static string GetFormSubmissionMode(FormSubmissionMode mode)
     return(mode switch
         FormSubmissionMode.All => "all",
         FormSubmissionMode.Newest => "newest",
         FormSubmissionMode.None => "none",
         FormSubmissionMode.Oldest => "oldest",
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mode)),
Example #2
        public async Task FormSubmissionMode_is_added_to_queryString(FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, string queryStringValue, [Frozen] IHttpRestClient client, IHubSpotContactClient sut, long contactId, Contact contact)
            .Setup(p => p.SendAsync <Contact>(HttpMethod.Get, $"/contacts/v1/contact/vid/{contactId}/profile", It.IsAny <IQueryString>()))

            var response = await sut.GetByIdAsync(contactId, formSubmissionMode : formSubmissionMode);

            .Verify(p => p.SendAsync <Contact>(HttpMethod.Get, $"/contacts/v1/contact/vid/{contactId}/profile", QueryStringMatcher.That(Does.Contain($"formSubmissionMode={queryStringValue}"))));
Example #3
        public void AddFormSubmissionMode_adds_value(FormSubmissionMode mode, string value)
            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();

            HttpQueryStringBuilderExtensions.AddFormSubmissionMode(builder, mode);


            var query = builder.BuildQuery();

            Assert.That(query.Query, Contains.Substring($"formSubmissionMode={value}"));
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GetAllContactsQuery"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="count">The number of records to receive default is 20, max is 100.</param>
 /// <param name="vidOffset">The vid offset of the previous call if any.  This will return a new "page" of contacts.</param>
 /// <param name="property">The names of the properties to return in the response.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyMode">Determines whether the history of the properties are returned along with the values or just the values.</param>
 /// <param name="formSubmissionMode">Designates which form submission should be fetched.  The default is "newest".</param>
 /// <param name="showListMemberships">Indicates whether or not the response will contain all list memberships for each contact.</param>
 public GetAllContactsQuery(
     int count                             = 20,
     int vidOffset                         = 0,
     string[] property                     = null,
     PropertyMode propertyMode             = PropertyMode.value_and_history,
     FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode = ContactsApi.ModelEnums.FormSubmissionMode.all,
     bool showListMemberships              = true)
     this.Count               = count.ToString();
     this.VidOffset           = vidOffset;
     this.Property            = property;
     this.PropertyMode        = propertyMode;
     this.FormSubmissionMode  = formSubmissionMode.ToString();
     this.ShowListMemberships = showListMemberships;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GetHubSpotContactOp"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="email">
 ///     The email address for the contact you're searching for.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="vid">
 ///     Unique identifier for a particular contact. In HubSpot's contact system, contact ID's are called "vid", as you can see in the API output below.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="properties">
 ///     By default, all valued properties will be included. If you include the "property" parameter, then the returned data will only include the property
 ///     or properties that you request. You can include this parameter multiple times to specify multiple properties. The lastmodifieddate and associatedcompanyid will always be
 ///     included, even if not specified. Keep in mind that only properties that have a value will be included in the response, even if specified in the URL.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="propertyMode">
 ///     One of “value_only” or “value_and_history” to specify if the current value for a property should be fetched,
 ///     or the value and all the historical values for that property. Default is “value_and_history”.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="formSubmissionMode">
 ///     One of “all”, “none”, “newest”, “oldest” to specify which form submissions should be fetched. Default is “all”.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="showListMembership">
 ///     Boolean "true" or "false" to indicate whether current list memberships should be fetched for the contact. Default is true.
 /// </param>
 public GetHubSpotContactOp(
     string email,
     int vid,
     string[] properties,
     PropertyMode propertyMode             = PropertyMode.value_and_history,
     FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode = FormSubmissionMode.all,
     bool showListMembership = true)
         FormattableString.Invariant($"Both {nameof(email)} and {nameof(vid)} cannot be null"));
     this.Email = email;
     this.Vid   = vid;
     this.FormSubmissionMode = formSubmissionMode;
     this.ShowListMembership = showListMembership;
     this.Properties         = properties;
     this.PropertyMode       = propertyMode;
     //this.Query = new GetContactQuery(new string[]{this.Vid});
        async Task <IReadOnlyDictionary <long, Contact> > IHubSpotContactClient.GetManyByIdAsync(IReadOnlyList <long> contactIds, IReadOnlyList <IProperty> properties, PropertyMode propertyMode, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, bool showListMemberships, bool includeDeletes)
            if (contactIds == null || contactIds.Count == 0)
                return(new Dictionary <long, Contact>());

            if (contactIds.Count >= 100)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(contactIds), "Up to 100 contacts can be requested at the same time");

            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();

            foreach (var id in contactIds)
                builder.Add("vid", id.ToString());


            var contacts = await _client.GetAsync <Dictionary <long, Contact> >("/contacts/v1/contact/vids/batch/", builder.BuildQuery());

        async Task <Contact> IHubSpotContactClient.GetByUserTokenAsync(string userToken, IReadOnlyList <IProperty> properties, PropertyMode propertyMode, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, bool showListMemberships)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userToken));

            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();


                var contact = await _client.GetAsync <Contact>($"/contacts/v1/contact/utk/{userToken}/profile", builder.BuildQuery());

            catch (HttpException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                throw new NotFoundException("Contact not found", ex);
        async Task <ContactList> IHubSpotContactClient.GetRecentlyCreatedAsync(IReadOnlyList <IProperty> properties, PropertyMode propertyMode, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, bool showListMemberships, int count, long?contactOffset, DateTimeOffset?timeOffset)
            if (count > 100)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count), "Up to 100 contacts can be requested at the same time");

            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();

            builder.Add("count", count.ToString());

            if (contactOffset.HasValue)
                builder.Add("vidOffset", contactOffset.Value.ToString());

            if (timeOffset.HasValue)
                builder.Add("timeOffset", timeOffset.Value.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds().ToString());

            var list = await _client.GetAsync <ContactList>("/contacts/v1/lists/all/contacts/recent", builder.BuildQuery());

        async Task <Contact> IHubSpotContactClient.GetByIdAsync(long contactId, IReadOnlyList <IProperty> properties, PropertyMode propertyMode, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, bool showListMemberships)
            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();


                var contact = await _client.GetAsync <Contact>($"/contacts/v1/contact/vid/{contactId}/profile", builder.BuildQuery());

            catch (HttpException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                throw new NotFoundException("Contact not found", ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GetContactsByEmailBatchQuery"/> class.
 ///   </summary>
 /// <param name="props">
 ///     By default, all valued properties will be included. If you include the "property" parameter,
 ///     then the returned data will only include the property or properties that you request. You can
 ///     include this parameter multiple times to specify multiple properties. The lastmodifieddate and
 ///     associatedcompanyid will always be included, even if not specified. Keep in mind that only
 ///     properties that have a value will be included in the response, even if specified in the URL.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyMode">
 ///     One of “value_only” or “value_and_history” to specify if the current value for a property
 ///     should be fetched, or the value and all the historical values for that property. Default
 ///     is “value_and_history”.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="formSubmissionMode">
 ///     One of “all,” “none,” “newest,” “oldest” to specify which form submissions should be fetched.
 ///     Default is “all.”
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="showListMemberships">
 ///     Boolean "true" or "false" to indicate whether current list memberships should be fetched for the contact.
 ///     Default is true.
 /// </param>
 public GetContactsByEmailBatchQuery(string[] props, PropertyMode propertyMode = PropertyMode.value_and_history, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode = ModelEnums.FormSubmissionMode.all, bool showListMemberships = true)
     this.Properties          = props;
     this.PropertyMode        = propertyMode;
     this.FormSubmissionMode  = formSubmissionMode.ToString();
     this.ShowListMemberships = showListMemberships;
        public static void AddFormSubmissionMode(this HttpQueryStringBuilder builder, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode)
            if (builder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(builder));

            builder.Add("formSubmissionMode", GetFormSubmissionMode(formSubmissionMode));
Example #12
 public void AddFormSubmissionMode_builder_is_required(FormSubmissionMode testValue)
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => HttpQueryStringBuilderExtensions.AddFormSubmissionMode(null, testValue));
Example #13
        async Task <ContactList> IHubSpotListClient.GetContactsInListAsync(long listId, IReadOnlyList <IProperty> properties, PropertyMode propertyMode, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode, bool showListMemberships, int count, long?contactOffset)
            if (count > 100)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count), "Up to 100 contacts can be requested at the same time");

            var builder = new HttpQueryStringBuilder();

            builder.Add("count", count.ToString());
            builder.Add("vidOffset", contactOffset);

            var list = await _client.GetAsync <ContactList>($"/contacts/v1/lists/{listId}/contacts/all", builder.BuildQuery());

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GetContactQuery"/> class.
 ///   </summary>
 /// <param name="props">
 ///     By default, all valued properties will be included. If you include the "property" parameter,
 ///     then the returned data will only include the property or properties that you request. You can
 ///     include this parameter multiple times to specify multiple properties. The lastmodifieddate and
 ///     associatedcompanyid will always be included, even if not specified. Keep in mind that only
 ///     properties that have a value will be included in the response, even if specified in the URL.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyMode">
 ///     One of “value_only” or “value_and_history” to specify if the current value for a property
 ///     should be fetched, or the value and all the historical values for that property. Default
 ///     is “value_and_history”.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="formSubmissionMode">
 ///     One of “all,” “none,” “newest,” “oldest” to specify which form submissions should be fetched.
 ///     Default is “all.”
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="showListMemberships">
 ///     Boolean "true" or "false" to indicate whether current list memberships should be fetched for the contact.
 ///     Default is true.
 /// </param>
 public GetContactQuery(string[] props, PropertyMode propertyMode = PropertyMode.value_and_history, FormSubmissionMode formSubmissionMode = FormSubmissionMode.all, bool showListMemberships = true)
 {          = props;
     this.propertyMode        = propertyMode.ToString();
     this.formSubmissionMode  = formSubmissionMode.ToString();
     this.showListMemberships = showListMemberships;