Example #1
    public void OnGUI()
        // FunapiNetwork test
        with_session_reliability_ = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(30, 5, 130, 20), with_session_reliability_, " session reliability");
        with_protobuf_            = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(180, 5, 150, 20), with_protobuf_, " google protocol buffer");

        GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 40, 300, 20), "[FunapiNetwork] - " + kServerIp);
        GUI.enabled = (network_ == null || !network_.Started);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 60, 240, 40), "Connect (TCP)"))
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 105, 240, 40), "Connect (UDP)"))
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 150, 240, 40), "Connect (HTTP)"))

        GUI.enabled = (network_ != null && network_.Connected);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 195, 240, 40), "Disconnect"))

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 240, 240, 40), "Send a message"))

        // Announcements test
        GUI.enabled = true;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 300, 300, 20), string.Format("[Announcer] - {0}:{1}", kAnnouncementIp, kAnnouncementPort));
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 320, 240, 40), "Update announcements"))
            if (announcement_ == null)
                announcement_ = new FunapiAnnouncement();
                announcement_.ResultCallback += new FunapiAnnouncement.EventHandler(OnAnnouncementResult);

                string url = "";
                if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
                    url = FunapiConfig.AnnouncementUrl;

                if (url.Length <= 0)
                    url = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", kAnnouncementIp, kAnnouncementPort);

                if (url.Length <= 0)



        // Resource download test
        GUI.enabled = downloader_ == null;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 380, 300, 20), string.Format("[Downloader] - {0}:{1}", kDownloadServerIp, kDownloadServerPort));
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 400, 240, 40), "Resource downloader (HTTP)"))
            string download_url = "";

            if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
                FunapiConfig.GetDownloaderUrl(out download_url);

            if (download_url == "")
                download_url = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", kDownloadServerIp, kDownloadServerPort);

            downloader_ = new FunapiHttpDownloader();
            downloader_.VerifyCallback   += new FunapiHttpDownloader.VerifyEventHandler(OnDownloadVerify);
            downloader_.ReadyCallback    += new FunapiHttpDownloader.ReadyEventHandler(OnDownloadReady);
            downloader_.UpdateCallback   += new FunapiHttpDownloader.UpdateEventHandler(OnDownloadUpdate);
            downloader_.FinishedCallback += new FunapiHttpDownloader.FinishEventHandler(OnDownloadFinished);
            downloader_.GetDownloadList(download_url, FunapiUtils.GetLocalDataPath);

        // FunapiMulticasting test
        GUI.enabled = (multicast_ == null);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(280, 40, 300, 20), "[Muticasting]");
        string multicast_title = "Create 'multicast'";

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 60, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            FunapiTransport transport = null;
            if (network_ == null || (transport = network_.GetTransport(TransportProtocol.kTcp)) == null)
                DebugUtils.LogWarning("You should connect to tcp transport first.");
                multicast_          = new FunapiMulticastClient(network_, transport.Encoding);
                multicast_encoding_ = transport.Encoding;

        GUI.enabled     = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && !multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Join a channel";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 105, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            multicast_.JoinChannel(kMulticastTestChannel, OnMulticastChannelSignalled);
            DebugUtils.Log("Joining the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel);

        GUI.enabled     = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Send a message";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 150, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            if (multicast_encoding_ == FunEncoding.kJson)
                Dictionary <string, object> mcast_msg = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                mcast_msg["_channel"] = kMulticastTestChannel;
                mcast_msg["_bounce"]  = true;
                mcast_msg["message"]  = "multicast test message";

                /*PbufHelloMessage hello_msg = new PbufHelloMessage();
                 * hello_msg.message = "multicast test message";
                 * FunMulticastMessage mcast_msg = new FunMulticastMessage();
                 * mcast_msg.channel = kMulticastTestChannel;
                 * mcast_msg.bounce = true;
                 * Extensible.AppendValue(mcast_msg, (int)MulticastMessageType.pbuf_hello, hello_msg);
                 * multicast_.SendToChannel(mcast_msg);*/

            DebugUtils.Log("Sending a message to the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel);

        GUI.enabled     = (multicast_ != null && multicast_.Connected && multicast_.InChannel(kMulticastTestChannel));
        multicast_title = "Leave a channel";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 195, 240, 40), multicast_title))
            DebugUtils.Log("Leaving the multicast channel '{0}'", kMulticastTestChannel);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(280, 250, 300, 20), "[Multicast Chat]");
        GUI.enabled = (chat_ == null);
        string chat_title = "Create 'chat'";

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 270, 240, 40), chat_title))
            FunapiTransport transport = null;
            if (network_ == null || (transport = network_.GetTransport(TransportProtocol.kTcp)) == null)
                DebugUtils.LogWarning("You should connect to tcp transport first.");
                chat_ = new FunapiChatClient(network_, transport.Encoding);

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && !chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title  = "Join a channel";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 315, 240, 40), chat_title))
            chat_.JoinChannel(kChatTestChannel, kChatUserName, OnChatChannelReceived);
            DebugUtils.Log("Joining the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel);

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title  = "Send a message";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 360, 240, 40), chat_title))
            chat_.SendText(kChatTestChannel, "hello world");

            DebugUtils.Log("Sending a message to the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel);

        GUI.enabled = (chat_ != null && chat_.Connected && chat_.InChannel(kChatTestChannel));
        chat_title  = "Leave a channel";
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(280, 405, 240, 40), chat_title))
            DebugUtils.Log("Leaving the chat channel '{0}'", kChatTestChannel);
Example #2
    private FunapiTransport GetNewTransport(TransportProtocol protocol)
        FunapiTransport transport = null;
        FunEncoding     encoding  = with_protobuf_ ? FunEncoding.kProtobuf : FunEncoding.kJson;

        if (FunapiConfig.IsValid)
            transport = FunapiConfig.CreateTransport(protocol, encoding);

        if (transport == null)
            if (protocol == TransportProtocol.kTcp)
                transport = new FunapiTcpTransport(kServerIp, (ushort)(with_protobuf_ ? 8022 : 8012), encoding);
                transport.AutoReconnect = true;
                //transport.EnablePing = true;
                //transport.DisableNagle = true;

            else if (protocol == TransportProtocol.kUdp)
                transport = new FunapiUdpTransport(kServerIp, (ushort)(with_protobuf_ ? 8023 : 8013), encoding);

                // Please set the same encryption type as the encryption type of server.
            else if (protocol == TransportProtocol.kHttp)
                transport = new FunapiHttpTransport(kServerIp, (ushort)(with_protobuf_ ? 8028 : 8018), false, encoding);

                // Send messages using WWW class
                //((FunapiHttpTransport)transport).UseWWW = true;

                // Please set the same encryption type as the encryption type of server.

        if (transport != null)
            transport.StartedCallback += new TransportEventHandler(OnTransportStarted);
            transport.StoppedCallback += new TransportEventHandler(OnTransportClosed);
            transport.FailureCallback += new TransportEventHandler(OnTransportFailure);

            // Connect timeout.
            transport.ConnectTimeoutCallback += new TransportEventHandler(OnConnectTimeout);
            transport.ConnectTimeout          = 10f;

            // If you prefer use specific Json implementation other than Dictionary,
            // you need to register json accessors to handle the Json implementation before FunapiNetwork::Start().
            // E.g., transport.JsonHelper = new YourJsonAccessorClass

            // Adds extra server list
            // Use HostHttp for http transport.
            //transport.AddServerList(new List<HostAddr>{
            //    new HostAddr("", 8012), new HostAddr("", 8012),
            //    new HostAddr("", 8013), new HostAddr("", 8018)
