Example #1
        private static void SolveWarehouse(GAMSWorkspace gmsWS, int NumberOfWarehouses, GAMSDatabase result, Object dbMutex)
            // instantiate GAMSOptions and define some scalars
            GAMSOptions gmsOpt = gmsWS.AddOptions();

            gmsOpt.AllModelTypes = "Gurobi";
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("Warehouse", NumberOfWarehouses.ToString());
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("Store", "65");
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("fixed", "22");
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("disaggregate", "0");
            gmsOpt.OptCR = 0.0; // Solve to optimality

            // create a GAMSJob from string and write results to the result database
            GAMSJob gmsJ = gmsWS.AddJobFromString(GetModelText());


            // need to lock database write operations
            lock (dbMutex)
                result.GetParameter("objrep").AddRecord(NumberOfWarehouses.ToString()).Value = gmsJ.OutDB.GetVariable("obj").FindRecord().Level;

            foreach (GAMSVariableRecord supplyRec in gmsJ.OutDB.GetVariable("supply"))
                if (supplyRec.Level > 0.5)
                    lock (dbMutex)
                        result.GetSet("supplyMap").AddRecord(NumberOfWarehouses.ToString(), supplyRec.Keys[0], supplyRec.Keys[1]);
Example #2
        private Node[] ReadNodes(GAMSDatabase gdxFile)
            var n = gdxFile.GetSet(_str.NodeSet);
            var s = gdxFile.GetParameter(_str.StartTimes);
            var e = gdxFile.GetParameter(_str.EndTimes);

            Node[] nodes = new Node[n.NumberRecords];
            double v     = 0;
            double w     = 0;
            int    c     = 0;

            foreach (GAMSSetRecord r in n)
                var startTime = s.FindRecord(r.Keys);
                var endTime   = s.FindRecord(r.Keys);
                v = (startTime != null) ? startTime.Value : 0.0;
                w = (endTime != null) ? endTime.Value : 0.0;
                ResourceConstraint[] constraint = new ResourceConstraint[] { new ResourceConstraint(v, w) };
                nodes[c] = new Node(c, r.Keys[0], constraint, c, c);
Example #3
        private Arc[] GetArcs(GAMSDatabase gdxFile, Node[] nodes)
            Random rand = new Random(); //for debug run

            GAMSParameter par = gdxFile.GetParameter(_str.FzMatrix);

            Arc[] arcs    = new Arc[par.NumberRecords];
            int   c       = 0;
            var   nLookup = nodes.ToDictionary(n => n.Label);

            foreach (GAMSParameterRecord rec in par)
                var n1 = nLookup[rec.Keys[0]];
                var n2 = nLookup[rec.Keys[1]];
                var v  = rec.Value;
                //debug run with random dual
                Arc a = new Arc(c, n1, n2, v, v - rand.Next(0, 100), new double[] { v });
                arcs[c] = a;
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GAMSWorkspace ws;

            if (Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length > 1)
                ws = new GAMSWorkspace(systemDirectory: Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[1]);
                ws = new GAMSWorkspace();
            GAMSCheckpoint cp = ws.AddCheckpoint();

            // initialize a GAMSCheckpoint by running a GAMSJob
            GAMSJob t12 = ws.AddJobFromString(GetModelText());


            // create a GAMSModelInstance and solve it multiple times with different scalar bmult
            GAMSModelInstance mi = cp.AddModelInstance();

            double[] bmultlist = new double[] { 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 };

            GAMSDatabase db = ws.AddDatabase();

            GAMSSet       scen  = db.AddSet("scen", 1, "");
            GAMSParameter bmult = db.AddParameter("bmultlist", 1, "");
            GAMSParameter zscen = db.AddParameter("zscen", 1, "");

            int i = 0;

            foreach (double b in bmultlist)
                bmult.AddRecord("s" + i).Value = b;
                scen.AddRecord("s" + i++);

            GAMSSet dict = db.AddSet("dict", 3, "");

            dict.AddRecord(scen.Name, "scenario", "");
            dict.AddRecord("bmult", "param", bmult.Name);
            dict.AddRecord("z", "level", zscen.Name);

            GUSSCall(dict, mi, "transport us lp min z");

            foreach (GAMSParameterRecord rec in db.GetParameter(zscen.Name))
                Console.WriteLine(rec.Keys[0] + " obj: " + rec.Value);


            GAMSModelInstance mi2 = cp.AddModelInstance();
            GAMSDatabase      db2 = ws.AddDatabase();

            GAMSSet       scen2  = db2.AddSet("scen", 1, "");
            GAMSParameter zscen2 = db2.AddParameter("zscen", 1, "");
            GAMSParameter xup    = db2.AddParameter("xup", 3, "");

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                foreach (GAMSSetRecord irec in t12.OutDB.GetSet("i"))
                    foreach (GAMSSetRecord jrec in t12.OutDB.GetSet("j"))
                        xup.AddRecord("s" + j, irec.Keys[0], jrec.Keys[0]).Value = j + 1;
                scen2.AddRecord("s" + j);

            GAMSSet dict2 = db2.AddSet("dict", 3, "");

            dict2.AddRecord(scen2.Name, "scenario", "");
            dict2.AddRecord("x", "lower", xup.Name);
            dict2.AddRecord("z", "level", zscen2.Name);

            GUSSCall(dict2, mi2, "transport us lp min z", output: Console.Out);

            foreach (GAMSParameterRecord rec in db2.GetParameter(zscen2.Name))
                Console.WriteLine(rec.Keys[0] + " obj: " + rec.Value);
Example #5
        private static void SolveWarehouse(GAMSWorkspace gmsWS, int NumberOfWarehouses, GAMSDatabase result, Object dbMutex)
            // instantiate GAMSOptions and define some scalars
            GAMSOptions gmsOpt = gmsWS.AddOptions();
            gmsOpt.AllModelTypes = "Gurobi";
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("Warehouse", NumberOfWarehouses.ToString());
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("Store", "65");
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("fixed", "22");
            gmsOpt.Defines.Add("disaggregate", "0");
            gmsOpt.OptCR = 0.0; // Solve to optimality

            // create a GAMSJob from string and write results to the result database
            GAMSJob gmsJ = gmsWS.AddJobFromString(GetModelText());

            // need to lock database write operations
            lock (dbMutex)
                result.GetParameter("objrep").AddRecord(NumberOfWarehouses.ToString()).Value = gmsJ.OutDB.GetVariable("obj").FindRecord().Level;

            foreach (GAMSVariableRecord supplyRec in gmsJ.OutDB.GetVariable("supply"))
                if (supplyRec.Level > 0.5)
                        result.GetSet("supplyMap").AddRecord(NumberOfWarehouses.ToString(), supplyRec.Keys[0], supplyRec.Keys[1]);