Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new TtcDbContext())
                    // This code can be triggered from the UI!
                    // Admin > Spelers > Frenoy Sync button (float: right)

                    //var vttlPlayers = new FrenoyPlayersApi(context, Competition.Vttl);
                    //var sportaPlayers = new FrenoyPlayersApi(context, Competition.Sporta);

                    // This code can be triggered by deploying a new migration
                    // --> No more at the moment with asyncy stuff see README.
                    var vttl = new FrenoyMatchesApi(context, Competition.Vttl);
                    var sporta = new FrenoyMatchesApi(context, Competition.Sporta);


                catch (Exception ex)
        public async Task FrenoyTeamSync(int teamId)
            using (var db = new TtcDbContext())
                var team = await db.Teams.SingleAsync(x => x.Id == teamId);

                var frenoySync = new FrenoyMatchesApi(db, Constants.NormalizeCompetition(team.Competition));
                await frenoySync.SyncTeamMatches(team);
        private static async Task FrenoyMatchSyncCore(TtcDbContext dbContext, int matchId, bool forceSync)
            var match = await dbContext.Matches
                        .Include(x => x.HomeTeam)
                        .Include(x => x.AwayTeam)
                        .SingleAsync(x => x.Id == matchId);

            if (forceSync || (match.Date < DateTime.Now && !match.IsSyncedWithFrenoy))
                var frenoySync = new FrenoyMatchesApi(dbContext, match.Competition, forceSync);
                await frenoySync.SyncMatchDetails(match);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the matches and syncs the players for the new season
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The new season year</returns>
        public static async Task <int> Seed(TtcDbContext context, bool clearMatches)
            // TODO: Season 2020: Add GetOpponentMatches to initial seed (remove from MatchService)

            //if (clearMatches)
            //    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM matchplayer");
            //    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM matchgame");
            //    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM matchcomment");
            //    context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM matches");

            //int newYear = context.CurrentFrenoySeason + 1;
            int newYear       = DateTime.Today.Year;
            int newFrenoyYear = newYear - 2000 + 1;

            if (DateTime.Today.Month < 7)
                throw new Exception($"Starting new season {newYear}? That doesn't seem right?");
            if (!context.Matches.Any(x => x.FrenoySeason == newFrenoyYear))
                // VTTL
                var vttlPlayers = new FrenoyPlayersApi(context, Competition.Vttl);
                await vttlPlayers.StopAllPlayers(true);

                await vttlPlayers.SyncPlayers();

                var vttl = new FrenoyMatchesApi(context, Competition.Vttl);
                await vttl.SyncTeamsAndMatches();

                // Sporta
                var sportaPlayers = new FrenoyPlayersApi(context, Competition.Sporta);
                await sportaPlayers.StopAllPlayers(true);

                await sportaPlayers.SyncPlayers();

                var sporta = new FrenoyMatchesApi(context, Competition.Sporta);
                await sporta.SyncTeamsAndMatches();


        public async Task <ICollection <OtherMatch> > GetOpponentMatches(int teamId, OpposingTeam opponent = null)
            using (var dbContext = new TtcDbContext())
                var team = await dbContext.Teams.SingleAsync(x => x.Id == teamId);

                async Task <MatchEntity[]> GetMatchEntities()
                    // ReSharper disable AccessToDisposedClosure
                    var matches = dbContext.Matches
                                  .Where(match => match.FrenoyDivisionId == team.FrenoyDivisionId);

                    // ReSharper restore AccessToDisposedClosure

                    if (opponent != null)
                        matches = matches.Where(match =>
                                                (match.AwayClubId == opponent.ClubId && match.AwayTeamCode == opponent.TeamCode) ||
                                                (match.HomeClubId == opponent.ClubId && match.HomeTeamCode == opponent.TeamCode)

                    return(await matches.ToArrayAsync());

                MatchEntity[] matchEntities = await GetMatchEntities();

                if (opponent != null)
                    // TODO BUG: This means that when called from Team Week Overview, no opponent is set and there is no sync...
                    // TODO PERFORMANCE: This executes too many times, make it part of initial competition load
                    var frenoy = new FrenoyMatchesApi(dbContext, Constants.NormalizeCompetition(team.Competition));
                    await frenoy.SyncOpponentMatches(team, opponent);

                    matchEntities = await GetMatchEntities();

                // No comments for OpponentMatches

                var result = Mapper.Map <IList <MatchEntity>, IList <OtherMatch> >(matchEntities);

                // TODO: Bug PreSeason code: This doesn't work! These results are NOT displayed in the MatchCard, the spinner just keeps on spinnin'
                // Pre season: Fetch last year matches instead
                //int? divisionId = frenoy.SyncLastYearOpponentMatches(team, opponent);
                //if (divisionId.HasValue)
                //    var matchEntities = dbContext.Matches
                //        .WithIncludes()
                //        .Where(match => (match.AwayClubId == opponent.ClubId && match.AwayTeamCode == opponent.TeamCode) || (match.HomeClubId == opponent.ClubId && match.HomeTeamCode == opponent.TeamCode))
                //        .Where(match => match.FrenoyDivisionId == divisionId.Value)
                //        .ToList();

                //    // No comments for OpponentMatches

                //    // HACK: hack om vorig jaar matchen te tonen in de frontend zonder te moeten berekenen wat hun "last year division id" is
                //    foreach (var match in matchEntities)
                //    {
                //        match.FrenoyDivisionId = team.FrenoyDivisionId;
                //    }

                //    var result = Mapper.Map<IList<MatchEntity>, IList<OtherMatch>>(matchEntities);
                //    return result;