Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            this.Master.RegisterStandardScript = true;

            decimal I_chute_id      = decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["chuteID"].ToString());
            string  I_chute_barcode = Request.QueryString["chutebarcode"].ToString();
            string  I_user          = Request.QueryString["userlogon"].ToString();
            string  I_trolley_label = Request.QueryString["trolleylabel"].ToString();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                // on page load display this message
                this.Master.MessageBoard = "The Chute is attached to Trolley: "
                                           + I_trolley_label
                                           + ". Scan Trolley Barcode for Detach";
                string trolley_barcode = this.Master.BarcodeValue;

                ForcedDetachDAO detdao = new ForcedDetachDAO();

                decimal trolley_id = 0;
                decimal chute_id   = 0;

                // validate the trolley barcode using oms_detach_trolley.p_validate_trolley_barcode

                    trolley_id = detdao.Validate_Trolley(trolley_barcode);

                    chute_id = detdao.Trolley_Attached(I_chute_id, trolley_id);

                    detdao.Manual_detach(trolley_id, I_user);

                    this.Master.BarcodeValue   = string.Empty;
                    this.Master.SuccessMessage = "Trolley successfully detached";
                    this.Master.DisplayMessage = true;

                    // redirect to scan chute barcode
                    //Response.Redirect("Locate.aspx?message=" + "T");
                    Response.Redirect("ForcedDetachChuteScan.aspx?message=" + "T");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.Master.ErrorMessage   = ex.Message.Substring(ex.Message.IndexOf(" ", 0), (ex.Message.IndexOf("ORA", 1) - ex.Message.IndexOf(" ", 0)));
                    this.Master.DisplayMessage = true;
                    this.Master.BarcodeValue   = string.Empty;
Example #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            this.Master.RegisterStandardScript = true;

            string user_logon = User.Identity.Name;

            string I_terminal = this.Master.HostName;

            string I_message = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["message"] != null)
                I_message = Request.QueryString["message"].ToString();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (I_message == "T") // message exists
                    this.Master.MessageBoard = "Trolley successfully detached. Scan next Chute for Forced Detach";
                    // on page load display this message
                    this.Master.MessageBoard = "Scan Chute for Forced Detach";
                string chute_barcode = this.Master.BarcodeValue;

                decimal chute_id      = 0;
                string  trolley_label = null;

                ForcedDetachDAO detdao = new ForcedDetachDAO();
                    // validate chute
                    chute_id = detdao.Validate_Chute(chute_barcode, user_logon, I_terminal);

                    // check trolley attached
                    trolley_label = detdao.chute_attached(chute_id);

                    this.Master.MessageBoard = "trolley attached is " + trolley_label;

                    if (trolley_label == string.Empty || trolley_label == null)
                        this.Master.ErrorMessage   = "Error while fetching the attached trolley details";
                        this.Master.DisplayMessage = true;
                        this.Master.BarcodeValue   = string.Empty;

                        // redirect to scan trolley barcode
                        Response.Redirect("ForcedDetachTrolleyScan.aspx?chuteID=" + chute_id + "&chutebarcode=" + chute_barcode + "&userlogon=" + user_logon + "&trolleylabel=" + trolley_label);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.Master.ErrorMessage   = ex.Message.Substring(ex.Message.IndexOf(" ", 0), (ex.Message.IndexOf("ORA", 1) - ex.Message.IndexOf(" ", 0)));
                    this.Master.DisplayMessage = true;
                    this.Master.BarcodeValue   = string.Empty;