Example #1
        public void Override(GFoliage s)
            if (OverrideTrees)
                s.Trees = Trees;
            if (OverrideTreeSnapMode)
                s.TreeSnapMode = TreeSnapMode;
            if (OverrideTreeSnapLayerMask)
                s.TreeSnapLayerMask = TreeSnapLayerMask;

            if (OverrideGrasses)
                s.Grasses = Grasses;
            if (OverrideGrassSnapMode)
                s.GrassSnapMode = GrassSnapMode;
            if (OverrideGrassSnapLayerMask)
                s.GrassSnapLayerMask = GrassSnapLayerMask;
            if (OverridePatchGridSize)
                s.PatchGridSize = PatchGridSize;
            if (OverrideEnableInteractiveGrass)
                s.EnableInteractiveGrass = EnableInteractiveGrass;
            if (OverrideVectorFieldMapResolution)
                s.VectorFieldMapResolution = VectorFieldMapResolution;
            if (OverrideBendSensitive)
                s.BendSensitive = BendSensitive;
            if (OverrideRestoreSensitive)
                s.RestoreSensitive = RestoreSensitive;

Example #2
        private void InitFrame(Camera cam)
            foliage = terrain.TerrainData.Foliage;

            terrainPosition = terrain.transform.position;
            terrainSize     = terrain.TerrainData.Geometry.Size;
            treeDistance    = terrain.TerrainData.Rendering.TreeDistance;
            billboardStart  = terrain.TerrainData.Rendering.BillboardStart;
            cullVolumeBias  = GRuntimeSettings.Instance.renderingDefault.cullVolumeBias;

            if (terrain.TerrainData.Foliage.Trees != null)
                prototypes = terrain.TerrainData.Foliage.Trees.Prototypes;
                prototypes = new List <GTreePrototype>();

            if (prototypeCache == null || prototypeCache.Length != prototypes.Count)
                prototypeCache = new PrototypeCache[prototypes.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < prototypes.Count; ++i)
                GTreePrototype p     = prototypes[i];
                PrototypeCache cache = prototypeCache[i];

                bool valid = prototypes[i].IsValid;
                cache.validation = valid;
                if (valid)
                    cache.subMeshCount              = p.sharedMesh.subMeshCount;
                    cache.canDrawInstanced          = IsInstancingEnabledForAllMaterials(p);
                    cache.canDrawBillboardInstanced =
                        p.billboard != null &&
                        p.billboard.material != null &&
                if (p.billboard != null)
                    cache.billboardMesh = GBillboardUtilities.GetMesh(p.billboard);
                if (p.billboard != null && p.billboard.material != null)
                    if (cache.billboardImageTexcoords == null ||
                        cache.billboardImageTexcoords.Length != p.billboard.imageCount)
                        cache.billboardImageTexcoords = p.billboard.GetImageTexCoords();
                    Material mat = p.billboard.material;
                    mat.SetVectorArray(BILLBOARD_IMAGE_TEXCOORDS, cache.billboardImageTexcoords);
                    mat.SetInt(BILLBOARD_IMAGE_COUNT, p.billboard.imageCount);

                prototypeCache[i] = cache;

            enableInstancing = terrain.TerrainData.Rendering.EnableInstancing && SystemInfo.supportsInstancing;

            normalizedToLocalMatrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(terrainSize);
            localToWorldMatrix      = terrain.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            normalizedToWorldMatrix = localToWorldMatrix * normalizedToLocalMatrix;

            camera = cam;
            if (frustum == null)
                frustum = new Plane[6];
            GFrustumUtilities.Calculate(camera, frustum, treeDistance);
            if (nearFrustumCorners == null)
                nearFrustumCorners = new Vector3[4];
            if (farFrustumCorners == null)
                farFrustumCorners = new Vector3[4];

            if (batchContainer == null)
                batchContainer = new Matrix4x4[BATCH_MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT];
            if (billboardBatchContainer == null)
                billboardBatchContainer = new Matrix4x4[BATCH_MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT];

            if (!isWarningLogged)
                for (int i = 0; i < prototypes.Count; ++i)
                    if (!prototypes[i].IsValid)
                        string msg = string.Format(
                            "Tree prototye {0}: " +
                            "The prototype is not valid, make sure you've assigned a prefab with correct mesh and materials setup.",
                    if (enableInstancing && prototypes[i].IsValid)
                        if (!IsInstancingEnabledForAllMaterials(prototypes[i]))
                            string msg = string.Format(
                                "Tree prototype {0} ({1}): " +
                                "Instancing need to be enabled for all materials for the renderer to work at its best. " +
                                "Otherwise it will fallback to non-instanced for this prototype.",
                                i, prototypes[i].Prefab.name);
                        if (prototypes[i].billboard != null &&
                            prototypes[i].billboard.material != null &&
                            prototypes[i].billboard.material.enableInstancing == false)
                            string msg = string.Format(
                                "Tree prototype {0} ({1}): " +
                                "Instancing need to be enabled for billboard material for the renderer to work at its best. " +
                                "Otherwise it will fallback to non-instanced for this prototype when render billboards.",
                                i, prototypes[i].Prefab.name);

                isWarningLogged = true;