Example #1
        public void Execute()
            using (FoodContext dbContext = new FoodContext(dbOptions))
                Package package = dbContext.Find <Package>(pid);

                if (package == null || package.claimed != null)
                    return; // Package doesn't exist or is claimed; stop notifying
                var query =
                    // From clients without notice for this package
                    from c in dbContext.Clients
                    where !(
                        from c2 in dbContext.Clients
                        from n in dbContext.Notices.Where(n => n.cid == c2.cid && n.pid == package.pid)
                        select c2.cid
                    // Joined with each client's latest-claimed-package's info (or null if none claimed)
                    from p in dbContext.Packages.
                    Where(p => p.claimer_cid == c.cid).
                    OrderByDescending(p => p.claimed).
                    // Retrieve this data
                    select new QueueInfo()
                    cid     = c.cid,
                    paying  = c.paying,
                    claimed = p.claimed

                // If package is priced, exclude non-paying clients
                if (package.price != 0.0m)
                    query = query.Where(c => c.paying == true);

                 * Sort remaining clients with these preferences:
                 * 1. No claimed package or older claim
                 * 2. Older client (FIXME: assuming lower cid means older; need 'created' DATETIME field)
                query = query.OrderBy(c => c.claimed ?? DateTime.MinValue).ThenBy(c => c.cid);

                if (!NotifyClients(dbContext, query))
                    return; // All viable clients notified
                // More viable clients exist, reschedule this job
                    s => s.ToRunOnceIn(secInterval).Seconds()