public void Start(int tilesize)
            Console.WriteLine("Compression Size Test For Specific Raster");

            // this is set up for erdas imagine with a spillfile.
            FileInfo f  = new FileInfo(filename);
            FileInfo f2 = new FileInfo(filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + ".ige");

            Console.WriteLine("Present Filename: " + filename);
            Console.WriteLine("Size: " + ((f.Length + f2.Length) / 1024 / 1024).ToString() + " Mb");

            GDALRead r = new GDALRead(filename);


            report = new Dictionary <double, TimePieces>();

            var total = Selections.Select(o => o.Value.Count).Sum();

            Console.WriteLine("Running tests for {0} selections", total);
            Console.WriteLine("Encoding for tile size: {0}", tilesize);

            int counted = 0;

            foreach (var sel in Selections)
                Console.WriteLine("On Panel Start: {0}", sel.Key);

                TimePieces summary = new TimePieces();

                foreach (var l in sel.Value)

                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                    Console.Write("                                                      ");
                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                    Console.Write("On sample #{0} of {1}", counted, total);

                    var test = r.GetTileTest(l.x, l.y, tilesize);

                    summary.PngSize  += test.PngSize;
                    summary.TiffSize += test.TiffSize;
                    summary.PngTime   = summary.PngTime + test.PngTime;
                    summary.TiffTime  = summary.TiffTime + test.TiffTime;
                    summary.CopyTime  = summary.CopyTime + test.CopyTime;

                report.Add(sel.Key, summary);

            Console.WriteLine("Calulated Sizes.");
Example #2
        public static List <List <TileVariance> > GetTileVariances(GDALRead activeFile, int tilesize, int testinglimit = 0)
            var remx = activeFile.remainderX(tilesize);
            var remy = activeFile.remaindery(tilesize);

            var tilesx = activeFile.XTiles(tilesize);
            var tilesy = activeFile.YTiles(tilesize);

            List <List <TileVariance> > variances = new List <List <TileVariance> >();

            int count = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < tilesy; y++)
                int height = tilesy - 1 == y && remy > 0 ? remy : tilesize;

                variances.Add(new List <TileVariance>());

                for (int x = 0; x < tilesx; x++)
                    if (count > testinglimit && testinglimit > 0)

                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                    Console.Write("                                      ");
                    Console.CursorLeft = 0;
                    Console.Write("Processing Tile: {0} x {1} #{2}", x, y, count);

                    int width = tilesx - 1 == x && remx > 0 ? remx : tilesize;

                    var v = GetVariance(activeFile, 1, x * tilesize, y * tilesize, width, height);

                    v.x        = x;
                    v.y        = y;
                    v.TileSize = tilesize;


                if (count > testinglimit && testinglimit > 0)

        public void Start()
            GDALRead gr = new GDALRead(fname);


            var start = DateTime.Now;

            variances = TileVariance.GetTileVariances(gr, 512, lim);

            var endd = DateTime.Now;

            // why ? because I want to store the results in something I can open, there is no text to worry about
            // json is bloated and the serializer bombs and if I'm gonna do row by row might as well do this.
            // since i'll be generating this all but once per raster and using the results directly.

            Console.WriteLine("Writing Variance Data To File.");

            var fs = File.Create("bytevariance.txt");

            StreamWriter s = new StreamWriter(fs);

            s.Write("X\tY\tCount\tTileSize\tStdDev\tAvg\tMax Percentage\tMin Percentage\t");

            for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
                s.Write(x.ToString() + "\t");


            for (int y = 0; y < variances.Count; y++)
                var vy = variances[y];

                for (int x = 0; x < vy.Count; x++)
                    var item = vy[x];



            Console.WriteLine("Calculation of Variances took: " + (endd - start).ToString());
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the variance (number of each byte value) in a tile sampled from the raster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="band"></param>
        /// <param name="startx"></param>
        /// <param name="starty"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TileVariance GetVariance(GDALRead activeFile, int band, int startx, int starty, int width, int height)
            TileVariance test = new TileVariance();

            ulong sum   = 0;
            long  count = 0;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[width * height];

            var bandp = activeFile.RasterImg.GetRasterBand(band);

            bandp.ReadRaster(startx, starty, width, height, bytes, width, height, 0, 0);

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    byte currval = bytes[y * width + x];

                    sum += currval;

                    /// errh oh need to update this to search now that I decided to make this
                    /// json friendly.
                    int index = test.byteIndex.ContainsKey(currval) ? test.byteIndex[currval] : -1;

                    if (index == -1)
                        test.Spread.Add(new SpreadValue()
                            B = currval, C = 1
                        test.byteIndex.Add(currval, test.Spread.Count - 1);

            test.Count   = count;
            test.CeilAvg = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)sum / count);

            double va = 0;

            var ind = test.byteIndex.ToList();

            double maxp = double.MinValue;
            double minp = double.MaxValue;

            for (int x = 0; x < ind.Count; x++)
                int index = ind[x].Value;

                if (index > -1)
                    SpreadValue val = test.Spread[index];
                    // this is the variance sum
                    va += Math.Pow((double)val.B - (double)test.CeilAvg, 2.0) * (double)val.C;
                    // these will end up in the same order. however if there is no value it will leave wholes between and throw index out of rang
                    // exceptions if the index field isn't being checked.

                    PercSpread p = new PercSpread()
                        B = val.B,
                        P = (double)val.C / (double)test.Count


                    if (p.P > maxp)
                        maxp = p.P;

                    if (p.P < minp)
                        minp = p.P;

            test.MinPercentage = minp;
            test.MaxPercentage = maxp;

            // for compression purposes variance matters in that the more values that are the same the higher the probability the file will
            // compress smaller
            // though if a lot of patterns repeat this may not always be the case.
            test.StdDev = Math.Sqrt(va / test.Count);

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges = new List <NormalValue>();

            // extreme outliers
            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = double.MinValue, EndDev = -3.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = -3.0, EndDev = -2.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = -2.0, EndDev = -1.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = -1.0, EndDev = 0.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = 0.0, EndDev = 0.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = 0.0, EndDev = 1.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = 1.0, EndDev = 2.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = 2.0, EndDev = 3.0, Count = 0

            test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Add(new NormalValue()
                StartDev = 3.0, EndDev = double.MaxValue, Count = 0

            for (int x = 0; x < test.Spread.Count; x++)
                SpreadValue val = test.Spread[x];

                if (test.StdDev != 0)
                    val.StdDevs = ((double)val.B - (double)test.CeilAvg) / test.StdDev;
                // interpret this as being equal to the mean. likely all the values are the same.
                    val.StdDevs = 0;

                // place them all in the normal distribution
                for (int i = 0; i < test.NormalizedValuesRanges.Count; i++)
                    NormalValue nv = test.NormalizedValuesRanges[i];

                    if (val.StdDevs == 0.0 && nv.StartDev == 0.0 && nv.EndDev == 0.0)
                        nv.Count += val.C;
                    else if (val.StdDevs != 0 && val.StdDevs > nv.StartDev && val.StdDevs <= nv.EndDev)
                        nv.Count += val.C;
