Example #1
    }  // coe2rv

    public static void COEtoRVMirror(OrbitElements oe,
                                     NBody centerBody,
                                     ref Vector3d r,
                                     ref Vector3d v,
                                     bool relativePos)
        double   temp, sinnu, cosnu;
        Vector3d rpqw, vpqw;

        double mu = GravityEngine.Instance().GetMass(centerBody);

        // --------------------  implementation   ----------------------
        //       determine what type of orbit is involved and set up the
        //       set up angles for the special cases.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        if (oe.ecc < small)
            // ----------------  circular equatorial  ------------------
            if ((oe.incl < small) | (Mathd.Abs(oe.incl - Mathd.PI) < small))
                oe.argp = 0.0;
                oe.raan = 0.0;
                oe.nu   = oe.truelon;
                // --------------  circular inclined  ------------------
                oe.argp = 0.0;
                oe.nu   = oe.arglat;
            // ---------------  elliptical equatorial  -----------------
            if ((oe.incl < small) | (Mathd.Abs(oe.incl - Mathd.PI) < small))
                oe.argp = oe.lonper;
                oe.raan = 0.0;

        // ----------  form pqw position and velocity vectors ----------
        cosnu = Mathd.Cos(oe.nu);
        sinnu = Mathd.Sin(oe.nu);
        temp  = oe.p / (1.0 + oe.ecc * cosnu);
        // flip Y
        rpqw = new Vector3d(temp * cosnu, -temp * sinnu, 0.0);
        if (Mathd.Abs(oe.p) < 0.00000001)
            oe.p = 0.00000001;

        // flip X (not Y)
        vpqw = new Vector3d(sinnu * Mathd.Sqrt(mu / oe.p),
                            (oe.ecc + cosnu) * Mathd.Sqrt(mu / oe.p),

        // ----------------  perform transformation to ijk  ------------
        r = GEMath.Rot3(rpqw, -oe.argp);
        r = GEMath.Rot1(r, -oe.incl);
        r = GEMath.Rot3(r, -oe.raan);

        v = GEMath.Rot3(vpqw, -oe.argp);
        v = GEMath.Rot1(v, -oe.incl);
        v = GEMath.Rot3(v, -oe.raan);

        if (!relativePos)
            r += GravityEngine.Instance().GetPositionDoubleV3(centerBody);
            v += GravityEngine.Instance().GetVelocityDoubleV3(centerBody);
    }  // coe2rvMirror