Example #1
        void sendEchoMessage(TransportProtocol protocol)
            FunapiSession.Transport transport = session_.GetTransport(protocol);
            if (transport == null)
                FunDebug.LogWarning("sendEchoMessage - transport is null.");


            if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
                Dictionary <string, object> message = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                message["message"] = string.Format("[{0}] echo message ({1})", client_id_, echo_id_);
                session_.SendMessage("echo", message, protocol);
            else if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
                PbufEchoMessage echo = new PbufEchoMessage();
                echo.msg = string.Format("[{0}] echo message ({1})", client_id_, echo_id_);
                FunMessage message = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(echo, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
                session_.SendMessage("pbuf_echo", message, protocol);
Example #2
        void onReceivedMessage(string type, object message)
            if (type == "echo" || type == "pbuf_echo")
                if (sending_count_ <= 0)
                    is_done_ = true;

            if (type == "echo")
                Dictionary <string, object> json = message as Dictionary <string, object>;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}] received: {1} (left:{2})", client_id_, json["message"] as string, sending_count_);
            else if (type == "pbuf_echo")
                FunMessage msg = message as FunMessage;
                object     obj = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(msg, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
                if (obj == null)

                PbufEchoMessage echo = obj as PbufEchoMessage;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}] received: {1} (left:{2})", client_id_, echo.msg, sending_count_);
        public void sendEchoMessage(TransportProtocol protocol = TransportProtocol.kDefault)
            if (!session_.Connected && !session_.ReliableSession)
                FunDebug.Log("You should connect first.");

            if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kJson)
                // In this example, we are using Dictionary<string, object>.
                // But you can use your preferred Json implementation (e.g., Json.net) instead of Dictionary,
                // by changing FunapiMessage.JsonHelper property.
                Dictionary <string, object> message = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                message["message"] = string.Format("[{0}] hello json", protocol.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower());
                session_.SendMessage("echo", message, protocol);
            else if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
                PbufEchoMessage echo = new PbufEchoMessage();
                echo.msg = string.Format("[{0}] hello proto", protocol.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower());
                FunMessage message = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(echo, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
                session_.SendMessage(MessageType.pbuf_echo, message, protocol);
Example #4
    private void onMessageReceived(string msg_type, object message)
        MessageType msgType;

        if (!!!Enum.TryParse(msg_type, out msgType))
            Debug.LogWarning("Unregistered msg type - " + msg_type);

        var msg = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(
            message as funapi.network.fun_message.FunMessage, msgType);

        if (msg == null)
            Debug.LogError("Cannot parse msg - " + msg + "as " + msgType);

        Debug.LogFormat("[MsgDump] <color=blue>{0}</color> : {1}",
                        msg_type, MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(msg));

        base.notifyServerMessage(msgType, msg);
Example #5
        void onMulticastChannelReceived(string channel_id, string sender, object body)
            if (multicast_.encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
                string channel = FunapiMessage.JsonHelper.GetStringField(body, "_channel");
                FunDebug.Assert(channel != null && channel == channel_id);

                string message = FunapiMessage.JsonHelper.GetStringField(body, "_message");
                FunDebug.Log("Received a multicast message from the '{0}' channel.\nMessage: {1}",
                             channel_id, message);
                FunDebug.Assert(body is FunMulticastMessage);
                FunMulticastMessage mcast_msg = body as FunMulticastMessage;
                FunDebug.Assert(channel_id == mcast_msg.channel);

                object           obj       = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(mcast_msg, MulticastMessageType.pbuf_hello);
                PbufHelloMessage hello_msg = obj as PbufHelloMessage;
                if (hello_msg == null)

                FunDebug.Log("Received a multicast message from the '{0}' channel.\nMessage: {1}",
                             channel_id, hello_msg.message);
    void OnEventHandler(SNResultCode result)
        FunDebug.DebugLog1("EVENT: Facebook ({0})", result);

        switch (result)
        case SNResultCode.kLoggedIn:
            var token = Facebook.Unity.AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken;
            if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kJson)
                Dictionary <string, object> message = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                message["facebook_uid"]          = token.UserId;
                message["facebook_access_token"] = token.TokenString;

                session_.SendMessage("login", message);
            else if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
                FacebookLoginMessage login = new FacebookLoginMessage();
                login.facebook_uid          = token.UserId;
                login.facebook_access_token = token.TokenString;

                FunMessage message = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(login, MessageType.facebook_login);
                session_.SendMessage("facebook_login", message);

        case SNResultCode.kError:
    public void OnButtonSendEcho()
        if (session == null)

        FunapiSession.Transport transport = session.GetTransport(info.protocol);
        if (transport == null)
            FunDebug.LogWarning("sendEchoMessage - transport is null.");

        if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
            Dictionary <string, object> message = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            message["message"] = string.Format("[{0}] hello", transport.str_protocol);
            session.SendMessage("echo", message, info.protocol);
        else if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
            PbufEchoMessage echo = new PbufEchoMessage();
            echo.msg = string.Format("[{0}] hello", transport.str_protocol);
            FunMessage message = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(echo, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
            session.SendMessage("pbuf_echo", message, info.protocol);
Example #8
 void onReceivedMessage(string type, object message)
     if (type == "echo")
         FunDebug.Assert(message is Dictionary <string, object>);
         Dictionary <string, object> json = message as Dictionary <string, object>;
         FunDebug.Log("Received an echo message: {0}", json["message"]);
     else if (type == "pbuf_echo")
         FunMessage      msg  = message as FunMessage;
         PbufEchoMessage echo = FunapiMessage.GetMessage <PbufEchoMessage>(msg, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
         FunDebug.Log("Received an echo message: {0}", echo.msg);
        void onEchoWithProtobuf(object message)
            FunDebug.Assert(message is FunMessage);
            FunMessage msg = message as FunMessage;
            object     obj = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(msg, MessageType.pbuf_echo);

            if (obj == null)

            PbufEchoMessage echo = obj as PbufEchoMessage;

            FunDebug.Log("Received an echo message: {0}", echo.msg);
Example #10
 public void SendMessage(TransportProtocol protocol, string message)
     if (protocol == TransportProtocol.kTcp)
         PbufEchoMessage echo = new PbufEchoMessage();
         echo.msg = message;
         FunMessage fmsg = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(echo, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
         session_.SendMessage(MessageType.pbuf_echo, fmsg, protocol);
         Dictionary <string, object> echo = new Dictionary <string, object>();
         echo["message"] = message;
         session_.SendMessage("echo", echo, protocol);
        void onReceivedMessage(string type, object message)
            if (type == "echo")
                Dictionary <string, object> json = message as Dictionary <string, object>;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}] received: {1}", client_id, json["message"] as string);
            else if (type == "pbuf_echo")
                FunMessage msg = message as FunMessage;
                object     obj = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(msg, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
                if (obj == null)

                PbufEchoMessage echo = obj as PbufEchoMessage;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}] received: {1}", client_id, echo.msg);
Example #12
        void onReceivedMessage(string type, object message)
            if (type == "echo")
                Dictionary <string, object> json = message as Dictionary <string, object>;
                string echo_msg = json["message"] as string;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}:{2}] {1}", id_, echo_msg, ++message_number_);
            else if (type == "pbuf_echo")
                FunMessage msg = message as FunMessage;
                object     obj = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(msg, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
                if (obj == null)

                PbufEchoMessage echo = obj as PbufEchoMessage;
                FunDebug.Log("[{0}:{2}] {1}", id_, echo.msg, ++message_number_);
    void OnReceive(string type, object obj)
        FunEncoding encoding = session_.GetEncoding();

        string result = "";

        if (type == "fb_authentication")
            if (encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
                Dictionary <string, object> message = obj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                result = message["result"].ToString();
            else if (encoding == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
                FunMessage         msg     = obj as FunMessage;
                PbufAnotherMessage message = FunapiMessage.GetMessage <PbufAnotherMessage>(msg, MessageType.pbuf_another);
                result = message.msg;

            if (result == "ok")
                logged_in_ = true;

                if (image_ != null && facebook_.MyPicture != null)
                    image_.texture = facebook_.MyPicture;

                FunDebug.Log("facebook login authenticatiion failed.");

Example #14
    void sendEcho(TransportProtocol protocol)
        FunapiSession.Transport transport = session.GetTransport(protocol);
        if (transport == null)

        if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
            Dictionary <string, object> message = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            message["message"] = string.Format("[{0}] hello", transport.str_protocol);
            session.SendMessage("echo", message, protocol);
        else if (transport.encoding == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
            PbufEchoMessage echo = new PbufEchoMessage();
            echo.msg = string.Format("[{0}] hello", transport.str_protocol);
            FunMessage message = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(echo, MessageType.pbuf_echo);
            session.SendMessage("pbuf_echo", message, protocol);
Example #15
        public void sendMulticastMessage()
            if (multicast_.encoding == FunEncoding.kJson)
                Dictionary <string, object> mcast_msg = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                mcast_msg["_channel"] = kChannelName;
                mcast_msg["_bounce"]  = true;
                mcast_msg["_message"] = "multicast test message";

                PbufHelloMessage hello_msg = new PbufHelloMessage();
                hello_msg.message = "multicast test message";

                FunMulticastMessage mcast_msg = FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(hello_msg, MulticastMessageType.pbuf_hello);
                mcast_msg.channel = kChannelName;
                mcast_msg.bounce  = true;

        void onMaintenanceMessage(object message)
            if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kJson)
                JsonAccessor json_helper = FunapiMessage.JsonHelper;
                FunDebug.Log("Maintenance message\nstart: {0}\nend: {1}\nmessage: {2}",
                             json_helper.GetStringField(message, "date_start"),
                             json_helper.GetStringField(message, "date_end"),
                             json_helper.GetStringField(message, "messages"));
            else if (encoding_ == FunEncoding.kProtobuf)
                FunMessage msg = message as FunMessage;
                object     obj = FunapiMessage.GetMessage(msg, MessageType.pbuf_maintenance);
                if (obj == null)

                MaintenanceMessage maintenance = obj as MaintenanceMessage;
                FunDebug.Log("Maintenance message\nstart: {0}\nend: {1}\nmessage: {2}",
                             maintenance.date_start, maintenance.date_end, maintenance.messages);
Example #17
 public override void SendMessage <TPacket>(MessageType packetType, TPacket packet)
     _session.SendMessage(packetType, FunapiMessage.CreateFunMessage(packet, packetType));