Example #1
 public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     // go statements reset a bunch of stuff
     pu.indentDepth = 0;
     return this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper() + this.GetNewLine(pu);
Example #2
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
            Token t;

                t = pu.clauseStack.Peek();
                if (!this.isUnion(pu) && (t.Type == "TOKEN_SELECT" || t.Type == "TOKEN_UPDATE" || t.Type == "TOKEN_DELETE" || t.Type == "TOKEN_INSERT" || t.Type == "TOKEN_DECLARE"))
                    pu.indentDepth = 0;

            catch (Exception)

            bool shouldIncreaseIndent = this.shouldIncreaseIndent(pu);
            if (shouldIncreaseIndent && !this.isUnion(pu))
                pu.indentDepth = pu.indentDepth + 1;


            return this.FormatOwnLine(pu);
 public ReverseForeignRelationshipMapping(PropertyInfo property, Type type, Type parentType, Formatter<PropertyInfo> keyFormatter)
     : base(property)
     this.type = type;
     this.parentType = parentType;
     this.ColumnName = keyFormatter.Format(property);
Example #4
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
            if (pu.token.Value.Type == "(")
                Token t;
                bool isCreate = false;
                    t = pu.clauseStack.Peek();
                    if (t.Type == "TOKEN_CREATE")
                        pu.indentDepth = 1;
                        isCreate = true;
                catch (Exception) { }
                if (isCreate)
                    return pu.token.Value.Text + this.GetNewLine(pu);

                Token t = pu.clauseStack.Peek();

                if (t.Type == "TOKEN_SELECT" && pu.clauseStack.Count > 1)
                    pu.clauseStack.Pop(); // Take a select off the stack
                    if (pu.clauseStack.Peek().Type == "(")
                        pu.clauseStack.Pop(); // Remove the wrapping parentheis
                        pu.indentDepth = pu.indentDepth - 1;
                        return this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text + " ";
                else if (t.Type == "(" && pu.clauseStack.Count > 1)
                    if (pu.clauseStack.Peek().Type == "TOKEN_CREATE")
                        pu.indentDepth = pu.indentDepth - 1;
                        return this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text + " ";


            if (pu.token.Value.Type == ")")
                return pu.token.Value.Text + " ";
            return pu.token.Value.Text;
Example #5
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
            Token t = null;
            Token t2 = null;
                t = pu.clauseStack.Peek();
                if (t.Type == "(")
                        t2 = pu.clauseStack.Peek();
            catch (Exception)
                return ", ";

            if (t2 != null && t2.Type == "TOKEN_CREATE")
                return "," + this.GetNewLine(pu);
            if (t.Type == "TOKEN_SELECT" || t.Type == "TOKEN_DECLARE")
                return "," + this.GetNewLine(pu);
            return ", ";
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var textfileadapter = new TextfileAdapter();
            var formatter = new Formatter();

            var config = new FlowRuntimeConfiguration()
                .AddStreamsFrom("TelegramProblem.run.flow", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())

                .AddAction<string>("read", textfileadapter.Read).MakeAsync()
                .AddAction<string>("write", textfileadapter.Write, true)

                .AddAction<string, string>("decompose", formatter.Decompose)
                .AddAction<string, string>("concatenate", formatter.Concatenate)

                .AddAction<Tuple<string, string>>("textfileadapter_config", textfileadapter.Config)
                .AddAction<int>("formatter_config", formatter.Config);

            using(var fr = new FlowRuntime(config))
                fr.UnhandledException += Console.WriteLine;

                fr.Process(".configFilenames", new Tuple<string,string>("source.txt", "target.txt"));
                fr.Process(".configLineWidth", 60);



Example #7
        public TcpConnection(string address, int port, Formatter formatter)
            if (port < 0) throw new ArgumentException();

            _address = address;
            _port = port;
            _formatter = formatter;
Example #8
 public void Format_should_accept_TextWriter()
     var sut = new Formatter();
     var writer = new StringWriter();
     writer.NewLine = "\n";
     sut.Format(_testGame, writer);
     Assert.AreEqual(TestGameString, writer.ToString());
Example #9
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)

            pu.indentDepth = 0;

            return this.FormatOwnLine(pu);
        public void Formatter_Format_ShouldReturnExpectedValues()
            var timeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse((string)TestContext.DataRow["timeSpan"]);
            var formattedValue = (string)TestContext.DataRow["formattedValue"];

            var actual = new Formatter().Format(timeSpan);

            Assert.AreEqual(formattedValue, actual, "input: " + timeSpan);
Example #11
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)

            string returnString = this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();

            pu.indentDepth = pu.indentDepth + 1;
            return returnString;
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Stats"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expectedIterations">The number of expected iterations.</param>
 /// <param name="formatter">The value formatter.</param>
 /// <param name="averageFormatter">The average value formatter.</param>
 public Stats(int expectedIterations, Formatter formatter, Formatter averageFormatter)
     ExpectedIterations = expectedIterations;
     TotalIterations = 0;
     Total = 0;
     Min = double.MaxValue;
     Max = double.MinValue;
     Format = formatter;
     FormatAverage = averageFormatter;
Example #13
 public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     Token t = pu.clauseStack.Peek();
     if (t.Type == "TOKEN_BEGIN" || t.Type == "TOKEN_CASE")
         pu.indentDepth -= 1;
     return this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper() + this.GetNewLine(pu);
Example #14
 public void CommentedCodeShouldBeFilteredOut()
     const string TEMPLATE = "abcd'<%--<mdc:test />--%>\\$\\{Text\\}'efgh${Text}";
     const string FORMATTED = "abcd'${Text}'efgh12345";
     var model = new TestModel();
     model.Text = "12345";
     var formatter = new Formatter(TEMPLATE).Parse();
     string formatted = formatter.Format(model);
     Assert.That(formatted, Is.EqualTo(FORMATTED));
Example #15
        public override void Build(DomainMapper masterMap, Formatter<PropertyInfo> formatter)
            base.Build(masterMap, formatter);
            var mappedType = masterMap.For(Property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]);

            if(!mappedType.SubMappings.Any()) throw new Exception(string.Format("No mappings found type {0}", Property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]));

            var foreignKey = mappedType.SubMappings.OfType<IdMapping>().First().Property;
            this.foreignRelationshipMapping = new ReverseForeignRelationshipMapping(Property, type, parentType, foreignKey, formatter);
            masterMap.For(type).Map(mapping => mapping.MapForeignRelationship(masterMap, Property, type, formatter));
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Format a data type into a string in a localisation namespace
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataType">The data type to format</param>
        /// <param name="elementName">The name of the element</param>
        public static void SerialiseDataType(IGraphable dataType, XmlWriter xmlWriter, string elementName, string localNamespace)
            if (dataType != null)
                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(elementName, localNamespace);
                Formatter fmtr = new Formatter();
                fmtr.GraphObject(xmlWriter, dataType);

Example #17
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
            if (this.IsJoin(pu))
                return this.GetNewLine(pu) + this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();

                return pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();
Example #18
        public string FormatWithPhase1And2(Formatter formatter)
            var content = this.GetContent();

            if (content == null)
                this.formatPhase1Cache = string.Empty;
                this.formatPhase3Cache = string.Empty;
                this.links = new string[0];

            return this.formatPhase1Cache ?? (this.formatPhase1Cache = FormattingPipeline.FormatWithPhase1And2(formatter, content.Content, false, FormattingContext.PageContent, this.page, out this.links));
Example #19
        public Provider(ApiSchema schema, string address, int port, string phone, ITelegramPersist persist)
            _address = address;
            _port = port;
            _phone = phone;
            _persist = persist;
            _formatter = new Formatter();
            Combinator.Setup(schema, _formatter);

            _settings = LoadSettings();

            _connection = new TcpConnection(_address, _port, _formatter);
Example #20
 public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     if (this.IsToken(pu.token.Value))
         return this.GetNewLine(pu) + pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();
     if (this.shouldCapitalize(pu.token.Value.Type))
         return pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();
     return pu.token.Value.Text;
Example #21
        public string GetColumnText(Formatter formatter)
            string columnText = _column.GetColumnText(formatter);
            string aliasText = formatter.GetResultText(_result);

            string sql = columnText;

            if (columnText != aliasText)
                sql += " " + aliasText;

            return sql;
Example #22
        public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)

            // TODO this needs to be changed so that if there is already white space around the token, we don't add more.
            if (pu.token.Previous != null && Operator.operators.Contains(pu.token.Previous.Value.Type))
                return pu.token.Value.Text + " ";
            else if (pu.token.Next != null && Operator.operators.Contains(pu.token.Next.Value.Type))
                return " " + pu.token.Value.Text;
            return " " + pu.token.Value.Text + " ";
        protected override void RunCore()
            this.Log.Info("{2} catégorie {0} aux pages liées par la page {1}", this.category, this.FullName, this.remove ? "Suppression" : "Ajout");

            var formatter = new Formatter();
            foreach (var page in this.Pages)
                this.Log.Info("Chargement page {0}", page.FullName);

                var content = page.GetContent();

                var formatted = page.FormatWithPhase1And2(formatter);

                this.Log.Info("Examen {0} liens", page.Links.Length);

                foreach (var link in page.Links)
                    var linkedPage = this.FindPage(link);

                    if (linkedPage == null)

                    var categories = linkedPage.Categories;

                    if (!this.remove)
                        if (!categories.Any(p => p.FullName == this.category))
                            this.Log.Info("Ajout catégorie {0} à la page {1}", this.category, linkedPage.FullName);

                            var newList = categories.Select(c => c.FullName).Union(new[] { this.category }).ToArray();

                        if (categories.Any(p => p.FullName == this.category))
                            this.Log.Info("Suppression catégorie {0} à la page {1}", this.category, linkedPage.FullName);

                            var newList = categories.Where(c => c.FullName != this.category).Select(c => c.FullName).ToArray();


Example #24
 public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     // Check to see if this join is on it's own.
     try {
         LinkedListNode<Token> t = pu.token;
         for(int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
             t = t.Previous;
             if (t.Value.Type == "TOKEN_ORDER" || t.Value.Type == "TOKEN_GROUP") {
                 return pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper() + this.GetNewLine(pu);
     } catch (Exception) {
     return pu.token.Value.Text.ToUpper();
Example #25
 protected bool isUnion(Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     LinkedListNode<Token> currentNode = pu.token;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
         currentNode = currentNode.Previous;
         if (currentNode == null)
             return false;
         if (currentNode.Value.Type == "TOKEN_UNION") {
             return true;
     return false;
Example #26
        public void DeserializeGeneric_BinaryFormatted_Deserialized()
            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            var serializationInfo = new SerializedValue(typeof(TestData).AssemblyQualifiedName, new byte[0]);
            var subject = new Formatter(
            var testData = new TestData();
            _binarySerializerMock.Setup(mock => mock.Deserialize(It.IsAny<byte[]>()))

            var result = subject.Deserialize<TestData>(serializationInfo);

            Assert.AreEqual(testData, result);
Example #27
 public override string Interpret(ref Formatter.ParseUnit pu)
     Regex r = White.wsCheck;
     if (r.IsMatch(pu.sqlBits.Last.Value)) {
         return "";
     if (pu.token.Next != null && this.needsManual(pu.token.Next.Value))
         return "";
     if (pu.token.Previous != null && this.needsManual(pu.token.Previous.Value))
         return "";
     return " ";
 public static string Interpolate(this string value, object args, Formatter formatter = Formatter.Henri)
     switch (formatter) {
         case Formatter.Haack:
             return HaackFormatter.HaackFormat(value, args);
         case Formatter.Hanselman:
             return HanselmanFormatter.HanselFormat(args, value);
         case Formatter.Henri:
             return HenriFormatter.HenriFormat(value, args);
         case Formatter.James:
             return JamesFormatter.JamesFormat(value, args);
         case Formatter.Oskar:
             return OskarFormatter.OskarFormat(value, args);
             var message = String.Format("Unknown value {0}", formatter);
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("formatter", formatter, message);
Example #29
 public void It_Should_Not_Be_null()
     _objectsToFormat = new List<DummyObject>();
     for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfObjects; i++)
         _objectsToFormat.Add(new DummyObject());
     _formatter = new Formatter<DummyObject>();
         Assert.Fail("Expected NoFormatSpecificationException to be thrown");
     catch (NoFormatSpecificationException)
         // Expect NoFormatSpecificationException to be thrown.
Example #30
 public void Then_Fixed_Length_Should_Be_Applied_To_The_Fields()
     var dummyObjects = new List<DummyObject>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         dummyObjects.Add(new DummyObject() { SomeInt = i, SomeString = "Str" + i});
     var formatter = new Formatter<DummyObject>()
         .With(y => y.SomeInt, 0, 5, y => y.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0'))
         .With(y => y.SomeString, 5, 5, y => y.PadRight(5, ' '));
     var result = formatter.Format(dummyObjects);
     for (int i = 0; i < dummyObjects.Count; i++)
         string expected = i.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + ("Str" + i).PadRight(5, ' ');
         string actual = result.ElementAt(i);
         Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #31
        // IGenerator
        public void OutputDataOp(int offset)
            Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;

            byte[]   data = Project.FileData;
            Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);

            string labelStr = string.Empty;

            if (attr.Symbol != null)
                labelStr = mLocalizer.ConvLabel(attr.Symbol.Label);

            string commentStr = SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(Project.Comments[offset]);
            string opcodeStr, operandStr;

            FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;

            Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
            int length = dfd.Length;

            Debug.Assert(length > 0);

            bool multiLine = false;

            switch (dfd.FormatType)
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.Default:
                if (length != 1)
                    length = 1;
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.DefineData1;
                int operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
                operandStr = formatter.FormatHexValue(operand, length * 2);

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE:
                opcodeStr  = sDataOpNames.GetDefineData(length);
                operand    = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
                operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
                                                           mLocalizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE:
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.GetDefineBigData(length);
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(opcodeStr)))
                    // Nothing defined, output as comma-separated single-byte values.
                    GenerateShortSequence(offset, length, out opcodeStr, out operandStr);
                    operand    = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, true);
                    operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
                                                               mLocalizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.Fill:
                opcodeStr  = sDataOpNames.Fill;
                operandStr = length + "," + formatter.FormatHexValue(data[offset], 2);

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.Dense:
                multiLine = true;
                opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
                OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.Junk:
                int fillVal = Helper.CheckRangeHoldsSingleValue(data, offset, length);
                if (fillVal >= 0)
                    opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.Fill;
                    if (dfd.FormatSubType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.Align256 &&
                        GenCommon.CheckJunkAlign(offset, dfd, Project.AddrMap))
                        // special syntax for page alignment
                        operandStr = "\\," + formatter.FormatHexValue(fillVal, 2);
                        operandStr = length + "," + formatter.FormatHexValue(fillVal, 2);
                    // treat same as Dense
                    multiLine = true;
                    opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
                    OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
                multiLine = true;
                opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
                OutputString(offset, labelStr, commentStr);

                opcodeStr  = "???";
                operandStr = "***";

            if (!multiLine)
                opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);
                OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
Example #32
 public override void replay(Formatter formatter)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #33
 private SyntaxNode FormatNode(SyntaxNode node, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 => Formatter.Format(node, _document.Project.Solution.Workspace.Services, _options, cancellationToken);
Example #34
        public async Task SimpleAsync(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText, Description("String to analyze.")] string text)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text), "You need to supply a non-null string.");

            var cps = text.ToCodepoints().Select(xcp => string.Concat("`U+", xcp.Codepoint, "` (", xcp.Name, (xcp.UnihanData.IsUnihan ? string.Concat(" / ", xcp.UnihanData.Definition) : ""), ") - ", Formatter.Sanitize(xcp.CodepointString), " - <http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/", xcp.Codepoint, ">"));
            var pgs = new List <Page>();
            var pn  = 1;
            var sb  = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var xcp in cps)
                if (sb.Length + xcp.Length > 1000)
                    sb.Append("\nPage: ").Append(pn++.ToString("#,##0")).Append(" of ");
                    pgs.Add(new Page {
                        Content = sb.ToString()
                    sb = new StringBuilder();


            sb.Append("\nPage: ").Append(pn++).Append(" of ");
            pgs.Add(new Page {
                Content = sb.ToString()

            foreach (var xpg in pgs)
                xpg.Content = string.Concat(xpg.Content, pgs.Count.ToString("#,##0"));

            if (pgs.Count == 1)
                var cnt = pgs.First().Content;
                cnt = cnt.Substring(0, cnt.LastIndexOf("\n\n"));
                await ctx.RespondAsync(cnt).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var interact = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();
                await interact.SendPaginatedMessage(ctx.Channel, ctx.User, pgs).ConfigureAwait(false);
Example #35
        public async Task TestDoNotAddDuplicateImportIfNamespaceIsDefinedInSourceAndExternalAssembly(bool safe, bool useSymbolAnnotations)
            var externalCode =
                @"namespace N.M { public class A : System.Attribute { } }";

            var code =
                @"using System;
using N.M;

class C
    public void M1(String p1) { }

    public void M2([A] String p2) { }

            var otherAssemblyReference = GetInMemoryAssemblyReferenceForCode(externalCode);

            var ws           = new AdhocWorkspace();
            var emptyProject = ws.AddProject(
                    metadataReferences: new[] { TestReferences.NetFx.v4_0_30319.mscorlib }));

            var project = emptyProject
                          .AddMetadataReferences(new[] { otherAssemblyReference })
                          .WithCompilationOptions(new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));

            project = project.AddDocument("duplicate.cs", externalCode).Project;
            var document = project.AddDocument("test.cs", code);

            var options = document.Project.Solution.Workspace.Options;

            var compilation = await document.Project.GetCompilationAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var compilerDiagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics(CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.Empty(compilerDiagnostics.Where(d => d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error));

            var attribute = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("N.M.A");

            var syntaxRoot = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            SyntaxNode p1SyntaxNode = syntaxRoot.DescendantNodes().OfType <ParameterSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();

            // Add N.M.A attribute to p1.
            var editor = await DocumentEditor.CreateAsync(document, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var attributeSyntax = editor.Generator.Attribute(editor.Generator.TypeExpression(attribute));

            editor.AddAttribute(p1SyntaxNode, attributeSyntax);
            var documentWithAttribute = editor.GetChangedDocument();

            // Add namespace import.
            var imported =
                    ? await ImportAdder.AddImportsFromSymbolAnnotationAsync(documentWithAttribute, safe, null,
                    : await ImportAdder.AddImportsFromSyntaxesAsync(documentWithAttribute, safe, null,

            var formatted = await Formatter.FormatAsync(imported, options);

            var actualText = (await formatted.GetTextAsync()).ToString();

            Assert.Equal(@"using System;
using N.M;

class C
    public void M1([global::N.M.A] String p1) { }

    public void M2([A] String p2) { }
}", actualText);
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Formats the text with markup as specified in Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.Formatter
 /// into the game-specific markup language
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">text to format</param>
 /// <returns>formatted text</returns>
 public string FormatText(string text) => Formatter.ToUnity(text);
Example #37
        private void btnSaveCategory_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            CategoryInfo category = SubsiteCatalogHelper.GetCategory(this.categoryId);

            if (category == null)
                this.ShowMsg("编缉商品分类错误,未知", false);
            //if (this.fileUpload.HasFile)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        ResourcesHelper.DeleteImage(category.Icon);
            //        category.Icon = SubsiteCatalogHelper.UploadCategoryIcon(this.fileUpload.PostedFile);
            //    }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        this.ShowMsg("图片上传失败,您选择的不是图片类型的文件,或者网站的虚拟目录没有写入文件的权限", false);
            //        return;
            //    }
            category.AssociatedProductType = this.dropProductTypes.SelectedValue;
            category.Name            = this.txtCategoryName.Text;
            category.RewriteName     = this.txtRewriteName.Text;
            category.MetaTitle       = this.txtPageKeyTitle.Text;
            category.MetaKeywords    = this.txtPageKeyWords.Text;
            category.MetaDescription = this.txtPageDesc.Text;
            category.Notes1          = this.fckNotes1.Text;
            category.Notes2          = this.fckNotes2.Text;
            category.Notes3          = this.fckNotes3.Text;
            if (category.Depth > 1)
                CategoryInfo category2 = SubsiteCatalogHelper.GetCategory(category.ParentCategoryId.Value);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Notes1))
                    category.Notes1 = category2.Notes1;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Notes2))
                    category.Notes2 = category2.Notes2;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Notes3))
                    category.Notes3 = category2.Notes3;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Notes4))
                    category.Notes4 = category2.Notes4;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Notes5))
                    category.Notes5 = category2.Notes5;
            ValidationResults validationResults = Validation.Validate <CategoryInfo>(category, new string[]
            string text = string.Empty;

            if (!validationResults.IsValid)
                foreach (ValidationResult current in (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <ValidationResult>)validationResults)
                    text += Formatter.FormatErrorMessage(current.Message);
                this.ShowMsg(text, false);
                CategoryActionStatus categoryActionStatus = SubsiteCatalogHelper.UpdateCategory(category);
                if (categoryActionStatus == CategoryActionStatus.Success)
                    this.ShowMsg("成功修改了当前商品分类", true);
                if (categoryActionStatus == CategoryActionStatus.UpdateParentError)
                    this.ShowMsg("不能自己成为自己的上级分类", false);
                this.ShowMsg("编缉商品分类错误,未知", false);
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an updated <paramref name="memberDeclaration"/> with all the new
        /// local declaration statements annotated with <see cref="s_newLocalDeclarationStatementAnnotation"/>
        /// moved closer to first reference and all the existing
        /// local declaration statements annotated with <see cref="s_existingLocalDeclarationWithoutInitializerAnnotation"/>
        /// whose declared local is no longer used removed.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <SyntaxNode> AdjustLocalDeclarationsAsync(
            SyntaxNode memberDeclaration,
            Document document,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var service          = document.GetLanguageService <IMoveDeclarationNearReferenceService>();
            var syntaxFacts      = document.GetLanguageService <ISyntaxFactsService>();
            var originalDocument = document;
            var originalDeclStatementsToMoveOrRemove = memberDeclaration.DescendantNodes()
                                                       .Where(n => n.HasAnnotation(s_newLocalDeclarationStatementAnnotation) ||

            if (originalDeclStatementsToMoveOrRemove.IsEmpty)

            // Moving declarations closer to a reference can lead to conflicting edits.
            // So, we track all the declaration statements to be moved upfront, and update
            // the root, document, editor and memberDeclaration for every edit.
            // Finally, we apply replace the memberDeclaration in the originalEditor as a single edit.
            var root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var rootWithTrackedNodes = root.TrackNodes(originalDeclStatementsToMoveOrRemove);

            // Run formatter prior to invoking IMoveDeclarationNearReferenceService.
            rootWithTrackedNodes = Formatter.Format(rootWithTrackedNodes, originalDeclStatementsToMoveOrRemove.Select(s => s.Span), document.Project.Solution.Workspace, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

            document = document.WithSyntaxRoot(rootWithTrackedNodes);
            await OnDocumentUpdatedAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (TLocalDeclarationStatementSyntax originalDeclStatement in originalDeclStatementsToMoveOrRemove)
                // Get the current declaration statement.
                var declStatement = memberDeclaration.GetCurrentNode(originalDeclStatement);

                var documentUpdated = false;

                // Check if the variable declaration is unused after all the fixes, and hence can be removed.
                if (await TryRemoveUnusedLocalAsync(declStatement, originalDeclStatement).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    documentUpdated = true;
                else if (declStatement.HasAnnotation(s_newLocalDeclarationStatementAnnotation))
                    // Otherwise, move the declaration closer to the first reference if possible.
                    if (await service.CanMoveDeclarationNearReferenceAsync(document, declStatement, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        document = await service.MoveDeclarationNearReferenceAsync(document, declStatement, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        documentUpdated = true;

                if (documentUpdated)
                    await OnDocumentUpdatedAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Local functions.
            async Task OnDocumentUpdatedAsync()
                root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                memberDeclaration = syntaxFacts.GetContainingMemberDeclaration(root, memberDeclaration.SpanStart);

            async Task <bool> TryRemoveUnusedLocalAsync(TLocalDeclarationStatementSyntax newDecl, TLocalDeclarationStatementSyntax originalDecl)
                // If we introduced this new local declaration statement while computing the code fix,
                // but all it's existing references were removed as part of FixAll, then we
                // can remove the unncessary local declaration statement.
                // Additionally, if this is an existing local declaration without an initializer,
                // such that the local has no references anymore, we can remove it.

                if (newDecl.HasAnnotation(s_unusedLocalDeclarationAnnotation) ||
                    // Check if we have no references to local in fixed code.
                    if (await IsLocalDeclarationWithNoReferencesAsync(newDecl, document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        document = document.WithSyntaxRoot(
                            root.RemoveNode(newDecl, SyntaxGenerator.DefaultRemoveOptions));

        private IEnumerable <AbstractFormattingRule> GetFormattingRules(Document document)
            var indentStyle = document.GetOptionsAsync(CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(CancellationToken.None).GetOption(FormattingOptions.SmartIndent);

Example #40
        public async Task FormatSpansWithCollapsing()
            var code     = @"class C
    public void M()
            var expected = @"class C
    public void M()
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        while (true) { }
        if (true) { }

            using (var workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code))
                var subjectDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
                var spans           = subjectDocument.SelectedSpans;
                workspace.Options = workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(FormattingOptions.AllowDisjointSpanMerging, true);

                var document   = workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.Single().Documents.Single();
                var syntaxRoot = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync();

                var node = Formatter.Format(syntaxRoot, spans, workspace);
                Assert.Equal(expected, node.ToFullString());
Example #41
        public async Task FormatSpansIndividuallyWithoutCollapsing()
            var code     = @"class C
    public void M()
            var expected = @"class C
    public void M()
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }
        if (true) { }

            using (var workspace = TestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code))
                var subjectDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
                var spans           = subjectDocument.SelectedSpans;

                var document   = workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.Single().Documents.Single();
                var syntaxRoot = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync();

                var node = Formatter.Format(syntaxRoot, spans, workspace);
                Assert.Equal(expected, node.ToFullString());
Example #42
        public virtual void PrintStatistics(string itemsName)
            if (!m_verbose)
            bool          print   = false;
            string        col     = "                  ";
            StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();
            string        newline = Environment.NewLine;

            sb.Append("------------> ").Append(GetType().GetTypeInfo().Name).Append(" statistics (").Append(printNum).Append("): ").Append(newline);
            int nut = TotalItemsCount;

            if (nut > lastPrintedNumUniqueTexts)
                print = true;
                sb.Append("total count of " + itemsName + ": ").Append(Formatter.Format(0, nut, col)).Append(newline);
                lastPrintedNumUniqueTexts = nut;
            long nub = TotalBytesCount;

            if (nub > lastPrintedNumUniqueBytes)
                print = true;
                sb.Append("total bytes of " + itemsName + ": ").Append(Formatter.Format(0, nub, col)).Append(newline);
                lastPrintedNumUniqueBytes = nub;
            if (ItemsCount > 0)
                print = true;
                sb.Append("num " + itemsName + " added since last inputs reset:   ").Append(Formatter.Format(0, ItemsCount, col)).Append(newline);
                sb.Append("total bytes added for " + itemsName + " since last inputs reset: ").Append(Formatter.Format(0, BytesCount, col)).Append(newline);
            if (print)
        internal override async Task <CompletionChange> GetChangeAsync(Document document, CompletionItem completionItem, TextSpan completionListSpan, char?commitKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var containingNamespace = ImportCompletionItem.GetContainingNamespace(completionItem);

            if (await ShouldCompleteWithFullyQualifyTypeName().ConfigureAwait(false))
                var fullyQualifiedName = $"{containingNamespace}.{completionItem.DisplayText}";
                var change             = new TextChange(completionListSpan, fullyQualifiedName);


            // Find context node so we can use it to decide where to insert using/imports.
            var tree = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxTreeAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var root = await tree.GetRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var addImportContextNode = root.FindToken(completionListSpan.Start, findInsideTrivia: true).Parent;

            // Add required using/imports directive.
            var addImportService = document.GetRequiredLanguageService <IAddImportsService>();
            var optionSet        = await document.GetOptionsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var placeSystemNamespaceFirst = optionSet.GetOption(GenerationOptions.PlaceSystemNamespaceFirst, document.Project.Language);
            var compilation = await document.Project.GetRequiredCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var importNode = CreateImport(document, containingNamespace);

            var rootWithImport     = addImportService.AddImport(compilation, root, addImportContextNode, importNode, placeSystemNamespaceFirst, cancellationToken);
            var documentWithImport = document.WithSyntaxRoot(rootWithImport);
            // This only formats the annotated import we just added, not the entire document.
            var formattedDocumentWithImport = await Formatter.FormatAsync(documentWithImport, Formatter.Annotation, cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var builder = ArrayBuilder <TextChange> .GetInstance();

            // Get text change for add import
            var importChanges = await formattedDocumentWithImport.GetTextChangesAsync(document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Create text change for complete type name.
            // Note: Don't try to obtain TextChange for completed type name by replacing the text directly,
            //       then use Document.GetTextChangesAsync on document created from the changed text. This is
            //       because it will do a diff and return TextChanges with minimum span instead of actual
            //       replacement span.
            //       For example: If I'm typing "asd", the completion provider could be triggered after "a"
            //       is typed. Then if I selected type "AsnEncodedData" to commit, by using the approach described
            //       above, we will get a TextChange of "AsnEncodedDat" with 0 length span, instead of a change of
            //       the full display text with a span of length 1. This will later mess up span-tracking and end up
            //       with "AsnEncodedDatasd" in the code.
            builder.Add(new TextChange(completionListSpan, completionItem.DisplayText));

            // Then get the combined change
            var text = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var newText = text.WithChanges(builder);

            return(CompletionChange.Create(Utilities.Collapse(newText, builder.ToImmutableAndFree())));

            async Task <bool> ShouldCompleteWithFullyQualifyTypeName()
                if (!IsAddingImportsSupported(document))

                // We might need to qualify unimported types to use them in an import directive, because they only affect members of the containing
                // import container (e.g. namespace/class/etc. declarations).
                // For example, `List` and `StringBuilder` both need to be fully qualified below:
                //      using CollectionOfStringBuilders = System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>;
                // However, if we are typing in an C# using directive that is inside a nested import container (i.e. inside a namespace declaration block),
                // then we can add an using in the outer import container instead (this is not allowed in VB).
                // For example:
                //      using System.Collections.Generic;
                //      using System.Text;
                //      namespace Foo
                //      {
                //          using CollectionOfStringBuilders = List<StringBuilder>;
                //      }
                // Here we will always choose to qualify the unimported type, just to be consistent and keeps things simple.
                return(await IsInImportsDirectiveAsync(document, completionListSpan.Start, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
 public string GetStatusBarText(int count) => Format(section => section?.StatusBar, new { count = Formatter.ToFormattedString(count) });
        private async Task <Solution> EncapsulateFieldAsync(
            Document document, IFieldSymbol field,
            bool updateReferences, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var originalField = field;

            var(finalFieldName, generatedPropertyName) = GenerateFieldAndPropertyNames(field);

            // Annotate the field declarations so we can find it after rename.
            var fieldDeclaration      = field.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.First();
            var declarationAnnotation = new SyntaxAnnotation();

            document = document.WithSyntaxRoot(fieldDeclaration.SyntaxTree.GetRoot(cancellationToken).ReplaceNode(fieldDeclaration.GetSyntax(cancellationToken),

            var solution = document.Project.Solution;

            foreach (var linkedDocumentId in document.GetLinkedDocumentIds())
                var linkedDocument = solution.GetDocument(linkedDocumentId);
                var linkedRoot     = await linkedDocument.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var linkedFieldNode = linkedRoot.FindNode(fieldDeclaration.Span);
                if (linkedFieldNode.Span != fieldDeclaration.Span)

                var updatedRoot = linkedRoot.ReplaceNode(linkedFieldNode, linkedFieldNode.WithAdditionalAnnotations(declarationAnnotation));
                solution = solution.WithDocumentSyntaxRoot(linkedDocumentId, updatedRoot);

            document = solution.GetDocument(document.Id);

            // Resolve the annotated symbol and prepare for rename.

            var semanticModel = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var compilation = semanticModel.Compilation;

            field = field.GetSymbolKey(cancellationToken).Resolve(compilation, cancellationToken: cancellationToken).Symbol as IFieldSymbol;

            // We couldn't resolve field after annotating its declaration. Bail
            if (field == null)

            var solutionNeedingProperty = await UpdateReferencesAsync(
                updateReferences, solution, document, field, finalFieldName, generatedPropertyName, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            document = solutionNeedingProperty.GetDocument(document.Id);

            var markFieldPrivate          = field.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Private;
            var rewrittenFieldDeclaration = await RewriteFieldNameAndAccessibilityAsync(finalFieldName, markFieldPrivate, document, declarationAnnotation, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var formattingOptions = await SyntaxFormattingOptions.FromDocumentAsync(document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            document = await Formatter.FormatAsync(document.WithSyntaxRoot(rewrittenFieldDeclaration), Formatter.Annotation, formattingOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            solution = document.Project.Solution;
            foreach (var linkedDocumentId in document.GetLinkedDocumentIds())
                var linkedDocument = solution.GetDocument(linkedDocumentId);
                var linkedDocumentFormattingOptions = await SyntaxFormattingOptions.FromDocumentAsync(linkedDocument, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var updatedLinkedRoot = await RewriteFieldNameAndAccessibilityAsync(finalFieldName, markFieldPrivate, linkedDocument, declarationAnnotation, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var updatedLinkedDocument = await Formatter.FormatAsync(linkedDocument.WithSyntaxRoot(updatedLinkedRoot), Formatter.Annotation, linkedDocumentFormattingOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                solution = updatedLinkedDocument.Project.Solution;

            document = solution.GetDocument(document.Id);

            semanticModel = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var newRoot = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var newDeclaration = newRoot.GetAnnotatedNodes <SyntaxNode>(declarationAnnotation).First();

            field = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(newDeclaration, cancellationToken) as IFieldSymbol;

            var generatedProperty = GenerateProperty(
                new SyntaxAnnotation(),

            var solutionWithProperty = await AddPropertyAsync(
                document, document.Project.Solution, field, generatedProperty, formattingOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        private RazorDocumentRangeFormattingResponse Format(RazorDocumentRangeFormattingParams @params)
            if (@params.Kind == RazorLanguageKind.Razor)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("We shouldn't be asked to format Razor language kind.");

            var options  = @params.Options;
            var response = new RazorDocumentRangeFormattingResponse();

            if (@params.Kind == RazorLanguageKind.CSharp)
                var codeDocument     = _documents[@params.HostDocumentFilePath];
                var csharpSourceText = codeDocument.GetCSharpSourceText();
                var csharpDocument   = GetCSharpDocument(codeDocument, @params.Options);
                if (!csharpDocument.TryGetSyntaxRoot(out var root))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't get syntax root.");
                var spanToFormat = @params.ProjectedRange.AsTextSpan(csharpSourceText);

                var changes = Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(root, spanToFormat, csharpDocument.Project.Solution.Workspace);

                response.Edits = changes.Select(c => c.AsTextEdit(csharpSourceText)).ToArray();
            else if (@params.Kind == RazorLanguageKind.Html)
                response.Edits = Array.Empty <TextEdit>();

                var codeDocument  = _documents[@params.HostDocumentFilePath];
                var generatedHtml = codeDocument.GetHtmlDocument().GeneratedHtml;
                generatedHtml = generatedHtml.Replace("\r", "", StringComparison.Ordinal).Replace("\n", "\r\n", StringComparison.Ordinal);

                // Get formatted baseline file
                var baselineInputFileName  = Path.ChangeExtension(_baselineFileName, ".input.html");
                var baselineOutputFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(_baselineFileName, ".output.html");

                var baselineInputFile  = TestFile.Create(baselineInputFileName, GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly);
                var baselineOutputFile = TestFile.Create(baselineOutputFileName, GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly);

                if (GenerateBaselines)
                    if (baselineInputFile.Exists())
                        // If it already exists, we only want to update if the input is different.
                        var inputContent = baselineInputFile.ReadAllText();
                        if (string.Equals(inputContent, generatedHtml, StringComparison.Ordinal))

                    var baselineInputFilePath = Path.Combine(_projectPath, baselineInputFileName);
                    File.WriteAllText(baselineInputFilePath, generatedHtml);

                    var baselineOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(_projectPath, baselineOutputFileName);
                    File.WriteAllText(baselineOutputFilePath, generatedHtml);


                if (!baselineInputFile.Exists())
                    throw new XunitException($"The resource {baselineInputFileName} was not found.");

                if (!baselineOutputFile.Exists())
                    throw new XunitException($"The resource {baselineOutputFileName} was not found.");

                var baselineInputHtml = baselineInputFile.ReadAllText();
                if (!string.Equals(baselineInputHtml, generatedHtml, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new XunitException($"The baseline for {_baselineFileName} is out of date.");

                var baselineOutputHtml = baselineOutputFile.ReadAllText();
                var baselineInputText  = SourceText.From(baselineInputHtml);
                var baselineOutputText = SourceText.From(baselineOutputHtml);
                var changes            = SourceTextDiffer.GetMinimalTextChanges(baselineInputText, baselineOutputText, lineDiffOnly: false);
                var edits = changes.Select(c => c.AsTextEdit(baselineInputText)).ToArray();
                response.Edits = edits;

        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the specified chat message and prefix to all players
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="prefix"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void Broadcast(string message, string prefix, params object[] args)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

            message = args.Length > 0 ? string.Format(Formatter.ToRoKAnd7DTD(message), args) : Formatter.ToRoKAnd7DTD(message);
            string formatted = prefix != null ? $"{prefix} {message}" : message;

 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatBold(ToolbarButton button)
     Formatter.SetSelection("**", "**");
Example #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends the specified message to the player
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public void Message(string message) => Interface.Oxide.LogInfo(Formatter.ToPlaintext(message));
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatItalics(ToolbarButton button)
     Formatter.SetSelection("_", "_");
Example #51
        private static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            // TODO: Figure out why `dotnet run` from generateapis.sh is sending 6 args instead of 3 as in: arg1 arg2 arg3 arg1 arg2 arg3
            if (args.Length < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("Arguments: <project file> <api client name> <user client name>");

            var projectFile    = args[0];
            var apiClientName  = args[1];
            var userClientName = args[2];

            var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                ["TargetFramework"] = "net45"

            Project project;

                project = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFile);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not find project file {projectFile}");

            var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync();

            var symbols = compilation.GetSymbolsWithName(name => name == apiClientName, SymbolFilter.Type).ToList();

            if (symbols.Count != 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not find type {apiClientName}");

                var errors = compilation.GetDiagnostics().Where(d => d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error).ToList();
                if (errors.Count != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Errors: {errors.Count}, first error: {errors[0]}");

            var apiClientSymbol = (INamedTypeSymbol)symbols[0];

            // Find the API client from a generated file (there should be only one).
            var generatedApiClientSyntax = apiClientSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
                                           .Select(syntaxReference => syntaxReference.GetSyntax())
                                           .Cast <ClassDeclarationSyntax>()
                syntax => syntax.SyntaxTree.GetRoot().GetLeadingTrivia().ToFullString().Contains("// Generated code. DO NOT EDIT!"));

            if (generatedApiClientSyntax == null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not find an auto-generated file containing the {apiClientName} definition");

            var syntaxTree                              = generatedApiClientSyntax.SyntaxTree;
            var semanticModel                           = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
            var generator                               = SyntaxGenerator.GetGenerator(project.GetDocument(syntaxTree));
            var requestMethodRewriter                   = new RequestMethodRewriter(semanticModel);
            var nonRequestMethodRewriter                = new ClientMethodRewriter(semanticModel);
            var requestMethodToImplRewriter             = new RequestMethodToImplRewriter();
            var convertToAsyncCancellationTokenOverload = new ConvertToAsyncCancellationTokenOverloadRewriter();

            var userClientSyntax =
                    accessibility: Accessibility.Public,
                    modifiers: DeclarationModifiers.Partial)
            var userClientImplSyntax =
                    userClientName + "Impl",
                    accessibility: Accessibility.Public,
                    modifiers: DeclarationModifiers.Sealed | DeclarationModifiers.Partial,
                    baseType: ParseTypeName(userClientName))

            // Copy the request methods from the API client with the user client. We only require these to be copied since
            // we already have handwritten flattening overloads to change ByteString to BigtableByteString.
            foreach (var methodSyntax in generatedApiClientSyntax.Members.OfType <MethodDeclarationSyntax>())
                var method = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(methodSyntax);
                if (method.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public ||

                if (method.Parameters.Length == 2 &&
                    var clientMethod = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)requestMethodRewriter.Visit(methodSyntax);
                    userClientSyntax = userClientSyntax.AddMembers(clientMethod);

                    if (method.Parameters[1].Type.Name.EndsWith(nameof(CallSettings)))
                        var clientImplMethod = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)requestMethodToImplRewriter.Visit(clientMethod);

                        if (s_customStreamMethods.TryGetValue(method.Name, out var customStreamMethodInfo) &&
                            var asyncMethod = clientMethod.ToAsync();
                            userClientSyntax = userClientSyntax.AddMembers(asyncMethod);

                            var asyncMethodWithCancellationToken = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)convertToAsyncCancellationTokenOverload.Visit(asyncMethod);
                            userClientSyntax = userClientSyntax.AddMembers(asyncMethodWithCancellationToken);

                            var clientImplSyncMethod = clientImplMethod.WithBodySafe(
                            userClientImplSyntax = userClientImplSyntax.AddMembers(clientImplSyncMethod);

                            var clientImplAsyncMethod = clientImplMethod.ToAsync();
                            userClientImplSyntax = userClientImplSyntax.AddMembers(clientImplAsyncMethod);
                            userClientImplSyntax = userClientImplSyntax.AddMembers(clientImplMethod);
                else if (
                    method.Name != "Create" &&
                    method.Name != "CreateAsync" &&
                    !s_customStreamMethods.ContainsKey(method.Name) &&
                    !method.Parameters.Any(p => p.Type.Name == "ByteString"))
                    // TODO: We could also have this remap to BigtableByteString automatically, but we currently
                    //       have some validations for most methods with ByteStrings which I think we's lose by
                    //       autogenerating at the moment.
                    // For any other methods which aren't custom streaming methods and which don't use ByteString,
                    // which we remap to BigtableByteString, copy them (with some small fix ups) into the generated
                    // client.
                    userClientSyntax = userClientSyntax.AddMembers(

            // Create a CompilationUnitSyntax from the Usings node of the original file, which will also contain the
            // copyright notice and generated code warnings in its leading trivia.
            // We also need a using directive for GAX, so that we can use ResultWithUnwrappedExceptions.
            var usings = syntaxTree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().Usings
            var compilationUnit = CompilationUnit().WithUsings(usings);

            // Add in the namespace with the ...Client and ...ClientImpl classes.
            compilationUnit = compilationUnit.AddMembers(

            // Use idiomatic formatting for the project.
            compilationUnit =
                    workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(FormattingOptions.NewLine, LanguageNames.CSharp, "\n"));

            var resultText = compilationUnit.ToFullString();

                var resultPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile), $"{userClientName}.cs");
                File.WriteAllText(resultPath, resultText);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not write the auto-generated {userClientName}:\n{e}");
Example #52
        public void When_asserting_element_has_child_element_with_ns_but_it_does_not_it_should_fail_with_descriptive_message()
            // Arrange
            var element = XElement.Parse(
                    <child />

            // Act
            Action act = () =>
                         element.Should().HaveElement(XName.Get("unknown", "http://www.example.com/2012/test"), "because we want to test the failure message");

            // Assert
            string expectedMessage = string.Format("Expected XML element {0} to have child element \"{{http://www.example.com/2012/test}}unknown\"" +
                                                   " because we want to test the failure message" +
                                                   ", but no such child element was found.", Formatter.ToString(element));

            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage(expectedMessage);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatStrikethrough(ToolbarButton button)
     Formatter.SetSelection("~~", "~~");
Example #54
        private void OutputString(int offset, string labelStr, string commentStr)
            // This gets complicated.
            // For Dci, L8String, and L16String, the entire string needs to fit in the
            // operand of one line.  If it can't, we need to separate the length byte/word
            // or inverted character out, and just dump the rest as ASCII.  Computing the
            // line length requires factoring delimiter character escapes.  (NOTE: contrary
            // to the documentation, STR and STRL do include trailing hex characters in the
            // length calculation, so it's possible to escape delimiters.)
            // For Reverse, we can span lines, but only if we emit the lines in
            // backward order.  Also, Merlin doesn't allow hex to be embedded in a REV
            // operation, so we can't use REV if the string contains a delimiter.
            // For aesthetic purposes, zero-length CString, L8String, and L16String
            // should be output as DFB/DW zeroes rather than an empty string -- makes
            // it easier to read.
            // NOTE: we generally assume that the input is in the correct format, e.g.
            // the length byte in a StringL8 matches dfd.Length, and the high bits in DCI strings
            // have the right pattern.  If not, we will generate bad output.  This would need
            // to be scanned and corrected at a higher level.

            Anattrib         attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
            FormatDescriptor dfd  = attr.DataDescriptor;

            Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
            Debug.Assert(dfd.Length > 0);

            // We can sort of do parts of C64 stuff, but it's probably more readable to just
            // output a commented blob than something where only the capital letters are readable.
            switch (dfd.FormatSubType)
            case FormatDescriptor.SubType.Ascii:
            case FormatDescriptor.SubType.HighAscii:

            case FormatDescriptor.SubType.C64Petscii:
            case FormatDescriptor.SubType.C64Screen:
                OutputNoJoy(offset, dfd.Length, labelStr, commentStr);

            Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;

            byte[] data = Project.FileData;
            StringOpFormatter.ReverseMode revMode = StringOpFormatter.ReverseMode.Forward;
            int    leadingBytes = 0;
            string opcodeStr;

            switch (dfd.FormatType)
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrReverse;
                revMode   = StringOpFormatter.ReverseMode.LineReverse;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;            // no pseudo-op for this
                if (dfd.Length == 1)
                    // Empty string.  Just output the length byte(s) or null terminator.
                    GenerateShortSequence(offset, 1, out string opcode, out string operand);
                    OutputLine(labelStr, opcode, operand, commentStr);

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
                opcodeStr    = sDataOpNames.StrLen8;
                leadingBytes = 1;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
                opcodeStr    = sDataOpNames.StrLen16;
                leadingBytes = 2;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
                opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrDci;


            // Merlin 32 uses single-quote for low ASCII, double-quote for high ASCII.
            CharEncoding.Convert charConv;
            char delim;

            if (dfd.FormatSubType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.HighAscii)
                charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertHighAscii;
                delim    = '"';
                charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertAscii;
                delim    = '\'';

            StringOpFormatter stropf = new StringOpFormatter(SourceFormatter,
                                                             new Formatter.DelimiterDef(delim),
                                                             StringOpFormatter.RawOutputStyle.DenseHex, MAX_OPERAND_LEN, charConv);

            if (dfd.FormatType == FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci)
                // DCI is awkward because the character encoding flips on the last byte.  Rather
                // than clutter up StringOpFormatter for this rare item, we just accept low/high
                // throughout.
                stropf.CharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertLowAndHighAscii;

            // Feed bytes in, skipping over the leading length bytes.
            stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset + leadingBytes,
                             dfd.Length - leadingBytes, 0, revMode);
            Debug.Assert(stropf.Lines.Count > 0);

            // See if we need to do this over.
            bool redo = false;

            switch (dfd.FormatType)
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
                if (stropf.HasEscapedText)
                    // can't include escaped characters in REV
                    opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
                    revMode   = StringOpFormatter.ReverseMode.Forward;
                    redo      = true;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
                if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1)
                    // single-line only
                    opcodeStr    = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
                    leadingBytes = 1;
                    redo         = true;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
                if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1)
                    // single-line only
                    opcodeStr    = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
                    leadingBytes = 2;
                    redo         = true;

            case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
                if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1)
                    // single-line only
                    opcodeStr       = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
                    stropf.CharConv = charConv;
                    redo            = true;


            if (redo)
                //Debug.WriteLine("REDO off=+" + offset.ToString("x6") + ": " + dfd.FormatType);

                // This time, instead of skipping over leading length bytes, we include them
                // explicitly.
                stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset, dfd.Length, leadingBytes, revMode);

            opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);

            foreach (string str in stropf.Lines)
                OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, str, commentStr);
                labelStr = commentStr = string.Empty;       // only show on first
Example #55
        public void Emit(string fnName, EmitFlags f, Formatter fmt, CodeFormatter w, TypeReferenceFormatter t)
            bool emitStorage = (f & EmitFlags.ArgumentKind) == EmitFlags.ArgumentKind;

            if (ParametersValid)
                if (emitStorage)
                    if (HasVoidReturn)
                        fmt.Write("void ");
                        w.WriteFormalArgumentType(ReturnValue !, emitStorage);
                        fmt.Write(" ");
                    fmt.Write("{0}(", fnName);
                    if (HasVoidReturn)
                        fmt.Write("void {0}", fnName);
                        t.WriteDeclaration(ReturnValue !.DataType, fnName);           //$TODO: won't work with fn's that return pointers to functions or arrays.
                var sep = "";
                if (Parameters != null)
                    IEnumerable <Identifier> parms = this.IsInstanceMetod
                        ? Parameters.Skip(1)
                        : Parameters;
                    foreach (var p in parms)
                        sep = ", ";
                        w.WriteFormalArgument(p, emitStorage, t);
                    if (this.IsVariadic)
                        if (sep.Length == 0)
                            fmt.Write(' ');
                fmt.Write(" ");

            if ((f & EmitFlags.LowLevelInfo) == EmitFlags.LowLevelInfo)
                fmt.Write("// stackDelta: {0}; fpuStackDelta: {1}; fpuMaxParam: {2}", StackDelta, FpuStackDelta, FpuStackArgumentMax);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatList(ToolbarButton button)
     Formatter.SetList(() => "- ", button);
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void FormatOrderedList(ToolbarButton button)
     Formatter.SetList(Formatter.OrderedListIterate, button);
 public string GetSearchProgressText(int count) => Format(section => section?.SearchProgress, new { count = Formatter.ToFormattedString(count) });
 public string GetNewVersionString(string version, DateTime date) =>
 Format(translation => translation?.NewVersion, new { version, date = Formatter.ToFormattedDateString(date) });
Example #60
 public Task ListAttributes(CommandContext ctx)
     return(ctx.RespondAsync(string.Join(" ", ctx.Command.CustomAttributes.Select(x => Formatter.InlineCode(x.GetType().ToString())))));