public void Clear() { IDText.Clear(); FullNameText.Clear(); UserNameText.Clear(); PasswordText.Clear(); }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IDText.Text == "" || FullNameText.Text == "" || UserNameText.Text == "" || PasswordText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all the boxes"); IDText.Clear(); FullNameText.Clear(); UserNameText.Clear(); PasswordText.Clear(); } if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(IDText.Text, "[^0-9]")) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter only numbers"); IDText.Clear(); } else if (IDText.Text != "" && FullNameText.Text != "" && UserNameText.Text != "" && PasswordText.Text != "") { ReadingInTextFile(); if (inuse == false) { List <EmployeeDetails> Listofemployees = new List <EmployeeDetails>(); Listofemployees.Add(new EmployeeDetails(int.Parse(IDText.Text), FullNameText.Text, UserNameText.Text, PasswordText.Text)); MessageBox.Show("Employee has been added to the system"); using (StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter("Savedlist.txt", true)) { foreach (EmployeeDetails s in Listofemployees) { tw.WriteLine(s.ID + "," + s.FullName + "," + s.UserName + "," + s.Password); tw.Close(); } } Clear(); } } inuse = false; }