/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DealCreateParamsPayments" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">支払金額:payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> /// <param name="date">支払日:payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableId">口座ID(from_walletable_typeがprivate_account_itemの場合は勘定科目ID):payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableType">口座区分 (銀行口座: bank_account, クレジットカード: credit_card, 現金: wallet, プライベート資金(法人の場合は役員借入金もしくは役員借入金、個人の場合は事業主貸もしくは事業主借): private_account_item):payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> public DealCreateParamsPayments(int amount = default(int), string date = default(string), int fromWalletableId = default(int), FromWalletableTypeEnum fromWalletableType = default(FromWalletableTypeEnum)) { this.Amount = amount; // to ensure "date" is required (not null) this.Date = date ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("date is a required property for DealCreateParamsPayments and cannot be null"); this.FromWalletableId = fromWalletableId; this.FromWalletableType = fromWalletableType; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PaymentParams" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">金額 (required).</param> /// <param name="companyId">事業所ID (required).</param> /// <param name="date">支払日 (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableId">口座ID(from_walletable_typeがprivate_account_itemの場合は勘定科目ID):payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableType">口座区分 (銀行口座: bank_account, クレジットカード: credit_card, 現金: wallet, プライベート資金(法人の場合は役員借入金もしくは役員借入金、個人の場合は事業主貸もしくは事業主借): private_account_item):payments指定時は必須 (required).</param> public PaymentParams(long amount = default(long), int companyId = default(int), string date = default(string), int fromWalletableId = default(int), FromWalletableTypeEnum fromWalletableType = default(FromWalletableTypeEnum)) { this.Amount = amount; this.CompanyId = companyId; // to ensure "date" is required (not null) this.Date = date ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("date is a required property for PaymentParams and cannot be null"); this.FromWalletableId = fromWalletableId; this.FromWalletableType = fromWalletableType; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TransferParams" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="toWalletableId">振替先口座ID (required).</param> /// <param name="toWalletableType">振替先口座区分 (銀行口座: bank_account, クレジットカード: credit_card, 現金: wallet) (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableId">振替元口座ID (required).</param> /// <param name="fromWalletableType">振替元口座区分 (銀行口座: bank_account, クレジットカード: credit_card, 現金: wallet) (required).</param> /// <param name="amount">金額 (required).</param> /// <param name="date">振替日 (yyyy-mm-dd) (required).</param> /// <param name="companyId">事業所ID (required).</param> /// <param name="description">備考.</param> public TransferParams(int toWalletableId = default(int), ToWalletableTypeEnum toWalletableType = default(ToWalletableTypeEnum), int fromWalletableId = default(int), FromWalletableTypeEnum fromWalletableType = default(FromWalletableTypeEnum), int amount = default(int), string date = default(string), int companyId = default(int), string description = default(string)) { this.ToWalletableId = toWalletableId; this.ToWalletableType = toWalletableType; this.FromWalletableId = fromWalletableId; this.FromWalletableType = fromWalletableType; this.Amount = amount; // to ensure "date" is required (not null) this.Date = date ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("date is a required property for TransferParams and cannot be null");; this.CompanyId = companyId; this.Description = description; }