public WebhookPosterTest() { ForwarderConfiguration = new ForwarderConfiguration(); }
public HubEventUnpackerTest() { Configuration = new ForwarderConfiguration(); }
private static async Task MainAsync() { var instrumentationKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Payments.InstrumentationKey", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); var license = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NServiceBus.License", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); var ordersConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Orders.ConnectionString", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); var paymentsConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Payments.ConnectionString", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = Int32.MaxValue; TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = instrumentationKey; var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(); var defaultFactory = LogManager.Use <DefaultFactory>(); defaultFactory.Level(LogLevel.Info); var endpointConfig = new EndpointConfiguration("Payments"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(license)) { endpointConfig.License(license); } endpointConfig.UsePersistence <InMemoryPersistence>(); endpointConfig.SendFailedMessagesTo("error"); var transport = endpointConfig.UseTransport <AzureServiceBusTransport>(); transport.ConnectionString(paymentsConnectionString); var topology = transport.UseForwardingTopology(); var factories = transport.MessagingFactories(); var receivers = transport.MessageReceivers(); var perReceiverConcurrency = 10; var numberOfReceivers = 2; // Premium messaging has 2 partitions var globalConcurrency = numberOfReceivers * perReceiverConcurrency; endpointConfig.LimitMessageProcessingConcurrencyTo(globalConcurrency); factories.NumberOfMessagingFactoriesPerNamespace(numberOfReceivers * 2); //Bus receiver, bus sender transport.NumberOfClientsPerEntity(numberOfReceivers); factories.BatchFlushInterval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); receivers.PrefetchCount(1000); // The more we prefetch, the better the throughput will be, needs to be balanced though as you can only pull so many messages per batch topology.NumberOfEntitiesInBundle(1); // Only use 1 bundle topic, there is no benefit to using more and Particular are going to remove this support moving forward transport.Transactions(TransportTransactionMode.ReceiveOnly); // Use peek lock, vastly quicker than transport.BrokeredMessageBodyType(SupportedBrokeredMessageBodyTypes.Stream); // Need to use this for non-NSB integrations - will be what Particular use moving forward too transport.TransportType(TransportType.Amqp); // Use this rather than netmessaging, allows more connections to the namespace and is an open standard // See here for a better example of this that handles ungraceful shutdowns - var metricOptions = endpointConfig.EnableMetrics(); metricOptions.RegisterObservers(context => { foreach (var duration in context.Durations) { duration.Register(observer: durationLength => telemetryClient.TrackMetric(new MetricTelemetry(duration.Name, durationLength.TotalMilliseconds))); } foreach (var signal in context.Signals) { signal.Register(observer: () => telemetryClient.TrackEvent(new EventTelemetry(signal.Name))); } }); var endpoint = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfig).ConfigureAwait(false); var forwarderConfig = new ForwarderConfiguration( new ForwarderSourceConfiguration(500, () => CreateMessageReceiver(ordersConnectionString, "Payments")), new ForwarderDestinationConfiguration("Payments", () => CreateMessageForwarder(paymentsConnectionString, "Payments"))) .UsingLogger(new Logger(LogManager.GetLogger <Forwarder>())) .WithConcurrencyOf(3); var forwarder = new Forwarder(forwarderConfig); await CreateSubscriptionEntitiesIfRequired(ordersConnectionString, "Returns", "Payments"); forwarder.Start(); }
private static List <ForwarderConfiguration> GetConfiguration(IBackgroundLogger errorLogger) { List <ForwarderConfiguration> configs = new List <ForwarderConfiguration>(); try { // Read the XML configuration file. XDocument doc; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "configuration.xml"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { doc = XDocument.Load(fs); } XElement root = doc.Root; if (root.Name.LocalName == "TcpForwarderConfiguration") { foreach (XNode node in root.Nodes()) { try { if (node is XElement && ((XElement)node).Name.LocalName == "Forwarder") { // Found an entry. XElement el = (XElement)node; XAttribute remoteHost = el.Attribute("remoteHost"); XAttribute remotePort = el.Attribute("remotePort"); XAttribute localPort = el.Attribute("localPort"); if (remoteHost == null || remotePort == null || localPort == null) { throw new ArgumentException("One of the required attributes (maxConcurrentConnections, remoteHost, remotePort, localPort) is missing."); } int maxConcurrentConnections; XAttribute maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr = el.Attribute("maxConcurrentConnections"); if (maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr != null) { maxConcurrentConnections = int.Parse(maxConcurrentConnectionsAttr.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { maxConcurrentConnections = 10000; } string remoteSslHostname = null; XAttribute at = el.Attribute("remoteSslHostname"); if (at != null) { remoteSslHostname = at.Value; } X509Certificate2 cert = null; at = el.Attribute("localSslCertFingerprint"); if (at != null) { cert = TcpConnectionForwarderUtils.GetCurrentUserOrLocalMachineCertificateFromFingerprint(at.Value); if (cert == null) { throw new Exception("The certificate with fingerprint \"" + at.Value + "\" was not found."); } // check if we have enough privileges to get the private key of the certificate (when using the local machine's store, // the program might need administrative rights to access the private key) try { System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm am = cert.PrivateKey; GC.KeepAlive(am); // Ensure the compiler does not optimize-away the above call } catch (Exception ex) { if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex)) { throw; } throw new Exception("Error when retrieving the private key of the certificate. Make sure " + "you run this program with correct privileges.\r\n\r\n" + ex.GetType().ToString() + ": " + ex.Message, ex); } } ForwarderConfiguration conf = new ForwarderConfiguration() { MaxConcurrentConnections = maxConcurrentConnections, RemoteHost = remoteHost.Value, RemotePort = ushort.Parse(remotePort.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), LocalPort = ushort.Parse(localPort.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), RemoteSslHostname = remoteSslHostname, LocalSslCert = cert }; configs.Add(conf); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex)) { throw; } errorLogger.LogError("An error occured when parsing the following XML configuration entry:\r\n" + node.ToString() + "\r\n\r\nError Details:\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ExceptionUtils.ShouldExceptionBeRethrown(ex)) { throw; } errorLogger.LogError("An error when reading the XML configuration.\r\n\r\nError Details:\r\n" + FormatExceptionForLog(ex)); } return(configs); }