/** Check if the threat sequence is still usable in that all attacker and
     * defender stones are still free on the given board.
     * @param boardRev The reversed ([x,y]) board to be checked.
     * @returns true if the threat sequence is still valid, false otherwise.
    public bool CheckValidRevBoard(int[,] boardRev)
        if (boardRev[attacker.X, attacker.Y] != 0)

        foreach (GBMove gbm in defender)
            if (boardRev[gbm.X, gbm.Y] != 0)

        if (next == null)

    private bool GetMoveAttack()
        Debug.Assert(threatsequence != null);

        // Check the threat sequence is still valid on the current board.
        // This is the rare magic case that could defeat us (C-3, C-4)
        if (threatsequence.CheckValidRevBoard(board) == false)
            statusStr.Append("magic :-(, ");
            Console.WriteLine("Winning threat sequence not valid anymore, magic case.");

            threatsequence = null;
            state          = MoveState.Normal;


        // Also check if there is still attacker moves left
        if (threatsequence.attacker == null)
            threatsequence = null;
            statusStr.Append("seqEnd reached");

            state = MoveState.Normal;

        // Check the last move of the opponent is one of the expected defender
        // moves in our threat sequence.  If it is not, fall back on
        // alpha-beta search.

        if (lastAppliedThreatSequence != null &&
            lastAppliedThreatSequence.defender != null)
            bool defendedThreat = false;

            foreach (GBMove gbm in lastAppliedThreatSequence.defender)
                if (gbm.X == lastoppmove.X && gbm.Y == lastoppmove.Y)
                    defendedThreat = true;


            // If the threat was not defended against, fall back to alpha-beta
            if (defendedThreat == false)
                statusStr.Append("not defended, ");
                threatsequence = null;

                state = MoveState.Normal;
            statusStr.Append("defended, ");

        // Check if the move is in the interesting fields, which basically
        // asserts us there is no opponent threat we have to respond to.
        ArrayList  fields   = fieldagent.ReallyInterestingFields(board, 1);
        Coordinate wantmove = new Coordinate(threatsequence.attacker.X,

        if (fields.Contains(wantmove))
            Console.WriteLine("Move is chosen from sequence");
            bestfield = wantmove;
            statusStr.Append("move ({0},{1}) from seq, ", wantmove.X, wantmove.Y);
            sequence_used             = true;
            lastAppliedThreatSequence = threatsequence;

            // Advance to next threat
            threatsequence = threatsequence.next;

            // End of sequence -> fall back to alpha beta, for the _next_
            // move.
            if (threatsequence == null)
                state = MoveState.Normal;
            Console.WriteLine("Move from sequence is not in interesting fields");
            sequence_used = false;
            statusStr.Append("move not from seq, ");

            bestfield = DoABMove();

        // Move made