public byte[] GenerateReport(IList <LoanModel> loans, string fullName) { var worksheet = _workbook.Worksheets[_workbook.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex]; worksheet.Name = "Loans History"; CreateHead(worksheet, fullName); int row = 2; CreateXlsHeader(worksheet, row); row++; var sumLoanAmount = loans.Sum(x => x.LoanAmount); var sumRepayments = loans.Sum(x => x.Repayments); var sumBalance = loans.Sum(x => x.Balance); foreach (var loan in loans) { row++; worksheet.Cells[row, 0].PutValue(loan.RefNumber); worksheet.Cells[row, 1].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(loan.LoanAmount)); worksheet.Cells[row, 2].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(loan.Repayments)); worksheet.Cells[row, 3].PutValue(loan.Date.ToString("MMM dd yyyy", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-gb"))); worksheet.Cells[row, 4].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(loan.Balance)); worksheet.Cells[row, 5].PutValue(loan.StatusDescription); SetCellStyle(worksheet, row, false); } row++; worksheet.Cells[row, 0].PutValue("Total"); worksheet.Cells[row, 1].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(sumLoanAmount)); worksheet.Cells[row, 2].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(sumRepayments)); worksheet.Cells[row, 4].PutValue(FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(sumBalance)); SetCellStyle(worksheet, row, true); return(_workbook.SaveToStream().ToArray()); }
} // FromDirector public static DirectorModel FromExperianDirector(ExperianDirector director, TypeOfBusinessReduced nBusinessType) { return(new DirectorModel { IsExperian = true, Id = director.ID, Name = director.FirstName, Middle = director.MiddleName, Surname = director.LastName, Position = 0, DateOfBirth = FormattingUtils.FormatDateToString(director.BirthDate, "-/-/-"), DirectorAddress = new [] { new CustomerAddress { Line1 = director.Line1, Line2 = director.Line2, Line3 = director.Line3, Town = director.Town, County = director.County, Postcode = director.Postcode, AddressType = nBusinessType == TypeOfBusinessReduced.Limited ? CustomerAddressType.LimitedDirectorHomeAddress : CustomerAddressType.NonLimitedDirectorHomeAddress }, }, PrevDirectorAddress = new CustomerAddress[0], Gender = director.Gender.HasValue ? director.Gender.Value : ' ', Email = director.Email, Phone = director.MobilePhone, IsDirector = director.IsDirector ? Yes : No, IsShareholder = director.IsShareholder ? Yes : No, }); } // FromExperianDirector
internal override void OnLoadScript(ExecutionEngine vm, byte[] script) { var context = vm.CallingContext; if (context != null) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < context.EvaluationStack.Count; i++) { var item = context.EvaluationStack.Peek(i); if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(","); } ; sb.Append(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(item)); } Logger("Inputs: " + sb.ToString()); } base.OnLoadScript(vm, script); if (_debugger != null) { _debugger.SendScript(script); } }
public static bool Log(ExecutionEngine engine) { var msg = engine.EvaluationStack.Pop(); DoLog(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(msg)); return(true); }
public bool Runtime_Log(ExecutionEngine engine) { var msg = engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop(); Logger(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(msg)); return(true); }
} // Execute private void SendMailAndMarkDB(string templateName, SafeReader sr, string spName, string fieldName) { decimal amountDue = sr["AmountDue"]; string firstName = sr["FirstName"]; //string mail = sr["Email"]; DateTime sceduledDate = sr["SceduledDate"]; string creditCard = sr["CreditCardNo"]; int customerId = sr["customerId"]; int loanScheduleId = sr["id"]; var variables = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "FirstName", firstName }, { "AmountDueScalar", amountDue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "Date", FormattingUtils.FormatDateToString(sceduledDate) }, { "DebitCard", creditCard } }; XDaysDueMails xDaysDueMails = new XDaysDueMails(customerId, templateName, variables); xDaysDueMails.Execute(); DB.ExecuteNonQuery(spName, CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("Id", loanScheduleId), new QueryParameter(fieldName, true) ); //TODO update loan schedule x days due Log.Info("update loan schedule x days due for customer {0}", customerId); }
private ExecutionEngine ExecuteVM(Transaction tx, TriggerType trigger) { Logger("Executing VM with trigger " + trigger); var vm = new ChainVM(this, tx); currentTrigger = trigger; currentGas = 0; vm.LoadScript(tx.script); vm.Execute(x => OnVMStep(x)); int index = 0; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (StackItem item in vm.EvaluationStack) { if (index > 0) { sb.Append(" / "); } sb.Append(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(item, true)); index++; } Logger("Stack: " + sb); return(vm); }
} // DirectorFirstMiddleLastName private void DobLess21() { if (!this.customer.PersonalInfo.DateOfBirth.HasValue) { this.fraudDetections.Add(Helper.CreateDetection( "Customer.DateOfBirth is null", this.customer, null, "", null, null )); return; } // if if ((DateTime.UtcNow - this.customer.PersonalInfo.DateOfBirth).Value.Days / 365.25 < 21) { this.fraudDetections.Add(Helper.CreateDetection( "Customer.DateOfBirth < 21", this.customer, null, "", null, FormattingUtils.FormatDateTimeToString(this.customer.PersonalInfo.DateOfBirth) )); } // if } // DobLess21
private static string FormatMethodName(MethodDefinition definition) { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append(FormattingUtils.GetMethodName(definition)); // Parameters result.Append("("); if (definition.HasParameters) { for (int i = 0; i < definition.Parameters.Count; i++) { var parameter = definition.Parameters[i]; result.Append(parameter.ParameterType.ToShortTypeName()); if (i != definition.Parameters.Count - 1) result.Append(", "); } } result.Append(")"); // Return type result.AppendFormat(" : {0}", definition.ReturnType.ToShortTypeName()); return result.ToString(); }
public bool Convert(object val, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture, out object result) { result = null; if (val == null) { return(false); } TimeSpan?timeSpan = null; if (val is TimeSpan) { timeSpan = (TimeSpan)val; } if (val is double) { timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((Double)val); } if (val is int) { timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((int)val); } if (!timeSpan.HasValue) { return(false); } string customFormat = (parameter != null ? parameter.ToString() : null); result = customFormat != null?timeSpan.Value.ToString(customFormat) : FormattingUtils.FormatMediaDuration(timeSpan.Value); return(true); }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); //sb.AppendLine(FormattingUtils.OutputLine("Offset", "Opcode", "Comment")); foreach (var entry in this.lines) { string opStr =; string hintStr = entry.comment; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hintStr)) { if (hintStr.Contains("$$")) { hintStr = hintStr.Replace("$$", FormattingUtils.OutputData(, true)); } if (hintStr.Contains("$XX")) { hintStr = hintStr.Replace("$XX",; } hintStr = "// " + hintStr; } sb.AppendLine(opStr.PadRight(8, ' ') + hintStr); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static bool Notify(ExecutionEngine engine) { //params object[] state var something = engine.EvaluationStack.Pop(); if (something is ICollection) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var items = (ICollection)something; int index = 0; foreach (StackItem item in items) { if (index > 0) { sb.Append(" / "); } sb.Append(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(item, true)); index++; } DoLog(sb.ToString()); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public ActionResult Index() { var customer = _context.Customer; var loan = customer.Loans.Last(); ViewData["LoanId"] = loan.Id; ViewData["Amount"] = FormattingUtils.FormatPounds(loan.LoanAmount); ViewData["bankNumber"] = customer.BankAccount.AccountNumber; ViewData["schedule"] = loan.Schedule.ToModel(); ViewData["name"] = customer.PersonalInfo.FirstName + " " + customer.PersonalInfo.Surname; ViewData["email"] = customer.Name; ViewData["loanNo"] = loan.RefNumber; ViewData["SetupFee"] = loan.SetupFee > 0 ? FormattingUtils.FormatPounds(loan.SetupFee) : ""; ViewData["Total"] = FormattingUtils.FormatPounds(loan.Balance + loan.SetupFee); ViewData["IsAlibaba"] = customer.IsAlibaba; ViewData["Term"] = loan.CustomerSelectedTerm; ViewData["Gender"] = customer.PersonalInfo.GenderName; ViewData["IndustryType"] = customer.PersonalInfo.IndustryTypeDescription; ViewData["Age"] = customer.PersonalInfo.Age; ViewData["TypeOfBusiness"] = customer.PersonalInfo.TypeOfBusinessDescription; var addr = customer.AddressInfo.PersonalAddress.FirstOrDefault(); ViewData["Postcode"] = addr == null ? null : addr.Postcode; ViewData["LeadID"] = customer.RefNumber; ViewData["Status"] = customer.Status.ToString(); return(View("Index")); }
public byte[] GenerateReport(LoanOffer loanOffer, bool isExcel, bool isShowDetails, string header) { var worksheet = _workbook.Worksheets[_workbook.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex]; worksheet.Name = "Loan Offer"; int row = 6; int column = 1; _workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(197, 197, 197), 55); _workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(221, 221, 221), 54); _workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(123, 178, 36), 53); HeaderReportGenerator.CreateHeader(worksheet, header, column - 1, column, 7); worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(0, 1); worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(1, 16); worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(2, 15); CreateXlsHeader(worksheet, row, column); var i = 0; foreach (var item in loanOffer.Schedule) { row++; i++; worksheet.Cells[row, column].PutValue(item.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); worksheet.Cells[row, column + 1].PutValue("£" + FormattingUtils.FormatMiddle(item.LoanRepayment)); worksheet.Cells[row, column + 2].PutValue("£" + FormattingUtils.FormatMiddle(item.Interest)); worksheet.Cells[row, column + 3].PutValue(FormattingUtils.FormatMiddle(item.InterestRate * 100) + "%"); var fee = loanOffer.SetupFee > 0 && i == 1 ? loanOffer.SetupFee : 0; if (item.Fees > 0) { fee += item.Fees; } var res = fee != 0 ? "£" + FormattingUtils.FormatMiddle(fee) : "-"; var res1 = loanOffer.SetupFee > 0 && i == 1 ? "*" : string.Empty; worksheet.Cells[row, column + 4].PutValue(res + res1); //worksheet.Cells.Merge(row, column + 5, 1, 3); worksheet.Cells[row, column + 5].PutValue("£" + FormattingUtils.FormatMiddle(item.AmountDue)); SetCellStyle(worksheet, row, column, false); } row = CreateTotalBlock(loanOffer, row, column, worksheet); if (loanOffer.Details.IsModified) { row++; worksheet.Cells.Merge(row, column, 1, 7); worksheet.Cells[row, column].PutValue("Offer was manually modified"); worksheet.Cells[row, column].Style.Font.IsBold = true; } if (isShowDetails) { CreateDetails(loanOffer.Details, row, column, worksheet); } return(ConvertFormat(_workbook, isExcel ? FileFormatType.Excel2003 : FileFormatType.Pdf)); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { if (value is string) { return(FormattingUtils.formatReportStartTime((string)value)); } return(value); }
public override void Execute(string[] args, Action <ShellMessageType, string> output) { DataNode inputs; try { inputs = JSONReader.ReadFromString(args[1]); } catch { output(ShellMessageType.Error, "Invalid arguments format. Must be valid JSON."); return; } if (args.Length >= 3) { bool valid = false; if (args[2].ToLower() == "with") { if (args.Length >= 5) { var assetAmount = BigInteger.Parse(args[3]); var assetName = args[4]; foreach (var entry in Asset.Entries) { if ( == assetName) { output(ShellMessageType.Default, $"Attaching {assetAmount} {assetName} to transaction"); Shell.Debugger.Emulator.SetTransaction(, assetAmount); break; } } valid = true; } } if (!valid) { output(ShellMessageType.Error, "Invalid sintax."); return; } output(ShellMessageType.Default, "Executing transaction..."); Shell.Debugger.Emulator.Reset(inputs, null); Shell.Debugger.Emulator.Run(); var val = Shell.Debugger.Emulator.GetOutput(); Shell.Debugger.Blockchain.Save(); output(ShellMessageType.Success, "Result: " + FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(val)); output(ShellMessageType.Default, "GAS used: " + Shell.Debugger.Emulator.usedGas); } }
public override void Execute(string[] args) { var storage =; foreach (var entry in storage.entries) { Shell.Write(FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Key, false) + " => " + FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Value, false, true)); } }
public static string ReplaceParam(this string tmpl, KeyValuePair <string, object> paramKvp) { if (FormattingUtils.IsNullKvp(paramKvp)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paramKvp)); } return(tmpl.Replace("{" + paramKvp.Key + "}", paramKvp.Value.ToString())); }
public override void Execute(string[] args, Action <ShellMessageType, string> output) { var storage =; foreach (var entry in storage.entries) { output(ShellMessageType.Default, FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Key, false) + " => " + FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Value, false)); } }
public bool Runtime_Notify(ExecutionEngine engine) { //params object[] state var something = engine.EvaluationStack.Pop(); if (something is ICollection) { var items = (ICollection)something; string eventName = null; var eventArgs = new List <object>(); int index = 0; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (StackItem item in items) { if (index > 0) { sb.Append(" / "); eventArgs.Add(StackItemToObject(item)); } else { eventName = item.GetString(); } sb.Append(FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString(item, true)); index++; } List <Notification> list; var tx = (Transaction)engine.ScriptContainer; if (notifications.ContainsKey(tx.Hash)) { list = notifications[tx.Hash]; } else { list = new List <Notification>(); notifications[tx.Hash] = list; } list.Add(new Notification() { name = eventName, args = eventArgs.ToArray() }); Logger(sb.ToString()); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { if (value is string) { string val = (string)value; return(FormattingUtils.removeNewlines(val)); } return(""); }
public override string ToString() { var s = opcode.ToString(); if (data != null) { s = $"{s} => {FormattingUtils.OutputData(data, false)}"; } return(s); }
public ActionResult Pay(decimal amount, string type, int loanId, int rolloverId) { try { log.Msg("Payment request for customer id {0}, amount {1}", this.context.Customer.Id, amount); amount = CalculateRealAmount(type, loanId, amount); if (amount < 0) { return(View("Error")); } var oCustomer = this.context.Customer; PayPointFacade payPointFacade = new PayPointFacade( oCustomer.MinOpenLoanDate(), oCustomer.CustomerOrigin.Name ); int payPointCardExpiryMonths = payPointFacade.PayPointAccount.CardExpiryMonths; DateTime cardMinExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(payPointCardExpiryMonths); var callback = Url.Action("Callback", "Paypoint", new { Area = "Customer", loanId, type, username = (this.context.User != null ? this.context.User.Name : ""), cardMinExpiryDate = FormattingUtils.FormatDateToString(cardMinExpiryDate), hideSteps = true, payEarly = true, origin = oCustomer.CustomerOrigin.Name }, "https"); var url = payPointFacade.GeneratePaymentUrl(oCustomer, amount, callback); this.logRepository.Log( this.context.UserId, DateTime.UtcNow, "Paypoint Pay Redirect to " + url, "Successful", "" ); return(Redirect(url)); } catch (Exception e) { log.Alert( e, "Error while executing Pay(amount = {0}, type = '{1}', loan id = {2}, rollover id = {3}).", amount, type, loanId, rolloverId ); return(View("Error")); } // try } // Pay
private void StorageForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); var storage =; foreach (var entry in storage.entries) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Key, false), FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Value, false, true)); } }
public void LoadSequenceTest() { List <object> resultList = debugManager.RunSequence("Method1Method2"); Assert.AreEqual(2, resultList.Count); string name = FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString((VM.StackItem)resultList[0]); string symbol = FormattingUtils.StackItemAsString((VM.StackItem)resultList[1]); Assert.AreEqual("BNDES Token", name); Assert.AreEqual("BNDT", symbol); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { int val = 0; try { val = int.Parse(value.ToString()); } catch { } return(FormattingUtils.formatReportDuration(val)); }
private void StorageForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); var storage =; foreach (var entry in storage.entries) { string hintType = entry.Key.Length == 20 ? "Integer" : "Integer"; dataGridView1.Rows.Add(FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Key, false), FormattingUtils.OutputData(entry.Value, false, hintType)); } }
} // GetSetupFees private IList<FormattedSchedule> CreateSchedule(IEnumerable<LoanScheduleItem> schedule) { return schedule.Select((installment, i) => new FormattedSchedule { AmountDue = FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(installment.AmountDue), Principal = FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(installment.LoanRepayment), Interest = FormattingUtils.NumericFormats(installment.Interest), Fees = "0", Date = FormattingUtils.FormatDateToString(installment.Date), StringNumber = FormattingUtils.ConvertingNumberToWords(i + 1), InterestRate = string.Format("{0:0.00}", installment.InterestRate * 100), Iterration = i + 1, }).ToList(); } // CreateSchedule
public static CaisModel FromModel(CaisReportsHistory caisReport) { return(new CaisModel { Id = caisReport.Id, CaisUploadStatus = caisReport.UploadStatus.ToString(), Date = FormattingUtils.FormatDateTimeToString(caisReport.Date), GoodUsers = caisReport.GoodUsers.ToString(), FileName = caisReport.FileName, Type = caisReport.Type.ToString(), OfItems = caisReport.OfItems.ToString(), Defaults = caisReport.Defaults.HasValue ? caisReport.Defaults.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "-" }); }
public AudioItem(MediaItem mediaItem) : base(mediaItem) { MediaItemAspect audioAspect; if (mediaItem.Aspects.TryGetValue(AudioAspect.ASPECT_ID, out audioAspect)) { IEnumerable <string> artistsEnumer = audioAspect == null ? null : (IEnumerable <string>)audioAspect[AudioAspect.ATTR_ARTISTS]; string artists = artistsEnumer == null ? null : StringUtils.Join(", ", artistsEnumer); SimpleTitle = Title + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(artists) ? string.Empty : (" (" + artists + ")")); double?duration = audioAspect == null ? null : (double?)audioAspect[AudioAspect.ATTR_DURATION]; Duration = duration.HasValue ? FormattingUtils.FormatMediaDuration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration.Value)) : string.Empty; } }