Example #1
        private void LEAVE(string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, Func.RecordSet sal)
            string sql = "", sql1;

            for (int i = 0; i < LEA.rows; i++)
                UpdateItemLeave(LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID"), EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, sal);
                if (sql != "")
                    sql += "+";
                sql += "[LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID") + "]";
            if (sql != "")
                sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set LEA_QT=" + sql + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                       + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO;
                PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
                if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0)
                    sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set LEA_QT=" + sql + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                           + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=3";
                    PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
                    sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set LEA_QT=" + sql + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                           + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=4";
                    PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
Example #2
        private void vs_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "Select * from FILD05A order by MON_QT DESC";

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            vs1.Cols.Count = rs.rows + 1;
            vs1.Rows.Count = 2;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                vs.Cols["COL_" + i.ToString("00")].Visible = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    vs1.Cols[i + 1].Name    = rs.record(i, "COL_NO");
                    vs1.Cols[i + 1].Caption = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, "MON_QT")).ToString("#,###");

                    vs.Cols[rs.record(i, "COL_NO")].Visible = true;
                    vs.Cols[rs.record(i, "COL_NO")].Caption = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, "MON_QT")).ToString("#,###");
                catch {}
            txt1.Text = vs.Cols[txt1.Tag + ""].Caption;
            txt2.Text = vs.Cols[txt2.Tag + ""].Caption;
//			//txt3.Text=vs.Cols[txt3.Tag+""].Caption;
Example #3
        private void Init_TreeDetail(string wh, int level, Node p, string USER_ID)
            string sql = "Select a.DEP_ID,DEP_NM,DEP_N1,ALL_BT from SYS_SECURITY_DEP a,FILA02A b where a.DEP_ID=b.DEP_ID "
                         + "and USER_ID=N'" + USER_ID + "' and MNU_ID=" + MNU_ID + " and " + wh;

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            Node           a;

            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                a = vs1.Rows.InsertNode(vs1.Rows.Count, level);
                if (rs.record(i, "DEP_N1") + "" != "")
                    vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_NM") + " - " + rs.record(i, "DEP_N1");
                    vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_NM");
                vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID");
                vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["ALL_BT"] = rs.record(i, "ALL_BT");
                Init_TreeDetail("DEP_HG=N'" + rs.record(i, "DEP_ID") + "'", level + 1, a, USER_ID);
            if (rs.rows > 0)
                p.Expanded = false;
        private void TransferStaff(string EMP_ID, SqlConnection con)
            checkStaff(EMP_ID, con);
            string sql = "Select * from FILC04B where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" + YYY_YY.Text + "'";

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            if (rs.rows < 0)
            double songay = 0;

//			songay+=T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0,"HAV_QT"));
//			songay+=T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0,"ADD_QT"));
//			songay+=T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0,"LST_QT"));
//			songay-=T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0,"DID_QT"));
            songay += T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "TLCN"));
            songay += T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "BOR_QT"));
            songay += T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "ADD_QT"));
            songay += T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "LST_QT"));
            songay += T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "SUP_QT"));
            songay -= T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "DID_QT"));
//			if (songay - Math.Floor(songay)>0.5 && songay >0)
//			{
//				songay =Math.Floor(songay) +1 ;
//			}
            sql = "update FILC04B set LST_QT=" + songay + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_YY=N'" +
                  ((int)(T_String.IsNullTo0(YYY_YY.Text) + 1)).ToString("0000") + "'";
            PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con);
Example #5
        private void Init_TreeDetail(string wh, int level, Node p)
            string sql = "Select DEP_ID,DEP_NM,DEP_N1 from FILA02A where " + wh;

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            Node           a;

            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                a = vs1.Rows.InsertNode(vs1.Rows.Count, level);
                if (rs.record(i, "DEP_N1") + "" != "")
                    vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_NM") + " - " + rs.record(i, "DEP_N1");
                    vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_NM"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_NM");
                vs1.Rows[vs1.Rows.Count - 1]["DEP_ID"] = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID");
                Init_TreeDetail("DEP_HG=N'" + rs.record(i, "DEP_ID") + "'", level + 1, a);
            if (rs.rows > 0)
                p.Expanded = false;
        private void TransferToYear()
            dt             = T_String.GetDate();
            lb.Text        = "";
            lb2.Text       = "";
            cmd_OK.Enabled = false;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);

            string sql = "Select EMP_ID,EMP_NM from FILB01A";

            sql += " where " + control1.GetWhere("");
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                if (stop)
                TransferStaff(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "", con);
                lb.Text   = (i + 1) + "/" + rs.rows + " __ " + ((int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows) + "%";
                lb2.Text  = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " __ " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM");
                pro.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows;
            lb2.Text       = PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1);
            cmd_OK.Enabled = true;
Example #7
        private void cmd_frm_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select EN,CH,VN,ID  from SYS_MENU b where ";
            sql = sql + "TYP_BT=1  and SEC=1 order by EN";
            Func.RecordSet       rs  = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            Basic.Form.frmSearch dlg = new frmSearch(rs, 3, "frmSecurity_vs1", true);
            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                sql = "Select TYP_ID,MNU_ID,ALL_BT from SYS_SECURITY_TYP a where MNU_ID="
                      + rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "ID") + " and USER_ID=N'" + vs.Rows[vs.Row]["USER_ID"] + "'";
                Func.RecordSet rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
                for (int i = 0; i < rs1.rows; i++)
                    if (rs1.record(i, "ALL_BT") == "True")
                        sql = "Update SYS_SECURITY_TYP  set ALL_BT=1"
                              + " where TYP_ID=N'" + rs1.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and USER_ID=N'"
                              + vs.Rows[vs.Row]["USER_ID"] + "' and MNU_ID=" + MNU_ID;
                        sql = "Update SYS_SECURITY_TYP  set ALL_BT=0"
                              + " where TYP_ID=N'" + rs1.record(i, "TYP_ID") + "' and USER_ID=N'"
                              + vs.Rows[vs.Row]["USER_ID"] + "' and MNU_ID=" + MNU_ID;
Example #8
        private void FILC03A(SqlConnection convb, SqlConnection con)
            string sql = "Select * from MonthShift";
            string v   = "";

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, convb);
            sql = "Delete  from FILC03A";
            PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                sql = "Insert Into FILC03A(EMP_ID,YYY_MM";
                v   = "";
                for (int n = 1; n <= 31; n++)
                    sql += ",DAY_" + n.ToString("00");
                    v   += ",N'" + rs.record(i, "m" + n.ToString("00")) + "'";
                sql += ") values(";
                sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "ID_Employee") + "',";
                sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "YM") + "'";
                sql += v + ")";
                PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
                pro.Value = (int)((i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows);
                lb.Text   = i + "/" + rs.rows + " FILC03A";
                lb1.Text  = m + "";
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rsData">source</param>
        /// <param name="isSTT">have STT</param>
        /// <param name="from">from cell</param>
        /// <param name="to">to cell</param>
        /// <param name="fromRow">row add value</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int BuildExcelRow(Func.RecordSet rsData, bool isSTT, string from, string to, int fromRow)
            int iSTT = 1;
            int stt  = isSTT == true ? 1 : 0;

            //Build excel row
            for (int x = 0; x < rsData.rows; x++)
                //instant new row
                object[,] data = new object[1, rsData.cols + 2];

                //get a row
                for (int y = 0; y < rsData.cols + stt; y++)
                    data[0, y] = rsData.record(x, y - stt);

                //bind value STT
                if (isSTT)
                    data[0, 0] = iSTT;

                //format cell
                //data[0,3] = Convert.ToDateTime(data[0,3]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                //bind value
                oSheet.get_Range(string.Format("{1}{0}:{2}{0}", fromRow, from, to), Missing.Value)
                .set_Value(Excel.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault, data);

Example #10
        private void Init_vs()
            nav.cmd_search.Visible = nav.cmd_report.Visible = nav.cmd_add.Visible = nav.cmd_copy.Visible = false;
            PublicFunction.InitNav(this, vs, nav);
            string sql, st = "";

            sql = "Select SHI_ID from FILC02A";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                st += "|" + rs.record(i, 0);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
                vs.Cols["DAY_" + i.ToString("00")].ComboList = st;
            //nav.Show_VS("YYY_MM=N'"+ ((DateTime)dt3.Value).ToString("yyyyMM")+"'");
            //	vs.AllowEditing=false;
            vs.Cols.Frozen     = vs.Cols["EMP_NM"].Index;
            vs.EnabledChanged += new EventHandler(vs_EnabledChanged);
            vs.AfterEdit      += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(vs_AfterEdit);
            vs.SelectionMode   = C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.SelectionModeEnum.CellRange;
            nav.ToolBar_Auto   = false;
            nav.TBarClick     += new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(nav_TBarClick);
            vs.Styles["CN"].BackColor = Color.Silver;
Example #11
        private void Formula(SqlConnection con)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILC08A where RUN_BT=1 order by SEQ_N1";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    sql = rs.record(i, "SQL_DR");
                    if (sql + "" != "")
                        sql = sql.Replace("FILC06A", table);
                        sql = sql.Replace("UserCalAtt", PublicFunction.A_UserID);
                        PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
                sql = "Update FILC06A SET[NOT_DR]=[NOT_DR]+' AbnormalLeave' from FILB01A b, FILC06A a where ( a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID) and " +
                      "(([ATT_HR]+[NIG_HR]+[LEA_H1]+[LEA_H2])>800 or (([ATT_HR]+[NIG_HR]+[LEA_H1]+[LEA_H2])>760 AND ([ATT_HR]+[NIG_HR]+[LEA_H1]+[LEA_H2])<800)) ";
                sql = sql.Replace("FILC06A", table);
                PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #12
        private void Init_VS()
            PublicFunction.InitNav(this, vs, nav);
            nav.Show_VS(" 1=1 order by TRN_DT  DESC");
            vs.Cols["ATT_DT"].Format    = PublicFunction.GetOption("DATE");
            vs.Cols["INN_NO"].ComboList = "In1|In2|In3|In4";
            System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = PublicFunction.connect(PublicFunction.DTGP_server, PublicFunction.DTGP_database
                                                                             , PublicFunction.DTGP_username, PublicFunction.DTGP_password);
            string sql = "Select SHI_ID from FILC02A";

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            sql = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                if (sql != "")
                    sql += "|";
                sql += rs.record(i, 0);
            vs.Cols["SHI_ID"].ComboList = sql;
            this.vs.AfterRowColChange  += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RangeEventHandler(this.vs_AfterRowColChange);
            nav.ToolBar_Auto            = false;
            nav.TBarClick += new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(nav_TBarClick);
Example #13
        private void CheckFieldName()
            string sql, frmMonth = "frmTaMonthAddUp000_vs";

            if (PublicFunction.GPS)
                frmMonth = "frmTaMonthAddUp001_vs";
            LEA = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILA15A", PublicFunction.C_con);
            for (int i = 0; i < LEA.rows; i++)
                if (!Func.Fun.CheckFieldOfTable(PublicFunction.C_con, FILC06AA, "LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID")))
                    sql = "Alter table " + FILC06AA + " Add [" + "LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID") + "] float";

                    sql = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX([ID])", "SYS_LABEL_VS_ATT", "[NAME]=" +
                                                                     "N'" + frmMonth + "'")) + 1 + "";
                    sql = "Insert Into SYS_LABEL_VS_ATT values(" +
                          "N'" + frmMonth + "'," + sql + ","
                          + "N'" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_NM") + "',N'" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_NM") + "',"
                          + "N'" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_NM") + "',N'" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_NM") + "',N'" + "LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID") + "')";

                    sql = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX([ID1])", "GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT", "[ID]=" +
                                                                     "N'" + frmMonth + "'")) + 1 + "";
                    sql = "Insert Into GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT([ID],ID1,[NAME],[FIELD],SEQ) values("
                          + "N'" + frmMonth + "'," + sql + ","
                          + "N'" + "LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID") + "',N'" + "LEA_" + LEA.record(i, "LEA_ID") + "'," + sql + ")";
Example #14
        private void ForCal(string EMP_ID, string d1)
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);

            if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILC08A where RUN_BT=1 order by SEQ_N1";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    sql = " " + rs.record(i, "SQL_DR") + " ";
                    if (sql + "" != "")
                        sql += " and a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT='" + d1 + "'";
                        PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #15
        private void Set_LB()
            string sql = "";

            for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
                Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILA15A where LEA_ID='" + i.ToString("000") + "'", PublicFunction.C_con);
                if (rs.rows > 0)
                    vs.Cols["LEA_" + i.ToString("000")].Caption = rs.record(0, "LEA_NM");
                    if (PublicFunction.GPS)
                        sql = "update GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT set HIDE=0 where ID=N'frmTaMonthAddUp000_vs_GPS' and NAME=N'" + "LEA_" + i.ToString("000") + "'";
                        sql = "update GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT set HIDE=0 where ID=N'frmTaMonthAddUp000_vs' and NAME=N'" + "LEA_" + i.ToString("000") + "'";
                    if (PublicFunction.GPS)
                        sql = "update GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT set HIDE=1 where ID=N'frmTaMonthAddUp000_vs_GPS' and NAME=N'" + "LEA_" + i.ToString("000") + "'";
                        sql = "update GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT set HIDE=1 where ID=N'frmTaMonthAddUp000_vs' and NAME=N'" + "LEA_" + i.ToString("000") + "'";
                    vs.Cols["LEA_" + i.ToString("000")].Visible = false;
Example #16
 private void cmd_ok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 121), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
         DateTime d1  = (DateTime)dt1.Value;
         DateTime d2  = (DateTime)dt2.Value;
         string   sql = "";
         sql = "delete FILD02A WHERE SEQ_NO>2 AND YYY_MM  between '" + d1.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'"
               + " and '" + d2.ToString("yyyyMM") + "' and EMP_ID in (Select EMP_ID from FILB01A where " +
               control1.GetWhere("", !ck1.Checked) + ")";
         sql = "";
         Func.RecordSet rs_LCB = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILD01A where INI_BT=1", PublicFunction.C_con);
         for (int i = 0; i < rs_LCB.rows; i++)
             if (sql != "")
                 sql += ",";
             sql += "[" + rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM") + "]=0";
         sql = "update FILD02A  set " + sql + "where YYY_MM between '" + d1.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'"
               + " and '" + d2.ToString("yyyyMM") + "' and EMP_ID in (Select EMP_ID from FILB01A where " +
               control1.GetWhere("", !ck1.Checked) + ") and (LCK_BT is null or LCK_BT=0) ";
         MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1));
Example #17
        private void Init_MenuItem(MenuItem mnu, int ID)
            string sql;

            sql = "Select * from SYS_MENU where H_ID=" + ID + "  and (HIDE<>1 or  HIDE is null) ORDER BY SEQ";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))] = new MenuItem();
                if (rs.record(i, "SEC") == "True")
                    submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))].Enabled = false;
                    submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))].Enabled = true;
                submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))].Text  = rs.record(i, PublicFunction.L_Lag);
                submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))].Index = T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "SEQ"));
                mnu.MenuItems.Add(i, submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))]);
                Init_MenuItem(submnu[T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID"))], T_String.IsNullTo0(rs.record(i, "ID")));
            if (rs.rows == 0)
                mnu.Click += new EventHandler(menu_Click);
Example #18
        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string sql = "Select EMP_ID,EMP_I1,EMP_NM,DEP_ID,INH_DT From FILB01A Where  "
                         + " DEL_BT is null or DEL_BT=0 and DEP_ID in (Select DEP_ID  from SYS_SECURITY_DEP" +
                         " where MNU_ID=" + this.Tag + " and ALL_BT=1 and USER_ID=N'" + PublicFunction.A_UserID + "')";

            Func.RecordSet rs  = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            frmSearch      dlg = new frmSearch(rs, 5, "frmTaStaffInfo_vs");

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (checkBox1.Checked)
                    txt_WID.Text = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_I1");
                    txt_WID.Text = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_ID");
                EMP_ID        = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_ID");
                EMP_I1        = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_I1");
                txt_Name.Text = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_NM");
                txt_Dep.Text  = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("DEP_NM", "FILA02A", "DEP_ID=N'" + rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "DEP_ID") + "'");
                    txt_INH.Text = DateTime.Parse(rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "INH_DT") + "").ToString(format);
                catch {}
                ok = true;
Example #19
        public void TongCong(string EMP_ID, string YYY_MM, int SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con1)
            //			PublicFunction.Copy_Table(
            string sql = "Select * from FILD01B where  BEF_BT=1 and AFT_BT=1 and ITE_NM IN (SELECT '['+COL_NM+']' FROM FILD01A) and SUM_BT=1";

            Func.RecordSet rs2 = new Func.RecordSet(sql + " ORDER BY SEQ_N1", con1);
            for (int n = 0; n < rs2.rows; n++)
                    string ITE_NM = rs2.record(n, "ITE_NM");
                    Double ITE_NM3, ITE_NM4;

                    ITE_NM3 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(ITE_NM, "FILD02A",
                                                                          "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=3"));
                    ITE_NM4 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(ITE_NM, "FILD02A",
                                                                          "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=4"));
                    sql = "update FILD02A set " + ITE_NM + "=" + (ITE_NM3 + ITE_NM4) + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=2";
                    PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " " + sql);
Example #20
        private void Formula()
            SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);

            if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
//			pro2.Value=0;
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILC15B where RUN_BT=1 order by SEQ_N1";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con1);
                for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    sql = rs.record(i, "SQL_DR");
                    if (sql + "" != "")
                        sql += " and " + control1.GetWhere1("b") + " and ATT_BT=1 and (MEAL_DT Between '" + ((DateTime)dt1.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '"
                               + ((DateTime)dt2.Value).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') and (LOCK_BT=0 or LOCK_BT is NULL)";
                        PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1, true);
//				pro2.Value=100;
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #21
        private void cmd_for_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            cmd_for.Enabled = false;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.C_con.ConnectionString);

            if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select * from FILC08A ";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
                for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                    sql = rs.record(i, "SQL_DR");
                    if (sql + "" != "")
                        sql += " and " + control1.GetWhere("b") + " and ATT_BT=1";
                        PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                cmd_for.Enabled = true;
            MessageBox.Show(PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1));
            cmd_for.Enabled = true;
Example #22
        private void Init_vs()

            PublicFunction.InitNav(this, vs, nav, this.Name + "000_vs");
            nav.TBForm   = "GP_SYS_SQL_FROM";
            nav.TBSelect = "GP_SYS_SQL_SELECT";
            nav.cmd_copy.Visible              = false;
            nav.cmd_delete.Visible            = false;
            vs.SelectionMode                  = C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.SelectionModeEnum.RowRange;
            vs.Cols.Frozen                    = vs.Cols["EMP_NM"].Index;
            vs.Cols["EMP_I1"].Style.BackColor = Color.PeachPuff;
            vs.Cols["ATT_DY"].Format          = "#,##0.0000";
            vs.Cols["NIG_DY"].Format          = "#,##0.0000";
            string sql = "Select FNAME," + PublicFunction.L_Lag + " from  SYS_LABEL where [NAME]=N'frmTaMonthAddUpCal' and (FName='1' or FName='2' or FName='3' or FName='4')";

            vs.Cols["SEQ_NO"].DataMap = PublicFunction.InitCBForVS(sql);
            vs.EnabledChanged        += new EventHandler(vs_EnabledChanged);
//			nav.ToolBar_Auto=false;
            //nav.TBarClick+=new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(nav_TBarClick);
            vs.AfterEdit  += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(vs_AfterEdit);
            vs.BeforeEdit += new C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.RowColEventHandler(vs_BeforeEdit);
            vs.Cols["LOC_B1"].Style.BackColor = Color.Silver;
            vs.Styles["VAC_BT"].BackColor = Color.DarkGray;

            sql = "Select TYP_ID from GP_SYS_SHIFT";
            rs1 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            sql = "Select COL_NM from FILC07A";
            rs2 = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            nav.ToolBar_Auto = false;
            nav.TBarClick   += new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(nav_TBarClick);
Example #23
        private void BonusFined(string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, Func.RecordSet sal)
            string   sql = "", sql1 = "";
            DateTime d1 = (DateTime)dt1.Value;
            DateTime d2 = (DateTime)dt2.Value;

            //Xu ly khen thuong truoc sau do xu ly phat
            sql = "Select DISTINCT (Select sum(AMT_QT) FROM FILD04A a LEFT OUTER JOIN FILA13A b ON a.BAF_ID=b.BAF_ID" +
                  " Where b.TPE_ID=1 and EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID +
                  "' and SEQ_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') AS Khenthuong," +
                  "(Select sum(AMT_QT) FROM FILD04A a LEFT OUTER JOIN FILA13A b ON a.BAF_ID=b.BAF_ID" +
                  " Where (b.TPE_ID = 0 or b.TPE_ID IS NULL) and EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID +
                  "' and SEQ_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') AS Xuphat" +
                  " FROM FILD04A WHERE SEQ_DT BETWEEN '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "'";
            Func.RecordSet rsbonusfined = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            if (rsbonusfined.rows != 0)
                sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set BOS_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Khenthuong")) +
                       ",FIN_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Xuphat")) + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                       + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO;
                PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
                if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0)
                    sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set BOS_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Khenthuong")) +
                           ",FIN_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Xuphat")) + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                           + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=3";
                    PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
                    sql1 = "update " + FILC06AA + " set BOS_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Khenthuong")) +
                           ",FIN_AM=" + T_String.IsNullTo0(rsbonusfined.record(0, "Xuphat")) + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'"
                           + dt3.Text + "' and SEQ_NO=4";
                    PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, true);
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Build excel and export
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildExcel()
            strWhere = strWhere.IndexOf("WHERE") != -1 ? strWhere + " AND" : "WHERE";
            string ngayChon            = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string ngayDauThangSauChon = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateChoose).AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            string sql = string.Format("select EMP_NM,EMP_N1, nhanvien.EMP_ID, INH_DT, POS_NM " +
                                       "from FILB01A nhanvien " +
                                       "join FILA02A bophan on nhanvien.DEP_ID = bophan.DEP_ID " +
                                       "join FILA07A chucvu on nhanvien.POS_ID = chucvu.POS_ID " +
                                       "join FILB01AC nghiviec on nghiviec.EMP_ID = nhanvien.EMP_ID " +
                                       "{0} (nhanvien.VAC_BT = 1 and nghiviec.VAC_DT > '{1}' and nghiviec.VAC_DT < '{2}')", strWhere, ngayChon, ngayDauThangSauChon);

            Func.RecordSet rsData = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);

            //Build excel title
            BuildTitle("A", "A", 3, "BÁO BIỂU THỐNG KÊ LƯƠNG / 工資統計表 [MM/YYYY]", string.Format("BÁO BIỂU THỐNG KÊ LƯƠNG / 工資統計表 {0}", strDateChoose));

            if (rsData != null && rsData.rows > 0)
                //Build excel row
                int iRow = BuildExcelRow(rsData, true, "A", "T", 7);

                //Format cells date
                Excel.Range rgDate = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[7, 5], oSheet.Cells[iRow - 1, 5]);
                rgDate.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy";

                //Format cells currency
                Excel.Range rgCurrency = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[7, 7], oSheet.Cells[iRow - 1, 20]);
                rgCurrency.NumberFormat = "#,##0";

                //Format total:
                Excel.Range rgTotal = oSheet.get_Range(oSheet.Cells[iRow, 1], oSheet.Cells[iRow, 6]);
                rgTotal.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                rgTotal.VerticalAlignment   = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

                //Draw border
                ReportExcel2.DrawBorders(oSheet, 7, 1, iRow, 20);

                //Build footer
                BuildFooter(iRow, 1, 6, "TOTAL:");

                BuildFooter(iRow, 7, 7, string.Format("=sum(G7:G{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 8, 8, string.Format("=sum(H7:H{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 9, 9, string.Format("=sum(I7:I{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 10, 10, string.Format("=sum(J7:J{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 11, 11, string.Format("=sum(K7:K{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 12, 12, string.Format("=sum(L7:L{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 13, 13, string.Format("=sum(M7:M{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 14, 14, string.Format("=sum(N7:N{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 15, 15, string.Format("=sum(O7:O{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 16, 16, string.Format("=sum(P7:P{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 17, 17, string.Format("=sum(Q7:Q{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 18, 18, string.Format("=sum(R7:R{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 19, 19, string.Format("=sum(S7:S{0})", iRow - 1));
                BuildFooter(iRow, 20, 20, string.Format("=sum(T7:T{0})", iRow - 1));
Example #25
 private void CalShift(Func.RecordSet rs, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, Func.RecordSet sal) // tinh gio cong
     for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)                                                                         // Tung Nhan Vien
         string Item = rs.record(i, "TYP_ID");
         UpdateItem(Item, EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal);
Example #26
        public void AttStaff(string EMP_ID, DateTime d1, SqlConnection con, string DEP_ID, string EMP_I1)
            string sql = "";

            sql = "Select LOC_BT,LOC_B1 from FILC06A where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT='" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'";
            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);
            if (rs.rows > 0)
                if (rs.record(0, "LOC_BT") + "" == "True" || rs.record(0, "LOC_B1") + "" == "True")
                // Thu sua, ko xoa tung nguoi khi chuyen ma xoa toan bo truoc khi insert tu bang tam vao, tranh TH mat du lieu neu bi loi giua chung
                //    sql="Delete from FILC06A where EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and ATT_DT='"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"'";
                //    try
                //    {
                //        PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con);
                //    }
                //    catch(SqlException ex)
                //    {
                //        err.Text+= ex.Message;
                //    }

            string Shift = GetShift(EMP_ID, d1, con);

            if (Shift == null)
                //				sql="Insert Into ["+table+"](EMP_ID,ATT_DT,DEP_ID,SHI_ID)";
                //				sql+=" Values("
                //					+"N'"+EMP_ID+"',"
                //					+"'"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"',N'"+DEP_ID+"',"
                //					+"N'NoShift')";
                //				PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con,true);
                InsertNoShift(EMP_ID, "NoShift", d1, con, DEP_ID, EMP_I1);
            sql = "Select * from FILC02B where SHI_ID=N'" + Shift + "' ORDER BY SEQ_NO";
            Func.RecordSet rsca = new Func.RecordSet(sql, con);

            if (Shift == "00" && rsca.rows <= 0)
                //				sql="Insert Into ["+table+"](EMP_ID,ATT_DT,DEP_ID,SHI_ID)";
                //				sql+=" Values("
                //					+"N'"+EMP_ID+"',"
                //					+"'"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"',N'"+DEP_ID+"',"
                //					+"N'"+Shift+"')";
                //				PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con,true);
                InsertNoShift(EMP_ID, "00", d1, con, DEP_ID, EMP_I1);
                AttStaffByShift(EMP_ID, Shift, d1, con, DEP_ID, EMP_I1, rsca);
Example #27
 private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     Func.RecordSet       rs  = new Func.RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,EMP_I1,EMP_NM from FILB01A", PublicFunction.C_con);
     Basic.Form.frmSearch dlg = new frmSearch(rs, 3, "frmTaStaffInfo_vs");
     if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         EMP_ID.Text = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_ID");
         EMP_NM.Text = rs.record(rs.Bookmarks, "EMP_NM");
Example #28
        private void CheckShift()
            string sql = "Select * from GP_SYS_SHIFT where TYP_ID not in(Select COL_NM from GP_SYS_GET_PAYROLLFOR)";

            Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con);
            for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
                sql = "Insert Into GP_SYS_GET_PAYROLLFOR(COL_NM,DES_NM,MON_BT) values";
Example #29
 private void vs_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PublicFunction.L_Init_Label(vs, "frmTaLevel_vs", "SYS_LABEL_VS");
     Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select * from FILD01A where BAS_BT=1", PublicFunction.C_con);
     for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++)
         vs.Cols[rs.record(i, "COL_NM")].Caption = rs.record(i, "COL_" + PublicFunction.L_Lag);
Example #30
 private void wid_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
         Func.RecordSet rs = new Func.RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,EMP_I1,EMP_NM from FILB01A where EMP_ID=N'" + wid.Text
                                                + "' and (DEL_BT=0 or DEL_BT is null)  and  " + PublicFunction.Get_TYP(this.Tag, ""), PublicFunction.C_con);