Example #1
        public Form1()
            : base("Snap N Viewer", 20, 20, 640, 480)
            fAutoScale = true;

            // Create the backing buffer to retain the image
            fBackingBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(1600, 1200);

            // 1.  Show a dialog box to allow the user to type in the 
            // group IP address and port number.
            HostForm groupForm = new HostForm();

            // 2. Get the address and port from the form, and use
            // them to setup the MultiSession object
            string groupIP = groupForm.groupAddressField.Text;
            int groupPort = int.Parse(groupForm.groupPortField.Text);
            IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(groupIP), groupPort);

            Title = "Snap N Viewer - " + ipep.ToString();

            fCommChannel = new CommChannel(ipep, false, true);

            // 3. Setup the chunk decoder so we can receive new images
            // when they come in
            fChunkDecoder = new GraphPortChunkDecoder(fBackingBuffer, fCommChannel);
            fChunkDecoder.PixBltPixelBuffer24Handler += this.PixBltPixelBuffer24;
            fChunkDecoder.PixBltLumbHandler += this.PixBltLum24;
Example #2
		public PLCView(string name, string heading, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			: base(name, x, y, width, height)
			//this.GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fTeamLogo = new TextBox("Team Logo","Tahoma",14,GDIFont.FontStyle.Regular,0,0,160,60,RGBColor.Black);
			fLegend = null;
			fCS = new PLCColorScheme();
			//fTransitionAnimator = new CrossFade();
			fDataBinder = null;
			fBackingPixelBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(width, height);
			fBackingGraphics = fBackingPixelBuffer.GraphPort;
			//fBackingGraphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch;

			fHeading = heading;

			// These are the set of virtual calls
			// That any subclasser will implement

Example #3
        public Form1()
            : base("Desktop Viewer", 20, 20, 640, 480)
            //fAutoScale = true;

            // Create the backing buffer to retain the image
            fBackingBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(1600, 1200);

            // 1.  Show a dialog box to allow the user to type in the 
            // group IP address and port number.
            HostForm groupForm = new HostForm();

            // 2. Get the address and port from the form, and use
            // them to setup the MultiSession object
            string groupIP = groupForm.groupAddressField.Text;
            int groupPort = int.Parse(groupForm.groupPortField.Text);
            IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(groupIP), groupPort);

            Title = "Desktop Viewer - " + ipep.ToString();

            fSession = new MultiSession(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ipep);
            fSketchChannel = fSession.CreateChannel(PayloadType.dynamicPresentation);

            // 3. Setup the chunk decoder so we can receive new images
            // when they come in
            fChunkDecoder = new GraphPortChunkDecoder(fBackingBuffer, fSketchChannel);
            fChunkDecoder.PixBltPixelBuffer24Handler += this.PixBltPixelBuffer24;
            fChunkDecoder.PixBltLumbHandler += this.PixBltLum24;

            fUserIOChannel = fSession.CreateChannel(PayloadType.xApplication2);
            fUserIOEncoder = new UserIOChannelEncoder(fUserIOChannel);
            fUserIODecoder = new UserIOChannelDecoder(fUserIOChannel);
            fUserIODecoder.MoveCursorEvent += MoveCursor;
        public override void PixBltPixelBuffer24(GDIDIBSection fPixMap, int x, int y)
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            PixelAccessorBGRb accessor = new PixelAccessorBGRb(fPixMap.Width, fPixMap.Height, fPixMap.Orientation, fPixMap.Pixels);

            // 2. Run length encode the image to a memory stream
            NewTOAPIA.Imaging.TargaRunLengthCodec rlc = new NewTOAPIA.Imaging.TargaRunLengthCodec();
            rlc.Encode(accessor, ms);

            // 3. Get the bytes from the stream
            byte[] imageBytes = ms.GetBuffer();
            int dataLength = (int)imageBytes.Length;

            // 4. Allocate a buffer chunk to accomodate the bytes, plus some more
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(dataLength + 128);

            // 5. Put the command, destination, and data size into the buffer first
            chunk += (int)UICommands.PixBltRLE;
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y);
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, accessor.Width, accessor.Height);
            chunk += dataLength;

            // 6. Put the image bytes into the chunk
            chunk += imageBytes;

            // 6. Finally, send the packet
Example #5
        unsafe public static PixelArray<Lumb> Copy(PixelArray<Lumb> dst, GDIDIBSection src)
            if (dst.Orientation != src.Orientation)
                return null;

            int imageSize = src.Width * src.Height;

            Lumb* dstPointer = (Lumb*)dst.Pixels.ToPointer();
            BGRb* srcPointer = (BGRb*)src.Pixels.ToPointer();

            for (int counter = 0; counter < imageSize; counter++)
                *dstPointer = new Lumb(NTSCGray.ToLuminance(*srcPointer));


            //for (int row = 0; row < src.Height; row++)
            //    for (int column = 0; column < src.Width; column++)
            //    {
            //        BGRb srcPixel = srcPointer[src.CalculateOffset(column, row)];
            //        byte lum = NTSCGray.ToLuminance(srcPointer[src.CalculateOffset(column, row)]);

            //        dstPointer[dst.CalculateOffset(column, row)] = new Lumb(lum);
            //    }

            return dst;
Example #6
    public Cover(string name, GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration, int direction)
		: base(name, frame, dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, duration)
		fDirection = direction;

Example #7
    public Wipe(string name, GDIDIBSection dstBitmap, GDIDIBSection srcBitmap, Rectangle frame, double duration, int direction)
		: base(name, frame, dstBitmap, srcBitmap, duration)
        fDirection = direction;

        public GraphPortChunkDecoder(GDIDIBSection pixMap, CommChannel channel)
            fGrayImage = new PixelArray<Lumb>(pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height);
            fChannel = channel;
            fChannel.ReceivedFrameEvent += FrameReceived;

            fPixMap = pixMap;
Example #9
        public GDIDIBSection SnapAPicture(Rectangle rect)
            GDIDIBSection contextImage = new GDIDIBSection(rect.Width, rect.Height, BitCount.Bits24);

            contextImage.DeviceContext.BitBlt(fContext, new Point(rect.X, rect.Y), new Rectangle(0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height),
                (TernaryRasterOps.SRCCOPY | TernaryRasterOps.CAPTUREBLT));

            return contextImage;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy from a Luminance image to the BGRb pixel buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dst">The destination of the copy.</param>
        /// <param name="src">The source of the copy.</param>
        unsafe public static GDIDIBSection Copy(GDIDIBSection dst, PixelArray<Lumb> src)
            int imageSize = src.Width * src.Height;
            for (int y = 0; y < src.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < src.Width; x++)
                    dst.SetColor(x, y, src.GetColor(x, y));

            return dst;
Example #11
        public SnapperWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
            : base("Snap N Share", 10, 10, 640, 480)
            // Show a form so we can capture the desired group IP and port number
            ServerForm groupForm = new ServerForm();
            //IPAddress randomAddress = NewTOAPIA.Net.Utility.GetRandomMulticastAddress();
            //groupForm.groupAddressField.Text = randomAddress.ToString();

            // Get the address and port from the form
            fUseGray = groupForm.checkBox1.Checked;
            string groupIP = groupForm.groupAddressField.Text;
            int groupPort = int.Parse(groupForm.groupPortField.Text);
            IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(groupIP), groupPort);

            // Set our title to the address specified so the user
            // can easily identify their session.
            Title = "SnapNShare - " + ipep.ToString();
            fSnapper = new ScreenSnapper();

            fClientOrigin = new POINT();
            int pwidth = ClientRectangle.Width;
            int pheight = ClientRectangle.Height;
            fScreenImage = new GDIDIBSection(width, height, BitCount.Bits24);
            fGrayImage = new PixelArray<Lumb>(width, height,fScreenImage.Orientation, new Lumb());

            BackgroundColor = RGBColor.White;
            this.Opacity = 0.5;

            // Create the MultiSession object so we can send stuff out to a group
            //fSession = new MultiSession(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ipep);
            fSession = new MultiSession(ipep, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "William", true, true, null);

            // Add the channel for graphics commands
            PayloadChannel payloadChannel = fSession.CreateChannel(PayloadType.dynamicPresentation);
            fCommandDispatcher = new GraphPortChunkEncoder(payloadChannel);

            fUserIOChannel = fSession.CreateChannel(PayloadType.xApplication2);
            //fUserIOEncoder = new UserIOChannelEncoder(fUserIOChannel);
            //fUserIODecoder = new UserIOChannelDecoder(fUserIOChannel);
            //fUserIODecoder.MouseActivityEvent += new MouseActivityEventHandler(fUserIODecoder_MouseActivityEvent);
            //fUserIODecoder.KeyboardActivityEvent += new KeyboardActivityEventHandler(fUserIODecoder_KeyboardActivityEvent);

            // Start the thread that will take snapshots of the screen
            fGlobalTimer = new PrecisionTimer();
            fFrameRate = 2; // Frames per second
            fSnapperRunning = true;
            snapperThread = new Thread(RunSnaps);
Example #12
    public ImageTransition(string name, Rectangle frame, GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, double duration)
        fTimer = new NewTOAPIA.Kernel.PrecisionTimer();
		fDestinationPixelBuffer = dstPixelBuffer;
		fSourcePixelBuffer = srcPixelBuffer;
		fDuration = duration;
		fGraphPort = null;

		// Do this last because others properties may need to be 
		// setup first.
		Frame = frame;
        DestinationPixelBuffer = fDestinationPixelBuffer;
        SourcePixelBuffer = fSourcePixelBuffer;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy from a Luminance image to the BGRb pixel buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dst">The destination of the copy.</param>
        /// <param name="src">The source of the copy.</param>
        unsafe public static GDIDIBSection Copy(GDIDIBSection dst, PixelArray<Lumb> src)
            Lumb* srcPointer = (Lumb*)src.Pixels.ToPointer();
            BGRb* dstPointer = (BGRb*)dst.Pixels.ToPointer();
            for (int row = 0; row < src.Height; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < src.Width; column++)
                    Lumb lumPixel = srcPointer[src.CalculateOffset(column, row)];
                    byte lum = lumPixel.Lum;

                    dstPointer[dst.Accessor.CalculateOffset(column, row)] = new BGRb(lum, lum, lum);

            return dst;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called through an Event dispatch.  It is registered with 
        /// the DataChangedEvent of the viewer class.  It should be raised whenever
        /// a new set of drawing commands hits to viewer from the network.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void PixBltPixelBuffer24(GDIDIBSection pixMap, int x, int y)
            fBackingBuffer = pixMap;

            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height);

            // If there is a cursor currently being shown,
            // then we should draw the cursor on top of the
            // current image before displaying the image
            //aImage.DrawCursor(x, y)

            if (fAutoScale)
                DeviceContextClientArea.AlphaBlend(pixMap.DeviceContext, srcRect, ClientRectangle, 255);
                DeviceContextClientArea.BitBlt(pixMap.DeviceContext, new Point(0, 0), ClientRectangle, TernaryRasterOps.SRCCOPY);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called through an Event dispatch.  It is registered with 
        /// the DataChangedEvent of the viewer class.  It should be raised whenever
        /// a new set of drawing commands hits to viewer from the network.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void PixBltPixelBuffer24(GDIDIBSection pixMap, int x, int y)
            fBackingBuffer = pixMap;

            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height);
            Rectangle dstRect = srcRect;

            // If there is a cursor currently being shown,
            // then we should draw the cursor on top of the
            // current image before displaying the image
            //aImage.DrawCursor(x, y)

            if (fAutoScale)
                dstRect = ClientRectangle;

            DeviceContextClientArea.PixelBlt(srcRect, dstRect, pixMap.Pixels, pixMap.BitCount);
Example #16
        unsafe public static PixelArray<Lumb> Copy(PixelArray<Lumb> dst, GDIDIBSection src)
            if (dst.Orientation != src.Orientation)
                return null;

            int imageSize = src.Width * src.Height;

            Lumb* dstPointer = (Lumb*)dst.Pixels.ToPointer();
            BGRb* srcPointer = (BGRb*)src.Pixels.ToPointer();

            for (int y = 0; y < src.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < src.Width; x++)
                    dst.AssignPixel(x, y, new Lumb(NTSCGray.ToLuminance(*srcPointer)));

            return dst;
Example #17
        public SnapperWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
            : base("Pixel Share", 10, 10, 640, 480)
            // Show a form so we can capture the desired group IP and port number
            ServerForm groupForm = new ServerForm();
            //IPAddress randomAddress = NewTOAPIA.Net.Utility.GetRandomMulticastAddress();
            //groupForm.groupAddressField.Text = randomAddress.ToString();

            // Get the address and port from the form
            fUseGray = groupForm.checkBox1.Checked;
            string groupIP = groupForm.groupAddressField.Text;
            int groupPort = int.Parse(groupForm.groupPortField.Text);
            IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(groupIP), groupPort);

            // Set our title to the address specified so the user
            // can easily identify their session.
            Title = "SnapNShare - " + ipep.ToString();
            fSnapper = new ScreenSnapper();

            fClientOrigin = new POINT();
            int pwidth = ClientRectangle.Width;
            int pheight = ClientRectangle.Height;
            fScreenImage = new GDIDIBSection(width, height, BitCount.Bits24);
            fGrayImage = new PixelArray<Lumb>(width, height,fScreenImage.Orientation, new Lumb());

            BackgroundColor = RGBColor.White;
            this.Opacity = 0.5;

            // Add the channel for graphics commands
            CommChannel graphicsChannel = new CommChannel(ipep, true, false);
            fCommandDispatcher = new GraphPortChunkEncoder(graphicsChannel);

            // Start the thread that will take snapshots of the screen
            fGlobalTimer = new PrecisionTimer();
            fFrameRate = 2; // Frames per second
            fSnapperRunning = true;
            snapperThread = new Thread(RunSnaps);
Example #18
    public TwoPartTransition(string name, GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration, int direction)
		: base(name, frame, dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, duration)
		fDirection = direction;
        fRevealed = 0;

		switch (direction)
			case RIGHT:
			case LEFT:
				fDistance = frame.Width;

			case UP:
			case DOWN:
				fDistance = frame.Height;

Example #19
    public Stretch(string name, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration, int direction)
		: base(name, frame, null, srcPixelBuffer, duration)
		// Calculate the increment in OnReset because it depends on the direction
		// And the direction will not have been set yet.
		fDirection = direction;

        switch (fDirection)
            case RIGHT:
            case LEFT:
                fDistance = Frame.Width;

            case UP:
            case DOWN:
                fDistance = Frame.Height;

Example #20
    public ExpandVerticalOut(GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
        : base("ExpandVerticalOut", frame, null, srcPixelBuffer, duration)
        fFinalFrame = frame;
        fInitialFrame = new Rectangle(Frame.Left + Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Top, 2, Frame.Height);
Example #21
    public UnCoverDown(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
		: base("UnCoverDown", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, duration, TwoPartTransition.DOWN)
Example #22
    public UnCoverLeft(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, int steps)
		: base("UnCoverLeft", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, steps, TwoPartTransition.LEFT)
Example #23
        //IntPtr fUserIODecoder_KeyboardActivityEvent(object sender, KeyboardActivityArgs ke)
        //    if (!fAllowRemoteControl)
        //        return IntPtr.Zero;

        //    Console.WriteLine("Received Key Event: {0}  {1}  {2}", InputSimulator.KeyEvents, ke.AcitivityType, ke.VirtualKeyCode);

        //    InputSimulator.SimulateKeyboardActivity(ke.VirtualKeyCode, ke.AcitivityType);

        //    return IntPtr.Zero;

        //void fUserIODecoder_MouseActivityEvent(object sender, MouseActivityArgs me)
        //    if (fAllowRemoteControl)
        //    {
        //        // What we've received are window relative coordinates.
        //        // First we need to convert them to screen relative coordinates
        //        POINT aPoint = new POINT(me.X, me.Y);
        //        User32.ClientToScreen(Handle, ref aPoint);

        //        // Now for input simulation, we need to turn the screen 
        //        // point into a normalized range of 0 to 65535
        //        // Normalize the point
        //        Screen myScreen = Screen.FromHandle(Handle);
        //        Rectangle screenRect = myScreen.Bounds;

        //        float xFrac = (float)aPoint.X / screenRect.Width;
        //        float yFrac = (float)aPoint.Y / screenRect.Height;

        //        int normalizedX = (int)(xFrac * 65535);
        //        int normalizedY = (int)(yFrac * 65535);
        //        // And finally, send the input
        //        InputSimulator.SimulateMouseActivity(normalizedX, normalizedY, me.Delta, me.ButtonActivity);
        //    }

        void SnapClientArea()
            Rectangle cRect = ClientRectangle;

            // If we have resized since last picture, then 
            // resize the capture buffer before taking
            // the next snapshot.
            if (fNeedsResize)
                fScreenImage = new GDIDIBSection(cRect.Width, cRect.Height, BitCount.Bits24);
                fGrayImage = new PixelArray<Lumb>(cRect.Width, cRect.Height, fScreenImage.Orientation, new Lumb());

                fNeedsResize = false;

            // To take a snapshot, we need to convert the client area's upper left corner
            // to screen space, as the device context we're using is for the whole screen.
            // So, we get the origin, and make the User32 call to convert that to screen space.
            fClientOrigin = new POINT(0, 0);
            User32.ClientToScreen(Handle, ref fClientOrigin);

            // Now we actually take the snapshot.
            // We pass in the client area, based in screen coordinates
            // and the PixelBuffer object to capture into.
            fSnapper.SnapAPicture(new Rectangle(fClientOrigin.X, fClientOrigin.Y, fScreenImage.Width, fScreenImage.Height), fScreenImage);

Example #24
    public PushDown(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
        : base("PushDown", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, duration, Push.DOWN)
Example #25
    public PushUp(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
        : base("PushUp", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, duration, Push.UP)
Example #26
    public PushLeft(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
        : base("PushLeft", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, duration, Push.LEFT)
Example #27
    public PushRight(GDIDIBSection dstPixelBuffer, GDIDIBSection srcPixelBuffer, Rectangle frame, double duration)
        : base("PushRight", dstPixelBuffer, srcPixelBuffer, frame, duration, Push.RIGHT)
Example #28
    public override void OnMouseDown(MouseActivityArgs e)
        if (e.ButtonActivity == MouseButtonActivity.RightButtonDown)
            fHaveImage = false;
            Opacity = 0.5;

        if (e.ButtonActivity == MouseButtonActivity.LeftButtonDown)
            if (e.Clicks > 1)
                POINT origin = new POINT(0, 0);
                User32.ClientToScreen(Handle, ref origin);
                fScreenImage = fSnapper.SnapAPicture(new Rectangle(origin.X, origin.Y, ClientRectangle.Width, ClientRectangle.Height));
                fHaveImage = true;
Example #29
 public virtual void PixBltPixelBuffer24(GDIDIBSection pixMap, int x, int y)
     if (null != PixBltPixelBuffer24Handler)
         PixBltPixelBuffer24Handler(pixMap, x, y);
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called through an Event dispatch.  It is registered with 
        /// the DataChangedEvent of the viewer class.  It should be raised whenever
        /// a new set of drawing commands hits to viewer from the network.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void PixBltLum24(PixelArray<Lumb> pixMap, int x, int y)
            //fBackingBuffer = pixMap;
            // Copy luminance back into pixel buffer
            if (fBackingBuffer.Width != pixMap.Width || fBackingBuffer.Height != pixMap.Height)
                fBackingBuffer = new GDIDIBSection(pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height);

            PixmapTransfer.Copy(fBackingBuffer, pixMap);

            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height);

            if (fAutoScale)
                DeviceContextClientArea.AlphaBlend(fBackingBuffer.DeviceContext, srcRect, ClientRectangle, 255);
                DeviceContextClientArea.BitBlt(fBackingBuffer.DeviceContext, new Point(0, 0), new Rectangle(0, 0, pixMap.Width, pixMap.Height), TernaryRasterOps.SRCCOPY);