Example #1
        public Page1()
            //button.Clicked += OnButtonClicked;
            var grid = new Grid
                RowDefinitions =
                    new RowDefinition {
                        Height = GridLength.Star
                    new RowDefinition {
                        Height = GridLength.Star
                    new RowDefinition {
                        Height = GridLength.Star

            //grid.Children.Add(new SkiaObject());
            //grid.Children.Add(button, 0, 1);
            //grid.Children.Add(new Forms9Patch.Label { Text = "pizza" }, 0, 2);
            grid.Children.Add(label, 0, 1);

            listener = FormsGestures.Listener.For(label);

            Content = grid;
 void SetupTouchEvents(FormsGestures.Listener listener)
     listener.Down         += ShowTouch;
     listener.Up           += ShowTouch;
     listener.Tapping      += ShowTouch;
     listener.Tapped       += ShowTouch;
     listener.DoubleTapped += ShowTouch;
     listener.LongPressing += ShowTouch;
     listener.LongPressed  += ShowTouch;
Example #3
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (!_disposed)
         _disposed = true;
         if (disposing)
             //button.Clicked -= OnButtonClicked;
             listener = null;
Example #4
        protected override void OnAppearing()
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Page1.OnAppearing: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(true).ToString("n"));

            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () =>
                // the following results in no leak!
                listener = null;
        public GesturesTestPage()
            var button = new Button {
                BackgroundColor = Color.Pink,
                Text = "Hello",
                BorderColor = Color.Blue,
                BorderWidth = 3,
            button.Clicked += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBUTTON CLICKED!!!!");

            var buttonListener = new FormsGestures.Listener(button);
            buttonListener.Down += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER DOWN"); // does not work with UIControl derived elements

            buttonListener.LongPressing += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER LONG PRESSING");
            buttonListener.Panning += (sender, e) => {
                button.TranslationX += e.DeltaDistance.X;
                button.TranslationY += e.DeltaDistance.Y;
            buttonListener.Pinching += (sender, e) =>  {
                button.Scale *= e.DeltaScale;
            buttonListener.Rotating += (sender, e) => {
                button.Rotation += e.DeltaAngle;

            buttonListener.Up += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER UP");		 // does not work with UIControl derived elements
            buttonListener.Tapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER TAPPED");  // does not work with UIControl derived elements
            buttonListener.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER DOUBLE TAPPED"); // does not work with UIControl derived elements

            buttonListener.LongPressed += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER LONG PRESSED");
            buttonListener.Panned += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER PANNED");
            buttonListener.Swiped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER SWIPED!!!");

            buttonListener.Pinched += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER PINCHED");
            buttonListener.Rotated += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tLISTENER ROTATED");

            var box = new BoxView {
                BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
            var boxListener = new FormsGestures.Listener (box);
            boxListener.Down += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX DOWN");

            boxListener.LongPressing += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX LONG PRESSING");
            boxListener.Panning += (sender, e) => {
                box.TranslationX += e.DeltaDistance.X;
                box.TranslationY += e.DeltaDistance.Y;
            boxListener.Pinching += (sender, e) =>  {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tBOX PINCHEING [" + e.DeltaScale + "]");
                box.Scale *= e.DeltaScale;
            boxListener.Rotating += (sender, e) => {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\tBOX ROTATING ["+e.DeltaAngle+"]");
                box.Rotation += e.DeltaAngle;

            boxListener.Up += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX UP");
            boxListener.Tapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX TAPPED");
            boxListener.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX DOUBLE TAPPED");

            boxListener.LongPressed += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX LONG PRESSED");
            boxListener.Panned += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX PANNED");
            boxListener.Swiped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX SWIPED!!!");

            boxListener.Pinched += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX PINCHED");
            boxListener.Rotated += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("\tBOX ROTATED");

            relativeLayout = new Xamarin.Forms.RelativeLayout {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Padding = new Thickness(0),
                BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
            relativeLayout.Children.Clear ();

                xConstraint: 		Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.X + parent.Width/2;}),
                yConstraint: 		Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Y + parent.Height/2;}),
                widthConstraint: 	Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Width/8;}),
                heightConstraint: 	Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Height/10;})
                xConstraint: 		Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.X + parent.Width/4;}),
                yConstraint: 		Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Y + parent.Height/4;}),
                widthConstraint: 	Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Width/8;}),
                heightConstraint: 	Constraint.RelativeToParent ((parent) => { return parent.Height/10;})

            absoluteLayout = new Xamarin.Forms.AbsoluteLayout {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                // Padding = new Thickness(5, Device.OnPlatform(20, 0, 0), 5, 5),
                Padding = new Thickness(5,5,5,5),					// given tool bar don't need upper padding

                BackgroundColor = Color.White
            absoluteLayout.Children.Add ( relativeLayout,
                new Rectangle(0,0,1,1), AbsoluteLayoutFlags.All

            Content = absoluteLayout;
        public EllipticalMaterialButtonsPage()
            var infoIcon =  Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.Info");
            var arrowIcon = Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.ArrowR");

            #region Material Buttons
            var grid = new Grid {
                RowDefinitions = {
                    new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto }
                ColumnDefinitions = {
                    new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
                    new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }

            var mb1 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                Text = "",
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                IsElliptical = true
            mb1.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb1.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb1.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb1.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb2 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "toggle",
                ToggleBehavior = true,
                ImageSource = infoIcon,
                IsElliptical = true,

            mb2.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb2.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb2.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb2.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb3 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "disabled",
                ToggleBehavior = true,
                IsEnabled = false,
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                IsElliptical = true
            mb3.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb3.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb3.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb3.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb4 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "selected disabled",
                IsEnabled = false,
                IsSelected = true,
                ImageSource = infoIcon,
                IsElliptical = true
            mb4.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb4.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb4.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb4.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;

            var label1 = new Label {
                Text = "Gesture Label",
                BackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
                HeightRequest = 50

            var label1Listener = new FormsGestures.Listener (label1);
            label1Listener.Tapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Tapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DoubleTapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.LongPressing += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"LongPressing:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            // How to remove a listener!
            label1Listener.LongPressed += (sender, e) => {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Removed FormsGestures.Listener");

            grid.Children.Add (new StackLayout {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#33FF33"),
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                Children = {

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Default, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black
                    mb1,mb2, mb3, mb4,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Outline, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        IsElliptical = true

            }, 0, 0);

            grid.Children.Add(new StackLayout {
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#003"),
                Children = {
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Default, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Outline, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        IsElliptical = true

            Padding = 20;
            Content = new ScrollView {
                Content = new StackLayout{
                    Children = {
        public MaterialButtonsPage()
            var infoIcon  = Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.Info");
            var arrowIcon = Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.ArrowR");

            #region Material Buttons
            var grid = new Grid {
                RowDefinitions =
                    new RowDefinition {
                        Height = GridLength.Auto
                ColumnDefinitions =
                    new ColumnDefinition {
                        Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                    new ColumnDefinition {
                        Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)

            var mb1 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                Text        = "",
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            mb1.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb1.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb1.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb1.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb2 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "sticky",
                StickyBehavior = true,
                ImageSource    = infoIcon,
            mb2.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb2.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb2.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb2.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb3 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "disabled",
                StickyBehavior = true,
                IsEnabled      = false,
                ImageSource    = arrowIcon,
            mb3.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb3.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb3.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb3.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb4 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "selected disabled",
                IsEnabled   = false,
                IsSelected  = true,
                ImageSource = infoIcon,
            mb4.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb4.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb4.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb4.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;

            var label1 = new Label {
                Text            = "Gesture Label",
                BackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
                HeightRequest   = 50,

            var label1Listener = new FormsGestures.Listener(label1);
            label1Listener.Tapped       += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Tapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DoubleTapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.LongPressing += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"LongPressing:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            // How to remove a listener!
            label1Listener.LongPressed += (sender, e) => {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Removed FormsGestures.Listener");

            grid.Children.Add(new StackLayout {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#33FF33"),
                Padding         = new Thickness(10),
                Children        =
                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Default, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    mb1, mb2, mb3, mb4,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Outline, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text         = "",
                        ImageSource  = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        ImageSource    = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth   = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled      = false,
                        ImageSource    = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth   = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled    = false,
                        IsSelected   = true,
                        ImageSource  = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource     = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource     = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource     = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        IsSelected      = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource     = infoIcon,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Shadow, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text        = "default",
                        HasShadow   = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        HasShadow      = true,
                        ImageSource    = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled      = false,
                        HasShadow      = true,
                        ImageSource    = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text        = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled   = false,
                        IsSelected  = true,
                        HasShadow   = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Shadow Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow       = true,
                        ImageSource     = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow       = true,
                        ImageSource     = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow       = true,
                        ImageSource     = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        IsSelected      = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow       = true,
                        ImageSource     = arrowIcon,
            }, 0, 0);

            grid.Children.Add(new StackLayout {
                Padding         = new Thickness(10),
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#003"),
                Children        =
                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Default, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text      = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled      = false,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text       = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled  = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme  = true,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Outline, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text         = "default",
                        DarkTheme    = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                        OutlineWidth   = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled      = false,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                        OutlineWidth   = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text         = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled    = false,
                        IsSelected   = true,
                        DarkTheme    = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,

                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                        ImageSource     = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation     = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        IsSelected      = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Shadow, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text      = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                        HasShadow      = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text           = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled      = false,
                        DarkTheme      = true,
                        HasShadow      = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text       = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled  = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme  = true,
                        HasShadow  = true,
                    new Label                      {
                        Text      = "Shadow Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                        HasShadow       = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "sticky",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                        HasShadow       = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "disabled",
                        StickyBehavior  = true,
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                        HasShadow       = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text            = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled       = false,
                        IsSelected      = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme       = true,
                        HasShadow       = true,
            }, 1, 0);

            #region Light SegmentedControl

            var sc1 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                Segments =
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text             = "A",
                        ImageSource      = arrowIcon,
                        Command          = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 A",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        //Text = "B",
                        IsSelected       = true,
                        ImageSource      = arrowIcon,
                        Command          = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 B",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text             = "C",
                        Command          = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 C",

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "D",
                        //IsEnabled = false,
                        Command          = _falseCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 D",
            sc1.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc1.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc1.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc1.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var seg1 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                //Text = "A",
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            seg1.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg1.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg1.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg1.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg2 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text       = "B",
                IsSelected = true,
            seg2.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg2.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg2.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg2.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg3 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text = "C",
            seg3.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg3.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg3.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg3.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg4 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text      = "D",
                IsEnabled = false,
            seg4.Tapped       += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg4.Selected     += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg4.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg4.LongPressed  += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;

            var sc2 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                OutlineWidth = 0,
                Segments     =
                    seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4,
            sc2.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc2.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc2.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc2.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc3 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                //OutlineColor = Color.Transparent,
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                Segments        =
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text       = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        //Text = "D",
                        IsEnabled   = false,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            sc3.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc3.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc3.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc3.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc4 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                OutlineWidth    = 0,
                SeparatorWidth  = 1,
                StickyBehavior  = Forms9Patch.SegmentControlStickyBehavior.None,
                Segments        =
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "A",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "B",
                        IsSelected  = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "C",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "D",
                        IsEnabled   = false,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
            sc4.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc4.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc4.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc4.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc5 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                HasShadow       = true,
                //OutlineRadius = 0,
                //OutlineWidth = 0,
                Orientation    = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                StickyBehavior = Forms9Patch.SegmentControlStickyBehavior.Multiselect,
                Segments       =
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "A",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text       = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text      = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,
            sc5.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc5.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc5.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc5.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc6 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                HasShadow       = true,
                //OutlineRadius = 0,
                OutlineWidth   = 0,
                SeparatorWidth = 1,
                Orientation    = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                StickyBehavior = Forms9Patch.SegmentControlStickyBehavior.Multiselect,
                Segments       =
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text        = "B",
                        IsSelected  = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        //Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text      = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,
            sc6.SegmentSelected     += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc6.SegmentTapped       += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc6.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc6.SegmentLongPressed  += OnSegmentLongPressed;


            Padding = 20;
            Content = new ScrollView {
                Content = new StackLayout {
                    Children =

                        #region MaterialSegmentControl

                        new StackLayout {
                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                            Children    =
                                #region Light
                                new StackLayout                                  {
                                    BackgroundColor   = Color.Lime,
                                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Padding           = new Thickness(10),
                                    Children          =
                                        new Label                                {
                                            Text      = "Default, Light",
                                            TextColor = Color.Black,

                                        sc1,sc2,  sc3, sc4, sc5, sc6,

                                #region Dark
                                new StackLayout                                  {
                                    BackgroundColor   = Color.FromHex("#003"),
                                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Padding           = new Thickness(10),
                                    Children          =
                                        new Label                                {
                                            Text      = "Default, Dark",
                                            TextColor = Color.White,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            //OutlineColor = Color.Transparent,
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            Segments  =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    //Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected  = true,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "C",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text      = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme    = true,
                                            OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            Segments     =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    //Text = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text       = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "C",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text      = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme       = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            Segments        =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text       = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    //Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled   = false,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme       = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            OutlineWidth    = 0,
                                            Segments        =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "B",
                                                    IsSelected  = true,
                                                    ImageSource = infoIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "C",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled   = false,
                                                    ImageSource = infoIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme       = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            HasShadow       = true,
                                            //OutlineRadius = 0,
                                            //OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            Orientation    = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            StickyBehavior = Forms9Patch.SegmentControlStickyBehavior.Multiselect,
                                            Segments       =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text       = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text      = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme       = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            HasShadow       = true,
                                            //OutlineRadius = 0,
                                            OutlineWidth   = 0,
                                            SeparatorWidth = 1,
                                            Orientation    = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            StickyBehavior = Forms9Patch.SegmentControlStickyBehavior.Multiselect,
                                            Segments       =
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "A",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text        = "B",
                                                    IsSelected  = true,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment          {
                                                    Text      = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

        public MaterialButtonsPage()
            var infoIcon =  Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.Info");
            var arrowIcon = Forms9Patch.ImageSource.FromMultiResource("Forms9PatchDemo.Resources.ArrowR");

            #region Material Buttons
            var grid = new Grid {
                RowDefinitions = {
                    new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto },
                ColumnDefinitions = {
                    new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },
                    new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) },


            var mb1 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                Text = "",
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            mb1.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb1.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb1.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb1.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb2 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "toggle",
                ToggleBehavior = true,
                ImageSource = infoIcon,
            mb2.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb2.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb2.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb2.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb3 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "disabled",
                ToggleBehavior = true,
                IsEnabled = false,
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            mb3.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb3.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb3.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb3.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var mb4 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                //Text = "selected disabled",
                IsEnabled = false,
                IsSelected = true,
                ImageSource = infoIcon,
            mb4.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            mb4.Selected += OnMaterialButtonSelected;
            mb4.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            mb4.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;

            var label1 = new Label {
                Text = "Gesture Label",
                BackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
                HeightRequest = 50,

            var label1Listener = new FormsGestures.Listener (label1);
            label1Listener.Tapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Tapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.DoubleTapped += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DoubleTapped:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            label1Listener.LongPressing += (sender, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"LongPressing:{((Label)sender).Text}");
            // How to remove a listener!
            label1Listener.LongPressed += (sender, e) => {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Removed FormsGestures.Listener");

            grid.Children.Add (new StackLayout {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#33FF33"),
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                Children = {

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Default, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    mb1,mb2, mb3, mb4,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Outline, Light",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        //Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow Background Color, Light Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.Black,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                        HasShadow = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,

            }, 0, 0);

            grid.Children.Add(new StackLayout {
                Padding = new Thickness(10),
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#003"),
                Children = {
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Default, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Outline, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        OutlineWidth = 0,

                    new Label {
                        Text = "Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Label {
                        Text = "Shadow Background Color, Dark Theme",
                        TextColor = Color.White,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "default",
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "toggle",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "disabled",
                        ToggleBehavior = true,
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,

                    new Forms9Patch.MaterialButton {
                        Text = "selected disabled",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        IsSelected = true,
                        BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                        DarkTheme = true,
                        HasShadow = true,

            #region Light SegmentedControl

            var sc1 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                Segments = {

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Command = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 A",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        //Text = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Command = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 B",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                        Command = _trueCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 C",

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "D",
                        //IsEnabled = false,
                        Command = _falseCommand,
                        CommandParameter = "sc1 D",
            sc1.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc1.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc1.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc1.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var seg1 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                //Text = "A",
                ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            seg1.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg1.Selected += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg1.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg1.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg2 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text = "B",
                IsSelected = true,
            seg2.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg2.Selected += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg2.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg2.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg3 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text = "C",
            seg3.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg3.Selected += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg3.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg3.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;
            var seg4 = new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                Text = "D",
                IsEnabled = false,
            seg4.Tapped += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg4.Selected += OnMaterialButtonTapped;
            seg4.LongPressing += OnMaterialButtonLongPressing;
            seg4.LongPressed += OnMaterialButtonLongPressed;

            var sc2 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                OutlineWidth = 0,
                Segments = {
                    seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4,
            sc2.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc2.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc2.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc2.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc3 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                //OutlineColor = Color.Transparent,
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                Segments = {
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        //Text = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
            sc3.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc3.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc3.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc3.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc4 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                OutlineWidth = 0,
                SeparatorWidth = 1,
                GroupToggleBehavior = Forms9Patch.GroupToggleBehavior.None,
                Segments = {
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,
                        ImageSource = infoIcon,
                        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

            sc4.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc4.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc4.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc4.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc5 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                HasShadow = true,
                //OutlineRadius = 0,
                //OutlineWidth = 0,
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                GroupToggleBehavior = Forms9Patch.GroupToggleBehavior.Multiselect,
                Segments = {

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,

            sc5.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc5.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc5.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc5.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;

            var sc6 = new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E0E0E0"),
                HasShadow = true,
                //OutlineRadius = 0,
                OutlineWidth = 0,
                SeparatorWidth = 1,
                Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                GroupToggleBehavior = Forms9Patch.GroupToggleBehavior.Multiselect,
                Segments = {

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "A",

                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "B",
                        IsSelected = true,
                        ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                        //Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "C",
                    new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                        Text = "D",
                        IsEnabled = false,

            sc6.SegmentSelected += OnSegmentSelected;
            sc6.SegmentTapped += OnSegmentTapped;
            sc6.SegmentLongPressing += OnSegmentLongPressing;
            sc6.SegmentLongPressed += OnSegmentLongPressed;


            Padding = 20;
            Content = new ScrollView {
                Content = new StackLayout{
                    Children = {

                        #region MaterialSegmentControl

                        //new StackLayout {
                        //	Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                        //	Children = {

                                #region Light
                                new StackLayout {
                                    BackgroundColor = Color.Lime,
                                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Padding = new Thickness(10),
                                    Children = {
                                        new Label {
                                            Text = "Default, Light",
                                            TextColor = Color.Black,

                                        sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4, sc5, sc6,


                                #region Dark
                                new StackLayout {
                                    BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#003"),
                                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                                    Padding = new Thickness(10),
                                    Children = {
                                        new Label {
                                            Text = "Default, Dark",
                                            TextColor = Color.White,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            //OutlineColor = Color.Transparent,
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            Segments = {

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    //Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            Segments = {

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    //Text = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            Segments = {
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    //Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            Segments = {
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                    ImageSource = infoIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,
                                                    ImageSource = infoIcon,
                                                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,


                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            HasShadow = true,
                                            //OutlineRadius = 0,
                                            //OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            GroupToggleBehavior = Forms9Patch.GroupToggleBehavior.Multiselect,
                                            Segments = {

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "A",
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,


                                        new Forms9Patch.MaterialSegmentedControl {
                                            DarkTheme = true,
                                            BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#1194F6"),
                                            HasShadow = true,
                                            //OutlineRadius = 0,
                                            OutlineWidth = 0,
                                            SeparatorWidth = 1,
                                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                                            GroupToggleBehavior = Forms9Patch.GroupToggleBehavior.Multiselect,
                                            Segments = {

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "A",

                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "B",
                                                    IsSelected = true,
                                                    ImageSource = arrowIcon,
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "C",
                                                new Forms9Patch.Segment {
                                                    Text = "D",
                                                    IsEnabled = false,


                        //	},

