public void TestCreateIndex()

            var fName = Expression.Property("firstName");
            var lName = Expression.Property("lastName");

            var fNameItem = ValueIndexItem.Property("firstName");
            var lNameItem = ValueIndexItem.Expression(lName);

            var index1 = IndexBuilder.ValueIndex(fNameItem, lNameItem);

            Db.CreateIndex("index1", index1);

            var detailItem = FullTextIndexItem.Property("detail");
            var index2     = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(detailItem);

            Db.CreateIndex("index2", index2);

            var detailItem2 = FullTextIndexItem.Property("es-detail");
            var index3      = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(detailItem2).IgnoreAccents(true).SetLanguage("es");

            Db.CreateIndex("index3", index3);

            Db.GetIndexes().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new[] { "index1", "index2", "index3" });
        private void CreateDatabaseIndexes(Database db)
            // For searches on type property
            db.CreateIndex("type", IndexBuilder.ValueIndex(ValueIndexItem.Expression(Expression.Property("type"))));

            // For full text searches on airports and hotels
        public void TestConcurrentCreateNCreateIndexDB()
            const int nDocs = 1000;

            var exp1   = new WaitAssert();
            var ignore = exp1.RunAssertAsync(() =>
                CreateDocs(nDocs, "Create").ToList();

            Db.CreateIndex("sentence", IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(FullTextIndexItem.Property("sentence")));
Example #4
        private static void CreateFullTextIndex()
            var db = _Database;

            if (_NeedsExtraDocs)
                var tasks = new[] { "buy groceries", "play chess", "book travels", "buy museum tickets" };
                foreach (var task in tasks)
                    using (var doc = new MutableDocument()) {
                        doc.SetString("type", "task");
                        doc.SetString("name", task);

            // # tag::fts-index[]
            var index = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(FullTextIndexItem.Property("name")).IgnoreAccents(false);

            db.CreateIndex("nameFTSIndex", index);
            // # end::fts-index[]
        public void TestCreateSameNameIndexes()
            var fName = Expression.Property("firstName");
            var lName = Expression.Property("lastName");

            var fNameItem  = ValueIndexItem.Expression(fName);
            var fNameIndex = IndexBuilder.ValueIndex(fNameItem);

            Db.CreateIndex("myindex", fNameIndex);

            var lNameItem  = ValueIndexItem.Expression(lName);
            var lNameIndex = IndexBuilder.ValueIndex(lNameItem);

            Db.CreateIndex("myindex", lNameIndex);

            Db.GetIndexes().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new[] { "myindex" }, "because lNameIndex should overwrite fNameIndex");

            var detailItem  = FullTextIndexItem.Property("detail");
            var detailIndex = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(detailItem);

            Db.CreateIndex("myindex", detailIndex);

            Db.GetIndexes().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new[] { "myindex" }, "because detailIndex should overwrite lNameIndex");
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This only needs to be done once for whatever platform the executable is running
            // (UWP, iOS, Android, or desktop)

            // create database
            var config = new DatabaseConfiguration();

            config.ConflictResolver = new ExampleConflictResolver();
            var database = new Database("my-database", config);

            // create document
            var newTask = new MutableDocument();

            newTask.SetString("type", "task");
            newTask.SetString("owner", "todo");
            newTask.SetDate("createdAt", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
            newTask = database.Save(newTask).ToMutable();

            // mutate document
            newTask.SetString("name", "Apples");
            newTask = database.Save(newTask).ToMutable();

            // typed accessors
            newTask.SetDate("createdAt", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
            var date = newTask.GetDate("createdAt");

            // database transaction
            database.InBatch(() =>
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    using (var doc = new MutableDocument()) {
                        doc.SetString("type", "user");
                        doc.SetString("name", $"user {i}");
                        using (var saved = database.Save(doc)) {
                            Console.WriteLine($"saved user document {saved.GetString("name")}");

            // blob
            var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("avatar.jpg");
            var blob  = new Blob("image/jpg", bytes);

            newTask.SetBlob("avatar", blob);
            newTask = database.Save(newTask).ToMutable();
            var taskBlob = newTask.GetBlob("avatar");
            var data     = taskBlob.Content;


            // query
            var query = QueryBuilder.Select(SelectResult.Expression(Meta.ID))

            var rows = query.Execute();

            foreach (var row in rows)
                Console.WriteLine($"doc ID :: ${row.GetString(0)}");

            // live query
            query.AddChangeListener((sender, e) => {
                Console.WriteLine($"Number of rows :: {e.Results.Count()}");

            using (var newDoc = new MutableDocument()) {
                newDoc.SetString("type", "user");
                newDoc.SetBoolean("admin", false);

            // fts example
            // insert documents
            var tasks = new[] { "buy groceries", "play chess", "book travels", "buy museum tickets" };

            foreach (string task in tasks)
                using (var doc = new MutableDocument()) {
                    doc.SetString("type", "task").SetString("name", task); // Chaining is possible

            // create Index
            var index = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(FullTextIndexItem.Property("name"));

            database.CreateIndex("byName", index);

            using (var ftsQuery = QueryBuilder.Select(SelectResult.Expression(Meta.ID).As("id"))
                                  .Where(FullTextExpression.Index("byName").Match("'buy'"))) {
                var ftsRows = ftsQuery.Execute();
                foreach (var row in ftsRows)
                    var doc = database.GetDocument(row.GetString("id")); // Use alias instead of index
                        $"document properties {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(doc.ToDictionary(), Formatting.Indented)}");

            // create conflict

             * 1. Create a document twice with the same ID (the document will have two conflicting revisions).
             * 2. Upon saving the second revision, the ExampleConflictResolver's resolve method is called.
             * The `theirs` ReadOnlyDocument in the conflict resolver represents the current rev and `mine` is what's being saved.
             * 3. Read the document after the second save operation and verify its property is as expected.
             * The conflict resolver will have deleted the obsolete revision.
            using (var theirs = new MutableDocument("buzz"))
                using (var mine = new MutableDocument("buzz")) {
                    theirs.SetString("status", "theirs");
                    mine.SetString("status", "mine");

            var conflictResolverResult = database.GetDocument("buzz");

            Console.WriteLine($"conflictResolverResult doc.status ::: {conflictResolverResult.GetString("status")}");

            // replication (Note: Linux / Mac requires .NET Core 2.0+ due to

             * Tested with SG 1.5
             * Config file:
             * {
             *        "databases": {
             *          "db": {
             *            "server":"walrus:",
             *            "users": {
             *              "GUEST": {"disabled": false, "admin_channels": ["*"]}
             *            },
             *            "unsupported": {
             *              "replicator_2":true
             *            }
             *          }
             *        }
             *      }
            var url         = new Uri("ws://localhost:4984/db");
            var replConfig  = new ReplicatorConfiguration(database, new URLEndpoint(url));
            var replication = new Replicator(replConfig);


            // replication change listener
            replication.AddChangeListener((sender, e) => {
                if (e.Status.Activity == ReplicatorActivityLevel.Stopped)
                    Console.WriteLine("Replication has completed.");


            // This is important to do because otherwise the native connection
            // won't be released until the next garbage collection
Example #7
        void CreateAliasIndex()
            var index = IndexBuilder.FullTextIndex(FullTextIndexItem.Property("Alias")).IgnoreAccents(false);

            HeroesDatabase.CreateIndex("AliasIndex", index);