public override ReturnCode Execute( Interpreter interpreter, IClientData clientData, ArgumentList arguments, ref Result result ) { ReturnCode code = ReturnCode.Ok; if (interpreter != null) { if (arguments != null) { if (arguments.Count >= 2) { string subCommand = arguments[1]; bool tried = false; code = ScriptOps.TryExecuteSubCommandFromEnsemble( interpreter, this, clientData, arguments, false, false, ref subCommand, ref tried, ref result); if ((code == ReturnCode.Ok) && !tried) { switch (subCommand) { case "active": { if (arguments.Count == 2) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { result = eventManager.Active; code = ReturnCode.Ok; } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after active\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "cancel": { if (arguments.Count >= 3) { string text; if (arguments.Count == 3) { text = arguments[2]; } else { text = ListOps.Concat(arguments, 2); } IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { code = eventManager.CancelEvents( text, false, false, ref result); } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after cancel arg ?arg ...?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "clear": { if (arguments.Count == 2) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { code = eventManager.ClearEvents(ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = String.Empty; } } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after clear\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "counts": { if (arguments.Count == 2) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { result = StringList.MakeList( "enabled", eventManager.Enabled, "active", eventManager.Active, "createEventCount", Event.CreateCount, "disposeEventCount", Event.DisposeCount, "queueEventCount", eventManager.QueueEventCount, "queueIdleEventCount", eventManager.QueueIdleEventCount, "eventCount", eventManager.EventCount, "idleEventCount", eventManager.IdleEventCount, "totalEventCount", eventManager.TotalEventCount, "maximumEventCount", eventManager.MaximumEventCount, "maximumIdleEventCount", eventManager.MaximumIdleEventCount, "maybeDisposeEventCount", eventManager.MaybeDisposeEventCount, "reallyDisposeEventCount", eventManager.ReallyDisposeEventCount, "interpreterEventCount", interpreter.EventCount, #if NATIVE && TCL "interpreterTclEventCount", interpreter.TclEventCount, #endif "interpreterWaitCount", interpreter.WaitCount, "interpreterWaitSpinCount", interpreter.WaitSpinCount); code = ReturnCode.Ok; } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after counts\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "dump": { if (arguments.Count == 2) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { code = eventManager.Dump(ref result); } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after dump\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "enable": { if ((arguments.Count == 2) || (arguments.Count == 3)) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { if (arguments.Count == 3) { bool enabled = false; code = Value.GetBoolean2( arguments[2], ValueFlags.AnyBoolean, interpreter.CultureInfo, ref enabled, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { eventManager.Enabled = enabled; } } if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = eventManager.Enabled; } } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after enable ?enabled?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "flags": { if ((arguments.Count == 2) || (arguments.Count == 3)) { lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */ { if (arguments.Count == 3) { object enumValue = EnumOps.TryParseFlagsEnum( interpreter, typeof(EventFlags), interpreter.AfterEventFlags.ToString(), arguments[2], interpreter.CultureInfo, true, true, true, ref result); if (enumValue is EventFlags) { interpreter.AfterEventFlags = (EventFlags)enumValue; } else { code = ReturnCode.Error; } } if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = interpreter.AfterEventFlags; } } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after flags ?flags?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "idle": { if (arguments.Count >= 3) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { // // FIXME: PRI 5: Somewhat arbitrary, we cannot be "idle" with no // windows message loop. // string name = FormatOps.Id(this.Name, null, interpreter.NextId()); DateTime now = TimeOps.GetUtcNow(); DateTime dateTime = now.AddMilliseconds(EventManager.MinimumIdleWaitTime); string text; if (arguments.Count == 3) { text = arguments[2]; } else { text = ListOps.Concat(arguments, 2); } IScript script = interpreter.CreateAfterScript( name, null, null, ScriptTypes.Idle, text, now, EngineMode.EvaluateScript, ScriptFlags.None, clientData, true); code = eventManager.QueueScript( name, dateTime, script, script.EventFlags, EventPriority.Idle, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = name; } } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after idle arg ?arg ...?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } case "info": { if ((arguments.Count == 2) || (arguments.Count == 3)) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { if (arguments.Count == 3) { IEvent @event = null; code = eventManager.GetEvent( arguments[2], ref @event, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { if (EventManager.IsScriptEvent(@event)) { if (@event.ClientData != null) { IScript script = @event.ClientData.Data as IScript; if (script != null) { result = script.ToString(); } else { result = String.Format( "event \"{0}\" clientData is not a script", arguments[2]); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = String.Format( "event \"{0}\" has invalid clientData", arguments[2]); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = String.Format( "event \"{0}\" is not an after event", arguments[2]); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } } else { StringList list = null; code = eventManager.ListEvents(null, false, ref list, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = list; } } } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after info ?id?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } default: { long milliseconds = 0; // for idle, execute the script right now. code = Value.GetWideInteger2( subCommand, ValueFlags.AnyWideInteger, interpreter.CultureInfo, ref milliseconds, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { if (arguments.Count == 2) { // // BUGBUG: This call will never timeout if we cannot obtain // the interpreter lock. // code = EventOps.Wait( interpreter, PerformanceOps.GetMicroseconds(milliseconds), false, false, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = String.Empty; } } else if (arguments.Count >= 3) { IEventManager eventManager = interpreter.EventManager; if (EventOps.ManagerIsOk(eventManager)) { string name = FormatOps.Id(this.Name, null, interpreter.NextId()); DateTime now = TimeOps.GetUtcNow(); DateTime dateTime = now.AddMilliseconds(milliseconds); string text; if (arguments.Count == 3) { text = arguments[2]; } else { text = ListOps.Concat(arguments, 2); } IScript script = interpreter.CreateAfterScript( name, null, null, ScriptTypes.Timer, text, now, EngineMode.EvaluateScript, ScriptFlags.None, clientData, false); code = eventManager.QueueScript( name, dateTime, script, script.EventFlags, EventPriority.After, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = name; } } else { result = "event manager not available"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after milliseconds arg ?arg ...?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = ScriptOps.BadSubCommand( interpreter, null, "argument", subCommand, this, null, ", or a number"); } break; } } } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"after option ?arg ...?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "invalid argument list"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "invalid interpreter"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } return(code); }
public override ReturnCode Execute( Interpreter interpreter, IClientData clientData, ArgumentList arguments, ref Result result ) { ReturnCode code = ReturnCode.Ok; if (interpreter != null) { if (arguments != null) { if (arguments.Count >= 2) { string fileName = arguments[1]; if (interpreter.HasChannels(ref result)) { MapOpenAccess access = MapOpenAccess.Default; int permissions = 0; // NOTE: This is ONLY parsed, NOT used for opening the file. string type = null; if (arguments.Count >= 3) { Result enumString = arguments[2]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enumString)) { // // HACK: Translate illegal mode char "+" to what our Enum uses. // This strategy will backfire later if we ever decide to // allow parsing of the access mode as "flags" (via GetOptions). // enumString = enumString.Replace(Characters.PlusSign.ToString(), "Plus"); } code = StringOps.StringToEnumList(interpreter, enumString, ref enumString); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { object enumValue = EnumOps.TryParseEnum( typeof(MapOpenAccess), enumString, true, true); if (enumValue is MapOpenAccess) { access = (MapOpenAccess)enumValue; } else { enumString = ScriptOps.BadValue( "invalid", "access mode", arguments[2], Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapOpenAccess)), null, null); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } if (code != ReturnCode.Ok) { // // NOTE: Transfer local result from above and add to the error info. // result = enumString; Engine.AddErrorInformation(interpreter, result, String.Format("{0} while processing open access modes \"{1}\"", Environment.NewLine, FormatOps.Ellipsis(arguments[2]))); } } if ((code == ReturnCode.Ok) && (arguments.Count >= 4)) { code = Value.GetInteger2( (IGetValue)arguments[3], ValueFlags.AnyInteger, interpreter.CultureInfo, ref permissions, ref result); } if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { if (arguments.Count >= 5) { type = arguments[4]; } OptionDictionary options = new OptionDictionary( new IOption[] { #if CONSOLE new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdin", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdout", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stderr", null), #else new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdin", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdout", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stderr", null), #endif new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-channelid", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-buffersize", null), new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-autoflush", null), new Option(typeof(HostStreamFlags), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-streamflags", new Variant(HostStreamFlags.Default)), new Option(typeof(FileOptions), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-options", new Variant(FileOptions.None)), new Option(typeof(FileShare), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-share", new Variant(FileShare.Read)) }); int argumentIndex = Index.Invalid; if (arguments.Count > 5) { code = interpreter.GetOptions(options, arguments, 0, 5, Index.Invalid, true, ref argumentIndex, ref result); } else { code = ReturnCode.Ok; } if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { if (argumentIndex == Index.Invalid) { Variant value = null; string channelId = null; if (options.IsPresent("-channelid", ref value)) { channelId = value.ToString(); } if ((channelId == null) || (interpreter.DoesChannelExist(channelId) != ReturnCode.Ok)) { #if CONSOLE if (options.IsPresent("-stdin")) { // // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard input // channel. // if (access == MapOpenAccess.RdOnly) { try { IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host; // // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName", // "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments // to be ignored. // lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */ { if (streamHost.In == null) { int?bufferSize = null; if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value)) { bufferSize = (int)value.Value; } streamHost.In = (bufferSize != null) ? Console.OpenStandardInput((int)bufferSize) : Console.OpenStandardInput(); } } code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels( streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Input | ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Input; } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e); result = e; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = String.Format( "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard input " + "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"", access, MapOpenAccess.RdOnly); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else if (options.IsPresent("-stdout")) { // // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard output // channel. // if (access == MapOpenAccess.WrOnly) { try { IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host; // // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName", // "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments // to be ignored. // lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */ { if (streamHost.Out == null) { int?bufferSize = null; if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value)) { bufferSize = (int)value.Value; } streamHost.Out = (bufferSize != null) ? Console.OpenStandardOutput((int)bufferSize) : Console.OpenStandardOutput(); } } code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels( streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Output | ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Output; } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e); result = e; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = String.Format( "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard output " + "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"", access, MapOpenAccess.WrOnly); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else if (options.IsPresent("-stderr")) { // // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard error // channel. // if (access == MapOpenAccess.WrOnly) { try { IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host; // // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName", // "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments // to be ignored. // lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */ { if (streamHost.Error == null) { int?bufferSize = null; if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value)) { bufferSize = (int)value.Value; } streamHost.Error = (bufferSize != null) ? Console.OpenStandardError((int)bufferSize) : Console.OpenStandardError(); } } code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels( streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Error | ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Error; } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e); result = e; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = String.Format( "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard error " + "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"", access, MapOpenAccess.WrOnly); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else #endif { Stream stream = null; bool autoFlush = false; switch (type) { case null: /* FALL-THROUGH */ case /* String.Empty */ "": /* FALL-THROUGH */ case "file": { try { HostStreamFlags hostStreamFlags = HostStreamFlags.OpenCommand; FileAccess fileAccess = FileOps.FileAccessFromAccess(access); FileMode fileMode = FileOps.FileModeFromAccess(access); FileShare fileShare = FileShare.Read; if (options.IsPresent("-streamflags", ref value)) { hostStreamFlags = (HostStreamFlags)value.Value; } if (options.IsPresent("-share", ref value)) { fileShare = (FileShare)value.Value; } int bufferSize = Channel.DefaultBufferSize; if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value)) { bufferSize = (int)value.Value; } FileOptions fileOptions = FileOptions.None; if (options.IsPresent("-options", ref value)) { fileOptions = (FileOptions)value.Value; } if (options.IsPresent("-autoflush")) { autoFlush = true; } bool seekToEof = false; // // HACK: Check for special case where they want to Append // and Read/ReadWrite. // if (((fileAccess == FileAccess.Read) || (fileAccess == FileAccess.ReadWrite)) && (FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.SeekToEof, true) || FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.Append, true))) { seekToEof = true; } code = interpreter.GetStream( fileName, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare, bufferSize, fileOptions, Channel.StrictGetStream, ref hostStreamFlags, ref stream, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { if ((stream != null) && seekToEof) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); } } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e); result = e; code = ReturnCode.Error; } break; } default: { result = String.Format( "unsupported channel type \"{0}\"", type); code = ReturnCode.Error; break; } } // // NOTE: Did we manage to open the file successfully? // if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { StreamFlags flags = StreamFlags.PreventClose; if (channelId == null) { channelId = FormatOps.Id("file", null, interpreter.NextId()); } code = interpreter.AddFileOrSocketChannel( channelId, stream, options, flags, FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.Append, true), autoFlush, null, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = channelId; } } } } else { result = String.Format( "can't add \"{0}\": channel already exists", channelId); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"open fileName ?access? ?permissions? ?type? ?options?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } } } else { code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "wrong # args: should be \"open fileName ?access? ?permissions? ?type? ?options?\""; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "invalid argument list"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "invalid interpreter"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } return(code); }
public override ReturnCode Execute( Interpreter interpreter, IClientData clientData, ArgumentList arguments, ref Result result ) { ReturnCode code; if (interpreter != null) { if (arguments != null) { if (arguments.Count >= 3) { if (interpreter.HasChannels(ref result)) { OptionDictionary options = new OptionDictionary( new IOption[] { new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-server", null), // server only new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-buffer", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-timeout", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-sendtimeout", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-receivetimeout", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-myaddr", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-myport", null), // client only new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-async", null), // client only new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-channelid", null), // client & server new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-nodelay", null), // client only new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-noexclusive", null), // server only new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, Option.EndOfOptions, null) }); int argumentIndex = Index.Invalid; code = interpreter.GetOptions(options, arguments, 0, 1, Index.Invalid, true, ref argumentIndex, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { // // NOTE: There must be at least one argument after the options // and there can never be more than two. // if ((argumentIndex != Index.Invalid) && ((argumentIndex + 2) >= arguments.Count)) { Variant value = null; string command = null; if (options.IsPresent("-server", ref value)) { command = value.ToString(); } string myAddress = null; if (options.IsPresent("-myaddr", ref value)) { myAddress = value.ToString(); } string myPort = null; if (options.IsPresent("-myport", ref value)) { myPort = value.ToString(); } int buffer = 0; if (options.IsPresent("-buffer", ref value)) { buffer = (int)value.Value; } int sendTimeout = _Timeout.None; if (options.IsPresent("-sendtimeout", ref value)) { sendTimeout = (int)value.Value; } int receiveTimeout = _Timeout.None; if (options.IsPresent("-receivetimeout", ref value)) { receiveTimeout = (int)value.Value; } int timeout = _Timeout.None; if (options.IsPresent("-timeout", ref value)) { timeout = (int)value.Value; } bool asynchronous = false; if (options.IsPresent("-async")) { asynchronous = true; /* NOT YET IMPLEMENTED */ } bool noDelay = false; if (options.IsPresent("-nodelay")) { noDelay = true; } bool exclusive = true; /* TODO: Good default? */ if (options.IsPresent("-noexclusive")) { exclusive = false; } string channelId = null; if (options.IsPresent("-channelid", ref value)) { channelId = value.ToString(); } if ((channelId == null) || (interpreter.DoesChannelExist(channelId) != ReturnCode.Ok)) { if (command != null) { if ((argumentIndex + 1) == arguments.Count) { if (myPort == null) { code = interpreter.StartServerSocket( options, timeout, myAddress, arguments[argumentIndex], exclusive, command, ref result); } else { goto wrongNumArgs; } } else { goto wrongNumArgs; } } else { if ((argumentIndex + 2) == arguments.Count) { if (!asynchronous) { TcpClient client = SocketOps.NewTcpClient(myAddress, myPort, interpreter.CultureInfo, ref result); if (client != null) { try { client.NoDelay = noDelay; if (timeout != _Timeout.None) { client.SendTimeout = timeout; client.ReceiveTimeout = timeout; } if (sendTimeout != _Timeout.None) { client.SendTimeout = sendTimeout; } if (receiveTimeout != _Timeout.None) { client.ReceiveTimeout = receiveTimeout; } if (buffer != 0) { client.SendBufferSize = buffer; client.ReceiveBufferSize = buffer; } code = ReturnCode.Ok; } catch (Exception e) { Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e); result = e; code = ReturnCode.Error; } if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { code = SocketOps.Connect(client, arguments[argumentIndex], arguments[argumentIndex + 1], interpreter.CultureInfo, ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { StreamFlags flags = StreamFlags.PreventClose | StreamFlags.Socket | StreamFlags.Client; if (channelId == null) { channelId = FormatOps.Id("clientSocket", null, interpreter.NextId()); } code = interpreter.AddFileOrSocketChannel( channelId, client.GetStream(), options, flags, false, false, new ClientData(client), ref result); if (code == ReturnCode.Ok) { result = channelId; } } } } else { code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "asynchronous sockets are not implemented"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { goto wrongNumArgs; } } } else { result = String.Format( "can't add \"{0}\": channel already exists", channelId); code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { if ((argumentIndex != Index.Invalid) && Option.LooksLikeOption(arguments[argumentIndex])) { result = OptionDictionary.BadOption(options, arguments[argumentIndex]); code = ReturnCode.Error; } else { goto wrongNumArgs; } } } } else { code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { goto wrongNumArgs; } } else { result = "invalid argument list"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } } else { result = "invalid interpreter"; code = ReturnCode.Error; } return(code); wrongNumArgs: result = "wrong # args: should be \"socket ?-myaddr addr? ?-myport myport? ?-async? host port\" " + "or \"socket -server command ?-myaddr addr? port\""; return(ReturnCode.Error); }