Example #1
 public ProcDeclaration(Identifier identifier, FormalParameterSequence formals, Command command, SourcePosition position)
     : base(position)
     Identifier = identifier;
     Formals    = formals;
     Command    = command;
         * Creates a small AST to represent the declaration of a standard procedure.
         * @param id
         *          the name of the procedure
         * @param fps
         *          the formal parameter sequence for the procedure
         * @return a ProcDeclaration for the given identifier with the given formal
         *         parameters
        static ProcDeclaration DeclareStdProc(string id, FormalParameterSequence fps)
            var ident   = new Identifier(id);
            var binding = new ProcDeclaration(ident, fps);

 public Void VisitEmptyActualParameterSequence(EmptyActualParameterSequence ast,
                                               FormalParameterSequence arg)
     CheckAndReportError(arg is EmptyFormalParameterSequence, "too few actual parameters",
 public FuncDeclaration(Identifier identifier, FormalParameterSequence formals, TypeDenoter type, Expression expression, SourcePosition position)
     : base(position, type)
     Identifier = identifier;
     Formals    = formals;
     Expression = expression;
         * Creates a small AST to represent the declaration of a standard function.
         * @param id
         *          the name of the function
         * @param fps
         *          the formal parameter sequence for the function
         * @param resultType
         *          the type of the function result
         * @return a FuncDeclaration for the given identifier with the given formal
         *         parameters and returning the given result type
        static FuncDeclaration DeclareStdFunc(string id, FormalParameterSequence fps,
                                              TypeDenoter resultType)
            var ident   = new Identifier(id);
            var binding = new FuncDeclaration(ident, fps, resultType);

 public Void VisitSingleParameterSequence(SingleParameterSequence ast, FormalParameterSequence arg)
     if (arg is SingleFormalParameterSequence formal)
         ast.Parameter.Visit(this, formal.Formal);
         ReportError("incorrect number of actual parameters", ast);
 public Void VisitMultipleParameterSequence(MultipleParameterSequence ast, FormalParameterSequence arg)
     if (arg is MultipleFormalParameterSequence formals)
         ast.Parameter.Visit(this, formals.Formal);
         ast.Parameters.Visit(this, formals.Formals);
         ReportError("too many actual parameters", ast);
        public Void VisitSingleActualParameterSequence(SingleActualParameterSequence ast,
                                                       FormalParameterSequence arg)
            var formal = arg as SingleFormalParameterSequence;

            if (formal != null)
                ast.Actual.Visit(this, formal.Formal);
                ReportError("incorrect number of actual parameters", ast);
        public Void VisitMultipleActualParameterSequence(MultipleActualParameterSequence ast,
                                                         FormalParameterSequence arg)
            var formals = arg as MultipleFormalParameterSequence;

            if (formals != null)
                ast.Actual.Visit(this, formals.Formal);
                ast.Actuals.Visit(this, formals.Formals);
                ReportError("too many actual parameters", ast);
Example #10
 public FuncDeclaration(Identifier identifier, FormalParameterSequence formals, TypeDenoter type)
     : this(identifier, formals, type, new EmptyExpression(), SourcePosition.Empty)
 public ProcDeclaration(Identifier identifier, FormalParameterSequence formals) : this(identifier, formals, new SkipCommand(), SourcePosition.Empty)
Example #12
 static FuncDeclaration DeclareStdFunc(string id, FormalParameterSequence fps, TypeDenoter resultType)
 => new FuncDeclaration(new Identifier(id), fps, resultType);
Example #13
 static ProcDeclaration DeclareStdProc(string id, FormalParameterSequence fps)
 => new ProcDeclaration(new Identifier(id), fps);
 private static ProcDeclaration DeclareStdProc(string id, FormalParameterSequence fps)
     return(new ProcDeclaration(new Identifier(id), fps));