private void OnFontComboSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((m_uBlockEvents > 0) || (m_bdc != BinaryDataClass.RichText)) { return; } try { string strName = m_tbFontCombo.Text; Font f = m_rtbText.SelectionFont; if (f != null) { m_rtbText.SelectionFont = new Font(strName, f.Size, f.Style, f.Unit, f.GdiCharSet, f.GdiVerticalFont); } else if (FontUtil.DefaultFont != null) { m_rtbText.SelectionFont = FontUtil.CreateFont(strName, FontUtil.DefaultFont.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Regular); } else { m_rtbText.SelectionFont = FontUtil.CreateFont(strName, 12.0f, FontStyle.Regular); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageService.ShowWarning(ex); } UpdateUIState(true, true); }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.Assert(m_psWord != null); if (m_psWord == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } m_bFormLoaded = false; GlobalWindowManager.AddWindow(this); m_nFormHeight = this.Height; // Before restoring the position/size string strRect = Program.Config.UI.CharPickerRect; if (strRect.Length > 0) { UIUtil.SetWindowScreenRect(this, strRect); } m_strInitialFormRect = UIUtil.GetWindowScreenRect(this); m_fontChars = FontUtil.CreateFont("Tahoma", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold); this.Icon = Properties.Resources.KeePass; this.Text = KPRes.PickCharacters + " - " + PwDefs.ShortProductName; m_secWord.Attach(m_tbSelected, OnSelectedTextChangedEx, true); PwInputControlGroup.ConfigureHideButton(m_cbHideChars, null); AceColumn colPw = Program.Config.MainWindow.FindColumn(AceColumnType.Password); bool bHide = ((colPw != null) ? colPw.HideWithAsterisks : true); if (m_bInitHide.HasValue) { bHide = m_bInitHide.Value; } bHide |= !AppPolicy.Current.UnhidePasswords; m_cbHideChars.Checked = bHide; RecreateResizableWindowControls(); if (m_uCharCount > 0) { m_btnOK.Enabled = false; // m_btnOK.Visible = false; } if (m_bSetForeground) { this.BringToFront(); this.Activate(); } UIUtil.SetFocus(m_tbSelected, this); m_bFormLoaded = true; }
private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_psWord == null) { Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // The password text box should not be focused by default // in order to avoid a Caps Lock warning tooltip bug; // Debug.Assert((m_pnlBottom.TabIndex == 0) && !m_tbSelected.Focused); m_bFormLoaded = false; GlobalWindowManager.AddWindow(this); m_nFormHeight = this.Height; // Before restoring the position/size m_strInitialFormRect = UIUtil.SetWindowScreenRectEx(this, Program.Config.UI.CharPickerRect); m_fontChars = FontUtil.CreateFont("Tahoma", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold); this.Icon = AppIcons.Default; this.Text = KPRes.PickCharacters + " - " + PwDefs.ShortProductName; // Must be set manually due to possible object override m_tbSelected.TextChanged += this.OnSelectedTextChangedEx; PwInputControlGroup.ConfigureHideButton(m_cbHideChars, null); AceColumn colPw = Program.Config.MainWindow.FindColumn(AceColumnType.Password); bool bHide = ((colPw != null) ? colPw.HideWithAsterisks : true); if (m_bInitHide.HasValue) { bHide = m_bInitHide.Value; } bHide |= !AppPolicy.Current.UnhidePasswords; m_cbHideChars.Checked = bHide; RecreateResizableWindowControls(); if (m_uCharCount > 0) { m_btnOK.Enabled = false; // m_btnOK.Visible = false; } if (m_bSetForeground) { this.BringToFront(); this.Activate(); } m_bFormLoaded = true; }
public Font ToFont() { if (m_bCacheValid) { return(m_fCached); } m_fCached = FontUtil.CreateFont(m_strFamily, m_fSize, m_fStyle, m_gu); m_bCacheValid = true; return(m_fCached); }
private void OnFontSizeComboSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((m_uBlockEvents > 0) || (m_bdc != BinaryDataClass.RichText)) { return; } try { Font f = m_rtbText.SelectionFont; float fSize; if (!float.TryParse(m_tbFontSizeCombo.Text, out fSize)) { if (f != null) { fSize = f.SizeInPoints; } else if (FontUtil.DefaultFont != null) { fSize = FontUtil.DefaultFont.SizeInPoints; } else { fSize = 12.0f; } } if (f != null) { m_rtbText.SelectionFont = new Font(f.Name, fSize, f.Style, GraphicsUnit.Point, f.GdiCharSet, f.GdiVerticalFont); } else if (!NativeLib.IsUnix()) { UIUtil.RtfSetFontSize(m_rtbText, fSize); } else // Unix { m_rtbText.SelectionFont = FontUtil.CreateFont( FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, fSize, FontStyle.Regular); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageService.ShowWarning(ex); } UpdateUIState(true, true); }
public EntryPickerDialog(KeeAgentExt ext, bool aShowConstraintControls) { this.ext = ext; InitializeComponent(); if (!aShowConstraintControls) { Controls.Remove(mTableLayoutPanel); mCustomTreeViewEx.Height += mTableLayoutPanel.Height + 6; } if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null) { Icon = Properties.Resources.KeeAgent_icon; } else { Icon = Properties.Resources.KeeAgent_icon_mono; mTableLayoutPanel.AutoSize = false; mTableLayoutPanel.Size = new Size(mCustomTreeViewEx.Width, mLifetimeConstraintControl.Height); // on windows, help button is displayed in the title bar // on mono, we need to add one in the window var helpButton = new Button(); helpButton.Size = new Size(25, 25); helpButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Help_png; helpButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left; helpButton.Location = new Point(mCustomTreeViewEx.Location.X, mOkButton.Location.Y); helpButton.Click += (sender, e) => OnHelpRequested(); Controls.Add(helpButton); } if (ext.Options.AlwaysConfirm) { mConfirmConstraintControl.ReplaceWithGlobalConfirmMessage(); } mExpiredFont = FontUtil.CreateFont(mCustomTreeViewEx.Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); mBoldFont = FontUtil.CreateFont(mCustomTreeViewEx.Font, FontStyle.Bold); mItalicFont = FontUtil.CreateFont(mCustomTreeViewEx.Font, FontStyle.Italic); InitalizeList(false); }
// Ported from KeePass Mainform_functions SetListEntry internal static ListViewItem InsertListEntryOLD(PwEntry pe, int iIndex) { // Adapted variables DateTime m_dtCachedNow = DateTime.Now; Font m_fontExpired = FontUtil.CreateFont(m_lvEntries.Font, FontStyle.Strikeout); bool m_bEntryGrouping = m_lvEntries.ShowGroups; bool m_bShowTanIndices = Program.Config.MainWindow.TanView.ShowIndices; bool bSubEntries = Program.Config.MainWindow.ShowEntriesOfSubGroups; ListViewGroup m_lvgLastEntryGroup = null; foreach (ListViewGroup lvg in m_lvEntries.Groups) { if ((lvg.Tag as PwGroup) == pe.ParentGroup) { m_lvgLastEntryGroup = lvg; } } PwGroup pg = (Program.MainForm.GetSelectedGroup()); PwObjectList <PwEntry> pwlSource = ((pg != null) ? pg.GetEntries(bSubEntries) : new PwObjectList <PwEntry>()); bool m_bOnlyTans = ListContainsOnlyTans(pwlSource); ListViewItem lviTarget = null; Color m_clrAlternateItemBgColor = UIUtil.GetAlternateColor(m_lvEntries.BackColor); if (pe == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return(null); } ListViewItem lvi = (lviTarget ?? new ListViewItem()); PwListItem pli = new PwListItem(pe); lvi.Tag = pli; //lvi.BeginUpdate(); if (pe.Expires && (pe.ExpiryTime <= m_dtCachedNow)) { lvi.ImageIndex = (int)PwIcon.Expired; if (m_fontExpired != null) { lvi.Font = m_fontExpired; } } else // Not expired { // Reset font, if item was expired previously (i.e. has expired font) if ((lviTarget != null) && (lvi.ImageIndex == (int)PwIcon.Expired)) { lvi.Font = m_lvEntries.Font; } if (pe.CustomIconUuid.EqualsValue(PwUuid.Zero)) { lvi.ImageIndex = (int)pe.IconId; } else { lvi.ImageIndex = (int)PwIcon.Count + m_host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.ActiveDatabase.GetCustomIconIndex(pe.CustomIconUuid); } } if (m_bEntryGrouping && (lviTarget == null)) { PwGroup pgContainer = pe.ParentGroup; PwGroup pgLast = ((m_lvgLastEntryGroup != null) ? (PwGroup)m_lvgLastEntryGroup.Tag : null); Debug.Assert(pgContainer != null); if (pgContainer != null) { if (pgContainer != pgLast) { m_lvgLastEntryGroup = new ListViewGroup( pgContainer.GetFullPath()); m_lvgLastEntryGroup.Tag = pgContainer; m_lvEntries.Groups.Add(m_lvgLastEntryGroup); } lvi.Group = m_lvgLastEntryGroup; } } if (!pe.ForegroundColor.IsEmpty) { lvi.ForeColor = pe.ForegroundColor; } else if (lviTarget != null) { lvi.ForeColor = m_lvEntries.ForeColor; } else { Debug.Assert(UIUtil.ColorsEqual(lvi.ForeColor, m_lvEntries.ForeColor)); } if (!pe.BackgroundColor.IsEmpty) { lvi.BackColor = pe.BackgroundColor; } // else if(Program.Config.MainWindow.EntryListAlternatingBgColors && // ((m_lvEntries.Items.Count & 1) == 1)) // lvi.BackColor = m_clrAlternateItemBgColor; else if (lviTarget != null) { lvi.BackColor = m_lvEntries.BackColor; } else { Debug.Assert(UIUtil.ColorsEqual(lvi.BackColor, m_lvEntries.BackColor)); } // m_bOnlyTans &= PwDefs.IsTanEntry(pe); if (m_bShowTanIndices && m_bOnlyTans) { string strIndex = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TanIndexField); if (strIndex.Length > 0) { lvi.Text = strIndex; } else { lvi.Text = PwDefs.TanTitle; } } else { lvi.Text = GetEntryFieldEx(pe, 0, true); } int nColumns = m_lvEntries.Columns.Count; if (lviTarget == null) { for (int iColumn = 1; iColumn < nColumns; ++iColumn) { lvi.SubItems.Add(GetEntryFieldEx(pe, iColumn, true)); } } else { int nSubItems = lvi.SubItems.Count; for (int iColumn = 1; iColumn < nColumns; ++iColumn) { string strSub = GetEntryFieldEx(pe, iColumn, true); if (iColumn < nSubItems) { lvi.SubItems[iColumn].Text = strSub; } else { lvi.SubItems.Add(strSub); } } Debug.Assert(lvi.SubItems.Count == nColumns); } //if (lviTarget == null) m_lvEntries.Items.Add(lvi); if (lviTarget == null) { m_lvEntries.Items.Insert(iIndex, lvi); } UIUtil.SetAlternatingBgColors(m_lvEntries, m_clrAlternateItemBgColor, Program.Config.MainWindow.EntryListAlternatingBgColors); //lvi.EndUpdate(); return(lvi); }
public static void MakeTagsButton(Button btn, TextBox tb, ToolTip tt, PwGroup pgParent, PwGroup pgTagsSource) { if ((btn == null) || (tb == null)) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } Debug.Assert(tt != null); Image img = UIUtil.CreateDropDownImage(Properties.Resources.B16x16_KNotes); UIUtil.SetButtonImage(btn, img, true); UIUtil.SetToolTip(tt, btn, KPRes.TagsAddRemove, true); CustomContextMenuStripEx ctx = null; Font fItalic = null; btn.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ctx == null) { ctx = new CustomContextMenuStripEx(); fItalic = FontUtil.CreateFont(ctx.Font, FontStyle.Italic); } List <string> lCur = StrUtil.StringToTags(tb.Text); Dictionary <string, bool> dCur = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (string strTag in lCur) { dCur[strTag] = true; } List <string> lParent = ((pgParent != null) ? pgParent.GetTagsInherited(true) : new List <string>()); Dictionary <string, bool> dParent = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (string strTag in lParent) { dParent[strTag] = true; } List <string> lAll = new List <string>(lCur); if (pgTagsSource != null) { lAll.AddRange(pgTagsSource.BuildEntryTagsList(false, true)); StrUtil.NormalizeTags(lAll); } List <ToolStripItem> lMenuItems = new List <ToolStripItem>(); if (lAll.Count == 0) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem( StrUtil.EncodeMenuText("(" + KPRes.TagsNotFound + ")")); tsmi.Enabled = false; lMenuItems.Add(tsmi); } else { for (int i = 0; i < lAll.Count; ++i) { string strTag = lAll[i]; // Used in Click handler bool bHasTag = dCur.ContainsKey(strTag); bool bInh = dParent.ContainsKey(strTag); string strSuffix = string.Empty; if (bInh) { strSuffix = " (" + KPRes.Inherited + ")"; } ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem( StrUtil.EncodeMenuText(strTag + strSuffix)); UIUtil.SetChecked(tsmi, bHasTag); if (bInh) { tsmi.Font = fItalic; } tsmi.Click += delegate(object senderT, EventArgs eT) { if (bHasTag) { lCur.Remove(strTag); } else { lCur.Add(strTag); StrUtil.NormalizeTags(lCur); } tb.Text = StrUtil.TagsToString(lCur, true); }; lMenuItems.Add(tsmi); } } ctx.Items.Clear(); ctx.Items.AddRange(lMenuItems.ToArray()); ctx.ShowEx(btn); }; }