private int _CalcDelta(GTickTypeEnum tickType, double price, int volume, GCDCalculationModeType calcmode, bool backupmode, int filtersize, GFilterModeType filtermode)
            int delta     = 0;
            int direction = _lastDirection;

            if ((calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.BidAsk) && (tickType != GTickTypeEnum.Unknown) && (tickType != GTickTypeEnum.BetweenBidAsk))
                if ((tickType == GTickTypeEnum.BelowBid) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtBid))
                    delta = -volume;
                else if ((tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AboveAsk) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtAsk))
                    delta = volume;
            else if (calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.UpDownTick)
                if (_lastPrice != 0)
                    if (price > _lastPrice)
                        delta = volume;
                    if (price < _lastPrice)
                        delta = -volume;
            else if ((calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.UpDownTickWithContinuation) || (calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.UpDownOneTickWithContinuation) || ((calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.BidAsk) && (backupmode == true)))
                if (price > _lastPrice)  //normal uptick/dn tick
                    direction = 1;
                else if (price < _lastPrice)
                    direction = -1;

                if (calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.UpDownOneTickWithContinuation)
                    delta = direction;
                    delta = direction * volume;
            // added
            else if ((calcmode == GCDCalculationModeType.Hybrid))
                if (price > _lastPrice)  //normal uptick/dn tick
                    direction = 1;
                    //price changed, we reinit the startlookingforreversal bool.
                    _startLookingForReversal = false;
                else if (price < _lastPrice)
                    direction = -1;
                    _startLookingForReversal = false;

                if (!_startLookingForReversal)
                    if (direction == 1)
                        //if going up, we want to be hitting bid to be able to start to spot reversals (hitting the ask)
                        _startLookingForReversal = (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtBid) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.BelowBid);
                        _startLookingForReversal = (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtAsk) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AboveAsk);

                //what happens when price is same
                if (price == _lastPrice)
                    //if going up, and we have already hit the bid (startlookingforreversal is true) at a price level,
                    // and start hitting the ask, let's reverse

                    if ((direction == 1) && _startLookingForReversal && ((tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtAsk) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.BetweenBidAsk)))
                        direction = -1;

                    else if ((direction == -1) && _startLookingForReversal && ((tickType == GTickTypeEnum.AtBid) || (tickType == GTickTypeEnum.BetweenBidAsk)))
                        direction = 1;  //buyers take control of ask

                delta = direction * volume;

            _lastPrice     = price;
            _lastDirection = direction;

            if ((filtermode == GFilterModeType.OnlyLargerThan) && (volume <= filtersize))
                delta = 0;

            if ((filtermode == GFilterModeType.OnlySmallerThan) && (volume >= filtersize))
                delta = 0;

 public Indicator.GDeltaIndicator GDeltaIndicator(bool backupMode, GCDCalculationModeType calcMode, GFilterModeType filterMode, int filterSize)
     return(_indicator.GDeltaIndicator(Input, backupMode, calcMode, filterMode, filterSize));
        /// <summary>
        /// Base Class. Do not instantiate
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Indicator.GDeltaIndicator GDeltaIndicator(Data.IDataSeries input, bool backupMode, GCDCalculationModeType calcMode, GFilterModeType filterMode, int filterSize)
            if (InInitialize && input == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");

            return(_indicator.GDeltaIndicator(input, backupMode, calcMode, filterMode, filterSize));
        /// <summary>
        /// Base Class. Do not instantiate
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GDeltaIndicator GDeltaIndicator(Data.IDataSeries input, bool backupMode, GCDCalculationModeType calcMode, GFilterModeType filterMode, int filterSize)
            if (cacheGDeltaIndicator != null)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheGDeltaIndicator.Length; idx++)
                    if (cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].BackupMode == backupMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].CalcMode == calcMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].FilterMode == filterMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].FilterSize == filterSize && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].EqualsInput(input))

            lock (checkGDeltaIndicator)
                checkGDeltaIndicator.BackupMode = backupMode;
                backupMode = checkGDeltaIndicator.BackupMode;
                checkGDeltaIndicator.CalcMode = calcMode;
                calcMode = checkGDeltaIndicator.CalcMode;
                checkGDeltaIndicator.FilterMode = filterMode;
                filterMode = checkGDeltaIndicator.FilterMode;
                checkGDeltaIndicator.FilterSize = filterSize;
                filterSize = checkGDeltaIndicator.FilterSize;

                if (cacheGDeltaIndicator != null)
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheGDeltaIndicator.Length; idx++)
                        if (cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].BackupMode == backupMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].CalcMode == calcMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].FilterMode == filterMode && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].FilterSize == filterSize && cacheGDeltaIndicator[idx].EqualsInput(input))

                GDeltaIndicator indicator = new GDeltaIndicator();
                indicator.BarsRequired        = BarsRequired;
                indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
#if NT7
                indicator.ForceMaximumBarsLookBack256 = ForceMaximumBarsLookBack256;
                indicator.MaximumBarsLookBack         = MaximumBarsLookBack;
                indicator.Input      = input;
                indicator.BackupMode = backupMode;
                indicator.CalcMode   = calcMode;
                indicator.FilterMode = filterMode;
                indicator.FilterSize = filterSize;

                GDeltaIndicator[] tmp = new GDeltaIndicator[cacheGDeltaIndicator == null ? 1 : cacheGDeltaIndicator.Length + 1];
                if (cacheGDeltaIndicator != null)
                    cacheGDeltaIndicator.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
                tmp[tmp.Length - 1]  = indicator;
                cacheGDeltaIndicator = tmp;