Example #1
            public String GenerateHtmls(FormFieldCollection datas, FormFieldCollection editableFlds, FormFieldCollection hiddenFlds, string BeginuserID)
                String htmls  = null;
                String module = this.Module.ToString();

                htmls = module;
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                htmls = this.Module_Short.ToString();
                HtmlNode           rootNode = document.DocumentNode;
                string             newnode  = "";
                HtmlNodeCollection hnc      = rootNode.SelectNodes("//input");//单行文本框

                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                                hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                            if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                                if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                    hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                            if (hn.Attributes["value"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["value"].Value = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;
                                hn.Attributes.Add("value", datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value);
                            if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "AUTO")
                                switch (hn.Attributes["datafld"].Value)
                                case "SYS_DATE": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年M月d日"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT3": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT4": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT1": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年M月"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT2": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("M月d日"); break;

                                case "SYS_TIME": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:m:s"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATETIM": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:m:s"); break;

                                case "SYS_WEEK": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString(); break;

                                case "SYS_USERID": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Authentication.GetUserID(); break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME":
                                    if (BeginuserID == "")
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString();
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.WXUser.GetRealNameByUserID(BeginuserID);
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_DEPTNAME":
                                    if (BeginuserID == "")
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.MyDepartMent.Name.ToString();
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.WXUser.GetDeptNameByUserID(BeginuserID);

                                case "SYS_USERPRIV":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.DutyUser.Name.ToString();
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERPRIVOTHER":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.DutyUser.Name.ToString();
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME_DATE":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME_DATETIME":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:m:s");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_FORMNAME":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = "表单名称";
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_RUNDATE": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_RUNDATETIME": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_RUNID": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_AUTONUM": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_IP": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = "-SYS_IP-"; break;    //getIp();

                                case "SYS_MANAGER1":
                                    WX.Model.User.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.User.Caches.Find(delegate(WX.Model.User.MODEL dele) { return(dele.DepartmentID.ToInt32() == WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.DepartmentID.ToInt32() && dele.DutyId.ToInt32() == 500); });
                                    //WX.Model.Employee.GetModel("select top 1 * from [TU_Employees] where DepartmentID='" + WX.Main.CurUser.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.ToString() + "' and DutyID=500");
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = (zgmodel != null ? zgmodel.RealName.value.ToString() : "");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_MANAGER2":
                                    //WX.Model.Department.MODEL model = WX.Model.Department.GetModel("select * from TE_Departments where ParentID='" + usermodel.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.value.ToString() + "'");
                                    //WX.Model.Employee.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.Employee.GetModel("select top 1 * from [TU_Employees] where DepartmentID='" + WX.Main.CurUser.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.ToString() + "' and DutyID=500");
                                    WX.Model.User.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.User.Caches.Find(delegate(WX.Model.User.MODEL dele) { return(dele.DepartmentID.ToInt32() == WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.DepartmentID.ToInt32() && dele.DutyId.ToInt32() == 500); });
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = (zgmodel != null ? zgmodel.RealName.value.ToString() : "");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_SQL": { hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetValue(hn.Attributes["datasrc"].Value.ToString()).ToString(); } break;

                                default: break;
                                if (hn.Attributes["hidden"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["type"].Value = "hidden";
                                if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "CALC")
                                newnode = "<script>function calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "(){var myvalue=eval(\"" + (hn.Attributes["value"].Value.IndexOf('(') > -1 ? "calc_" : "") + hn.Attributes["value"].Value.ToLower() + "\");if(myvalue==Infinity) document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=\"无效结果\";else if(!isNaN(myvalue)) {var prec=document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".getAttribute('prec');var vPrec;if(!prec) vPrec=10000;else vPrec=Math.pow(10,prec);var result = new Number(parseFloat(Math.round(myvalue*vPrec)/vPrec));document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=result.toFixed(prec);}else document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=myvalue;setTimeout(calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + ",1000);}setTimeout(calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + ",3000);</script>";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml + newnode);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["type"].Value == "text")
                                if (hn.Attributes["hidden"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["type"].Value = "hidden";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["type"].Value == "checkbox")
                                hn.Attributes["value"].Value = hn.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == hn.Attributes["name"].Value)
                                    if (hn.Attributes["checked"] != null)
                                        hn.Attributes["checked"].Value = "checked";
                                        hn.Attributes.Add("checked", "checked");
                                else if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                                    catch { }
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//select");//下拉
                if (hnc != null)
                    string child = "";
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                        if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "AUTO")
                            switch (hn.Attributes["datafld"].Value)
                            case "SYS_LIST_DEPT":
                                newnode = "";
                                string    sSql = "exec [dbo].[sp_get_tree_multi_table] 'TE_Departments','ID','Name','ParentID','Sort',0,0,5";
                                DataTable dt   = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable(sSql);

                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["id"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["id"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["node_name"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                if (hn.Attributes["child"] != null)
                                    child = hn.Attributes["child"].Value + "|DepartmentID";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_USER":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM vw_employees");
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + (child != "" && child.Split('|')[0] == hn.Attributes["id"].Value ? dr["RealName"].ToString() + "|" + dr[child.Split('|')[1]] + "|" : "") + dr["UserID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == (child != "" && child.Split('|')[0] == hn.Attributes["id"].Value ? dr["RealName"].ToString() + "|" + dr[child.Split('|')[1]] + "|" : "") + dr["UserID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["RealName"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_PRIV":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select * from TE_Duties");
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["ID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["Name"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                if (hn.Attributes["child"] != null)
                                    child = hn.Attributes["child"].Value + "|DutyID";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_SQL":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable(hn.Attributes["datasrc"].Value.ToString());
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["ID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + (dr["Name"] == null || dr["Name"].ToString() == "" ? dr["ID"].ToString() : dr["Name"].ToString()) + "</option>";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            default: break;
                            htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null && datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != "")
                                hn.InnerHtml = hn.InnerHtml.Replace(" selected=\"selected\"", "").Replace(datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\">", datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" selected=\"selected\">");
                            if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//textarea");//单行文本框
                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                        if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                            hn.InnerHtml = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;;
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            if (hn.Attributes["rich"] != null && hn.Attributes["rich"].Value == "1")
                                newnode = "<div><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + hn.InnerHtml + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "___Config\" value=\"HtmlEncodeOutput=true\" /><iframe " + (hn.Attributes["style"] != null ? " style=\"" + hn.Attributes["style"].Value + "\"" : "") + (hn.Attributes["readonly"] != null ? " readonly=\"" + hn.Attributes["readonly"].Value + "\"" : "") + " id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "___Frame\" src=\"/fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "&amp;Toolbar=\"Defaul\" width=\"" + (hn.Attributes["rich_width"] != null ? hn.Attributes["rich_width"].Value : "100%") + "\" height=\"" + (hn.Attributes["rich_width"] != null ? hn.Attributes["rich_height"].Value : "300px") + "\" frameborder=\"no\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div>";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//img");//单选按钮
                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            string oldnode = hn.OuterHtml;
                            switch (hn.Attributes["class"].Value)
                            case "RADIO":
                                string[] items    = hn.Attributes["radio_field"].Value.Split('`');
                                string   checkstr = "";
                                for (int j = 0; j < items.Length; j++)
                                    checkstr = "";
                                    if (items[j] != "")
                                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == "" && hn.Attributes["radio_check"] != null && hn.Attributes["radio_check"].Value == items[j])
                                            checkstr = "checked";
                                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == items[j])
                                            checkstr = "checked";
                                        newnode += "<input name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" type=\"radio\" title=\"" + hn.Attributes["title"].Value + "\" " + checkstr + " " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " value=\"" + items[j] + "\" />" + items[j] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            case "DATE":
                                newnode = "<input name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" class=\"" + (hn.Attributes["date_format"].Value == "yyyy-MM-dd" ? "easyui-datebox" : "easyui-datetimebox") + "\" value=\"" + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == "" ? DateTime.Now.ToString(hn.Attributes["date_format"].Value) : datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value) + "\" type=\"text\"  style=\"" + (hn.Attributes["tsize"] != null ? "width:" + hn.Attributes["tsize"].Value.ToString() + "px;" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "display:none;" : "") + "\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + " title=\"" + hn.Attributes["title"].Value + "\" />";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            case "LIST_VIEW":
                                string[] titles = hn.Attributes["lv_title"].Value.Split('`');
                                newnode  = "<TABLE  id='LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "' lv_sum=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_sum"].Value + "\" lv_cal=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_cal"].Value + "\" lv_coltype=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_coltype"].Value + "\" lv_colvalue=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_colvalue"].Value + "\" data_table=\"\" data_field=\"\" data_query=\"\" data_fld_name=\"\" class='LIST_VIEW' style='border-collapse:collapse;" + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "display:none;" : "") + "' border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 FormData='" + hn.Attributes["lv_size"].Value + "'><TR style='font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;' class='LIST_VIEW_HEADER'>\n";
                                newnode += "<TD nowrap>序号</TD>\n";
                                for (int i = 0; i < titles.Length - 1; i++)
                                    newnode += "<TD nowrap>" + titles[i] + "</TD>\n";
                                newnode += "<TD>操作</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=button value=新增 " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "style=\"display:none;\"" : "") + " onclick=\"tb_addnew('LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "','0','" + hn.Attributes["lv_colvalue"].Value + "','1')\">\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=button value=计算 " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "style=\"display:none;\"" : "") + " onclick=\"tb_cal('LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "','" + hn.Attributes["lv_cal"].Value + "')\">\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=hidden class=\"LIST_VIEW\" name=" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ">\n";
                                newnode += "<br />\n";
                                newnode += "<br />\n";
                                htmls    = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);

                            case "SIGN":
                                string[] types = hn.Attributes["sign_type"].Value.Split(',');
                                if (types[0] == "1")
                                    newnode = "<input id=\"Button1\" type=\"button\" value=\" 盖 章 \" onclick=\"addseal()\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " />";
                                if (types[1] == "1")
                                    newnode += "<input id=\"Button2\" type=\"button\" value=\" 手 写 \" onclick=\"handwrite()\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " />";
                                if (newnode != "")
                                    newnode += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" id=\"txtSealData\" />";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);

                            case "USER":
                                newnode = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" />";
                                string txtvalue = "";
                                    if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value.Trim() != "")
                                        DataTable dduname = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select RealName from TU_Users where UserID='" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "'");
                                        if (dduname.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            txtvalue = dduname.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                                catch { }
                                newnode += "<input type=\"text\" name=\"txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + txtvalue + "\" size=\"12\" readonly=\"readonly\" id=\"txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\"/>";
                                newnode += "&nbsp; ╋<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"PopupIFrame('/App_Ctrl/SelectPeople.aspx?CompanyId=11','选择人员','" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "','txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "',468,395);\">选择</a>";
                                htmls    = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            default: break;
                //return htmls;