public static void UnlockThisLevel(FreshLevels.Type type, bool noSave) { if (type == FreshLevels.Type.None) { //Debug.Log("Error: Level type was None. Level not unlocked!"); return; } //special cases (when you go to these text intros, also unlock the next level, in case the player quits during the story) if (type == FreshLevels.Type.PreSlimeDaddyStory) { type = FreshLevels.Type.SlimeDaddy_BatterUp; } if (type == FreshLevels.Type.PostSatanStory) { type = FreshLevels.Type.MusicLvl1; } string strictLabel = FreshLevels.GetStrictLabelForType(type); if (strictLabel == null) { //Debug.Log("Error: Level name was NULL. Level not unlocked!"); return; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("nu_" + strictLabel, 1); if (!noSave) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } //Debug.Log("Unlocked level. " + type + ", " + strictLabel); }
public static void SendPBToSteam(FreshLevels.Type type, float speedruntime) { //Fail out, if: if (fa.dontConnectSteam) { return; } if (!SteamManager.Initialized) { return; } if (speedruntime < 2) { return; } //less than 2 seconds is always impossible if (speedruntime < FreshLevels.GetImpossibleTimeForLevel(type)) { return; } //time was impossible if (FreshLevels.NotALeaderboardLevel(type)) { return; } //There are / should be no leaderboards for this level AddToQueue(type, speedruntime); }
public static void StartPlaybackOfGhosts() { if (!fa.useGhosts) { return; } if (!FreshLevels.IsGameplayLevel(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name)) { playingBack = false; return; } playingBack = true; loadedGhosts = new List <List <GhostFrame> >(); createdPuppets = new List <Puppet>(); loadedGhostData = false; createdGhosts = false; if (DBFuncs.self != null) { //DBFuncs.self.DownloadGhost("thegamedesigner"); DBFuncs.self.DownloadBestGhost(); } //bool useYourLastAttempt = true;//Placeholder for the types of ghosts that should be loaded //if (useYourLastAttempt) //{ // List<GhostFrame> ghost = Fresh_Loading.LoadLocalGhostAttempt(); // if (ghost != null && ghost.Count > 0) { loadedGhosts.Add(ghost); } //} }
public static bool LoadLevelUnlocked(FreshLevels.Type fType) { FreshLevels.Type type = fType; if (type == FreshLevels.Type.IntroStory) { return(true); } //Always unlocked int result = 0; /* * if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("LevelUnlocked_" + type)) * { * result = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LevelUnlocked_" + type, 0); * }*/ if (fType != FreshLevels.Type.None) { string s = FreshLevels.GetStrictLabelForType(fType); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("nu_" + s)) { result = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("nu_" + type, 0); } } return(result == 1); }
public static void GetALvl(string lvlName) { //Get the enum from the string FreshLevels.Type lvlType = FreshLevels.Type.None; lvlType = FreshLevels.GetTypeNameForStr(lvlName); if (lvlType != FreshLevels.Type.None) { RemoteData.GetUsageStats(lvlName, (data) => { if (data != "error") { //Debug.Log("Writing unparsed for " + lvlName); for (int i = 0; i < unparsedBool.Length; i++) { if (!unparsedBool[i]) { unparsedBool[i] = true; unparsedStr[i] = data; unparsedInt[i] = (int)lvlType; break; } } } }); } }
public static void Init() { RawFuncs.Print("Steam init! TestVer: 003"); SteamStatsAndAchievements.WhatsMySteamName(); leaderboardLabels = new string[totalNumOfLeaderboards]; leaderboardTypes = new FreshLevels.Type[totalNumOfLeaderboards]; queue = new List <Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumOfLeaderboards; i++) { leaderboardTypes[i] = FreshLevels.IndexForLevelLeaderboard(i); bool syncThis = true; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Syncd_" + leaderboardTypes[i])) { int result = 0; result = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Syncd_" + leaderboardTypes[i], 0); if (result == 1) { syncThis = false; } } if (syncThis) { float pb = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("LevelTime_" + leaderboardTypes[i], -1); AddToQueue(FreshLevels.IndexForLevelLeaderboard(i), pb); RawFuncs.Print("" + leaderboardTypes[i] + ": " + pb + ", added to queue"); } } }
public static void AddToQueue(FreshLevels.Type type, float speedruntime) { //Fail out, if: if (fa.dontConnectSteam) { return; } if (!SteamManager.Initialized) { return; } if (speedruntime < 2) { return; } //less than 2 seconds is always impossible if (speedruntime < FreshLevels.GetImpossibleTimeForLevel(type)) { return; } //time was impossible if (FreshLevels.DoNotSyncLevel(type)) { return; } //don't sync this level if it's got a secret exit or other reason to not keep old scores Item a = new Item(); a.leaderboard = FreshLevels.GetStrictLabelForType(type); a.score = Mathf.FloorToInt(speedruntime * 1000); a.type = type; queue.Add(a); }
public static void BackwardsCompat_LvlNumCheck() { if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 999) { return; } int r = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("doneBackCompat1", 0); if (r == 1) { BackwardsCompat_Index = 999; return; } int lvlnum = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lvlNum", 0); int index = BackwardsCompat_Index; FreshLevels.Type t = (FreshLevels.Type)index; if (t == FreshLevels.Type.End) { BackwardsCompat_Index = 999; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("doneBackCompat1", 1); return; } if (lvlnum >= FreshLevels.GetLvlNumForType(t)) { UnlockThisLevel(t, true); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 50) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } //Only save every so often. Don't need to save every frame. if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 100) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 150) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 200) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 250) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 300) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } if (BackwardsCompat_Index == 500) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); } BackwardsCompat_Index++; }
void LoadLevelStats() { int index = -1; index = FreshLevels.GetIndexForType(currentNode.levelType); Debug.Log("Loading for: " + currentNode.levelType + ", Time: " + FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestTime); if (index != -1) { if (FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestDeaths == -1) { skull.sprite = whiteSkull; //saved deaths not found (or level type not found), so probably hasn't beaten this level yet. deathText.text = "--"; } else { if (FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestDeaths == 0) { skull.sprite = goldSkull; } else { skull.sprite = whiteSkull; } deathText.text = "" + FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestDeaths; } if (FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestTime == -1) { clock.sprite = whiteClock; //saved deaths not found (or level type not found), so probably hasn't beaten this level yet. timeText.text = "--- / " + FreshLevels.GetGoldTimeForLevel(FreshLevels.levels[index].type); } else { if (FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestTime < FreshLevels.GetGoldTimeForLevel(FreshLevels.levels[index].type)) { clock.sprite = goldClock; } else { clock.sprite = whiteClock; } //Debug.Log("Getting spdrun time, " + FreshLevels.levels[index] + ": " + FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestTime); timeText.text = RawFuncs.GetSpeedRunTimeStr(FreshLevels.levels[index].lowestTime) + " / " + +FreshLevels.GetGoldTimeForLevel(FreshLevels.levels[index].type); } } else { //level type not found, possible error. deathText.text = "xx"; timeText.text = "xx:xx:xxx"; } }
public static void Qc_GetLeaderboardNameSlot(FreshLevels.Type type, int slot) { if (fa.dontConnect3rdParty) { return; } //Debug.Log("Trying to get qc leaderboard time slot " + slot); FrRemoteData.Qc_GetLeaderboardSlotName(slot, "" + type, (data) => { fa.leaderboardNames[FreshLevels.LevelForIndexLeaderboard(type), slot] = data; }); }
public static void CleanStartRecording() { if (FreshLevels.IsGameplayLevel(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name)) { recording = true; frames = new List <GhostFrame>(); if (DBFuncs.self != null) { DBFuncs.self.UploadGhostAttempt("", true, false); } } else { recording = false; frames = new List <GhostFrame>(); } }
public static void Qc_ReportLevelTime(FreshLevels.Type type, float levelTime, string ghostData) { if (fa.dontConnect3rdParty) { return; } if (fa.cheater) { return; } if (FreshLevels.NotALeaderboardLevel(type)) { return; } //There are / should be no leaderboards for this level Debug.Log("Reported QC level time"); FrRemoteData.Qc_ReportLevelTime("" + type, levelTime, ghostData, (data) => { AddResult(data, Type.Generic); }); }
void Update() { if (playerObj == null) { playerObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); } else { //Debug.Log("HERE1 " + playerObj.transform.position + ", " + transform.position + ", " + portalDist + ", Triggered/Fading: " + triggered + ", " + xa.fadingOut); if (Vector3.Distance(playerObj.transform.position, transform.position) < portalDist) { if (!triggered) { triggered = true; xa.allowPlayerInput = false; xa.hasCheckpointed = false; Time.timeScale = 1; FreshLevels.Type levelType = FreshLevels.GetTypeOfCurrentLevel(); if (!isSecretExit) { Fresh_Saving.SaveLevelDeaths(levelType, za.deaths); Fresh_Saving.SaveLevelTime(levelType, fa.speedrunTime); FrFuncs.Qc_ReportLevelTime(levelType, fa.speedrunTime, "noGhostData"); SteamLeaderboards.SendPBToSteam(levelType, fa.speedrunTime); } //Update unlocked levels (lvlNum) NodeController.WonLevel(levelType);, FreshLevels.GetStrNameForType(gotoLvl)); } } } }
public static void UnlockThisLevel(string level) { if (level == "StartMenu") { return; } if (level == "ESJ2Title") { return; } if (level == "MegaMetaWorld") { return; } FreshLevels.Type t = FreshLevels.GetTypeNameForStr(level); if (t == FreshLevels.Type.None) { Debug.Log("Error: string " + level + " returned type .None in GetTypeNameForStr. Level not unlocked!"); return; } UnlockThisLevel(t); }
public void Awake() { xa.fresh_localNode = this; fa.isMenuLevel = this.isMenuLevel; if (this.showMouse) { Setup.SetCursor(Setup.C.Visible); } else { Setup.SetCursor(Setup.C.NotVisible); } fa.escapeDoesntTriggerInGameMainMenu = this.escapeDoesntOpenInGameMainMenu; if (this.loadLevelInfo) { FreshLevels.InitFreshLevelInfo(); } if (autoOpenStartMenu) { } }
void Update() { bool changed = false; if (!oncePerGameStart) { Debug.Log("ONCE"); oncePerGameStart = true; changed = true; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { if (nodes[i].levelType == FreshLevels.Type.IntroStory) { currentNode = nodes[i]; break; } } currentLevelName.text = currentNode.levelName; LoadLevelStats(); } if (!checkedForSavedMapPos) { checkedForSavedMapPos = true; if (fa.lastLevelPlayed != FreshLevels.Type.None) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { if (nodes[i].levelType == fa.lastLevelPlayed) { currentNode = nodes[i]; changed = true; } } } } if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.MenuUp, 0)) { if (currentNode.north != null) { currentNode = currentNode.north; // fa.lastLevelPlayed = currentNode.levelType; changed = true; } } if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.MenuDown, 0)) { if (currentNode.south != null) { currentNode = currentNode.south; fa.lastLevelPlayed = currentNode.levelType; changed = true; } } if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.MenuLeft, 0)) { if (currentNode.west != null) { currentNode = currentNode.west; fa.lastLevelPlayed = currentNode.levelType; changed = true; } } if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.MenuRight, 0)) { if (currentNode.east != null) { currentNode = currentNode.east; fa.lastLevelPlayed = currentNode.levelType; changed = true; } } if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.MenuSelect, 0)) { if (currentNode.locked) { Fresh_SoundEffects.PlaySound(Fresh_SoundEffects.Type.Fart); iTween.PunchRotation(currentNode.gameObject, iTween.Hash("z", 17.5f, "time", 0.3f)); } else { string lvlName = FreshLevels.GetStrNameForType(currentNode.levelType); //Debug.Log("Tried to go to level: " + lvlName); if (lvlName != "") {, lvlName); } } } if (changed) { for (int i = 0; i < allSkies.Length; i++) { allSkies[i].SetActive(false); } iTween.MoveTo(nodeCamera, iTween.Hash("x", currentNode.transform.position.x, "y", currentNode.transform.position.y, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInOutSine, "time", 0.2f)); if (currentNode.setCamPos) { //iTween.MoveTo(camera, iTween.Hash("x", currentNode.camPos.x, "y", currentNode.camPos.y, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInOutSine, "time", 0.5f)); //camera.transform.SetX(currentNode.camPos.x); //camera.transform.SetY(currentNode.camPos.y); } iTween.RotateTo(nodeCamera, iTween.Hash("z", currentNode.cameraAngle2, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInOutSine, "time", 0.2f)); for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.objsOn.Length; i++) { currentNode.objsOn[i].SetActive(true); } currentLevelName.text = currentNode.levelName; LoadLevelStats(); } cursor.transform.SetX(currentNode.gameObject.transform.position.x); cursor.transform.SetY(currentNode.gameObject.transform.position.y); }
void InitNodes() { //Load lvlNum (for now, fake it) //lvlNum = 10;//(10 is the starting number); lvlNums = new int[100]; //Max 100 levels then lvlTypes = new FreshLevels.Type[100]; //Max 100 levels then int lvlNumIndex = 0; nodesGOs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("metaMapNode"); nodes = new NodeScript[nodesGOs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodesGOs.Length; i++) { nodes[i] = nodesGOs[i].GetComponent <NodeScript>(); lvlTypes[lvlNumIndex] = nodes[i].levelType; //unlock with the new system bool alwaysUnlocked = false; if (nodes[i].levelType == FreshLevels.Type.IntroStory) { alwaysUnlocked = true; } //check if you own these DLC if (nodes[i].levelType == FreshLevels.Type.AlpDLC_IntroStory && (xa.hasAlpDLC || fa.forceUnlockOfAlpDLC)) { alwaysUnlocked = true; } if (nodes[i].levelType == FreshLevels.Type.IsThisADaggerISeeBeforeMe && xa.hasBonusDLC) { alwaysUnlocked = true; } if (alwaysUnlocked) { nodes[i].locked = false; if (nodes[i].lockObj != null) { nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); } } else { string strictName = FreshLevels.GetStrictLabelForType(nodes[i].levelType); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("nu_" + strictName)) { nodes[i].locked = false; if (nodes[i].lockObj != null) { nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); } } else { nodes[i].locked = true; nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); } } /* * lvlNums[lvlNumIndex] = nodes[i].lvlNum; * lvlNumIndex++; * * if (nodes[i].lvlNum != -1 && lvlNum < nodes[i].lvlNum) * { * nodes[i].locked = true; * nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); * } * else if (!xa.hasBonusDLC && nodes[i].BonusDLC) * { * nodes[i].locked = true; * nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); * } * else * { * nodes[i].locked = false; * if (nodes[i].lockObj != null) { nodes[i].lockObj.SetActive(nodes[i].locked); } * }*/ } }