Example #1
 // Create frame from scratch
 public Frame(FrameMeta.FrameIDs id, FrameFlags flags, String data)
     bFrameId = (new UTF8Encoding()).GetBytes(id.ToString());
     bFlags = flags.GetBytes();
     sData = data;
     iSize = data.Length;
Example #2
        public UseItemAction(GameObject _repObject)
            : base("Use Item", "Utilize a selected item.", _repObject, null)
            //TODO: Move this shit into EnviromentAction as methods to modify PushedFrames.

            //  --- [ Select an Item ] ---  //
            EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta getItem =
                new EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta(
                    RepObject.GetGameObjects <GameObject>()
                    );  //TODO: Make an ItemObject GameObject

            getItem.SelectionMade += () =>
                SelectedObject = getItem.GetSelectedAs <GameObject>(); //TODO: Above ^

            //  --- [ Get Action ] ---  //
            EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta getAction = new EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta(
                RepObject.GetActions <GameAction>()
                );  //TODO: Make an PossessibleAction GameAction

            getAction.SelectionMade += () =>
                SelectedAction = getAction.GetSelectedAs <GameAction>(); //TODO: Above ^

            PushedFrames = new FrameMeta[]
        public AttackWithAction(GameObject _repObject)
            : base("Attack", "Attack with a selected means at a selected target.", _repObject, null)
            //  --- [ Select Attack Method ] ---  //

            EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta getAttackMethod =
                new EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta(
                    RepObject.GetActions <GameAction>()
                    ); //TODO: Make AttackAction action.

            getAttackMethod.SelectionMade += () =>
                AttackMethod = getAttackMethod.GetSelectedAs <GameAction>();

            //  --- [ Select a Target ] --- //

            EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta getTarget =
                new EnviromentSelect_FrameMeta(SelectionType.FromEnviroment);

            getTarget.SelectionMade += () => { Victim = getTarget.GetSelectedAs <GameObject>(); };

            //  --- [ Finish Init ] --- //

            PushedFrames = new FrameMeta[]
        public override void InvokeAction(GameEventArgument args)

            for (PushedFrameIndex = 0; PushedFrameIndex < PushedFrames.Length; PushedFrameIndex++)
                FrameMeta f = PushedFrames[PushedFrameIndex];
                f.GameArgs = args;


                }while (f.Frame.FrameRepeating && f.Frame.RepeatCondition());
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle when a Focus is popped.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="arg1"></param>
 /// <param name="arg2"></param>
 protected override async Task FocusPop(FrameMeta arg1, Focuser arg2)
     await Task.Delay(1);
        public NewGameAction(GameInstance instance, ulong playerId)
            : base("New Game",

                   "Welcome to Discordia, please choose an option. " +
                   "You may restart a menu with the restart button. " +
                   "Once you have selected all options you will be given the continue button.",

                   null, null)
            GameObject playerBody = new GameObject("", "", new PhysicalMeta(), newCharacter, playerId);

            string[] attribNames = new string[]

            //  --- [ Class selection frame ] ---
            setClass.Frame = new Frame
                "Pick a class.",
                "Pick one of the following classes:",
                new List <GameAction>()
                new CreateSpecificClassAction <ClassFighter>("Fighter", "The path of Might", null),  //TODO: Make an IDescribible which has GetName(), and GetDesc()
                new CreateSpecificClassAction <ClassMage>("Mage", "The path of Knowledge", null),    // this will clear up significant save bloat among other things.
                new CreateSpecificClassAction <ClassRogue>("Rogue", "The path of Shadows", null)
            setClass.PreFramePopped += () =>
                foreach (CreateClassAction a in setClass.Frame.Actions)
                    if (a.Class != null)
                        newCharacter.Class = a.Class;

                int[] vals = GetAttributeAmounts();
                for (int i = 0; i < attribNames.Length; i++)
                    setAttributes.Frame.Actions[i].Name = String.Format("{0} : [{1}]", attribNames[i], vals[i]);

            //  --- [ Attribute allocation frame ] ---
            setAttributes.PreFramePushed += () =>
                setAttributes.Frame.Desc = GetAttributeCountString();
                int[] vals = GetAttributeAmounts();
                for (int i = 0; i < attribNames.Length; i++)
                    setAttributes.Frame.Actions[i].Name = String.Format("{0} : [{1}]", attribNames[i], vals[i]);
            setAttributes.Frame = new Frame
                "Distribute Attributes",
                new List <GameAction>()
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <StrengthAttribute>(
                    attribNames[0], "The physical manifestation of will.", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <DexterityAttribute>(
                    attribNames[1], "The nible control of flesh.", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <ConstitutionAttribute>(
                    attribNames[2], "The endurance of the shell.", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <IntelligenceAttribute>(
                    attribNames[3], "The fortress of thought", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <WisdomAttribute>(
                    attribNames[4], "The accumulative experience of life.", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                new ImproveSpecificAttributeAction <CharismaAttribute>(
                    attribNames[5], "The connection to other minds.", null, () => newCharacter.Class
                () => newCharacter.Class.AttributePoints > 0

            // Grab all cities from the first planet, first continent
            CityLocation[] cities = instance.GetLocations <CityLocation>(instance.GetFromIndexAtTopLevel <LocationConceptual>(0).SubLocations[0]);

            List <SelectSpecificLocationAction <CityLocation> > selectCityActions = new List <SelectSpecificLocationAction <CityLocation> >();

            selectedCity = null;

            foreach (CityLocation c in cities)
                selectCityActions.Add(new SelectSpecificLocationAction <CityLocation>(c.Name, c.Desc, null, c, (l) => selectedCity = l as CityLocation));

            //  --- [ Background Frame ] ---
            setBackground.Frame = new Frame(
                "Select a place of origin.",
                new List <GameAction>(selectCityActions)

            bool restart = false;

            //  --- [ Restart Frame ] ---
            restartProcess.Frame = new Frame(
                "Would you like to restart? You will lose all progress.",
                new List <GameAction>(new AcceptDeclineActionPair(
                                          (b) => restart = b,
                                          (b) => restart = b

            restartProcess.PreFramePopped += () =>
                if (restart)

            //  --- [ Init pushed frame array ] ---
            PushedFrames = new FrameMeta[]