Example #1
         *  --------------------
         *  Class Implementation
         *  --------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Contains the actual behind the scenes implementation of <see cref="OnLinkDownload"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private string ProcessGamebananaLink(string downloadLink, string downloadLocation)
            // Set our regular expressions for string matching.
            string itemTypePattern = @"^.*gb_itemtype:(\w+).*$";
            string itemidPattern   = @"^.*gb_itemid:(\w+).*$";
            Regex  itemTypeMatcher = new Regex(itemTypePattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
            Regex  itemIdMatcher   = new Regex(itemidPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
            var    itemTypeMatch   = itemTypeMatcher.Match(downloadLink);
            var    itemIdMatch     = itemIdMatcher.Match(downloadLink);

            if (itemTypeMatch.Success && itemIdMatch.Success)
                // Get the list of GB mods, append to it and resave.
                _modManager = new GBModManager();
                _modEntries = _modManager.GetMods();

                long   itemId   = Convert.ToInt64(itemIdMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                string itemType = itemTypeMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                _modEntries.Add(new GBModEntry(itemType, itemId, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), downloadLocation));

                // Now strip the download link.
                string downloadLinkPattern = @"(^.*?),";
                var    downloadLinkmatcher = new Regex(downloadLinkPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);

Example #2
         *   ------------------------
         *   Interface Implementation
         *   ------------------------

        public List <Update> GetUpdates()
            // Go over the list of mods and grab individual updates.
            var           mods    = new GBModManager().GetMods();
            List <Update> updates = new List <Update>();

            // Iterate every single mod and find ones that have been updated.
            foreach (var mod in mods)
                var modItem = mod.GetItem();
                if (modItem != null && modItem.HasUpdates)
                    // Get latest update and compare the download times.
                    GameBananaItemUpdate latestUpdate = modItem.Updates[0];
                    var file = modItem.Files.First().Value;

                    // Determine the last write time of config file (if exists) - and write last check time.
                    // Or if it does not exist, we will not update the last check time.
                    var modTime = mod.LastChecked.ToUniversalTime();
                    mod.LastChecked = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

                    // Conditionally alter mod time and store flag of whether to update last checked time.
                    string potentialConfigLocation = mod.DownloadLocation + $"\\{mod.ModFolders[0]}\\Config.json";
                    if (File.Exists(potentialConfigLocation))
                        modTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(potentialConfigLocation).ToUniversalTime();
                        // Oldest file in directory.
                        // This is a workaround for non-Reloaded mods, or if the structure ever changes.
                        string firstFolder = mod.DownloadLocation + $"\\{mod.ModFolders[0]}";
                        modTime = Directory.GetFiles(firstFolder)

                    if (latestUpdate.DateAdded > modTime)
                        updates.Add(new Update(modItem.Name, "Not Supported", modItem.OwnerName, latestUpdate.Title, new Uri(file.DownloadUrl), (int)file.Filesize, mod.DownloadLocation));

            // Save mod list so last update time was remembered.
            new GBModManager().SaveMods(mods);