Example #1
        private void PrepareCutoutVerts()

            float sizeMultiplier = Ease.CubeIn(WipeIn ? Percent : 1 - Percent);

            int   i            = 0;
            int   segmentIndex = 0;
            float segmentAngle = (float)Math.PI * 2.0f / circleSegments;

            while (i < cutoutVerts.Length)
                cutoutVerts[i].Position     = new Vector3(O, 0);
                cutoutVerts[i + 1].Position = new Vector3(
                    O + new Vector2(
                        (float)Math.Sin(segmentAngle * segmentIndex) * bigDiameter * sizeMultiplier,
                        (float)Math.Cos(segmentAngle * segmentIndex) * bigDiameter * sizeMultiplier
                cutoutVerts[i + 2].Position = new Vector3(
                    O + new Vector2(
                        (float)Math.Sin(segmentAngle * (segmentIndex + 1)) * bigDiameter * sizeMultiplier,
                        (float)Math.Cos(segmentAngle * (segmentIndex + 1)) * bigDiameter * sizeMultiplier
                i += 3;

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, cutoutVerts, cutoutVerts.Length);
Example #2
        private void DrawGears()
            _hasDrawn = true;
            Engine.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(WipeIn ? Color.White : Color.Black);
            if (Percent > 0.9f)
                float num = Calc.Map(Percent, 0.9f, 1f) * 1082f;
                Draw.Rect(-1f, (1080f - num) * 0.5f, 1922f, num, (!WipeIn) ? Color.White : Color.Black);
            float sizeMultiplier = Ease.CubeIn(Percent);
            float baseSize       = 1000f;

            for (int i = 0; i < _gears.Length; i++)
                int index = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Gear.ToothCount; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < _countPerTeeth; k++)
                        Gear  gear  = _gears[i];
                        float size  = k >= 8 ? baseSize : 1.2f * baseSize;
                        float angle = gear.Angle + (j * Calc.Circle / Gear.ToothCount) + k * Calc.Circle / Gear.ToothCount / _countPerTeeth;
                        _verts[index++].Position = new Vector3(Calc.AngleToVector(angle, size * sizeMultiplier * gear.Scale) + new Vector2(gear.X, gear.Y), 0f);
                        angle += Calc.Circle / Gear.ToothCount / _countPerTeeth;
                        _verts[index++].Position = new Vector3(Calc.AngleToVector(angle, size * sizeMultiplier * gear.Scale) + new Vector2(gear.X, gear.Y), 0f);
                        _verts[index++].Position = new Vector3(new Vector2(gear.X, gear.Y), 0f);
                GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, _verts, _verts.Length);
Example #3
        private void PrepareClockworkVerts()

            float sizeMultiplier   = Ease.CubeIn(WipeIn ? Percent : 1 - Percent);
            float lengthMultiplier = 1.0f;

            if (Percent > 0.8f)
                lengthMultiplier = 1.0f - Calc.Map(Percent, 0.8f, 1f);

            int i = 0;

            Vector2[] minuteVerts = GetArmVerts(minuteWidth * sizeMultiplier, minuteLength * sizeMultiplier * lengthMultiplier, time.Minute * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f / 60.0f);

            for (int j = 0; j < minuteVerts.Length; j++)
                clockworkVerts[i].Position = new Vector3(minuteVerts[j], 0);

            Vector2[] hourVerts = GetArmVerts(hourWidth * sizeMultiplier, hourLength * sizeMultiplier * lengthMultiplier, time.Hour * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f / 12.0f + time.Minute * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f / 60.0f / 12.0f, true);

            for (int j = 0; j < minuteVerts.Length; j++)
                clockworkVerts[i].Position = new Vector3(hourVerts[j], 0);

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, clockworkVerts, clockworkVerts.Length);
 private void BeforeRender()
     if (BlockFill == null)
         BlockFill = VirtualContent.CreateRenderTarget("block-fill", 320, 180, false, true, 0);
     if (this.vertexCount <= 0)
     GFX.DrawVertices <VertexPositionColor>(Matrix.Identity, this.vertices, this.vertexCount, (Effect)null, (BlendState)null);
        public override void Render()
            Vector2 beamOrigin = boss.BeamOrigin;
            Vector2 vector1    = Calc.AngleToVector(angle, beamSprite.Width);

            beamSprite.Rotation      = angle;
            beamSprite.Color         = Color.White * beamAlpha;
            beamStartSprite.Rotation = angle;
            beamStartSprite.Color    = Color.White * beamAlpha;
            if (beamSprite.CurrentAnimationID == "shoot")
                beamOrigin += Calc.AngleToVector(angle, 8f);

            for (var index = 0; index < 15; ++index)
                beamSprite.RenderPosition = beamOrigin;
                beamOrigin += vector1;

            if (beamSprite.CurrentAnimationID == "shoot")
                beamStartSprite.RenderPosition = boss.BeamOrigin;

            Vector2 vector2     = vector1.SafeNormalize();
            Vector2 vector2_1   = vector2.Perpendicular();
            Color   color       = Color.Black * sideFadeAlpha * 0.35f;
            Color   transparent = Color.Transparent;
            Vector2 vector2_2   = vector2 * 4000f;
            Vector2 vector2_3   = vector2_1 * 120f;
            var     v           = 0;

            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2_2 + vector2_3 * 2f, vector2_2 + vector2_3 * 2f, vector2_2 + vector2_3,
                 -vector2_2 + vector2_3, color, color);
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2_2 + vector2_3, vector2_2 + vector2_3, vector2_2, -vector2_2, color,
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2_2, vector2_2, vector2_2 - vector2_3, -vector2_2 - vector2_3, transparent,
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2_2 - vector2_3, vector2_2 - vector2_3, vector2_2 - vector2_3 * 2f,
                 -vector2_2 - vector2_3 * 2f, color, color);
            GFX.DrawVertices((Scene as Level).Camera.Matrix, fade, fade.Length);
        public override void Render()
            Vector2 beamOrigin = _beamOrigin;
            Vector2 vector     = Calc.AngleToVector(_angle, _beamSprite.Width);

            _beamSprite.Rotation      = _angle;
            _beamSprite.Color         = Color.White * _beamAlpha;
            _beamStartSprite.Rotation = _angle;
            _beamStartSprite.Color    = Color.White * _beamAlpha;
            if (_beamSprite.CurrentAnimationID == "shoot")
                beamOrigin += Calc.AngleToVector(_angle, 8f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                _beamSprite.RenderPosition = beamOrigin;
                beamOrigin += vector;
            if (_beamSprite.CurrentAnimationID == "shoot")
                _beamStartSprite.RenderPosition = _beamOrigin;
            Vector2 vector2     = vector.SafeNormalize();
            Vector2 vector3     = vector2.Perpendicular();
            Color   color       = Color.Black * _sideFadeAlpha * 0.35f;
            Color   transparent = Color.Transparent;

            vector2 *= 4000f;
            vector3 *= 120f;
            int v = 0;

            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2 + vector3 * 2f, vector2 + vector3 * 2f, vector2 + vector3, -vector2 + vector3, color, color);
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2 + vector3, vector2 + vector3, vector2, -vector2, color, transparent);
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2, vector2, vector2 - vector3, -vector2 - vector3, transparent, color);
            Quad(ref v, beamOrigin, -vector2 - vector3, vector2 - vector3, vector2 - vector3 * 2f, -vector2 - vector3 * 2f, color, color);
            GFX.DrawVertices((base.Scene as Level).Camera.Matrix, fade, fade.Length);
        public override void BeforeRender(Scene scene)
            hasDrawn = true;
            if (Percent > 0.8f)
                float rectPercent = Calc.Map(Percent, 0.8f, 1f);
                Draw.Rect((1920f - rectPercent * 1922f) * 0.5f, (1080f - rectPercent * 1082f) * 0.5f, rectPercent * 1922f, rectPercent * 1082f, WipeIn ? Color.Black : Color.White);
            float sizeMultiplier = Ease.CubeIn(WipeIn ? Percent : 1 - Percent);

            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                verts[i].Position = new Vector3(refVerts[vertIndeces[i]] * finalSizeMultiplier * sizeMultiplier + center, 0f);

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, verts, verts.Length);
 public override void Render()
     if (Activator.IsOn)
         Camera camera = (Scene as Level).Camera;
         if (camera != null)
             for (int i = 0; i < _electricityColorsLerped.Length; i++)
                 _electricityColorsLerped[i] = Color.Lerp(_electricityColors[i], Color.White, Fade);
             int index = 0;
             DrawSimpleLightning(ref index, ref _edgeVerts, _edgeSeed, Position, _start, _end, _electricityColorsLerped[0], 1f + Fade * 1f);
             DrawSimpleLightning(ref index, ref _edgeVerts, _edgeSeed + 1, Position, _start, _end, _electricityColorsLerped[1], 1f + Fade * 1f);
             if (index > 0)
                 GFX.DrawVertices(camera.Matrix, _edgeVerts, index);
        private void BeforeRender()
            List <Entity> glassBlocks = Scene.Tracker.GetEntities <CustomizableGlassBlock>();

            hasBlocks = (glassBlocks.Count > 0);
            if (!hasBlocks)

            Camera camera       = (Scene as Level).Camera;
            int    screenWidth  = 320;
            int    screenHeight = 180;

            // draw stars
            if (starsTarget == null)
                starsTarget = VirtualContent.CreateRenderTarget("customizable-glass-block-surfaces", screenWidth, screenHeight);

            Draw.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Matrix.Identity);
            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(8f, 8f);

            for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; i++)
                MTexture starTexture        = stars[i].Texture;
                Color    starColor          = stars[i].Color * alpha;
                Vector2  starScroll         = stars[i].Scroll;
                Vector2  starActualPosition = default;
                starActualPosition.X = Mod(stars[i].Position.X - camera.X * (1f - starScroll.X), screenWidth);
                starActualPosition.Y = Mod(stars[i].Position.Y - camera.Y * (1f - starScroll.Y), screenHeight);
                starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition, origin, starColor);

                if (starActualPosition.X < origin.X)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition + new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), origin, starColor);
                else if (starActualPosition.X > screenWidth - origin.X)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition - new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), origin, starColor);

                if (starActualPosition.Y < origin.Y)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition + new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), origin, starColor);
                else if (starActualPosition.Y > screenHeight - origin.Y)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition - new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), origin, starColor);

            // draw rays/beams
            int vertex = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < rays.Length; j++)
                Vector2 rayPosition = default;
                rayPosition.X = Mod(rays[j].Position.X - camera.X * 0.9f, screenWidth);
                rayPosition.Y = Mod(rays[j].Position.Y - camera.Y * 0.9f, screenHeight);
                DrawRay(rayPosition, ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                if (rayPosition.X < 64f)
                    DrawRay(rayPosition + new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                else if (rayPosition.X > (screenWidth - 64))
                    DrawRay(rayPosition - new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                if (rayPosition.Y < 64f)
                    DrawRay(rayPosition + new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                else if (rayPosition.Y > (screenHeight - 64))
                    DrawRay(rayPosition - new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);

            if (beamsTarget == null)
                beamsTarget = VirtualContent.CreateRenderTarget("customizable-glass-block-beams", screenWidth, screenHeight);

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, verts, vertex);

            // if fading in, update the alpha value to fade in in ~0.25 seconds.
            if (alpha != 1f)
                alpha = Calc.Approach(alpha, 1f, Engine.DeltaTime * 4f);
        public override void Render()

            // render the edges of the lava rect.
            if (dirty)
                Vector2 zero = Vector2.Zero;

                Vector2 topLeft     = zero;
                Vector2 topRight    = new Vector2(zero.X + Width, zero.Y);
                Vector2 bottomLeft  = new Vector2(zero.X, zero.Y + Height);
                Vector2 bottomRight = zero + new Vector2(Width, Height);

                Vector2 fadeOffset = new Vector2(Math.Min(Fade, Width / 2f), Math.Min(Fade, Height / 2f));
                vertCount = 0;
                if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyLeft)
                    Edge(ref vertCount, topRight, bottomRight, fadeOffset.X);
                    Quad(ref vertCount, topLeft, topRight - new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), bottomRight - new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), bottomLeft, CenterColor);
                else if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyRight)
                    Edge(ref vertCount, bottomLeft, topLeft, fadeOffset.X);
                    Quad(ref vertCount, topLeft + new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft + new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), CenterColor);

                dirty = false;

            // render the vertices
            Camera camera = (Scene as Level).Camera;

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Entity.Position + Position, 0f)) * camera.Matrix, verts, vertCount);


            Vector2 rectPosition = Entity.Position + Position;

            // render bubbles
            MTexture bubbleTexture = GFX.Game["particles/bubble"];

            for (int i = 0; i < bubbles.Length; i++)
                bubbleTexture.DrawCentered(rectPosition + bubbles[i].Position, SurfaceColor * bubbles[i].Alpha);

            // render surface bubbles
            for (int j = 0; j < surfaceBubbles.Length; j++)
                if (surfaceBubbles[j].Y >= 0f)
                    MTexture surfaceBubbleTexture = surfaceBubbleAnimations[surfaceBubbles[j].Animation][(int)surfaceBubbles[j].Frame];
                    int      bubbleOffset         = (int)(surfaceBubbles[j].Y / SurfaceStep);

                    float x;
                    if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyLeft)
                        x = Width + 7f + Wave(bubbleOffset, Height);
                        x = 1f - Wave(bubbleOffset, Height);

                    surfaceBubbleTexture.DrawJustified(rectPosition +
                                                       new Vector2(x, OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyRight ? Height - bubbleOffset * SurfaceStep : bubbleOffset * SurfaceStep),
                                                       new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), SurfaceColor);