Example #1
        public override List <ISnapPoint> GeneratePoints(SceneObject so)
            List <ISnapPoint> v = new List <ISnapPoint>();

            if (so is PolyCurveSO)
                PolyCurveSO curveSO = so as PolyCurveSO;
                DCurve3     curve   = curveSO.Curve;

                Frame3f f = Frame3f.Identity;

                Frame3f startFrame = new Frame3f((Vector3f)curve.Start, -(Vector3f)curve.Tangent(0), 1);
                v.Add(new SOFrameSnapPoint(curveSO)
                    frame = f.FromFrame(startFrame)
                Frame3f endFrame = new Frame3f((Vector3f)curve.End, (Vector3f)curve.Tangent(curve.VertexCount - 1), 1);
                v.Add(new SOFrameSnapPoint(curveSO)
                    frame = f.FromFrame(endFrame)

            if (base.EnableGeometry)
                base.build_geometry(so, v);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// input objectF is in Object (local) coords of so, apply all intermediate
        /// transforms to get it to Scene coords
        /// </summary>
        public static Frame3f ObjectToScene(SceneObject so, Frame3f objectF)
            Frame3f     sceneF = objectF;
            SceneObject curSO  = so;

            while (curSO != null)
                Frame3f  curF  = curSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                Vector3f scale = curSO.GetLocalScale();
                Util.gDevAssert(curSO == so || IsUniformScale(scale));
                sceneF = curF.FromFrame(ref sceneF);
                SOParent parent = curSO.Parent;
                if (parent is FScene)
                curSO = (parent as SceneObject);
            if (curSO == null)
                DebugUtil.Error("SceneTransforms.ObjectToScene: found null parent SO!");
Example #3
        public static void SetBasePoint(FScene scene, DMeshSO so, Frame3f baseFrameS, bool bInteractive)
            Frame3f curFrameS = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            Frame3f relFrameS = baseFrameS.ToFrame(curFrameS);

            baseFrameS.AlignAxis(2, -Vector3f.AxisY);

            Frame3f           newFrameS = baseFrameS.FromFrame(relFrameS);
            TransformSOChange change    = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameS, newFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            scene.History.PushChange(change, false);

            Frame3f pivotS = Frame3f.Identity;
            // WHAT why is it the scene pivot ?!
            //Frame3f pivotL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(so, pivotS);
            RepositionPivotChangeOp pivotChange = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(pivotS, so);

            scene.History.PushChange(pivotChange, false);

            if (bInteractive)
Example #4
            public void update(Frame3f handF)
                curHandF = handF;

                // [RMS] this function updates the position of object based on hand frame
                //  Not clear how this should work, there are lots of options...

                // [1] scaled relative motion of hand inherited by object  (lags ray though)
                //Vector3f dt = startHandF.ToFrameP(handF.Origin);
                //dt *= 10.0f;
                //Frame3f fNew = new Frame3f(startObjFW);
                //fNew.Origin += dt;

                // [2] object stays on ray, inherits a bit of xform
                //   - resulting orientation is weird. works well for rotate in-place around ray,
                //     but up/down/left/right tilts are impossible w/o moving object
                Frame3f fNew = handF.FromFrame(this.startObjRelF);

                if (RotationSpeed != 1.0f)
                    fNew.Rotation = Quaternionf.Slerp(startObjFW.Rotation, fNew.Rotation, RotationSpeed);
                if (TranslationSpeed != 1.0f)
                    fNew.Origin = Vector3f.Lerp(startObjFW.Origin, fNew.Origin, TranslationSpeed);

                // [3] object stays on ray but no rotation
                //   - weird if you rotate left/right, because distance stays same but it
                //     keeps pointing in same direction
                //   - we have gizmo for this kind of translation.
                //Frame3 fNew = handF.FromFrame(this.startObjRelF);
                //fNew.Rotation = startObjFW.Rotation;

                // [4] object stays in place, rotate by hand rotation
                //   - pretty hard to control, but would be good for approx orienting...
                //   - definitely needs damping!!
                //Frame3 fNew = startObjFW;
                //Quaternion relative = handF.Rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(startHandF.Rotation);
                //fNew.Rotation = relative * fNew.Rotation;

                // apply stick rotation  DOESN"T WORK
                //Quaternion stickY = Quaternion.AngleAxis(stickDelta[1], startHandF.X);
                //fNew.Rotation = fNew.Rotation * stickY;

                // shift in/out along hand-ray by Z
                fNew.Origin += StickSpeed * stickDelta[1] * handF.Z * so.GetScene().GetSceneScale();

                curHandTargetF = fNew;
                curUseTargetF  = new Frame3f(curHandTargetF);

                // update so
                so.SetLocalFrame(curUseTargetF, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
Example #5
 public static void SetSOLocalFrame(SceneObject so, CoordSpace eSpace, Frame3f newFrame)
     if (eSpace == CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
         // scene frames should not be scaled by scene scale, but we want to set as world
         // coords, so we need to apply it now
         if (so.GetScene().GetSceneScale() != 1.0f)
             newFrame = newFrame.Scaled(so.GetScene().GetSceneScale());
         Frame3f sceneW = UnityUtil.GetGameObjectFrame(so.GetScene().RootGameObject, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         Frame3f objW   = sceneW.FromFrame(newFrame);
         UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, objW, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
         UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(so.RootGameObject, newFrame, eSpace);
Example #6
        public static void RecenterAboveOrigin(FScene scene, SceneObject so, bool bInteractive)
            Frame3f          curFrameO = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
            AxisAlignedBox3f bounds    = so.GetLocalBoundingBox();
            Box3f            box       = new Box3f(bounds);

            box = curFrameO.FromFrame(ref box);
            AxisAlignedBox3f boundsS = box.ToAABB();

            Vector3f c  = boundsS.Center - 0.5f * boundsS.Height * Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f dt = -c;

            if (dt.MaxAbs > MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef)
                Frame3f           newFrameO = curFrameO.Translated(dt);
                TransformSOChange change    = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameO, newFrameO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
                if (bInteractive)
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// input objectF is in Object (local) coords of so, apply all intermediate
        /// transforms to get it to Scene coords
        /// </summary>
        public static Frame3f ObjectToScene(TransformableSO so, Frame3f objectF)
            Frame3f         sceneF = objectF;
            TransformableSO curSO  = so;

            while (curSO != null)
                Frame3f  curF  = curSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                Vector3f scale = curSO.GetLocalScale();
                sceneF = curF.FromFrame(sceneF);
                SOParent parent = curSO.Parent;
                if (parent is FScene)
                curSO = (parent as TransformableSO);
            if (curSO == null)
                DebugUtil.Error("SceneTransforms.TransformTo: found null parent SO!");
        public override Capture UpdateCapture(InputState input, CaptureData data)
            if ((data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bLeftShoulderReleased) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bRightShoulderReleased) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bRightShoulderPressed) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bLeftShoulderPressed))

            // [RMS] this is a hack to release input for shoulder+trigger gestures
            if ((data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bLeftTriggerPressed) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bRightTriggerPressed))


            GrabHandInfo hi = (GrabHandInfo)data.custom_data;

            Frame3f StartF = Frame3f.Identity;
            Frame3f CurF   = Frame3f.Identity;

            if (data.which == CaptureSide.Left)
                StartF = hi.leftStartF;
                CurF   = input.LeftHandFrame;
            else if (data.which == CaptureSide.Right)
                StartF = hi.rightStartF;
                CurF   = input.RightHandFrame;

/*          orbit-style variant, does not work yet
 *          // translation is just controller world-movement
 *          Vector3f translation = CurF.Origin - StartF.Origin;
 *          // We figure out orbit by rotating cur & start frames such that the axis we
 *          // want to measure around is that world axis. This produces more stable angles
 *          // as the controller twists
 *          Frame3f YAlignedStartF = StartF; YAlignedStartF.AlignAxis(1, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          Frame3f YAlignedCurF = CurF; YAlignedCurF.AlignAxis(1, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          float fAngleX = (float)MathUtil.PlaneAngleSignedD(YAlignedStartF.X, YAlignedCurF.X, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          Frame3f XAlignedStartF = StartF; XAlignedStartF.AlignAxis(0, Vector3f.AxisX);
 *          Frame3f XAlignedCurF = CurF; XAlignedCurF.AlignAxis(0, Vector3f.AxisX);
 *          float fAngleY = (float)MathUtil.PlaneAngleSignedD(XAlignedStartF.Y, XAlignedCurF.Y, Vector3f.AxisX);

            Frame3f relStartF = StartF.ToFrame(hi.startCamF);
            Frame3f curF      = CurF.FromFrame(relStartF);

            // apply camera xforms
            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SetCurrentSceneState(cockpit.Scene, hi.camState);

            //    CurF.Origin, -RotationSpeed * fAngleX, RotationSpeed * fAngleY);
            //    CurF.Origin, RotationSpeed * fAngleX, RotationSpeed * fAngleY);
            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneRotateAround(cockpit.Scene, relF.Rotation, CurF.Origin);

            cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneSetFrame(cockpit.Scene, curF);

            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneTranslate(cockpit.Scene, TranslationSpeed * translation);

Example #9
        // returns snapped world-frame, or input frame if no snap
        public Frame3f UpdateSnapW(Frame3f fSourceFrameW, SnapSet Snaps)
            FScene scene        = targetSO.GetScene();
            float  fSnapRadiusW = VRUtil.GetVRRadiusForVisualAngle(fSourceFrameW.Origin,
                                                                   scene.ActiveCamera.GetPosition(), SnapThreshVisualAngleDeg);
            float fSnapRadiusS = fSnapRadiusW / scene.GetSceneScale();

            // fSourceFrameW in Scene coordinates
            Frame3f fSourceS = scene.ToSceneFrame(fSourceFrameW);

            SnapResult best_snap    = null;
            float      fNearest     = float.MaxValue;
            Frame3f    fBestSourceL = Frame3f.Identity;

            // snapframes are stored in local coords relative to object
            foreach (Frame3f fPointFrameL in snapFramesL)
                // convert local-coord snap frame into scene coords
                Frame3f fPointFrameS = fSourceS.FromFrame(fPointFrameL);

                SnapResult snap = Snaps.FindNearestSnapPointS(fPointFrameS, fSnapRadiusS);
                if (snap != null)
                    float d = ((Vector3f)snap.FrameS.Origin - fPointFrameS.Origin).Length;
                    if (d < fNearest)
                        fNearest     = d;
                        fBestSourceL = fPointFrameL;
                        best_snap    = snap;

            snapState.UpdateState(best_snap, fBestSourceL);
            if (snapState.IsSnapped)
                SnapResult useSnap    = snapState.ActiveSnapTarget;
                Frame3f    useSourceL = (Frame3f)snapState.ActiveSnapData;

                if (SnapOrientation)
                    // compute min-rotation frame, then align origins
                    Frame3f fAlignedSourceS =
                        Frame3f.SolveMinRotation(fSourceS, useSnap.FrameS);
                    Frame3f  fPointFrameS = fAlignedSourceS.FromFrame(useSourceL);
                    Vector3f deltaS       = (Vector3f)useSnap.FrameS.Origin - fPointFrameS.Origin;
                    snapFrameS = fAlignedSourceS.Translated(deltaS);

                    //// this is tricky...we have an object-space frame useSourceL, which
                    ////  we want to snap to a scene-space frame usePoint.FrameS. So we need
                    ////  to shift origin of that frame by -useSourceL_in_FrameS!
                    //snapFrameS = usePoint.FrameS.Translated(
                    //    -usePoint.FrameS.FromFrameV(useSourceL.Origin));
                    // translation-only snap - find shift in scene space, apply to input source frame
                    Frame3f  fPointFrameS = fSourceS.FromFrame(useSourceL);
                    Vector3f deltaS       = (Vector3f)useSnap.FrameS.Origin - fPointFrameS.Origin;
                    snapFrameS = fSourceS.Translated(deltaS);

                // now convert to world frame for return

Example #10
        public static void PlaceInViewPlane(HUDStandardItem hudItem, Vector3f vPosition, Frame3f viewFrame)
            Frame3f objFrame = hudItem.GetObjectFrame().Translated(vPosition);
