/// <summary> /// ToString() override /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.String"/> /// </returns> public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("FrameControl {0}, InnerFrame {1}, FrameCheckSequence {2}", FrameControl.ToString(), InnerFrame.ToString(), FrameCheckSequence)); }
void WritefcTL(FrameControl data) { var startPosition = BeginChunk(FrameControl.Size, ChunkName.fcTL); Write(data); EndChunk(startPosition); }
public void ChangeToFrame(Collider2D collider) { for (int i = 0; i < frameConfiner.Length; i++) { frameConfiner[i].InvalidatePathCache(); frameConfiner[i].m_BoundingShape2D = collider; } //disabling all other frames. for (int i = 0; i < _frames.Length; i++) { FrameControl currentFrame = collider.GetComponent <FrameControl>(); if (currentFrame.id == i) { for (int j = 0; j < _frames[i].transform.childCount; j++) { _frames[i].transform.GetChild(j).gameObject.active = true; } } else if (_frames[i].transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.active) { for (int j = 0; j < _frames[i].transform.childCount; j++) { _frames[i].transform.GetChild(j).gameObject.active = false; } } } }
public void populateFrames(TIME.Animation anim) { currentAnim = anim; foreach (Transform child in frameGroup.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < anim.frames.Count; i++) { GameObject preview = Instantiate <GameObject>(framePrefab); preview.transform.SetParent(frameGroup.transform, false); RectTransform rt = preview.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rt.anchoredPosition = new Vector2((120 * (i % 6) + 50), -20 - (160 * (i / 6))); GameObject frameImage = preview.transform.FindChild("FrameImage").gameObject; GameObject durationGO = preview.transform.Find("Duration").gameObject; frameImage.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = currentAnim.frames[i].texture; durationGO.GetComponent <InputField>().text = currentAnim.frames[i].duration.ToString(); FrameControl fc = durationGO.GetComponent <FrameControl>(); fc.frameID = i; fc.animEditScreen = this; } RectTransform rectTransform = newFrameBtn.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2((120 * (currentAnim.frames.Count % 6) + 50), -20 - (160 * (anim.frames.Count / 6))); animPreview.anim = currentAnim; }
public WinFrameControlDecorator(View view, FrameControl frameControl, IAdditionalViewControlsRule controlsRule) : base(view, frameControl, controlsRule) { _frameControl = frameControl; frameControl.Disposed += hintPanel_Disposed; UpdateText(); }
/// <summary> /// ToString() override /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.String"/> /// </returns> public override String ToString() { return(string.Format("802.11 MacFrame: [{0}], {1} FCS {2}", FrameControl.ToString(), GetAddressString(), FrameCheckSequence)); }
void Write(FrameControl data) { WriteSwapped(data.sequence); WriteSwapped(data.width); WriteSwapped(data.height); WriteSwapped(data.xOffset); WriteSwapped(data.yOffset); WriteSwapped(data.delayNum); WriteSwapped(data.delayDen); writer.Write(data.disposeOp); writer.Write(data.blendOp); }
private void Start() { _frames = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Frame"); //setting id for every frame. for (int i = 0; i < _frames.Length; i++) { FrameControl currentFrame = _frames[i].GetComponent <FrameControl>(); currentFrame.id = i; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { fC = GameObject.Find ("GameLogic").GetComponent<FrameControl> (); shaderInvert = GameObject.Find ("ShaderInvert"); invertTerrains = GameObject.Find ("InvertTerrains"); invertDisableTerrains = GameObject.Find ("InvertDisableTerrains"); // Debug.Log (shaderInvert); if (shaderInvert != null) shaderInvert.SetActive (false); if (invertTerrains != null) invertTerrains.SetActive (false); if (invertDisableTerrains != null) invertDisableTerrains.SetActive (true); }
// APNG public static PNGWriter CreateIndexed8(int width, int height, int depth, byte[] colors, Color[] palette, Vector4[] materials) { var result = new PNGWriter { stream = new MemoryStream(), width = width, height = height, bitsPerPixel = 8, ColorType = ColorType.Indexed, }; result.writer = new BinaryWriter(result.stream); var frameSize = width * height; result.WriteSignature(); result.WriteIHDR(); if (palette != null) { result.WritePLTE(palette); result.WritetRNS(palette); //result.WritesPLT_RGBA(palette); } if (materials != null) { result.WritesPLT_MATL(materials); } result.WriteacTL((uint)depth); uint sequence = 0; var frameControl = new FrameControl { width = (uint)width, height = (uint)height, delayNum = 1, delayDen = 60, }; frameControl.sequence = sequence++; result.WritefcTL(frameControl); if (depth > 0) { result.WriteIDAT(colors, 0, frameSize); } for (int f = 1; f < depth; f++) { frameControl.sequence = sequence++; result.WritefcTL(frameControl); result.WritefdAT(sequence++, colors, f * frameSize, frameSize); } result.WriteIEND(); return(result); }
public TrekAddPage(FrameControl q) { this.frc = q; }
public Menu() { this.InitializeComponent(); PrincipalFrame.Navigate(typeof(homeMap)); FrameControl.Navigate(typeof(WelcomePage)); }
public void Mode3() { fctrl.Hide(); fctrl = frameSets[2]; fctrl.SetFrame(facing); }
private void PaginaPrincipal_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FrameControl.Navigate(typeof(WelcomePage)); }
internal IEEE_802_11Packet(Frame parentFrame, int packetStartIndex, int packetEndIndex) : base(parentFrame, packetStartIndex, packetEndIndex, "IEEE 802.11") { this.frameControl = new FrameControl(parentFrame.Data[packetStartIndex], parentFrame.Data[packetStartIndex + 1]); if (!this.ParentFrame.QuickParse) { this.Attributes.Add("Protocol version", this.frameControl.ProtocolVersion.ToString()); this.Attributes.Add("Type", this.frameControl.Type.ToString()); this.Attributes.Add("SubType", this.frameControl.SubType.ToString()); this.Attributes.Add("WEP", this.frameControl.WEP.ToString()); } this.duration = Utils.ByteConverter.ToUInt16(parentFrame.Data, packetStartIndex + 2, true); if (!this.ParentFrame.QuickParse) { this.Attributes.Add("Duration", duration.ToString()); } int index = PacketStartIndex + 4; byte[][] addresses = new byte[4][]; /* * addresses[0]=The imediate (closest) recipient * addresses[1]=The station who is physically transmitting the message * addresses[2]=Original source address or final destination address * addresses[3]=Null or original source address * * */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { addresses[i] = new byte[6]; if (i < 3) { if (index < packetEndIndex - 4) { Array.Copy(parentFrame.Data, index, addresses[i], 0, addresses[i].Length); index += 6; } else//there is no such address { addresses[i] = null; } } } if (this.frameControl.Type == 0 || this.frameControl.Type == 2)//management or data frame //http://wifi.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/animations/wifi%20frame.swf { this.fragmentNibble = (byte)(parentFrame.Data[index] & 0x0f); //I want the last 4 bits only this.sequenceNumber = (ushort)(Utils.ByteConverter.ToUInt16(parentFrame.Data, index, true) >> 4); //crop out the last 4 bits index += 2; //see if there is a 4th address if (frameControl.FromDistributionSystem && frameControl.ToDistributionSystem) { Array.Copy(parentFrame.Data, index, addresses[3], 0, addresses[3].Length); index += 6; } } //now check to see if there is an 802.11e QoS part of this packet that need to be skipped //http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/download/802.11e-2005.pdf if (frameControl.Type == 2 && frameControl.SubType >= 8)//data+QoS //The QoS Control field is a 16-bit field that identifies the TC or TS to which the frame belongs and various //other QoS-related information about the frame that varies by frame type and subtype. { index += 2;// 16/8=2 } this.dataOffsetByteCount = index - PacketStartIndex; if (this.frameControl.Type == 0 || this.frameControl.Type == 2) //management or data frame { if (!frameControl.ToDistributionSystem && !frameControl.FromDistributionSystem) //0,0 { this.destinationMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[0]); //DA this.sourceMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[1]); //SA this.basicServiceSetMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[2]); //BSSID this.recipientMAC = null; //RA this.transmitterMAC = null; //TA } else if (!frameControl.ToDistributionSystem && frameControl.FromDistributionSystem) //0,1 { this.destinationMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[0]); this.basicServiceSetMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[1]); this.sourceMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[2]); this.recipientMAC = null; this.transmitterMAC = null; } else if (frameControl.ToDistributionSystem && !frameControl.FromDistributionSystem) //0,1 { this.basicServiceSetMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[0]); this.sourceMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[1]); this.destinationMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[2]); this.recipientMAC = null; this.transmitterMAC = null; } else if (frameControl.ToDistributionSystem && !frameControl.FromDistributionSystem) //1,1 { this.recipientMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[0]); //RA this.transmitterMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[1]); this.destinationMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[2]); this.sourceMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[3]); this.basicServiceSetMAC = null;//message is sent between two different base stations! } } else if (this.frameControl.Type == 1)//control frame { if (addresses[0] != null) { this.recipientMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[0]); } else { this.recipientMAC = null; } if (addresses[1] != null) { this.transmitterMAC = new PhysicalAddress(addresses[1]); } else { this.transmitterMAC = null; } this.destinationMAC = null; this.sourceMAC = null; this.basicServiceSetMAC = null; } if (!this.ParentFrame.QuickParse) { if (sourceMAC != null) { this.Attributes.Add("Source MAC", sourceMAC.ToString()); } if (destinationMAC != null) { this.Attributes.Add("Destination MAC", destinationMAC.ToString()); } if (transmitterMAC != null) { this.Attributes.Add("Transmitter MAC", transmitterMAC.ToString()); } if (recipientMAC != null) { this.Attributes.Add("Recipient MAC", recipientMAC.ToString()); } if (basicServiceSetMAC != null) { this.Attributes.Add("BSSID", basicServiceSetMAC.ToString()); } } }
private void Luz_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FrameControl.Navigate(typeof(Luz)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { fC = GameObject.Find ("GameLogic").GetComponent<FrameControl> (); p = GetComponent<PlayerControl> (); }
public TrekConstructorPage(FrameControl q) { this.frc = q; }
public TrekMainPage(FrameControl q) { this.frc = q; }