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">"); sb.AppendLine("<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri(ia.GetForObject( "KOrganizer")) + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"" + h(KPRes.EmergencySheet) + "\" /></td>"); sb.AppendLine("</tr></table>"); sb.AppendLine("<p style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">" + h(TimeUtil.ToDisplayStringDateOnly(DateTime.Now)) + "</p>"); const string strFillInit = "<table class=\"fillinline\"><tr><td>"; const string strFillInitLtr = "<table class=\"fillinline\"><tr><td dir=\"ltr\">"; const string strFillEnd = "</td></tr></table>"; string strFillSym = "<img src=\"" + GfxUtil.ImageToDataUri( Properties.Resources.B48x35_WritingHand) + "\" style=\"width: 1.3714em; height: 1em;" + (bRtl ? " transform: scaleX(-1);" : string.Empty) + "\" alt=\"✍\" />"; string strFill = strFillInit + ne(string.Empty) + // "</td><td style=\"text-align: right;\"><span class=\"fillinlinesym\">✍</span>" + "</td><td style=\"text-align: " + strLogRight + ";\">" + strFillSym + strFillEnd; string strFillInitEx = (bRtl ? strFillInitLtr : strFillInit); IOConnectionInfo ioc = pd.IOConnectionInfo; sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.DatabaseFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(ioc.Path))) + strFillEnd); // if(pd.Name.Length > 0) // sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Name) + ":</strong> " + // h(pd.Name) + "</p>"); // if(pd.Description.Length > 0) // sb.AppendLine("<p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Description) + ":</strong> " + // h(pd.Description)); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.BackupDatabase) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill); CompositeKey ck = pd.MasterKey; if (ck.UserKeyCount > 0) { sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<h3>" + h(KPRes.MasterKey) + "</h3>"); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.MasterKeyComponents) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine("<ul>"); foreach (IUserKey k in ck.UserKeys) { KcpPassword p = (k as KcpPassword); KcpKeyFile kf = (k as KcpKeyFile); KcpUserAccount a = (k as KcpUserAccount); KcpCustomKey c = (k as KcpCustomKey); if (p != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.MasterPassword) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill + "</li>"); } else if (kf != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyFile) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(kf.Path))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.BackupFile) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill); sb.AppendLine("</li>"); } else if (a != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.WindowsUserAccount) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.Append(strFillInitEx); try { sb.Append(ne(h(ltrPath(Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + Environment.UserName)))); } catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); sb.Append(ne(string.Empty)); } sb.AppendLine(strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("<p>" + h(KPRes.WindowsUserAccountBackup) + " " + h(KPRes.BackupLocation) + "</p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFill + "</li>"); } else if (c != null) { sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.KeyProvider) + ":</strong></p>"); sb.AppendLine(strFillInitEx + ne(h(ltrPath(c.Name))) + strFillEnd); sb.AppendLine("</li>"); } else { Debug.Assert(false); sb.AppendLine("<li><p><strong>" + h(KPRes.Unknown) + ".</strong></p></li>"); } } sb.AppendLine("</ul>"); } sb.AppendLine("<br />"); sb.AppendLine("<h3>" + h(KPRes.InstrAndGenInfo) + "</h3>"); sb.AppendLine("<ul class=\"withspc\">"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.EmergencySheetInfo) + "</li>"); // sb.AppendLine("<form class=\"scronly\" action=\"#\" onsubmit=\"javascript:window.print();\">"); // sb.AppendLine("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"🖶 " + // h(KPRes.Print) + "\" />"); // sb.AppendLine("</form></li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.DataLoss) + "</li>"); sb.AppendLine("<li>" + h(KPRes.LatestVersionWeb) + ": <a href=\"" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + h(PwDefs.HomepageUrl) + "</a>.</li>"); sb.AppendLine("</ul>"); sb.AppendLine("</body></html>"); return(sb.ToString()); }
private static void OnMenuExecute(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = (sender as ToolStripMenuItem); if (tsmi == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } PwEntry peTemplate = (tsmi.Tag as PwEntry); if (peTemplate == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } MainForm mf = Program.MainForm; if (mf == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } PwDatabase pd = mf.ActiveDatabase; if ((pd == null) || !pd.IsOpen) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } // Ensure that the correct database is still active if (pd != mf.DocumentManager.FindContainerOf(peTemplate)) { return; } GFunc <PwEntry> fNewEntry = delegate() { PwEntry pe = peTemplate.Duplicate(); pe.History.Clear(); return(pe); }; Action <PwEntry> fAddPre = delegate(PwEntry pe) { if (EntryTemplates.EntryCreating != null) { EntryTemplates.EntryCreating(null, new TemplateEntryEventArgs( peTemplate.CloneDeep(), pe)); } }; Action <PwEntry> fAddPost = delegate(PwEntry pe) { if (EntryTemplates.EntryCreated != null) { EntryTemplates.EntryCreated(null, new TemplateEntryEventArgs( peTemplate.CloneDeep(), pe)); } }; mf.AddEntryEx(null, fNewEntry, fAddPre, fAddPost); }
private List <ToolStripItem> ConstructMenuItems() { List <ToolStripItem> l = new List <ToolStripItem>(); List <char> lAvailKeys = new List <char>(PwCharSet.MenuAccels); ProtectedString ps = GetPassword(); GFunc <string, Image, EventHandler, object, ToolStripMenuItem> fAdd = delegate(string strText, Image img, EventHandler ehClick, object oTag) { string str = StrUtil.EncodeMenuText(strText ?? string.Empty); str = StrUtil.AddAccelerator(str, lAvailKeys); ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem(str); if (img != null) { tsmi.Image = img; } if (ehClick != null) { tsmi.Click += ehClick; } if (oTag != null) { tsmi.Tag = oTag; } l.Add(tsmi); return(tsmi); }; fAdd(KPRes.PwGenOpen, Properties.Resources.B16x16_Key_New, this.OnGenOpen, null); l.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiDerive = fAdd(GenDeriveFromPrevious, Properties.Resources.B16x16_CompFile, this.OnGenDeriveFromPrevious, null); if (IsMultipleValues(ps)) { tsmiDerive.Enabled = false; } fAdd(GenAuto, Properties.Resources.B16x16_FileNew, this.OnGenAuto, null); bool bHideBuiltIn = ((Program.Config.UI.UIFlags & (ulong)AceUIFlags.HideBuiltInPwGenPrfInEntryDlg) != 0); bool bFirst = true; foreach (PwProfile prf in PwGeneratorUtil.GetAllProfiles(true)) { if (prf == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; } if (bHideBuiltIn && PwGeneratorUtil.IsBuiltInProfile(prf.Name)) { continue; } if (bFirst) { l.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); bFirst = false; } fAdd(prf.Name, Properties.Resources.B16x16_KOrganizer, this.OnGenProfile, prf); } return(l); }
/* private static void BlockPrintScreen(Form f, bool bBlock) * { * if(f == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } * * try * { * if(bBlock) * { * NativeMethods.RegisterHotKey(f.Handle, NativeMethods.IDHOT_SNAPDESKTOP, * 0, NativeMethods.VK_SNAPSHOT); * NativeMethods.RegisterHotKey(f.Handle, NativeMethods.IDHOT_SNAPWINDOW, * NativeMethods.MOD_ALT, NativeMethods.VK_SNAPSHOT); * } * else * { * NativeMethods.UnregisterHotKey(f.Handle, NativeMethods.IDHOT_SNAPWINDOW); * NativeMethods.UnregisterHotKey(f.Handle, NativeMethods.IDHOT_SNAPDESKTOP); * } * } * catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); } * } */ internal static DialogResult ShowDialog <TForm, TResult>(bool bProtect, GFunc <TForm> fnConstruct, GFunc <TForm, TResult> fnResultBuilder, out TResult r) where TForm : Form where TResult : class { if (fnConstruct == null) { Debug.Assert(false); throw new ArgumentNullException("fnConstruct"); } if (fnResultBuilder == null) { Debug.Assert(false); throw new ArgumentNullException("fnResultBuilder"); } r = null; if (!bProtect) { TForm tf = fnConstruct(); if (tf == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(DialogResult.None); } try { DialogResult drDirect = tf.ShowDialog(); r = fnResultBuilder(tf); // Always return(drDirect); } finally { UIUtil.DestroyForm(tf); } } UIFormConstructor fnUifC = delegate(object objParam) { return(fnConstruct()); }; UIFormResultBuilder fnUifRB = delegate(Form f) { TForm tf = (f as TForm); if (tf == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(null); } return(fnResultBuilder(tf)); }; ProtectedDialog dlg = new ProtectedDialog(fnUifC, fnUifRB); object objResult; DialogResult dr = dlg.ShowDialog(out objResult, null); r = (objResult as TResult); return(dr); }
private IEnumerable <PwEntryDatabase> FindMatchingEntries(string url, string realm) { var listResult = new List <PwEntryDatabase>(); var hostUri = new Uri(url); var formHost = hostUri.Host; var searchHost = hostUri.Host; var origSearchHost = hostUri.Host; List <PwDatabase> listDatabases = new List <PwDatabase>(); var configOpt = new ConfigOpt(_host.CustomConfig); if (configOpt.SearchInAllOpenedDatabases) { foreach (PwDocument doc in _host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.Documents) { if (doc.Database.IsOpen) { listDatabases.Add(doc.Database); } } } else { listDatabases.Add(_host.Database); } var parms = MakeSearchParameters(configOpt.HideExpired); var searchUrls = configOpt.SearchUrls; int listCount = 0; foreach (PwDatabase db in listDatabases) { searchHost = origSearchHost; //get all possible entries for given host-name while (listResult.Count == listCount && (origSearchHost == searchHost || searchHost.IndexOf(".") != -1)) { parms.SearchString = string.Format("^{0}$|/{0}/?", searchHost); var listEntries = new PwObjectList <PwEntry>(); db.RootGroup.SearchEntries(parms, listEntries); listResult.AddRange(listEntries.Select(x => new PwEntryDatabase(x, db))); if (searchUrls) { AddURLCandidates(db, listResult, parms.RespectEntrySearchingDisabled); } searchHost = searchHost.Substring(searchHost.IndexOf(".") + 1); //searchHost contains no dot --> prevent possible infinite loop if (searchHost == origSearchHost) { break; } } listCount = listResult.Count; } var filter = new GFunc <PwEntry, bool>((PwEntry e) => { var title = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var entryUrl = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); var c = _ext.GetEntryConfig(e); if (c != null) { if (c.Allow.Contains(formHost)) { return(true); } if (c.Deny.Contains(formHost)) { return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(realm) && c.Realm != realm) { return(false); } } if (IsValidUrl(entryUrl, formHost)) { return(true); } if (IsValidUrl(title, formHost)) { return(true); } if (searchUrls) { foreach (var sf in e.Strings.Where(s => s.Key.StartsWith("URL", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { var sfv = e.Strings.ReadSafe(sf.Key); if (sf.Key.IndexOf("regex", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(formHost, sfv)) { return(true); } if (IsValidUrl(sfv, formHost)) { return(true); } } } return(formHost.Contains(title) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryUrl) && formHost.Contains(entryUrl))); }); var filterSchemes = new GFunc <PwEntry, bool>((PwEntry e) => { var title = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); var entryUrl = e.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); Uri entryUri; Uri titleUri; if (entryUrl != null && Uri.TryCreate(entryUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out entryUri) && entryUri.Scheme == hostUri.Scheme) { return(true); } if (Uri.TryCreate(title, UriKind.Absolute, out titleUri) && titleUri.Scheme == hostUri.Scheme) { return(true); } return(false); }); var result = listResult.Where(e => filter(e.entry)); if (configOpt.MatchSchemes) { result = result.Where(e => filterSchemes(e.entry)); } if (configOpt.HideExpired) { result = result.Where(x => !(x.entry.Expires && x.entry.ExpiryTime <= DateTime.UtcNow)); } return(result); }
internal Response GetLoginsHandler(Request req) { if (!req.TryDecrypt()) { return(new ErrorResponse(req, ErrorType.CannotDecryptMessage)); } var msg = req.Message; var id = msg.GetString("id"); var url = msg.GetString("url"); var submitUrl = msg.GetString("submitUrl"); Uri hostUri; Uri submitUri = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { hostUri = new Uri(url); } else { return(new ErrorResponse(req, ErrorType.NoUrlProvided)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(submitUrl)) { submitUri = new Uri(submitUrl); } var resp = req.GetResponse(); resp.Message.Add("id", id); var items = FindMatchingEntries(url, null); if (items.ToList().Count > 0) { var filter = new GFunc <PwEntry, bool>((PwEntry e) => { var c = _ext.GetEntryConfig(e); return(c == null || (!c.Allow.Contains(hostUri.Authority)) || (submitUri != null && submitUri.Authority != null && !c.Allow.Contains(submitUri.Authority))); }); var configOpt = new ConfigOpt(_host.CustomConfig); var needPrompting = items.Where(e => filter(e.entry)).ToList(); if (needPrompting.Count > 0 && !configOpt.AlwaysAllowAccess) { var win = _host.MainWindow; using (var f = new AccessControlForm()) { win.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { f.Icon = win.Icon; f.Plugin = _ext; f.StartPosition = win.Visible ? FormStartPosition.CenterParent : FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; f.Entries = needPrompting.Select(e => e.entry).ToList(); f.Host = submitUri != null ? submitUri.Authority : hostUri.Authority; f.Load += delegate { f.Activate(); }; f.ShowDialog(win); if (f.Remember && (f.Allowed || f.Denied)) { foreach (var e in needPrompting) { var c = _ext.GetEntryConfig(e.entry) ?? new EntryConfig(); var set = f.Allowed ? c.Allow : c.Deny; set.Add(hostUri.Authority); if (submitUri != null && submitUri.Authority != null && submitUri.Authority != hostUri.Authority) { set.Add(submitUri.Authority); } _ext.SetEntryConfig(e.entry, c); } } if (!f.Allowed) { items = items.Except(needPrompting); } }); } } var uri = submitUri != null ? submitUri : hostUri; foreach (var entryDatabase in items) { string entryUrl = string.Copy(entryDatabase.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryUrl)) { entryUrl = entryDatabase.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); } entryUrl = entryUrl.ToLower(); entryDatabase.entry.UsageCount = (ulong)LevenshteinDistance(uri.ToString().ToLower(), entryUrl); } var itemsList = items.ToList(); if (configOpt.SpecificMatchingOnly) { itemsList = (from e in itemsList orderby e.entry.UsageCount ascending select e).ToList(); ulong lowestDistance = itemsList.Count > 0 ? itemsList[0].entry.UsageCount : 0; itemsList = (from e in itemsList where e.entry.UsageCount == lowestDistance orderby e.entry.UsageCount select e).ToList(); } if (configOpt.SortResultByUsername) { var items2 = from e in itemsList orderby e.entry.UsageCount ascending, _ext.GetUserPass(e)[0] ascending select e; itemsList = items2.ToList(); } else { var items2 = from e in itemsList orderby e.entry.UsageCount ascending, e.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField) ascending select e; itemsList = items2.ToList(); } var entries = new JArray(itemsList.Select(item => { var up = _ext.GetUserPass(item); JArray fldArr = null; var fields = GetFields(configOpt, item); if (fields != null) { fldArr = new JArray(fields.Select(f => new JObject { { f.Key, f.Value } })); } var jobj = new JObject { { "name", item.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField) }, { "login", up[0] }, { "password", up[1] }, { "uuid", item.entry.Uuid.ToHexString() }, { "stringFields", fldArr }, }; CheckTotp(item, jobj); return(jobj); })); resp.Message.Add("count", itemsList.Count); resp.Message.Add("entries", entries); if (itemsList.Count > 0) { var names = (from e in itemsList select e.entry.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField)).Distinct(); var n = String.Join("\n ", names); if (configOpt.ReceiveCredentialNotification) { _ext.ShowNotification(String.Format("{0}: {1} is receiving credentials for:\n {2}", req.GetString("id"), hostUri.Host, n)); } } return(resp); } resp.Message.Add("count", 0); resp.Message.Add("entries", new JArray()); return(resp); }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_dStrings == null) { Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } GlobalWindowManager.AddWindow(this); string strTitle, strDesc; if (m_strInitName == null) { strTitle = KPRes.AddStringField; strDesc = KPRes.AddStringFieldDesc; } else { strTitle = KPRes.EditStringField; strDesc = KPRes.EditStringFieldDesc; } BannerFactory.CreateBannerEx(this, m_bannerImage, Properties.Resources.B48x48_Font, strTitle, strDesc); this.Icon = AppIcons.Default; UIUtil.ConfigureToolTip(m_ttRect); UIUtil.EnableAutoCompletion(m_cmbName, true); UIUtil.PrepareStandardMultilineControl(m_rtbValue, true, true); m_ctxValue.Attach(m_rtbValue, this); GFunc <PwEntry> fGetContextEntry = delegate() { return(PwEntry.CreateVirtual(((m_pdContext != null) ? m_pdContext.RootGroup : null) ?? new PwGroup(true, true), m_dStrings)); }; m_pgm = new PwGeneratorMenu(m_btnGenPw, m_ttRect, m_rtbValue, fGetContextEntry, m_pdContext, (m_mvec != null)); if (m_strInitName != null) { m_cmbName.Text = m_strInitName; } if (m_psInitValue != null) { m_rtbValue.Text = StrUtil.NormalizeNewLines( m_psInitValue.ReadString(), true); UIUtil.SetChecked(m_cbProtect, m_psInitValue.IsProtected); } ValidateStringNameUI(); PopulateNamesComboBox(); if (m_mvec != null) { m_cmbName.Enabled = false; MultipleValuesEx.ConfigureText(m_rtbValue, true); bool bMultiProt; m_mvec.MultiStringProt.TryGetValue(m_cmbName.Text, out bMultiProt); if (bMultiProt) { MultipleValuesEx.ConfigureState(m_cbProtect, true); } } if (m_bReadOnly) { m_cmbName.Enabled = false; m_rtbValue.ReadOnly = true; m_cbProtect.Enabled = false; m_btnGenPw.Enabled = false; // m_btnOK.Enabled = false; // See ValidateStringNameUI } // UIUtil.SetFocus(..., this); // See PopulateNamesComboBox }