Example #1
        public override bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            var isCopied = base.CopyFrom(obj);

            if (isCopied && !object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
                var from = obj as TextGraphic;
                if (from != null)
                    _text = from._text;
                    _font = from._font;

                    _textBrush = from._textBrush == null ? null : from._textBrush.Clone();
                    if (null != _textBrush)
                        _textBrush.ParentObject = this;

                    _background = from._background == null ? null : (IBackgroundStyle)from._background.Clone();
                    if (null != _background)
                        _background.ParentObject = this;

                    _lineSpacingFactor = from._lineSpacingFactor;

                    // don't clone the cached items
                    _isStructureInSync = false;
                    _isMeasureInSync   = false;
Example #2
 public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
                    string text, FontX textFont,
                    NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
     : this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
     this.Rotation = Rotation;
Example #3
        public override void DrawItem(Graphics g, BrushX brush, FontX font, StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant item, PointF morg)
            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent(item, out var firstpart, out var mant, out var middelpart, out var exponent);

            var   gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
            SizeF size1   = g.MeasureString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, morg, strfmt);

            g.DrawString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, brush, morg, strfmt);
            var orginalY = morg.Y;

            morg.X += size1.Width;
            morg.Y += size1.Height / 3;
            FontX font2    = font.WithSize(font.Size * 2 / 3.0);
            var   gdiFont2 = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font2);

            g.DrawString(exponent, gdiFont2, brush, morg);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                morg.X += g.MeasureString(exponent, gdiFont2, morg, strfmt).Width;
                morg.Y  = orginalY;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                g.DrawString(_suffix, gdiFont, brush, morg, strfmt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures a couple of items and prepares them for being drawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics context.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font used.</param>
        /// <param name="strfmt">String format used.</param>
        /// <param name="items">Array of items to be drawn.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of <see cref="IMeasuredLabelItem" /> that can be used to determine the size of each item and to draw it.</returns>
        public override IMeasuredLabelItem[] GetMeasuredItems(Graphics g, FontX font, System.Drawing.StringFormat strfmt, AltaxoVariant[] items)
            string[] titems = FormatItems(items);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_prefix) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                for (int i = 0; i < titems.Length; ++i)
                    titems[i] = _prefix + titems[i] + _suffix;

            var litems = new MeasuredLabelItem[titems.Length];

            FontX localfont   = font;
            var   localstrfmt = (StringFormat)strfmt.Clone();

            StringAlignment horizontalAlignment = localstrfmt.Alignment;
            StringAlignment verticalAlignment   = localstrfmt.LineAlignment;

            localstrfmt.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Near;
            localstrfmt.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            for (int i = 0; i < titems.Length; ++i)
                litems[i] = new MeasuredLabelItem(g, localfont, localstrfmt, titems[i], _relativeLineSpacing, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, _textBlockAlignment);

Example #5
 public MeasuredLabelItem(Graphics g, FontX font, StringFormat strfmt, string itemtext)
     _text   = itemtext;
     _font   = font;
     _strfmt = strfmt;
     _size   = g.MeasureString(_text, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(_font), new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
Example #6
 public TextGraphic(double posX, double posY,
                    string text,
                    FontX textFont,
                    NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
     : this(new PointD2D(posX, posY), text, textFont, textColor, Rotation)
Example #7
        public AxsSequence(IStreamReader reader)
            : base(reader)
            //AXS = [IFmtRecord] [Tick] [FontX] *4(AxisLine LineFormat) [AreaFormat] [GELFRAME] *4SHAPEPROPS [TextPropsStream *ContinueFrt12]

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.IFmtRecord)
                this.IFmtRecord = (IFmtRecord)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.Tick)
                this.Tick = (Tick)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.FontX)
                this.FontX = (FontX)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            //*4(AxisLine LineFormat)
            this.AxisLineFormatGroups = new List <AxisLineFormatGroup>();
            while (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.AxisLine)
                this.AxisLineFormatGroups.Add(new AxisLineFormatGroup(reader));

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.AreaFormat)
                this.AreaFormat = (AreaFormat)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.GelFrame)
                this.GelFrame = (GelFrame)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            this.ShapePropsSequences = new List <ShapePropsSequence>();
            while (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.ShapePropsStream)
                this.ShapePropsSequences.Add(new ShapePropsSequence(reader));

            //[TextPropsStream *ContinueFrt12]
            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.TextPropsStream)
                this.TextPropsStream = (TextPropsStream)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);
                while (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.ContinueFrt12)
Example #8
 private void EhFontFamily_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (FontX != null)
         FontX = FontX.WithFamily(_cbFontFamily.SelectedFontFamilyName);
Example #9
 private void EhFontSize_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     if (FontX != null)
         FontX = FontX.WithSize(_cbFontSize.SelectedQuantityAsValueInPoints);
Example #10
 private void EhFontStyle_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (FontX != null)
         FontX = FontX.WithStyle(_cbFontStyle.SelectedFontStyle);
Example #11
 public FontInfo GetFontInfo(Graphics g, FontX id)
   if (!_fontInfoDictionary.TryGetValue(id, out var result))
     result = FontInfo.Create(g, id);
     _fontInfoDictionary.Add(id, result);
   return result;
Example #12
 public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, string text,
                    FontX textFont, NamedColor textColor)
     : base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
     SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
     Font  = textFont;
     Text  = text;
     Color = textColor;
Example #13
			public FontInfo GetFontInfo(Graphics g, FontX id)
				FontInfo result;
				if (!_fontInfoDictionary.TryGetValue(id, out result))
					result = FontInfo.Create(g, id);
					_fontInfoDictionary.Add(id, result);
				return result;
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the family name from a <see cref="FontX"/> instance. If this font family name does not exist, a generic sans serif font family name is returned instead.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
 /// <returns>Font family name, either the original name from the provided font, or if that is not valid, a valid generic font family name.</returns>
 public static string GetValidFontFamilyName(FontX font)
     if (_instance._dictWin32FamilyNameToGdiFontFamilyAndPresence.ContainsKey(font.FontFamilyName))
Example #15
        public override System.Drawing.SizeF MeasureItem(System.Drawing.Graphics g, FontX font, System.Drawing.StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant mtick, System.Drawing.PointF morg)
            SplitInFirstPartAndExponent(mtick, out var firstpart, out var mant, out var middelpart, out var exponent);

            var   gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
            SizeF size1   = g.MeasureString(_prefix + firstpart + middelpart, gdiFont, new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
            SizeF size2   = g.MeasureString(exponent, gdiFont, new PointF(size1.Width, 0), strfmt);
            SizeF size3   = g.MeasureString(_suffix, gdiFont, new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);

            return(new SizeF(size1.Width + size2.Width + size3.Width, size1.Height));
Example #16
 private static void InternalGetInformation(Graphics g, FontInfo result, FontX font)
   // get some properties of the font
   var gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
   result.Size = gdiFont.Size;
   result.cyLineSpace = gdiFont.GetHeight(g); // space between two lines
   int iCellSpace = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(gdiFont.Style);
   int iCellAscent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(gdiFont.Style);
   int iCellDescent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(gdiFont.Style);
   result.cyAscent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellAscent / iCellSpace;
   result.cyDescent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellDescent / iCellSpace;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a Wpf <see cref="System.Windows.Media.Typeface"/> from a given <see cref="FontX"/> instance. Since a <see cref="System.Windows.Media.Typeface"/> doesn't contain
        /// information about the font size, you are responsible for drawing the font with the intended size. You can use <see cref="FontX.Size"/>, but be aware that the size is returned in units
        /// of points (1/72 inch), but Wpf expects units of 1/96 inch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontX">The font X to convert to a Wpf typeface.</param>
        /// <returns>The Wpf typeface that corresponds to the provided <see cref="FontX"/> instance.</returns>
        protected virtual Typeface InternalToWpf(FontX fontX)
            string fontID = fontX.FontFamilyName + ", " + fontX.Style.ToString();

            if (!_dictDescriptionStringToWpfTypeface.TryGetValue(fontID, out var result))
                result = _dictDescriptionStringToWpfTypeface.AddOrUpdate(fontID,
                                                                         x => CreateNewTypeface(fontX),
                                                                         (x, y) => y);
Example #18
			private static void InternalGetInformation(Graphics g, FontInfo result, FontX font)
				// get some properties of the font
				var gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font);
				result.Size = gdiFont.Size;
				result.cyLineSpace = gdiFont.GetHeight(g); // space between two lines
				int iCellSpace = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(gdiFont.Style);
				int iCellAscent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(gdiFont.Style);
				int iCellDescent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(gdiFont.Style);
				result.cyAscent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellAscent / iCellSpace;
				result.cyDescent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellDescent / iCellSpace;
Example #19
 public MeasuredLabelItem(Graphics g, FontX font1, FontX font2, StringFormat strfmt, string firstpart, string exponent, string lastpart, float maxexposize)
     _firstpart    = firstpart;
     _exponent     = exponent;
     _lastpart     = lastpart;
     _font1        = font1;
     _font2        = font2;
     _strfmt       = strfmt;
     _size1        = g.MeasureString(_firstpart, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(_font1), new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
     _size2        = g.MeasureString(_exponent, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(_font2), new PointF(_size1.Width, 0), strfmt);
     _size3        = g.MeasureString(_lastpart, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(_font1), new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
     _rightPadding = maxexposize - _size2.Width;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the Gdi+ font instance that the provided <see cref="FontX"/> argument is describing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontX">The fontX instance.</param>
        /// <returns>The Gdi+ font instance that corresponds with the argument. If the font family of the fontX argument is not found, a default font (Microsoft Sans Serif) is returned.</returns>
        protected virtual Font InternalToGdi(FontX fontX)
            string fontID = fontX.InvariantDescriptionString;

            if (!_dictDescriptionStringToGdiFont.TryGetValue(fontID, out var result))
                result = _dictDescriptionStringToGdiFont.AddOrUpdate(fontID,
                                                                     x => InternalGetGdiFontFromInvariantString(x),
                                                                     (x, y) => y);

Example #21
        public TextGraphic(Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
            : base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
            if (null == context)
                context = PropertyExtensions.GetPropertyContextOfProject();

            _font      = context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultFont);
            _textBrush = new BrushX(context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultForeColor))
                ParentObject = this
Example #22
        public ColumnStyle(ColumnStyle s)
            _columnStyleType = s._columnStyleType;
            _columnSize      = s._columnSize;

            _isCellPenCustom = s._isCellPenCustom;
            ChildCopyToMember(ref _cellPen, s._cellPen);
            _textFormat = (StringFormat)s._textFormat.Clone();
            _textFont   = s._textFont;

            _isTextBrushCustom = s._isTextBrushCustom;
            ChildCopyToMember(ref _textBrush, s._textBrush);

            _isBackgroundBrushCustom = s._isBackgroundBrushCustom;
            ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundBrush, s._backgroundBrush);
Example #23
        public override bool CopyFrom(object obj)
            var isCopied = base.CopyFrom(obj);

            if (isCopied && !object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
                var from = obj as SimpleTextGraphic;
                if (null != from)
                    _font  = from._font;
                    _text  = from._text;
                    _color = from._color;
Example #24
        public CharacterGeometry GetCharacterGeometry(FontX font, char textChar)
            var typefaceName = font.InvariantDescriptionStringWithoutSizeInformation;

            if (!_cachedCharacterOutlines.TryGetValue(typefaceName, out var cachedCharacters))
                cachedCharacters = new Dictionary <char, CharacterGeometry>();
                _cachedCharacterOutlines.Add(typefaceName, cachedCharacters);

            if (!cachedCharacters.TryGetValue(textChar, out var cachedChar))
                cachedChar = InternalGetCharacterGeometryForCaching(textChar, font);
                cachedCharacters.Add(textChar, cachedChar);

            public MeasuredLabelItem(Graphics g, FontX font, StringFormat strfmt, string itemtext, double lineSpacing, StringAlignment horizontalAlignment, StringAlignment verticalAlignment, StringAlignment textBlockAligment)
                _text                = itemtext.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                _stringSize          = new PointD2D[_text.Length];
                _font                = font;
                _horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
                _verticalAlignment   = verticalAlignment;
                _textBlockAligment   = textBlockAligment;
                _strfmt              = strfmt;
                _lineSpacing         = lineSpacing;
                _size                = SizeF.Empty;
                var bounds   = RectangleD2D.Empty;
                var position = new PointD2D();

                for (int i = 0; i < _text.Length; ++i)
                    _stringSize[i] = g.MeasureString(_text[i], GdiFontManager.ToGdi(_font), new PointF(0, 0), strfmt);
                    bounds.ExpandToInclude(new RectangleD2D(position, _stringSize[i]));
                    position = position.WithYPlus(_stringSize[i].Y * _lineSpacing);
                _size = bounds.Size;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures a couple of items and prepares them for being drawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics context.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Font used.</param>
        /// <param name="strfmt">String format used.</param>
        /// <param name="items">Array of items to be drawn.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of <see cref="IMeasuredLabelItem" /> that can be used to determine the size of each item and to draw it.</returns>
        public virtual IMeasuredLabelItem[] GetMeasuredItems(Graphics g, FontX font, System.Drawing.StringFormat strfmt, AltaxoVariant[] items)
            string[] titems = FormatItems(items);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_prefix) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_suffix))
                for (int i = 0; i < titems.Length; ++i)
                    titems[i] = _prefix + titems[i] + _suffix;

            var litems = new MeasuredLabelItem[titems.Length];

            FontX localfont   = font;
            var   localstrfmt = (StringFormat)strfmt.Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < titems.Length; ++i)
                litems[i] = new MeasuredLabelItem(g, localfont, localstrfmt, titems[i]);

        public AttachedLabelSequence(IStreamReader reader)
            : base(reader)
            //ATTACHEDLABEL = Text Begin Pos [FontX] [AlRuns] AI [FRAME] [ObjectLink] [DataLabExtContents] [CrtLayout12] [TEXTPROPS] [CRTMLFRT] End

            this.Text = (Text)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            this.Begin = (Begin)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            this.Pos = (Pos)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.FontX)
                this.FontX = (FontX)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.AlRuns)
                this.AlRuns = (AlRuns)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            this.AiSequence = new AiSequence(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.Frame)
                this.FrameSequence = new FrameSequence(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.ObjectLink)
                this.ObjectLink = (ObjectLink)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.DataLabExtContents)
                this.DataLabExtContents = (DataLabExtContents)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.CrtLayout12)
                this.CrtLayout12 = (CrtLayout12)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.RichTextStream ||
                BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.TextPropsStream)
                this.TextPropsSequence = new TextPropsSequence(reader);

            if (BiffRecord.GetNextRecordType(reader) == RecordType.CrtMlFrt)
                this.CrtMlfrtSequence = new CrtMlfrtSequence(reader);

            this.End = (End)BiffRecord.ReadRecord(reader);
Example #28
		public LabelPlotStyle(Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn labelColumn, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			this._font = GraphDocument.GetDefaultFont(context);
			this._fontSizeOffset = _font.Size;

			var color = GraphDocument.GetDefaultPlotColor(context);
			this._independentColor = false;
			this._brush = new BrushX(color) { ParentObject = this };
			this._backgroundColorLinkage = ColorLinkage.Independent;
			this.LabelColumnProxy = Altaxo.Data.ReadableColumnProxyBase.FromColumn(labelColumn);

			this._cachedStringFormat = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap);
Example #29
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj, bool copyWithDataReferences)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;
			var from = obj as LabelPlotStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				this._attachedPlane = from._attachedPlane;
				this._independentSkipFrequency = from._independentSkipFrequency;
				this._skipFrequency = from._skipFrequency;
				this._ignoreMissingDataPoints = from._ignoreMissingDataPoints;
				this._independentOnShiftingGroupStyles = from._independentOnShiftingGroupStyles;
				this._labelFormatString = from._labelFormatString;

				this._independentSymbolSize = from._independentSymbolSize;
				this._symbolSize = from._symbolSize;

				this._fontSizeOffset = from._fontSizeOffset;
				this._fontSizeFactor = from._fontSizeFactor;

				this._font = from._font;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _brush, from._brush);
				this._independentColor = from._independentColor;

				this._alignmentX = from._alignmentX;
				this._alignmentY = from._alignmentY;

				this._rotation = from._rotation;

				this._offsetX_Points = from._offsetX_Points;
				this._offsetX_EmUnits = from._offsetX_EmUnits;
				this._offsetX_SymbolSizeUnits = from._offsetX_SymbolSizeUnits;

				this._offsetY_Points = from._offsetY_Points;
				this._offsetY_EmUnits = from._offsetY_EmUnits;
				this._offsetY_SymbolSizeUnits = from._offsetY_SymbolSizeUnits;

				this._backgroundColorLinkage = from._backgroundColorLinkage;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundStyle, from._backgroundStyle);

				this._cachedLogicalShiftX = from._cachedLogicalShiftX;
				this._cachedLogicalShiftY = from._cachedLogicalShiftY;

				this._cachedStringFormat = (System.Drawing.StringFormat)from._cachedStringFormat.Clone();

				if (copyWithDataReferences)
					this.LabelColumnProxy = (Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumnProxy)from._labelColumnProxy.Clone();

			return true;
Example #30
		public override bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			var isCopied = base.CopyFrom(obj);
			if (isCopied && !object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				var from = obj as TextGraphic;
				if (from != null)
					this._text = from._text;
					this._font = from._font;

					this._textBrush = from._textBrush == null ? null : (BrushX)from._textBrush.Clone();
					if (null != _textBrush) _textBrush.ParentObject = this;

					this._background = from._background == null ? null : (IBackgroundStyle)from._background.Clone();
					if (null != _background) _background.ParentObject = this;

					this._lineSpacingFactor = from._lineSpacingFactor;

					// don't clone the cached items
					this._isStructureInSync = false;
					this._isMeasureInSync = false;
			return isCopied;
Example #31
		public TextGraphic(Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			: base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
			if (null == context)
				context = PropertyExtensions.GetPropertyContextOfProject();

			_font = context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultFont);
			_textBrush = new BrushX(context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultForeColor)) { ParentObject = this };
Example #32
			public StyleContext(FontX font, Brush brush)
				FontId = font;
				this.brush = brush;
Example #33
			public void SetFont(FontX font)
				FontId = font;
Example #34
		public AxisLabelStyle(Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			if (null == context)
				context = PropertyExtensions.GetPropertyContextOfProject();

			_font = context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultFont);
			var foreColor = context.GetValue(GraphDocument.PropertyKeyDefaultForeColor);

			_brush = new BrushX(foreColor) { ParentObject = this };
			_automaticRotationShift = true;
			_suppressedLabels = new SuppressedTicks() { ParentObject = this };
			_labelFormatting = new Gdi.LabelFormatting.NumericLabelFormattingAuto() { ParentObject = this };
Example #35
		public virtual bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;
			var from = obj as AxisLabelStyle;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			using (var suspendToken = SuspendGetToken())
				_cachedAxisStyleInfo = from._cachedAxisStyleInfo;

				_font = from._font;
				CopyHelper.Copy(ref _stringFormat, from._stringFormat);
				_horizontalAlignment = from._horizontalAlignment;
				_verticalAlignment = from._verticalAlignment;

				ChildCopyToMember(ref _brush, from._brush);

				_automaticRotationShift = from._automaticRotationShift;
				_xOffset = from._xOffset;
				_yOffset = from._yOffset;
				_rotation = from._rotation;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundStyle, from._backgroundStyle);
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _labelFormatting, from._labelFormatting);
				_labelSide = from._labelSide;
				_prefixText = from._prefixText;
				_postfixText = from._postfixText;
				ChildCopyToMember(ref _suppressedLabels, from._suppressedLabels);


			return true;
Example #36
		private RawCharacterOutline InternalGetCharacterOutlineForCaching(char textChar, FontX font)
			var glyphTypeface = font.InvariantDescriptionStringWithoutSizeInformation;

			var rawOutline = GetRawCharacterOutline(textChar, font, FontSizeForCaching);

			List<List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>> clipperPolygonsInput = new List<List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>>();

			var sharpPoints = new HashSet<ClipperLib.IntPoint>();
			var allPoints = new HashSet<ClipperLib.IntPoint>(); // allPoints to determine whether after the simplification new points were added

			foreach (var polygon in rawOutline.Outline)
				foreach (var p in polygon.SharpPoints)
					sharpPoints.Add(new ClipperLib.IntPoint(p.X * 65536, p.Y * 65536));

				var clipperPolygon = new List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>(polygon.Points.Select((x) => new ClipperLib.IntPoint(x.X * 65536, x.Y * 65536)));

				foreach (var clipperPoint in clipperPolygon)

			//clipperPolygons = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygons(clipperPolygons, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);

			var clipperPolygons = new ClipperLib.PolyTree();
			ClipperLib.Clipper clipper = new ClipperLib.Clipper();
			clipper.StrictlySimple = true;
			clipper.AddPaths(clipperPolygonsInput, ClipperLib.PolyType.ptSubject, true);
			clipper.Execute(ClipperLib.ClipType.ctUnion, clipperPolygons, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero, ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNegative);

			var polygons = new List<PolygonClosedD2D>();
			var dictClipperNodeToNode = new Dictionary<ClipperLib.PolyNode, PolygonClosedD2D>(); // helper dictionary
			ClipperPolyTreeToPolygonListRecursively(clipperPolygons, sharpPoints, allPoints, polygons, dictClipperNodeToNode);

			var result = rawOutline;
			result.Outline = polygons;

			return result;
Example #37
		public CharacterGeometry GetCharacterGeometry(FontX font, char textChar)
			var typefaceName = font.InvariantDescriptionStringWithoutSizeInformation;

			Dictionary<char, CharacterGeometry> cachedCharacters;
			if (!_cachedCharacterOutlines.TryGetValue(typefaceName, out cachedCharacters))
				cachedCharacters = new Dictionary<char, CharacterGeometry>();
				_cachedCharacterOutlines.Add(typefaceName, cachedCharacters);

			CharacterGeometry cachedChar;
			if (!cachedCharacters.TryGetValue(textChar, out cachedChar))
				cachedChar = InternalGetCharacterGeometryForCaching(textChar, font);
				cachedCharacters.Add(textChar, cachedChar);

			return cachedChar;
Example #38
			public void SetFontStyle(FontXStyle style)
				FontId = FontId.WithStyle(style);
Example #39
			public static FontInfo Create(Graphics g, FontX font)
				FontInfo result = new FontInfo();
				InternalGetInformation(g, result, font);
				return result;
Example #40
			public void ScaleFont(double scale)
				FontId = FontId.WithSize(scale * FontId.Size);
Example #41
			/// <summary>Measures the string with the appropriate generic typographic format.</summary>
			/// <param name="g">The graphics context.</param>
			/// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
			/// <param name="font">The font used.</param>
			/// <returns>Width and height of the text packed into a <see cref="PointD2D"/> structure.</returns>
			public static PointD2D MeasureString(Graphics g, string text, FontX font)
				var result = g.MeasureString(text, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font), PointF.Empty, _stringFormat);
				return new PointD2D(result.Width, result.Height);
Example #42
        public override IMeasuredLabelItem[] GetMeasuredItems(Graphics g, FontX font, StringFormat strfmt, Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant[] items)
            var litems = new MeasuredLabelItem[items.Length];

            FontX localfont1 = font;
            FontX localfont2 = font.WithSize(font.Size * 2 / 3);

            var localstrfmt = (StringFormat)strfmt.Clone();

            string[] firstp = new string[items.Length];
            string[] middel = new string[items.Length];
            string[] expos  = new string[items.Length];
            double[] mants  = new double[items.Length];

            float maxexposize  = 0;
            int   firstpartmin = int.MaxValue;
            int   firstpartmax = int.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
                string firstpart, exponent;
                if (items[i].IsType(Altaxo.Data.AltaxoVariant.Content.VDouble))
                    SplitInFirstPartAndExponent(items[i], out firstpart, out mants[i], out middel[i], out exponent);
                    if (exponent.Length > 0)
                        firstpartmin = Math.Min(firstpartmin, firstpart.Length);
                        firstpartmax = Math.Max(firstpartmax, firstpart.Length);
                    firstpart = items[i].ToString();
                    middel[i] = string.Empty;
                    exponent  = string.Empty;
                firstp[i]   = firstpart;
                expos[i]    = exponent;
                maxexposize = Math.Max(maxexposize, g.MeasureString(exponent, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(localfont2), new PointF(0, 0), strfmt).Width);

            if (firstpartmax > 0 && firstpartmax > firstpartmin) // then we must use special measures to equilibrate the mantissa
                firstp = NumericLabelFormattingAuto.FormatItems(mants);

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
                string mid = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expos[i]))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstp[i]))
                        mid = "10";
                        mid = "\u00D710";
                litems[i] = new MeasuredLabelItem(g, localfont1, localfont2, localstrfmt, _prefix + firstp[i] + mid, expos[i], _suffix, maxexposize);

Example #43
			/// <summary>
			/// Merges the providedstyle into the present style. Example: if the present style is Bold, and the style parameter is Italic, then the merged style is 'Bold Italic'.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="style">The style to merge with the present style.</param>
			public void MergeFontStyle(FontXStyle style)
				var newStyle = FontId.Style | style;
				FontId = FontId.WithStyle(newStyle);
Example #44
		public ColumnStyle(ColumnStyle s)
			_columnStyleType = s._columnStyleType;
			_columnSize = s._columnSize;

			_isCellPenCustom = s._isCellPenCustom;
			ChildCopyToMember(ref _cellPen, s._cellPen);
			_textFormat = (StringFormat)s._textFormat.Clone();
			_textFont = s._textFont;

			_isTextBrushCustom = s._isTextBrushCustom;
			ChildCopyToMember(ref _textBrush, s._textBrush);

			_isBackgroundBrushCustom = s._isBackgroundBrushCustom;
			ChildCopyToMember(ref _backgroundBrush, s._backgroundBrush);
Example #45
		public void PaintOneRange(Graphics g, IPlotArea layer, IPlotRange range, Processed2DPlotData pdata)
			if (this._labelColumnProxy.Document == null)

			_cachedStringFormat.Alignment = GdiExtensionMethods.ToGdi(_alignmentX);
			_cachedStringFormat.LineAlignment = GdiExtensionMethods.ToGdi(_alignmentY);

			if (null != _attachedPlane)
				_attachedPlane = layer.UpdateCSPlaneID(_attachedPlane);

			var ptArray = pdata.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates;
			Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn labelColumn = this._labelColumnProxy.Document;

			bool isUsingVariableColorForLabelText = null != _cachedColorForIndexFunction && IsColorReceiver;
			bool isUsingVariableColorForLabelBackground = null != _cachedColorForIndexFunction &&
				(null != _backgroundStyle && _backgroundStyle.SupportsBrush && (_backgroundColorLinkage == ColorLinkage.Dependent || _backgroundColorLinkage == ColorLinkage.PreserveAlpha));
			bool isUsingVariableColor = isUsingVariableColorForLabelText || isUsingVariableColorForLabelBackground;
			BrushX clonedTextBrush = null;
			BrushX clonedBackBrush = null;
			if (isUsingVariableColorForLabelText)
				clonedTextBrush = _brush.Clone();
			if (isUsingVariableColorForLabelBackground)
				clonedBackBrush = _backgroundStyle.Brush.Clone();

			// save the graphics stat since we have to translate the origin
			var gs = g.Save();

			double xpos = 0, ypos = 0;
			double xpre, ypre;
			double xdiff, ydiff;

			bool isFormatStringContainingBraces = _labelFormatString?.IndexOf('{') >= 0;
			var culture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

			bool mustUseLogicalCoordinates = null != this._attachedPlane || 0 != _cachedLogicalShiftX || 0 != _cachedLogicalShiftY;

			int lower = range.LowerBound;
			int upper = range.UpperBound;
			for (int j = lower; j < upper; j+=_skipFrequency)
				int originalRowIndex = range.GetOriginalRowIndexFromPlotPointIndex(j);
				string label;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_labelFormatString))
					label = labelColumn[originalRowIndex].ToString();
				else if (!isFormatStringContainingBraces)
					label = labelColumn[originalRowIndex].ToString(_labelFormatString, culture);
					// the label format string can contain {0} for the label column item, {1} for the row index, {2} .. {4} for the x, y and z component of the data point
					label = string.Format(_labelFormatString, labelColumn[originalRowIndex], originalRowIndex, pdata.GetPhysical(0, originalRowIndex), pdata.GetPhysical(1, originalRowIndex), pdata.GetPhysical(2, originalRowIndex));

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))

				double localSymbolSize = _symbolSize;
				if (null != _cachedSymbolSizeForIndexFunction)
					localSymbolSize = _cachedSymbolSizeForIndexFunction(originalRowIndex);

				double localFontSize = _fontSizeOffset + _fontSizeFactor * localSymbolSize;
				if (!(localFontSize > 0))

				_font = _font.WithSize(localFontSize);

				// Start of preparation of brushes, if a variable color is used
				if (isUsingVariableColor)
					Color c = _cachedColorForIndexFunction(originalRowIndex);

					if (isUsingVariableColorForLabelText)
						clonedTextBrush.Color = new NamedColor(AxoColor.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B), "e");
					if (isUsingVariableColorForLabelBackground)
						if (_backgroundColorLinkage == ColorLinkage.PreserveAlpha)
							clonedBackBrush.Color = new NamedColor(AxoColor.FromArgb(clonedBackBrush.Color.Color.A, c.R, c.G, c.B), "e");
							clonedBackBrush.Color = new NamedColor(AxoColor.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B), "e");
				// end of preparation of brushes for variable colors

				if (mustUseLogicalCoordinates) // we must use logical coordinates because either there is a shift of logical coordinates, or an attached plane
					Logical3D r3d = layer.GetLogical3D(pdata, originalRowIndex);
					r3d.RX += _cachedLogicalShiftX;
					r3d.RY += _cachedLogicalShiftY;

					if (null != this._attachedPlane)
						var pp = layer.CoordinateSystem.GetPointOnPlane(this._attachedPlane, r3d);
						xpre = pp.X;
						ypre = pp.Y;
						PointD3D pt;
						layer.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(r3d, out xpre, out ypre);
				else // no shifting, thus we can use layer coordinates
					xpre = ptArray[j].X;
					ypre = ptArray[j].Y;

				xdiff = xpre - xpos;
				ydiff = ypre - ypos;
				xpos = xpre;
				ypos = ypre;
				g.TranslateTransform((float)xdiff, (float)ydiff);
				if (this._rotation != 0)

				this.PaintOneItem(g, label, localSymbolSize, clonedTextBrush, clonedBackBrush);

				if (this._rotation != 0)


			g.Restore(gs); // Restore the graphics state
Example #46
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, string text,
			FontX textFont, NamedColor textColor)
			: base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
			this.SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
			this.Font = textFont;
			this.Text = text;
			this.Color = textColor;
Example #47
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
			string text, FontX textFont,
			NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
			: this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
			this.Rotation = Rotation;
Example #48
		public TextGraphic(double posX, double posY,
			string text,
			FontX textFont,
			NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
			: this(new PointD2D(posX, posY), text, textFont, textColor, Rotation)
Example #49
 public void SetFontStyle(FontXStyle style)
   FontId = FontId.WithStyle(style);
Example #50
		public void SetRoutedProperty(IRoutedSetterProperty property)
			switch (property.Name)
				case "FontSize":
						var prop = (RoutedSetterProperty<double>)property;
						this.Font = _font.WithSize(prop.Value);

				case "FontFamily":
						var prop = (RoutedSetterProperty<string>)property;
							var newFont = _font.WithFamily(prop.Value);
							_font = newFont;
							_isStructureInSync = false;
						catch (Exception)
Example #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Merges the providedstyle into the present style. Example: if the present style is Bold, and the style parameter is Italic, then the merged style is 'Bold Italic'.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="style">The style to merge with the present style.</param>
 public void MergeFontStyle(FontXStyle style)
   var newStyle = FontId.Style | style;
   FontId = FontId.WithStyle(newStyle);
Example #52
		protected CharacterGeometry InternalGetCharacterGeometryForCaching(char textChar, FontX font)
			var charOutline = InternalGetCharacterOutlineForCaching(textChar, font); // get the - already simplified - polygonal shape of the character

			var polygons = charOutline.Outline;

			var polygonsWithNormal = new List<PolygonClosedWithNormalsD2D>(polygons.Select(poly => new PolygonClosedWithNormalsD2D(poly))); // get the polygons with normal, used to form the walls of the character

			var indexedTriangles = Triangulate(polygons); // Triangles that can be used for the front and the back side of the character

			var result = new CharacterGeometry(
				polygonsWithNormal, indexedTriangles,
				charOutline.FontSize, charOutline.LineSpacing, charOutline.Baseline,
				charOutline.AdvanceWidth, charOutline.LeftSideBearing, charOutline.RightSideBearing);

			return result;
Example #53
 /// <summary>Measures the string with the appropriate generic typographic format.</summary>
 /// <param name="g">The graphics context.</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
 /// <param name="font">The font used.</param>
 /// <returns>Width and height of the text packed into a <see cref="PointD2D"/> structure.</returns>
 public static PointD2D MeasureString(Graphics g, string text, FontX font)
   var result = g.MeasureString(text, GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font), PointF.Empty, _stringFormat);
   return new PointD2D(result.Width, result.Height);
Example #54
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the raw character outline, i.e. the polygonal shape that forms a character. The polygons are in their raw form, i.e. not simplified.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="textChar">The text character.</param>
		/// <param name="font">The font. The font size of this font is ignored, because it is given in the next parameter.</param>
		/// <param name="fontSize">Size of the font.</param>
		/// <returns>The list of polygons which forms the character.</returns>
		protected virtual RawCharacterOutline GetRawCharacterOutline(char textChar, FontX font, double fontSize)
			throw new NotImplementedException("This is not implemented here, because it should be implemented in a derived class. This class should then set the static instance of this class to an instance of the derived class.");
Example #55
 public static FontInfo Create(Graphics g, FontX font)
   var result = new FontInfo();
   InternalGetInformation(g, result, font);
   return result;