private async Task ProcessSet(string name, string value) { try { value = value.Trim(); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder(); try { Property property = Property.GetUpdatableByName(name); string oldValue = property.Value; property.Value = value; message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Success} Done") .AppendDescription($"I updated `{name}` for you.") .AppendDescription($"Old:{oldValue}{Environment.NewLine}New:{value}", AppendOption.Codeblock); } catch (NotExistingException) { message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription($"I couldn't find a property named `{name}`."); } await this.ReplyAsync(message); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private void AppendStatisticData(ChampionDto champion, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { StatsDto stats = champion.Stats; int decimals = 3; NumberAlign statList = new NumberAlign(decimals, stats.GetStats()); NumberAlign statGrowthList = new NumberAlign(decimals, stats.GetStatGrowthList()); string statData = $"Health - {statList.Align(stats.Hp)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.HpPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Health Regen. - {statList.Align(stats.HpRegen)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.HpRegenPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Mana - {statList.Align(stats.Mp)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.MpPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Mana Regen - {statList.Align(stats.MpRegen)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.MpRegenPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Attack Damage - {statList.Align(stats.AttackDamage)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.AttackDamagePerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Attack Speed - {statList.Align(stats.GetBaseAttackSpeed())} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.AttackSpeedPerLevel)}%" + Environment.NewLine + $"Armor - {statList.Align(stats.Armor)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.ArmorPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Magic Resist - {statList.Align(stats.Spellblock)} | + {statGrowthList.TrimmedAlign(stats.SpellblockPerLevel)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Attack Range - {statList.Align(stats.AttackRange)}" + Environment.NewLine + $"Movement Speed - {statList.Align(stats.MoveSpeed)}"; message.AddField("Stats", statData, new AppendOption[] { AppendOption.Underscore }, new AppendOption[] { AppendOption.Codeblock }, inline: false); }
private async Task ProcessList() { try { IMessageChannel channel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(this.Context); List <TReminder> reminders = this._reminderDAO.GetAll(this.Context.User.Id); IOrderedEnumerable <TReminder> orderedList = reminders.OrderBy(x => x.ExpirationTime); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Hourglass} Active reminders"); if (orderedList.Count() > 0) { foreach (TReminder entry in orderedList) { message.AddField($"Expires: {entry.ExpirationTime} UTC", entry.Message, inline: false); } } else { message.AppendDescription("imagine a soulrending void", AppendOption.Italic); } await channel.SendEmbedAsync(message); await this.Context.Message.AddReactionIfNotDMAsync(this.Context, XayahReaction.Envelope); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private FormattedEmbedBuilder AppendGeneralHelp(FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, _cHelpTitle) .AppendDescription("Hello human. If you need help then you came to the right place. I'll tell you how to proceed.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("The help is neatly organized in pages to have a clear view of all possible categories. " + "Just mention me with the corresponding page number and I'll tell you all of the details I think you should know of.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Usage") .AppendDescription("The keyword to this command is `help` followed by an optional page number.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Examples") .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} help") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} help 2") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription($"Tip: You don't need to mention me in private messages. There are only both of us so I'll know right away what to do.", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Help Index") .AppendDescription($"`1` - {_cAreTitle}") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"`2` - {_cRemindTitle}") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"`3` - {_cRiotDataTitle}") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"`4` - Champion statistics (via ChampionGG-API) [Soon™]") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Contact") .AppendDescription("If you still got questions, problems or even suggestions just contact `Aergwyn#8786` and all your desires will be fulfilled " + "(Aergwyn also takes full responsibility, I never said this).") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("If that is too direct and you prefer to hide in the shadows (or are just curious) you can just join [this server]( and have a look."); return(message); }
private async Task ProcessGet() { try { string text = string.Empty; int maxWidth = Property.UpdatableValues().OrderByDescending(x => x.Name.Length).First().Name.Length; IEnumerable <Property> properties = Property.UpdatableValues(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count(); i++) { if (i > 0) { text += Environment.NewLine; } Property property = properties.ElementAt(i); text += property.Name.PadRight(maxWidth) + ":" + property.Value; } FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Option} Property list") .AppendDescription(text, AppendOption.Codeblock); await this.ReplyAsync(message); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private FormattedEmbedBuilder AppendRemindHelp(FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { string timeUnits = ListUtil.BuildEnumeration(TimeUnit.Values()); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, _cRemindTitle) .AppendDescription("If you tend to forget things or just need someone to handle your appointments this is your solution.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription($"Currently they are capped at `{Property.RemindDayCap}` days with only `{Property.RemindTextCap}` characters.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Usage") .AppendDescription("This command is split in three parts:") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription("- `remind me [number] [time-unit] [text]`; while number and time-unit tell me how long to wait, the text is the message I'll remind you with") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription("- `remind me list` shows a list of your active reminders") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription("- `remind me clear` if you want to get rid of them") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription($"Tip: The possible time-units are `{timeUnits}`.", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Examples") .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} remind me 2 days finally take the trash out") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} remind me list") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} remind me clear"); return(message); }
public async Task <FormattedEmbedBuilder> BuildForRoleAsync(LeagueRole role) { FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder(); try { await this.LoadFromApi(); if (LeagueRole.All.Equals(role)) { foreach (LeagueRole leagueRole in LeagueRole.Values()) { this.AppendStatsOfRole(leagueRole, 3, message); } } else { this.AppendStatsOfRole(role, 6, message); } message.AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Clipboard} Winrates"); ChampionStatsDto first = this._championStats.ElementAtOrDefault(0); if (first != null) { message.AppendTitle($" for Patch {first.Patch}"); } message.AppendDescription("Short explanation of the table: `Position - Win % - Play %` - Name", AppendOption.Italic); } catch (NoApiResultException) { message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription("Apparently some random API refuses cooperation. Have some patience while I convince them again..."); } return(message); }
protected void NotifyDisabledCommand() { FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .CreateFooterIfNotDM(this.Context) .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Warning} Command disabled") .AppendDescription("This command is disabled because a certain someone is too lazy to fix it."); this.ReplyAsync(message); }
private async void HandleExpiredReminder(object state) { TReminder reminder = state as TReminder; await this._reminderDAO.RemoveAsync(reminder); StopTimer(this.BuildTimerKey(reminder.UserId, reminder.ExpirationTime)); IMessageChannel channel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(this._client, reminder.UserId); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Clock} Reminder expired") .AppendDescription(reminder.Message); await channel.SendEmbedAsync(message); }
private void AppendMiscData(ChampionDto champion, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { champion.Tags.Sort(); message .SetThumbnail($"{Property.RiotUrlVersion.Value}/img/champion/{champion.Name}.png") .AppendTitle($"{champion.Name} {champion.Title}", AppendOption.Bold, AppendOption.Underscore) .AppendDescription("Classified as:", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescription($" {string.Join(", ", champion.Tags)}") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription("Resource:", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescription($" {champion.Resource}") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription("Passive:", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescription($" {champion.Passive.Name}"); }
private async Task ProcessRemindMe(int value, TimeUnit timeUnit, string text) { try { text = text.Trim(); DateTime expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow; int maxTime = int.Parse(Property.RemindDayCap.Value); if (TimeUnit.Day.Equals(timeUnit)) { value = this.SetValueInRange(value, 1, maxTime); expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(value); } else if (TimeUnit.Hour.Equals(timeUnit)) { value = this.SetValueInRange(value, 1, maxTime * 24); expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(value); } else // Minute == Default { value = this.SetValueInRange(value, 1, maxTime * 24 * 60); expirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(value); } int maxLength = int.Parse(Property.RemindTextCap.Value); if (text.Length > maxLength) { text = text.Substring(0, maxLength); } await this._remindService.AddNewAsync(new TReminder { ExpirationTime = expirationTime, Message = text, UserId = this.Context.User.Id }); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .CreateFooterIfNotDM(this.Context) .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Success} Done") .AppendDescription($"I'm going to remind you at `{expirationTime} UTC`.{Environment.NewLine}I think..."); await this.ReplyAsync(message); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private FormattedEmbedBuilder Append8BallHelp(FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, _cAreTitle) .AppendDescription("Every bot needs an 8ball command. A bot without it can't even call itself complete. Also it's the most random and funny command to abuse and spam the chat with.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Usage") .AppendDescription("The keywords to this command are `are`, `is` or `am` followed by a highly creative sentence of yours.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Examples") .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} are you jealous of Ahri?") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} is Riot doing a mistake by not buffing Viktor?") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} am I really a challenger level player?") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("Tip: There are a few more possible answers than you might expect.", AppendOption.Italic); return(message); }
private void AppendSpellData(ChampionDto champion, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { for (int i = 0; i < champion.Spells.Count; i++) { ChampionSpellDto spell = champion.Spells.ElementAt(i); FormattedTextBuilder spellDetail = new FormattedTextBuilder() .Append("Cost:", AppendOption.Italic) .Append($" {spell.GetCostString()}") .AppendNewLine() .Append("Range:", AppendOption.Italic) .Append($" {spell.GetRangeString()}") .AppendNewLine() .Append("Cooldown:", AppendOption.Italic) .Append($" {spell.GetCooldownString()}"); message.AddField($"{GetSpellKey(i)} - {spell.Name}", spellDetail.ToString(), new AppendOption[] { AppendOption.Underscore }, inline: false); } }
public static async Task <FormattedEmbedBuilder> BuildAsync(string name) { name = name.Trim(); ChampionDataBuilder championBuilder = new ChampionDataBuilder(); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder(); try { List <ChampionDto> matches = await championBuilder.GetMatchingChampionsAsync(name); if (matches.Count == 0) { message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription($"Oops! Your bad. I couldn't find a champion (fully or partially) named `{name}`."); } else if (matches.Count > 1) { message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Warning} This didn't went as expected") .AppendDescription($"I found more than one champion (fully or partially) named `{name}`."); foreach (ChampionDto champion in matches) { message.AppendDescription(Environment.NewLine + champion.Name); } } else { ChampionDto champion = await championBuilder.GetChampionAsync(matches.First().Id); championBuilder.AppendMiscData(champion, message); championBuilder.AppendStatisticData(champion, message); championBuilder.AppendSpellData(champion, message); championBuilder.AppendSkinData(champion, message); } } catch (NoApiResultException) { message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription("Apparently some random API refuses cooperation. Have some patience while I convince them again..."); } return(message); }
private async Task ProcessWinrate(LeagueRole role) { try { if (role == null) { role = LeagueRole.All; } ChampionStatsBuilder statsBuilder = new ChampionStatsBuilder(); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = await statsBuilder.BuildForRoleAsync(role); message.CreateFooterIfNotDM(this.Context); await this.ReplyAsync(message); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private void AppendSkinData(ChampionDto champion, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { List <SkinDto> skins = champion.Skins.Where(x => x.Num > 0).ToList(); skins.Sort((a, b) => a.Num.CompareTo(b.Num)); string skinData = string.Empty; foreach (SkinDto skin in skins) { string skinNum = skin.Num.ToString(); while (skinNum.Length < 2) { skinNum = "0" + skinNum; } skinData += $"{Environment.NewLine}`{skinNum}` - {skin.Name}"; } message.AddField("Skins", skinData, new AppendOption[] { AppendOption.Underscore }, inline: false); }
private async Task ProcessMessageReceived(SocketMessage arg) { try { SocketUserMessage message = arg as SocketUserMessage; if (message == null || message.Author.IsBot) { return; } DiscordSocketClient client = this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DiscordSocketClient)) as DiscordSocketClient; CommandService commandService = this._serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(CommandService)) as CommandService; int pos = 0; CommandContext context = new CommandContext(client, message); if (context.IsPrivate || message.HasMentionPrefix(client.CurrentUser, ref pos)) { IResult result = await commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, pos, this._serviceProvider); if (!result.IsSuccess) { if (this.IsUserError(result.Error)) { IMessageChannel dmChannel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(context); FormattedEmbedBuilder errorResponse = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AddField("Why, you ask?", result.ErrorReason); await dmChannel.SendEmbedAsync(errorResponse); await context.Message.AddReactionIfNotDMAsync(context, XayahReaction.Error); } else if (this.IsInterestingError(result.Error)) { Logger.Debug($"Command failed: {result.ErrorReason}"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private async Task AppendData(ItemDto item, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { message .SetThumbnail($"{Property.RiotUrlVersion.Value}/img/item/{item.Id}.png") .AppendTitle(item.Name, AppendOption.Bold, AppendOption.Underscore) .AppendDescription(item.SanitizedDescription) .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription($"Total Cost:", AppendOption.Italic).AppendDescription($" {item.Gold.Total} Gold") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"Selling for:", AppendOption.Italic).AppendDescription($" {item.Gold.Sell} Gold") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"Completion Cost:", AppendOption.Italic).AppendDescription($" {item.Gold.Base} Gold"); if (item.From != null) { message.AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("Components", AppendOption.Bold, AppendOption.Underscore); List <ItemDto> componentList = await this.GetFromList(item.From); componentList.Sort((a, b) => a.Gold.Base.CompareTo(b.Gold.Base)); foreach (ItemDto component in componentList) { message.AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{component.Name} ({component.Gold.Base} Gold)"); } } if (item.Into != null) { message.AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("Builds Into", AppendOption.Bold, AppendOption.Underscore); List <ItemDto> parentList = await this.GetFromList(item.Into); parentList.Sort((a, b) => a.Gold.Base.CompareTo(b.Gold.Base)); foreach (ItemDto parent in parentList) { message.AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{parent.Name} ({parent.Gold.Base} Gold)"); } } }
private async Task ProcessClear() { try { IMessageChannel channel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(this.Context); await this._remindService.ClearUserAsync(this.Context.User.Id); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Success} Done") .AppendDescription("I purged all of your reminders."); await channel.SendEmbedAsync(message); await this.Context.Message.AddReactionIfNotDMAsync(this.Context, XayahReaction.Envelope); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
public static async Task <FormattedEmbedBuilder> BuildAsync(string name) { name = name.Trim(); ItemDataBuilder itemBuilder = new ItemDataBuilder(); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder(); try { List <ItemDto> matches = await itemBuilder.GetMatchingItemsAsync(name); if (matches.Count == 0) { message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription($"Oops! Your bad. I couldn't find an item (fully or partially) named `{name}`."); } else if (matches.Count > 1) { message .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Warning} This didn't went as expected") .AppendDescription($"I found more than one item (fully or partially) named `{name}`."); foreach (ItemDto item in matches) { message.AppendDescription(Environment.NewLine + item.Name); } } else { ItemDto item = matches.First(); await itemBuilder.AppendData(item, message); } } catch (NoApiResultException) { message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle($"{XayahReaction.Error} This didn't work") .AppendDescription("Apparently some random API refuses cooperation. Have some patience while I convince them again..."); } return(message); }
private async Task ProcessItem(string name) { try { if (this.IsDisabled()) { this.NotifyDisabledCommand(); return; } IMessageChannel channel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(this.Context); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = await ItemDataBuilder.BuildAsync(name); await channel.SendEmbedAsync(message); await this.Context.Message.AddReactionIfNotDMAsync(this.Context, XayahReaction.Envelope); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private FormattedEmbedBuilder AppendRiotDataHelp(FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, _cRiotDataTitle) .AppendDescription("Have you ever wondered how far I could throw my Double Daggers? How much base armor Viktor has? How much does Essence Reaver cost? " + "I at least know the answer to the first and last one. Not enough and way too much, respectively.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("If you need data about a champion or item just use these commands and you'll get an overview about stats, spells and skins for champions and item cost and composition " + "for... well, items.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2) .AppendDescription("Bonus:", AppendOption.Italic) .AppendDescription(" If you are unsure how to spell a certain champion or item name you can ignore special characters and/or whitespaces. " + "If it's even worse (hello Cassiopeia) then I can also handle partial names.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Usage") .AppendDescription("The keyword to this command is `champ` or `item` followed by the name I should search for.") .AppendDescriptionNewLine(2); this.AppendDescriptionTitle(message, "Examples") .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} champ Xayah") .AppendDescriptionNewLine() .AppendDescription($"{this.Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention} item Essence Reaver"); return(message); }
private void AppendStatsOfRole(LeagueRole role, int entryCount, FormattedEmbedBuilder message) { List <ChampionStatsDto> roleStats = this._championStats.Where(x => x.Role.Equals(role.ApiRole)).ToList(); if (entryCount * 2 > roleStats.Count) { entryCount = (int)Math.Truncate(roleStats.Count / (decimal)2); } FormattedTextBuilder winrates = new FormattedTextBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount && i < roleStats.Count; i++) { ChampionStatsDto topX = roleStats.ElementAt(i); string championLine = this.BuildChampionStats(topX, i + 1); if (i > 0) { winrates.AppendNewLine(); } winrates.Append(championLine); } if (roleStats.Count > entryCount * 2) { winrates.AppendNewLine(); } for (int i = roleStats.Count - entryCount; i >= 0 && i < roleStats.Count; i++) { ChampionStatsDto bottomX = roleStats.ElementAt(i); string championLine = this.BuildChampionStats(bottomX, i + 1); winrates.AppendNewLine().Append(championLine); } string resultText = winrates.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resultText)) { resultText = ". . ."; } message.AddField(role.Name, resultText, new AppendOption[] { AppendOption.Underscore }); }
private async Task ProcessHelp(string text) { try { text = this.TrimText(text); IMessageChannel channel = await ChannelProvider.GetDMChannelAsync(this.Context); FormattedEmbedBuilder message = new FormattedEmbedBuilder() .AppendTitle("Xayah Bot Help"); switch (NumberUtil.StripForNumber(text)) { case 1: this.Append8BallHelp(message); break; case 2: this.AppendRemindHelp(message); break; case 3: this.AppendRiotDataHelp(message); break; default: this.AppendGeneralHelp(message); break; } await channel.SendEmbedAsync(message); await this.Context.Message.AddReactionIfNotDMAsync(this.Context, XayahReaction.Envelope); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); } }
private FormattedEmbedBuilder AppendDescriptionTitle(FormattedEmbedBuilder message, string text) { return(message.AppendDescription(text, AppendOption.Underscore).AppendDescriptionNewLine()); }
public static Task <IUserMessage> SendEmbedAsync(this IMessageChannel channel, FormattedEmbedBuilder embedBuilder) { return(channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed: embedBuilder.ToEmbed())); }
public static Task <IUserMessage> ReplyAsync(this ModuleBase <ICommandContext> module, FormattedEmbedBuilder embedBuilder) { return(module.Context.Channel.SendEmbedAsync(embedBuilder)); }