Example #1
        public void ParserShouldCallLexer()
            var lexer = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ILexer>();

            lexer.Stub(x => x.Tokenize("ABC")).Return(Enumerable.Empty <Token>());
            _parser.Configure(x => x.SetLexer(lexer));


            lexer.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Tokenize("ABC"));
        public void ParserShouldCallLexer()
            var lexer = A.Fake <ILexer>();

            A.CallTo(() => lexer.Tokenize("ABC")).Returns(Enumerable.Empty <Token>());
            _parser.Configure(x => x.SetLexer(lexer));


            A.CallTo(() => lexer.Tokenize("ABC")).MustHaveHappened();
        public Ptg[] GetFormulaTokens(IEvaluationCell EvalCell)
            XSSFCell cell = ((XSSFEvaluationCell)EvalCell).GetXSSFCell();
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook frBook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(_uBook);

            return(FormulaParser.Parse(cell.CellFormula, frBook, FormulaType.Cell, _uBook.GetSheetIndex(cell.Sheet)));
Example #4
        private void SetFormula(String formula, FormulaType formulaType)
            XSSFWorkbook wb = (XSSFWorkbook)_row.Sheet.Workbook;

            if (formula == null)

            if (wb.CellFormulaValidation)
                IFormulaParsingWorkbook fpb = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);
                //validate through the FormulaParser
                FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, formulaType, wb.GetSheetIndex(this.Sheet), RowIndex);
            CT_CellFormula f = new CT_CellFormula();

            f.Value = formula;
            _cell.f = (f);
            if (_cell.IsSetV())
Example #5
        private void UpdateFormula(XSSFCell cell, IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb)
            CT_CellFormula f = cell.GetCTCell().f;

            if (f == null)
            string formula = f.Value;

            if (formula == null || formula.Length <= 0)
            int sheetIndex = this._wb.GetSheetIndex(cell.Sheet);

            Ptg[]  ptgs          = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)this._fpwb, FormulaType.CELL, sheetIndex);
            string formulaString = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(frwb, ptgs);

            if (formula.Equals(formulaString))
            f.Value = formulaString;
Example #6
        private void SetFormula(string formula, FormulaType formulaType)
            IWorkbook workbook1 = this._row.Sheet.Workbook;

            if (formula == null)
                if (!this._cell.IsSetF())
                IFormulaParsingWorkbook workbook2 = (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(workbook1);
                FormulaParser.Parse(formula, workbook2, formulaType, workbook1.GetSheetIndex(this.Sheet));
                this._cell.f = new CT_CellFormula()
                    Value = formula
                if (!this._cell.IsSetV())
Example #7
         * Evaluate a formula outside a cell value, e.g. conditional format rules or data validation expressions
         * @param formula to evaluate
         * @param ref defines the optional sheet and row/column base for the formula, if it is relative
         * @return value
        public ValueEval Evaluate(String formula, CellReference reference)
            String sheetName = reference == null ? null : reference.SheetName;
            int    sheetIndex;

            if (sheetName == null)
                sheetIndex = -1; // workbook scope only
                sheetIndex = Workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheetName);
            int rowIndex = reference == null ? -1 : reference.Row;
            int colIndex = reference == null ? -1 : reference.Col;
            OperationEvaluationContext ec = new OperationEvaluationContext(
                new EvaluationTracker(_cache)

            Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)Workbook, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex, rowIndex);
            return(EvaluateNameFormula(ptgs, ec));
Example #8
        public Ptg[] GetFormulaTokens(IEvaluationCell EvalCell)
            XSSFCell xssfCell = ((XSSFEvaluationCell)EvalCell).GetXSSFCell();
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook evaluationWorkbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create((IWorkbook)this._uBook);

            return(FormulaParser.Parse(xssfCell.CellFormula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)evaluationWorkbook, FormulaType.CELL, this._uBook.GetSheetIndex(xssfCell.Sheet)));
Example #9
        // copied from org.apache.poi.hssf.model.TestFormulaParser
        public void TestMacroFunction()
            // testNames.xlsm contains a VB function called 'myFunc'
            String       testFile = "testNames.xlsm";
            XSSFWorkbook wb       = XSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleWorkbook(testFile);

                XSSFEvaluationWorkbook workbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);

                //Expected ptg stack: [NamePtg(myFunc), StringPtg(arg), (additional operands would go here...), FunctionPtg(myFunc)]
                Ptg[] ptg = FormulaParser.Parse("myFunc(\"arg\")", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, -1);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, ptg.Length);

                // the name gets encoded as the first operand on the stack
                NameXPxg tname = (NameXPxg)ptg[0];
                Assert.AreEqual("myFunc", tname.ToFormulaString());

                // the function's arguments are pushed onto the stack from left-to-right as OperandPtgs
                StringPtg arg = (StringPtg)ptg[1];
                Assert.AreEqual("arg", arg.Value);

                // The external FunctionPtg is the last Ptg added to the stack
                // During formula evaluation, this Ptg pops off the the appropriate number of
                // arguments (getNumberOfOperands()) and pushes the result on the stack
                AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg)ptg[2];

                // confirm formula parsing is case-insensitive
                FormulaParser.Parse("mYfUnC(\"arg\")", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, -1);

                // confirm formula parsing doesn't care about argument count or type
                // this should only throw an error when evaluating the formula.
                FormulaParser.Parse("myFunc()", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, -1);
                FormulaParser.Parse("myFunc(\"arg\", 0, TRUE)", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, -1);

                // A completely unknown formula name (not saved in workbook) should still be parseable and renderable
                // but will throw an NotImplementedFunctionException or return a #NAME? error value if evaluated.
                FormulaParser.Parse("yourFunc(\"arg\")", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, -1);

                // Make sure workbook can be written and read

                // Manually check to make sure file isn't corrupted
                // TODO: develop a process for occasionally manually reviewing workbooks
                // to verify workbooks are not corrupted

                 * FileInfo fileIn = XSSFTestDataSamples.GetSampleFile(testFile);
                 * FileInfo reSavedFile = new FileInfo(fileIn.FullName.Replace(".xlsm", "-saved.xlsm"));
                 * FileStream fos = new FileStream(reSavedFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                 * wb.Write(fos);
                 * fos.Close();
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a non shared formula from the shared formula counterpart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="si">Shared Group Index</param>
        /// <param name="fpb"></param>
        /// <returns>non shared formula created for the given shared formula and this cell</returns>
        private String ConvertSharedFormula(int si, XSSFEvaluationWorkbook fpb)
            XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)Sheet;

            CT_CellFormula f = sheet.GetSharedFormula(si);

            if (f == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Master cell of a shared formula with sid=" + si + " was not found");

            String sharedFormula = f.Value;
            //Range of cells which the shared formula applies to
            String sharedFormulaRange = f.@ref;

            CellRangeAddress ref1 = CellRangeAddress.ValueOf(sharedFormulaRange);

            int           sheetIndex = sheet.Workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
            SharedFormula sf         = new SharedFormula(SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);

            Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(sharedFormula, fpb, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex, RowIndex);
            Ptg[] fmla = sf.ConvertSharedFormulas(ptgs,
                                                  RowIndex - ref1.FirstRow, ColumnIndex - ref1.FirstColumn);
            return(FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(fpb, fmla));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Shift a formula using the supplied FormulaShifter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">the row of the cell this formula belongs to. Used to get a reference to the parent workbook.</param>
        /// <param name="formula">the formula to shift</param>
        /// <param name="formulaShifter">the FormulaShifter object that operates on the parsed formula tokens</param>
        /// <returns>the shifted formula if the formula was changed, null if the formula wasn't modified</returns>
        public static String ShiftFormula(IRow row, String formula, FormulaShifter formulaShifter)
            ISheet    sheet            = row.Sheet;
            IWorkbook wb               = sheet.Workbook;
            int       sheetIndex       = wb.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
            int       rowIndex         = row.RowNum;
            HSSFEvaluationWorkbook fpb = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create((HSSFWorkbook)wb);

                Ptg[]  ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex, rowIndex);
                String shiftedFmla;
                if (formulaShifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                    shiftedFmla = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(fpb, ptgs);
                    shiftedFmla = formula;
            catch (FormulaParseException fpe)
                // Log, but don't change, rather than breaking
                log.Log(POILogger.ERROR, "Error shifting formula on row " + row.RowNum.ToString(), fpe);
Example #12
        private void SetFormula(String formula, FormulaType formulaType)
            IWorkbook wb = _row.Sheet.Workbook;

            if (formula == null)
                if (_cell.IsSetF())

            IFormulaParsingWorkbook fpb = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);

            //validate through the FormulaParser
            FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, formulaType, wb.GetSheetIndex(this.Sheet), -1);

            CT_CellFormula f = new CT_CellFormula();

            f.Value = formula;
            _cell.f = (f);
            if (_cell.IsSetV())
Example #13
        public void TestRead()
            String hex =
                "21 02 25 00 01 00 01 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 " +
                "17 00 65 00 00 01 00 02 C0 02 C0 65 00 00 01 00 " +
                "03 C0 03 C0 04 62 01 07 00";

            byte[]               data  = HexRead.ReadFromString(hex);
            RecordInputStream    in1   = TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(data);
            ArrayRecord          r1    = new ArrayRecord(in1);
            CellRangeAddress8Bit range = r1.Range;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, range.FirstColumn);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, range.LastColumn);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, range.FirstRow);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, range.LastRow);

            Ptg[] ptg = r1.FormulaTokens;
            Assert.AreEqual(FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(null, ptg), "MAX(C1:C2-D1:D2)");

            //construct a new ArrayRecord with the same contents as r1
            Ptg[]       fmlaPtg = FormulaParser.Parse("MAX(C1:C2-D1:D2)", null, FormulaType.Array, 0);
            ArrayRecord r2      = new ArrayRecord(Formula.Create(fmlaPtg), new CellRangeAddress8Bit(1, 1, 1, 1));

            byte[] ser = r2.Serialize();
            //serialize and check that the data is the same as in r1
            Assert.AreEqual(HexDump.ToHex(data), HexDump.ToHex(ser));
Example #14
        public override Ptg[] GetFormulaTokens(IEvaluationCell evalCell)
            XSSFCell cell       = ((XSSFEvaluationCell)evalCell).GetXSSFCell();
            int      sheetIndex = _uBook.GetSheetIndex(cell.Sheet);
            int      rowIndex   = cell.RowIndex;

            return(FormulaParser.Parse(cell.GetCellFormula(this), this, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex, rowIndex));
        public void ShouldHandleCircularReference2()
            var expectedAddres = "A1:A2";
            var provider       = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ExcelDataProvider>();

            .Stub(x => x.GetRangeValues(expectedAddres))
            .Return(new ExcelCell[] { CreateItem(1, 0), new ExcelCell(null, "SUM(A1:A2)", 0, 1) });
            var parser = new FormulaParser(provider);
            var result = parser.Parse(string.Format("sum({0})", expectedAddres));
        public void ShouldCallProviderInSumFunctionAndCalculateResult()
            var expectedAddres = "A1:A2";
            var provider       = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ExcelDataProvider>();

            .Stub(x => x.GetRangeValues(expectedAddres))
            .Return(new ExcelCell[] { CreateItem(1, 0), CreateItem(2, 1) });
            var parser = new FormulaParser(provider);
            var result = parser.Parse(string.Format("sum({0})", expectedAddres));

            Assert.AreEqual(3d, result);
Example #17
        public void TestXSSFFailCase()
            IFormulaParsingWorkbook workbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(new XSSFWorkbook());

                FormulaParser.Parse("Sheet1!1:1048577", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, 0); // one more than max rows.
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (FormulaParseException)
Example #18
        public void TestHSSFFailsForOver65536()
            IFormulaParsingWorkbook workbook = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(new HSSFWorkbook());

                FormulaParser.Parse("Sheet1!1:65537", workbook, FormulaType.Cell, 0);
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
            catch (FormulaParseException)
Example #19
 /** confirm formula has invalid syntax and parsing the formula results in FormulaParseException
  * @param formula
  * @param wb
 private static void parseExpectedException(String formula, IFormulaParsingWorkbook wb)
         FormulaParser.Parse(formula, wb, FormulaType.Cell, -1);
         Assert.Fail("Expected FormulaParseException: " + formula);
     catch (FormulaParseException e)
         // expected during successful test
        public void ShouldExecuteFormulaInRange()
            var expectedAddres = "A1:A2";
            var provider       = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ExcelDataProvider>();

            .Stub(x => x.GetRangeValues(expectedAddres))
            .Return(new ExcelCell[] { CreateItem(1, 0), new ExcelCell(null, "SUM(1,2)", 0, 1) });
            var parser = new FormulaParser(provider);
            var result = parser.Parse(string.Format("sum({0})", expectedAddres));

            Assert.AreEqual(4d, result);
Example #21
         * Parse formula in the named range and re-assemble it  back using the specified FormulaRenderingWorkbook.
         * @param name the name to update
         * @param frwb the formula rendering workbbok that returns new sheet name
        private void UpdateName(IName name, IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb)
            String formula = name.RefersToFormula;

            if (formula != null)
                int    sheetIndex     = name.SheetIndex;
                Ptg[]  ptgs           = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, _fpwb, FormulaType.NamedRange, sheetIndex);
                String updatedFormula = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(frwb, ptgs);
                if (!formula.Equals(updatedFormula))
                    name.RefersToFormula = (updatedFormula);
Example #22
        private static string CopyFormula(string formula, ISheet sheet, int targetIndex)
            var workbookWrapper = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create((XSSFWorkbook)sheet.Workbook);
            var ptgs            = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, workbookWrapper, FormulaType.Cell, sheet.Workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet));

            foreach (var ptg in ptgs)
                if (ptg is RefPtgBase refs && refs.IsRowRelative)
                    refs.Row = targetIndex;

            return(FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(workbookWrapper, ptgs));
Example #23
        private static string ShiftFormula(XSSFRow row, string formula, FormulaShifter Shifter)
            ISheet    sheet      = row.Sheet;
            IWorkbook workbook   = sheet.Workbook;
            int       sheetIndex = workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook evaluationWorkbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(workbook);

            Ptg[]  ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)evaluationWorkbook, FormulaType.CELL, sheetIndex);
            string str  = (string)null;

            if (Shifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                str = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString((IFormulaRenderingWorkbook)evaluationWorkbook, ptgs);
Example #24
         * Shift a formula using the supplied FormulaShifter
         * @param row     the row of the cell this formula belongs to. Used to get a reference to the parent workbook.
         * @param formula the formula to shift
         * @param Shifter the FormulaShifter object that operates on the Parsed formula tokens
         * @return the Shifted formula if the formula was Changed,
         *         <code>null</code> if the formula wasn't modified
        private static String ShiftFormula(XSSFRow row, String formula, FormulaShifter Shifter)
            ISheet    sheet            = row.Sheet;
            IWorkbook wb               = sheet.Workbook;
            int       sheetIndex       = wb.GetSheetIndex(sheet);
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook fpb = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);

            Ptg[]  ptgs        = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex);
            String ShiftedFmla = null;

            if (Shifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                ShiftedFmla = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(fpb, ptgs);
Example #25
        public void UpdateNamedRanges(FormulaShifter shifter)
            IWorkbook workbook = this.sheet.Workbook;
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook evaluationWorkbook = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(workbook);

            for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < workbook.NumberOfNames; ++nameIndex)
                IName  nameAt          = workbook.GetNameAt(nameIndex);
                string refersToFormula = nameAt.RefersToFormula;
                int    sheetIndex      = nameAt.SheetIndex;
                Ptg[]  ptgs            = FormulaParser.Parse(refersToFormula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)evaluationWorkbook, FormulaType.NAMEDRANGE, sheetIndex);
                if (shifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                    string formulaString = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString((IFormulaRenderingWorkbook)evaluationWorkbook, ptgs);
                    nameAt.RefersToFormula = formulaString;
Example #26
         * Updated named ranges
        public override void UpdateNamedRanges(FormulaShifter shifter)
            IWorkbook wb = sheet.Workbook;
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook fpb = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);

            foreach (IName name in wb.GetAllNames())
                String formula    = name.RefersToFormula;
                int    sheetIndex = name.SheetIndex;

                Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, FormulaType.NamedRange, sheetIndex, -1);
                if (shifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                    String shiftedFmla = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(fpb, ptgs);
                    name.RefersToFormula = shiftedFmla;
Example #27
         * Parse cell formula and re-assemble it back using the specified FormulaRenderingWorkbook.
         * @param cell the cell to update
         * @param frwb the formula rendering workbbok that returns new sheet name
        private void UpdateFormula(XSSFCell cell, IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb)
            CT_CellFormula f = cell.GetCTCell().f;

            if (f != null)
                String formula = f.Value;
                if (formula != null && formula.Length > 0)
                    int    sheetIndex     = _wb.GetSheetIndex(cell.Sheet);
                    Ptg[]  ptgs           = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, _fpwb, FormulaType.Cell, sheetIndex);
                    String updatedFormula = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(frwb, ptgs);
                    if (!formula.Equals(updatedFormula))
                        f.Value = (updatedFormula);
Example #28
         * Parse formula in the named range and re-assemble it  back using the specified FormulaRenderingWorkbook.
         * @param name the name to update
         * @param frwb the formula rendering workbbok that returns new sheet name
        private void UpdateName(IName name, String oldName, String newName)
            String formula = name.RefersToFormula;

            if (formula != null)
                int   sheetIndex = name.SheetIndex;
                Ptg[] ptgs       = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, _fpwb, FormulaType.NamedRange, sheetIndex, -1);
                foreach (Ptg ptg in ptgs)
                    UpdatePtg(ptg, oldName, newName);
                String updatedFormula = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(_fpwb, ptgs);
                if (!formula.Equals(updatedFormula))
                    name.RefersToFormula = (updatedFormula);
Example #29
         * Updated named ranges
        public void UpdateNamedRanges(FormulaShifter shifter)
            IWorkbook wb = sheet.Workbook;
            XSSFEvaluationWorkbook fpb = XSSFEvaluationWorkbook.Create(wb);

            for (int i = 0; i < wb.NumberOfNames; i++)
                IName  name       = wb.GetNameAt(i);
                String formula    = name.RefersToFormula;
                int    sheetIndex = name.SheetIndex;

                Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.Parse(formula, fpb, FormulaType.NamedRange, sheetIndex);
                if (shifter.AdjustFormula(ptgs, sheetIndex))
                    String shiftedFmla = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(fpb, ptgs);
                    name.RefersToFormula = shiftedFmla;
Example #30
        private void UpdateName(IName name, IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb)
            string refersToFormula = name.RefersToFormula;

            if (refersToFormula == null)
            int sheetIndex = name.SheetIndex;

            Ptg[]  ptgs          = FormulaParser.Parse(refersToFormula, (IFormulaParsingWorkbook)this._fpwb, FormulaType.NAMEDRANGE, sheetIndex);
            string formulaString = FormulaRenderer.ToFormulaString(frwb, ptgs);

            if (refersToFormula.Equals(formulaString))
            name.RefersToFormula = formulaString;
Example #31
 public static Ptg[] Parse(String formula, FormulaParsingWorkbook workbook, int formulaType)
     FormulaParser fp = new FormulaParser(formula, workbook);
     return fp.GetRPNPtg(formulaType);
Example #32
  * Parse a formula into a array of tokens
  * @param formula	 the formula to parse
  * @param workbook	the parent workbook
  * @param formulaType the type of the formula, see {@link FormulaType}
  * @param sheetIndex  the 0-based index of the sheet this formula belongs to.
  * The sheet index is required to resolve sheet-level names. <code>-1</code> means that
  * the scope of the name will be ignored and  the parser will match names only by name
  * @return array of parsed tokens
  * @throws FormulaParseException if the formula is unparsable
 public static Ptg[] Parse(String formula, IFormulaParsingWorkbook workbook, FormulaType formulaType, int sheetIndex)
     FormulaParser fp = new FormulaParser(formula, workbook, sheetIndex);
     return fp.GetRPNPtg(formulaType);
Example #33
 public static Ptg[] Parse(String formula, HSSFWorkbook book)
     FormulaParser fp = new FormulaParser(formula, book);
     return fp.GetRPNPtg();